Football Talk



  • jlima845
    jlima845 Posts: 388 Member
    RichM601 wrote: »
    And the Giants will ruin their dreams once again!

    Only a Cowboys fan would say that. The Giants are always proving themselves when they're doubted the most
  • cheesechickcc
    cheesechickcc Posts: 27 Member
    suruda wrote: »
    I'll let you all guess who my team is. :wink: We will be back in the SB this year!
    Hey!!! Win the win over the Pack in the 4th last season, I thought it was going to happen too. But nope this year won't be their year either. Revenge on our turff hunny. Are you ready for that day? :wink:
  • cheesechickcc
    cheesechickcc Posts: 27 Member
    madmags wrote: »
    My pats will make a deep push in the playoffs again, potential super bowl appearance again.

    My honest opinion..... I truly still believe the Pats win was luck.... But that's just my opinion. :wink:
    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    RichM601 wrote: »
    And the Giants will ruin their dreams once again!

    We can only hope... logic says they'll have available (and should take) Brandon Scherff at #9 for the o-line. Knowing the Giants, they have their sights set on someone I've never heard of.
  • cheesechickcc
    cheesechickcc Posts: 27 Member
    That's right...Ravens

    :smiley: .... :smiley: .... Yup :smiley: in case you missed it... That's me laughing! :wink: Wishing you luck this yr!
  • cheesechickcc
    cheesechickcc Posts: 27 Member
    Here's another question.... Draft day buzz going around.... Adrian Peterson to be traded. Who will pick him up?
  • cheesechickcc
    cheesechickcc Posts: 27 Member
    Here's another question.... Draft day buzz going around.... Adrian Peterson to be traded. Who will pick him up?

    There's rumors he'll go to the Cowboys. Ugh. I think the organization wants to hang on to him. But he may be a little bitter about the whole situation. My gut says he'll stay in Minnesota.

    Yea I heard that too... Being he's from TX and all.... But if Cowgirls do it won't change :smile:
  • tonileigh820
    tonileigh820 Posts: 761 Member
    OK with draft day around the corner this only means Football season is gracing us with another fun filled, bbq-ing, trash talking, screaming, yelling at the TV, winning or losing months. Whose your team? What are your realistic predictions and will you be making it all the way to playoffs this year.
    My team GREEN BAY PACKERS and my prediction..... 14-3 All home games won

    Love that you're a sexy female football fan!!! Not so much that your team is the packers...haha. I'm a born and raised Vikings matter how much they suck from year to year.

    I predict that we will at least do better than the Bears!

    With Bridgewater at QB and an ok defense, I'll agree. They'll need a few more playmakers on offense. Although, I haven't heard what they want to do with Adrian Peterson yet. They could do very well next year.

    You are right. If Patterson Peterson can get going again and work on his routes that would be a big factor! And I assume AP will be playing (hopefully well) since we don't wanna let him go anywhere else lol

    Why does the best running back (or arguably at least top 3) in the league need to "work on his routes"?

    Haha yes I am talking about the wide receiver Patterson. The only thing Peterson needs to work on is his attitude!

    Go Vikes!

    Or go play for the Cowboys like he said.... "It would be nice" but he's currently under contract right? Any thoughts about this? Keep him or should Viks let him go when its time?

    I say keep him. Don't give him what he wants. And that's exactly what they're doing. I just hope that he doesn't under perform because he doesn't wanna play for us!

    He is one of the best running backs in the league and were in no position to get rid of such talent simply because HE doesn't like the team anymore.
  • tonileigh820
    tonileigh820 Posts: 761 Member
    Here's another question.... Draft day buzz going around.... Adrian Peterson to be traded. Who will pick him up?

    There's rumors he'll go to the Cowboys. Ugh. I think the organization wants to hang on to him. But he may be a little bitter about the whole situation. My gut says he'll stay in Minnesota.

    The Vikings have made many statements that Adrian Peterson is not going anywhere.