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Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Irrationally angry...

    People who drag their feet
    People who don't get out of the way when I ring my bike bell (and yes, I know pedestrians have the right of way)
    When my kids leave their socks on the coffee table in the family room
  • windee52
    windee52 Posts: 1,690 Member
    ^^ this. pure gold.
  • Iscah13
    Iscah13 Posts: 1,954 Member
  • purplemoonpie
    purplemoonpie Posts: 25 Member
    drivers mostly - My city was ranked like 3 out of 10 cities for worst drivers and it's true. When a light turns green, if your foot isn't on the gas pedal within .5 seconds the car behind you is honking and going wild. You can go 15 over the speed limit but someone is still going to ride your butt. If you leave enough room infront of you to not HIT the car infront of you, someone will snake in and cause you to almost hit them. No one lets you out in traffic either. I see road rage almost every day during my work commute. It's tiresome.
  • Will_Run_for_Food
    Will_Run_for_Food Posts: 561 Member
    People who - whether it's while walking or driving - are about to turn right or left but only look in one direction as they turn.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    When the husband has a work call and we have to wait quietly and patiently until he finishes so we can discuss something
  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    dmac_101 wrote: »
    When grown *kitten* men share every little thing that happens to them on social media. NOBODY CARES. STFU!

    When anyone shares every *kitten* thing that happens to them on Facebook!!!

  • LouLouStBijou
    LouLouStBijou Posts: 987 Member
    Noel_57 wrote: »
    When my border collie Louie shares every *kitten* thing that happens to him on Facebook!!!

    That is a talented border collie.....does he have a large FB following?

  • firead
    firead Posts: 56 Member
    People who ask you for help or advice, and then keep interrupting you or trying to argue with what you tell them.
    Having worked in call centers doing customer service for far too long, I am getting more and more impatient with this. :(
  • geniyas
    geniyas Posts: 174 Member
    Sticky children hands.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    geniyas wrote: »
    Sticky children hands.

    Yea and snotty noses...especially dried snot.
    That's just gross
  • ClubSilencio
    ClubSilencio Posts: 2,983 Member
    Firework stands that are still up almost a week after the 4th of July. People have no problem setting them up TWO weeks before the 4th and raking in all the money over the holiday weekend, but soon as it's over they get lazy. Take your crap down!

  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    Captions/subtitles that don't keep pace with the spoken dialog.
  • Coffeebeenz
    Coffeebeenz Posts: 95 Member
    1) people who can't make lefthand turns
    2) shopping carts not put back in the cart return (one has hit my car as a result.. and I've also hit a shopping cart as a result. Pushed that joint for awhiiiiile!)
    3) stuff boiling over on the stove (especially quinoa)
    4) dropping a filter full of used coffee grounds on it's very short journey to the garbage can
    5) killing bugs in their own environment (outside)
    5) ANYTHING that happens while I'm rushing (dropping something, forgetting something, tripping, etc)
  • slinkybinkydog
    slinkybinkydog Posts: 38,959 Member
    Liars! Why not be up front and tell the truth! Don't waist time! ;)