

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet: I love the idea that no matter how slow I go, I’m lapping everyone who is sitting on their couch. Very motivational. Thanks! :flowerforyou:

    Peach: I drain my hamburger but I don’t rinse it. I think that would rinse away too much of the flavor. Fat in moderation is good for us. I know all fat is not created equal and beef is not the healthiest, but it still has its place if there isn’t too much. We start out with at least 85% lean burger. (15% fat at most.)

    Pip: I think it is easy to miss seeing a bicyclist on a rainy city street or a highway, and the early morning and evening commutes are both in difficult visual conditions for a good part of fall and winter. I like it when cyclists wear reflective clothing and have blinking lights on their bikes & helmets, especially at the back. However, if a person is well lighted and gets hit anyway, the motorist was not paying attention as they should. :noway:

    Carey: I love the Dumbledore quote. :heart: Choices are the part of life that we can have some control and we can make poor ones or better ones.

    Mary: I do not have the ability to offer DD the same opportunities that her MIL is offering. You have a good point. This isn’t me being sensible, I’m being emotional, selfish, and I know it. :devil: Good luck on your house sale. I suspect the people who made the lowball offer were hoping you were desperate. If they make a more reasonable offer following your counter offer, they show they are serious.

    Carol: 70 pounds is awesome! The way I get my ticker to show is to copy and paste the ticker’s link into a word document that I’ve saved. I then write my posts onto the word document and post it. The ticker is saved to the word document right under my monthly goals and always shows up when I use it. I delete the daily post and keep the word document to use over and over.

    Newbies: Welcome to a wonderful group of supportive women. Come back often so we can get to know you.

    Vicki: DD is already out of state and planning to go several states further away than that. I’m putting on my big girl panties, and I’ll support her goals once she gets solid plans in place.

    I just took the dog for a walk and now he’s driving me crazy pacing back and forth. I hope he settles down soon. He’s usually a very good boy. We’ve begun to plan a birthday trip to the coast for DH’s 67th and I like it. Tomorrow I’ll see about getting reservations.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


  • jaks97
    jaks97 Posts: 179 Member
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Spaghetti Bellas for dinner - 90/10 ground beef, 1.5 oz, plus 1 tb parmesan, 1/4 cup tomato sauce, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, italian seasoning, extra oregano and a little red pepper flake. Beef cooked, then drained, then the rest cooked together except the cottage cheese which was stirred in last minute. Take stems out of the mushrooms, put very substantial meat sauce into 12 baby bella tops, or six half-grown bella tops, another tablespoon of parmesan dusted over them, in the oven for 15-20 minutes... 250 calories, 30+ grams of protein, and more than I could eat. My husband's concoction. He's determined to keep me eating the same things he's eating, just changing the carb-loaded bases (pastas, garlic breads, tortillas) over to veggies/mushrooms. I watch and take notes, contribute calorie/protein counts... :smiley:
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janet - have a great time on your trip to Charleston and the cruise. It sounds like a lot of fun!

    Katla - thanks, I only sold 2 houses and they both went for what we were asking. Can we tell our realtor that we don't want to look at offers that are over 15000 less than asking? It is a waste of time to go there and be disappointed. Your dog probably knows that you are getting ready for a trip and isn't sure if you are bringing him.

    Lisa - dinner sounds great! My DH would love to make that.

    Everyone is going on vacation! It might get boring around here! Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    edited May 2015
    Vacations, vacations, vacations!!!! I am jealous :'( I can't remember when the last time I went just on a sight seeing vacation. With my husband, you go to an amusement park and then he is bored out of his skull and lets us know about it. He chooses places like amusement parks because he is thinking he is being thoughtful and picking somewhere we want to go. When we went to the Smokies, Gatlinburgh is such a tourist trap it isn't really relaxing. I wish we all lived closer to out west because we would love to revisit some of the National parks we went to when the kids were little, Rockies, Grand Canyon, Badlands, etc. But that would take a 2 week trip for us and the kids can't afford to take that much time off and I would be physically spent after one week. With charlies attitude when the two of us go anywhere I refuse to go on vacation. To much road rage and severe cussing. It's just not relaxing. he refuses to fly now. OK, vent over, Throw it into the pile!!!!

    Cynthia, hope your Mom gets better soon and they find out what is wrong with her. Moms are special people.

    Heather, I have the extreme northern east and west coast on my bucket list. Well, going to Myrtle Beach and seeing Janet would be nice also!!!!! <3

    Janet I will be keeping my brother's antique china cabinet. I just need a change. We will store ours out in the garage. It has a broken glass panel (Charlies anger) and it is veneer so I am sure we wouldn't be able to get much out of it. It is something that if we have a yard sale we will put it in that. We got the boxes out of our storage room tonight for me to pack up all the dishes she wants though. I was disappointed that neither cabinet would fit but I also don't want her new home to look real cluttered. And her table is oak, her cabinets are almost black and this cabinet is a walnut. I don't feel comfortable storing my brother's cabinet in the garage since I am sure that whatever is in the garage for a long time will smell like oil and gasoline.

    Carol NC, we have a Ross store being built not far from me. What's it like? It would have to be a really nice store with good prices and good sales to take me away from the mall and Christopher banks. Great deal on your bag at Penny's. A deal like that makes a person feel so good!!!

    Pip, I know what you mean. My husband, who is the biggest weaver through traffic, will tell me when I am getting ready to go out by myself to drive safely!!! He sure has a lot of room to talk. And does he not think I don't drive safely every day. When he had his colonoscopy and couldn't drive at all that day and I had to drive his I drove him crazy with my conservative driving!!! I always taught my daughters that when some one was behind them and driving to close, that they should just tell themselves that they are confident women, confident in their driving and just in who they are. They are not going to let some one else who is hell bent on disobeying the law make them do it also just so they can drive as fast as they can. Be cautious of them and keep an eye on them but stick to your guns and stay the speed they are going until they can safely move into another lane. When this dude passes me I always smile and wave at him to drive his crazy. I think if he is tailgating me that close that he is wanting to get up close and personal with me.

    Michelle, welcome. I know you must be a lovely vibrant woman because I have a daughter by that name. Now we have another lady here called Michele, has only 1 'l' in her name. My doctor gave me a script for a mammogram in January, it's still hanging on my fridg!!!. That's OK to put something like that as a goal. Many women here have non weight loss related goals, some have fun goals. That's who we are. we discover so much about ourselves in this weight loss that setting different kind of goals helps us to lighten up.

    Tina, I would love to have my washer and dryer go out. Some of the new W & D out these days have so many nice features on them.

    Katla, big hug to you. I don't have any words of advice and have never been in your situation. My daughter lives 3 hours away and we can comfortably go down for a Saturday (going this Saturday!!!!). Do you have Skype or face time??? once our kids grow up, they make their own decisions. And like some one else said, there are planes that go to Chicago.

    Had a wonderful nights sleep last night and woke up nice and refreshed, no headache, back still does hurt though. Forgot to vote in the primaries today, I feel so bad. I see the election results and see a total of only 450 votes between candidates in this city of 150,000 and have always been upset at all those who didn't vote. And now I am one of those. But a guy in my church who was running for city clerk did win his primary. Now for the big vote though. That's what counts. Oh, how do you rinse hamburger????

    Nighty night, Joyce, Indiana

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,801 Member
    morning ladies~
    well we went from winter straight into summer i didnt sleep for beans had all the windows open and not even a breeze, so I went to sleep around 7:30 work up at 11 was awake until close to 2 when Tom woke up and then fell asleep till about 5:30
    I hate sleeping like that.. dont know if I can talk DH into starting the AC.
    so now I feel like I am in a fog..
    had one cup of tea and a banana. will have another cup of tea.
    this weekend will be spectacular ,80 degrees and sunny.. but I am sure we will be work work work...
    Told DH we need to do something fun.. I just dont know what.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Happy Wednesday!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! Another rainy, dreary day here. I came to the studio to put some things in the kiln and make another stab at mopping the floor. Now I'm getting ready to go to Joplin to do some shopping. Looking for a pair of walking sandals for the trip and some knit shirts for hubby. He's really picky though, they must have a pocket (one pocket - not two). must be lightweight fabric, and can't be blue or green or any bright color. He would wear all black and gray if he could. So I will look for shirts for him but I'm not too hopeful.

    So, I have to go. Later, ladies!

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Michele, I'm not sure if the antiquing you are talking about is paint or glaze. If it's just paint -and doesn't get fired - then I don't know anything about that. If it's glaze, then there are certail types of glazes that "pool" in the recesses so they are darker. Most of those are in the Celedon family. Another way to do it is to rub a ceramic stain into the crevices and then put a glaze over that and fire it. There are some glazes that "break" over the edges and high spots to accentuate texture too. As ar as your praying mantis...did you say that you touched up the shivered spots with acrylic paint? If so, then you can't glaze over that. The paint would burn off and probably make a mess. There are some clear acrylic sprays that you could use, and put on several coats. Get one that's OK outdoors.
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Just checking in... having to finish proofing as we go to print on Monday. The perk of DH proofing first is that he says "Every time I read it, I fall in love with you again." He's very good for my self-esteem.

    Having the FitBit has put me back on track. Just being 'aware' of my activity makes a difference (like being on MFP and being aware of my caloric intake). Maybe that's what I need to focus on, being 'aware'. Something I will have to ponder, as I'm sure it will translate into other areas of my life.

    It looks like the hummingbird tour bus just pulled up. I will probably need to put out another feeder so they don't have to be so darn competitive.

    Coconut oil pulling? I'm curious to hear more. I only discovered coconut oil in the past year and can't believe it took me so long. Makes the best popcorn and so yummy on whole grain toast with honey.

    Menopals. Yes, I had this vision of a group of us getting together and walking. (And this is the way my brain thinks... that thought sort of morphed.) There'd be so many of us, we'd look like this formidable gang of, well, Menopals. Don't nobody mess with hungry women going through the change! Maybe we could get leather jackets?

    Somebody asked me a while back, and forgive me for not remembering, if there was a 'graduation' of sorts from the addiction recovery meetings that DH and I led for 3 yrs. The answer, according to DH (who has 23+ years of recovery himself) is that 12 Step becomes a way of life, that a person who is dedicated to sobriety doesn't go through the steps and 'graduate', but that they realize the need to incorporate all they've learned every single day to live well and avoid relapse.

    Happy Day... it's raining here in the desert.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,706 Member
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Woke up to SNOW... well that's a four letter word! Just marking my spot as I have some appointments this morning. Have a good day everyone!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning Ladies...my vent:
    I KNEW I shouldn't have weighed myself this morning. But I thought that after 3 days of diligence I would have lost any weight I gained on Friday and Saturday. Yesterday I ate 1385 calories (a bit more than the 1200 I am now allotted), walked over 12,000 steps, was on the elliptical for 20 minutes and did 25 mintues of a resistance band workout. MFP gave me 907 exercise points ( high I think). Sunday and Monday were similar calorie/exercise days. Nope, 2 lbs. up from last week. In my rational mind I know it may be the extra sodium in the tortilla chips I had yesterday but really...2 lbs!! This is exactly what derailed my weight loss efforts in the past. I would be "good" for days or weeks, weigh myself, see that I gained instead of lost and figure that no matter what I did I "couldn't" lose weight so I would go back to my unhealthy ways. I have just come off a month of fantastic weight loss and I figured it would continue. Vent over.
    Now my non-emotional, rational side...It's only a number on a machine. It is in no way reflective of how I look and feel today. I should just look in the mirror and see that I am wearing a pair of size 8 pants that look pretty fantastic. I will continue on the course I have been successfully following for the past 8 months and put the scale in the nether regions of my closet so I am not tempted to get on it. Even if I don't lose another ounce or inch I still look and feel better than I have for the past 15 years.

    Late Monday night I went on a binge...shopping that is. I have the much anticipated wedding of a dear friends' daughter on Memorial Day weekend. It is on Cape Cod, at a resort, and I am spending the weekend. I have a dress that I was going to wear that I bought 8 years ago which is lovely and it fits again. Now we all know the nature of binges, they overtake us, deplete us of all rational thought and control. I got on ebay and went dress shopping at 10 pm Monday night. Before I knew it I had purchased 2 dresses for this wedding. I made sure that they were returnable and I will try all 3 dresses on and then make a decision as to what I will wear. At least 1 of the ebay dresses will be returned, they were both very good prices. The bottom line is that I want to show off all my hard work! This is so unlike me, who is this new woman?!!

    Janet...I went to Charleston 2 years ago and absolutely loved it. I would book a trip back in a NY minute. Have a wonderful time there and on your cruise. Enjoy every second with your friend.

    Chris in sunny, 55F MA where it is supposed to go up to 70F later!!
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Checking in to say I'm still around. Calculus is over. Kids took AP test yesterday. Hopefully they will make their teacher, their sub, and me proud. Teacher is still on bed rest. Waiting to see when the baby is born to determine if I will need to sub in July.

    The leadership training weekends are over and I graduated Saturday. I thought my small group did a good job with our presentation of our research project.

    The 34 week Bible Study will be over Thursday night. Between then and now I have to write individual cards to each participant telling them what I think their spiritual gifts are. I'm about half way through with this task.

    Then I will have a week to breath before I teach a class on polity for my district. That will take 4 Thursday nights in a row.

    I haven't heard anything on the summer academies, but they are still taking facilitator applications.

    Not sure how I got anything done before I "retired."

    And one last comment re the joke of the day.

    Q: why did the chicken cross the road?
    A: to prove to the possum it could be done,

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sylvia: Good luck shopping for DH. I wouldn’t dream of shopping for mine, mainly because I don’t want to start a practice that I won’t enjoy. I prefer to shop with him.

    SSC: Snow! Send it to our western mountains! (If only that was a practical possibility.)

    Sylvia: Love the joke. :heart: I like Dr. Seuss best. “Dr. Seuss: Did the chicken cross the road? Did he cross it with a toad? Yes the chicken crossed the road, but why he crossed, I've not been told!” I like the wisdom, too. I’ve decided to be stronger, and woman up to DD’s plans.

    Bkrimpet: Your perspective on my daughter’s planned move is so valuable to me. I am sorry for your situation.

    Michele: :heartbreak:

    This group is so good for me! Thanks to all of you who’ve helped me find a more balanced perspective.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    May Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol. Accomplished but here as a reminder.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.Nice day in IL,warm and sunny.
    DIL has surgery in am on her left wrist,glad it`s not the right.Has a long road ahead,with PT.My son is out of work and has been finishing his school.She is the sole income now,so hopefully,she can go back at some point.
    HUGS jane
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,816 Member

    Toni--New Y sounds like a great place. I wish we had something around here. The Y here is not the best and not clean.

    Sylvia--Sure hope your hip issues get better before you leave on your trip.

    Annr--interesting about the fasting and blood sugars. I had mine out years ago. Thanks for the info.

    Lisa--Thanks for the supper idea, I do think DH would enjoy that also.

    Chris--Good for you, weight is one thing, but more important is how you feel.

    Jane--Sending prayers for DS and family.

    Another raining day here. I am working my short 8 hour shift and DH and friend are taking the motorcycle about 60 miles away to have it fixed. I hope they can get it done in the next week. I plan to stop at the wellness center after work and ride the recomber bike awhile. If I can do that a couple times a week, that should help. Have a good day ladies. Love each of you and so Blessed to have you in my life.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,353 Member
    Good afternoon everyone! :)

    We went to the fish restaurant for our meeting anniversary. All started well - we had the window table I'd asked for and our starters were delicious. Then for mains, DH's turbot was raw on the bone so we sent it back. They recooked both our mains, which took some time and rather spoilt the occasion as we had to wait. The manager came and said we could have free desserts! We seem to be making a habit of free food! :D We also were given a plate of sweet canapés with Happy Anniversary written on it in chocolate. So - nice food, but not pampering and relaxing.

    At the WI last night I stood up at the end of the meeting (with their permission) and talked a little bit about my book. I said it came with warnings! I sold 4 books and gave all the proceeds to their charities. Also a few people took my little photo cards so I might sell a couple more. :D Thank you those ladies who have written such great reviews. :flowerforyou: Any one who is still hovering over buying a paperback copy, please do. I learnt today that the company only pays out when each country's royalties reach a certain level, not amalgamated. Cheek! I so love you ladies who have been such a great support to me and have helped me so much to get through this. Last night I was literally shaking in my boots, but I managed to speak. Self promotion is not a pretty thing IMHO, but it has to be done. :ohwell: It was nice to feel I was helping the charities. :)
    For anyone who is new or missed it the book is WINDOWS and my name is Heather Eyles. Available on amazon.com. You can read the blurb and Look Inside. (Enough already!)

    Sylvia - I hope you have a fantastic time in Spain. My back always plays up before I go away. I must tense up or something. Barcelona is amazing, but it is the pickpocketing and bag snatching capital of the world. They are soooooo clever. I had mine stolen from between my feet, but my local, streetwise companion saw them and they handed it back with no argument. They looked utterly respectable and smart.! ! ! :noway:
    You have reminded me that I need to start thinking about going to Wales on Saturday! ! ! All I have done so far is wash a few things. We are self catering in a cottage so I need to sort food out.

    Katla - I think jealousy is completely natural. I feel a pang every time DDIL goes to her mother's. Chicago will be a great place to visit and no altitude problem.

    Been buying various birthday presents on line today. A restaurant voucher for DB and I'm looking at an insanely expensive saucepan for DS who is a gourmet cook. Just want confirmation it is the right size. No reply from him :sad: so I have appealed to DDIL. They gave me a very expensive frying pan a couple of years ago which I use all the time and absolutely love. It reminds me of them every time I use it. Good tools give you a warm glow. :D

    Must stop rambling on. Very light dinner tonight is in order :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Fourth day in a row of running - decided I'll stop when my knees tell me to... they've certainly not been shy in the past. Perhaps the 15 pounds off already have been beneficial enough for them to be kind.

    Still making it an hour... but realize that when y'all think of running, you probably think of like, track and such. Think more like Tim Conway in the "oldest man in the world" sketches. I'd call it jogging, but I'm not fond of that word. I just know it's not walking because when I walk, it's different and even slower. But... I'm moving. For a solid hour. And sweating like a... well, like a short, chubby lady with weight to lose and a determined expression. The ranch hands no longer offer me a ride when they drive by. :wink:

    Realized I've almost cut bread out of my daily life - just natural progression toward higher protein, lower calories moves me away from the grains and pastas. Not missing them much so far...

    DH fixed the belt on the riding lawnmower--I've tried it with the push mower, but with the gophers and such, it's so rough that you risk a broken ankle at best. So, since I'm sweaty already, it's on with the sombrero and my long-sleeved shirt (91 and sunny outside) to lead Daisy-dog on a merry chase in circles around the yard.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Thanks for the good wishes. Mom apparently doesn’t have gall bladder problems after all; they think she caught some kind of bug and couldn’t shake it. Two days of IV fluids with potassium and she should be back home today. Hope she does OK. Unfortunately her doctor yesterday was a real B. Mom was asking whether she needed more tests and if so, approximately when they’d be doing them (like, how long would she be staying in the hospital), and the doctor told her if she wasn’t happy she was welcome to sign herself out AMA!! Talking like that to a patient, much less an 84-year-old one (who’s not stupid)! Good think I wasn’t there.

    I’ve never heard of draining and rinsing ground beef, but maybe they didn’t do it back then when I ate meat (stopped when I was about 23).

    Katla: good luck. It’s not always easy to be far away from family, though it can have its advantages. Don’t feel you’re being selfish; you just love your daughter!

    Sylvia: laughed out loud at the Ferrari joke! Why are people waving chicken bones over you?

    Lisa (right?): your husband sounds just as sweet as mine. Mine lists everything he uses to make dinner on a memo sheet, including the number of grams. <3

    Jane: hugs for you and your dil.

    Hope we all have a good day!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
