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Things That Make You Irrationally Angry



  • Lexieberry
    Lexieberry Posts: 182 Member
    People not returning the shopping cart to the return area lol
  • greco16
    greco16 Posts: 465 Member
    Having to use the self service check outs at stores and being rushed to do so. Isn't it bad enough that I have to work harder to buy things from some stupid store, now I should have to rush to do so?
  • victal
    victal Posts: 1,375 Member
    Bullies, hate them!! very insecure people
  • kamber13
    kamber13 Posts: 249 Member
    Hearing someone chewing food...especially when their mouth IS closed and all I hear is a wet smacking sound.
  • BodyByBex
    BodyByBex Posts: 3,685 Member
    The policy that says I shouldn't sleep with my boss....It's there for a reason but it still makes me irrationally angry....
  • SubZeroDude
    SubZeroDude Posts: 1,519 Member
    85% of people that drive pick up trucks
  • julie2407
    julie2407 Posts: 44 Member
    Running out of staples. Even if I am the only person to touch the stapler and I used ever single one of them.

    Restaurants who run out of key ingredients, like steak, or vodka.

    People dropping weights.
  • myheartsabattleground
    myheartsabattleground Posts: 2,040 Member
    tagging until I can think straight.
  • maeld51
    maeld51 Posts: 3,415 Member
    People who act like keeping the truth from you is so much nobler than lying.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    _John_ wrote: »
    Drivers who risk other people's lives to save seconds of drive time

    ^That. But I think its rational.
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    People who drive waaay below the speed limit. Yup, that's me, tailgating you.
  • S4Lyons
    S4Lyons Posts: 147 Member
    Ex's that don't understand what a break up is
  • ronronronj
    ronronronj Posts: 474 Member
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Dudes that wear flip flops with jeans. Are your feet hot but your legs cold?? I don't get it!
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    DaneanP wrote: »
    My daughter found designer boots at a Goodwill. One of my patients inherited a designer handbag when her mother died even though she could never afford to buy it herself. You can't judge people by the clothes they wear. You can just criticize them by the way they look. Pretty ugly, huh?

    FWIW, I work with impoverished people - the elderly, children, veterans, who use public assistance. I get angry that those who defraud those programs give those who really need help a broad brush that they get painted with. So when I hear people such as yourself moan and complain about such people, I often suggest they report them. 9 times out of 10, they pull out some vague story about seeing someone at the grocery store with some designer apparel on or who happens to have a cell phone and make all sorts of snap judgments about them.

    It is almost like the movie Groundhog Day.

    What about those female recipients with fancy acrylic nails and expensive hair weaves?

    Also, another thing that makes me angry is when two guys go to a movie, but sit with a seat between them so people won't think they're gay. And men who won't go to a movie at all with a male friend for the same reason.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    This car in the parking lot at work. It makes me want to rear-end it intentionally.

  • carloumom
    carloumom Posts: 2 Member
    Kids that are bullies. I just want to punch those little brats!
  • Altagracia220
    Altagracia220 Posts: 876 Member
    ronronronj wrote: »
