Thoughts on paleo?



  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    My numbers going Paleo-like (lithic whatever) demonstrate far-reaching results - complete flips from the previous two years.

    There's no disputing the power of Paleo. I don't understand where people may have gone wrong, but I swear - eating non-starchy veggies like broccoli, spinach, kale, eating fruits like avocado, bananas, green apples, berries, eating nuts and seeds like almonds, pistachios, and chia - eating lean grass-fed meats like beef tenderloin, chicken, eating pork tenderloin, eating seafood like salmon, trout, lobster - eating eggs... that's all you have to do. To mitigate constipation, seeds and nuts alone would do the trick.

    It's a great diet - nutrient-dense foods.

    Nope. I eat like this, and I don't eat paleo.

    What makes it paleo is cutting out grains, legumes, and dairy, and there is most certainly reason to dispute the claim that that improves health for most people. I think including dairy, legumes, and occasional whole grains makes my diet healthier than it would be otherwise. I have zero temptation to overeat on these foods, also, and I think getting too many of your calories from meat and fat can be questionable for some, including me.

    I also think including some sugar makes it more enjoyable, and since I can eat it in moderation don't see the harm.
  • Asher_Ethan
    Asher_Ethan Posts: 2,430 Member
    I decided to go 100% paleo for a month and I gained weight. I've been logging CICO for 11 weeks... lost 11 pounds. Just recently had some lab work done (insurance reasons) and I am looking pretty good in all my test results... I'll take my beer, potato chips, cheese and bread any day over paleo now.
  • omgitsdaniiii
    omgitsdaniiii Posts: 19 Member
    Orphia wrote: »
    Okay I was just curious. I've been eating healthy for over a year and working out 6x week both weight training and cardio for about 5 months and I've always been pretty small, I just want to lose my last stubborn inch or two and I'm trying to find any option I can

    I can't see any extra inches in your avatar photo.

    Hahaha yes but I still can't see little abs yet so I'm trying to lower my body fat % enough to where I can. I guess I'm just going to continue eating how I am and maybe step up my workouts even more, idk.