Anyone in their late 40s/just over 50?



  • Luckee_me
    Luckee_me Posts: 1,426 Member
    I'll be 50 in December, feel free to add me.
  • keyer23
    keyer23 Posts: 114 Member
    I am 52 and have a bit of a different situation. I don't have anyone else in the household with me, so I am accountable only to myself. Now you would think that would make things easier ... no temptation, right? WRONG! The committee in my head is more than happy to tell me "it's okay" to eat a little chocolate, or buy just one bag of chips, or have a cookie instead of fruit. It is SO easy to cheat myself and then I feel like crap. But I am here to tell you that MFP really can help you get past any fear you have of losing weight and getting fit. The logging DOES keep you accountable and the support you find here is tremendous! I lost 42 pounds 2 1/2 years ago with the daily help of this site and my MFP friends. I have managed to keep all but five pounds off since that time. Not too bad, although I struggle with food to this day on a daily basis. I'm working now on getting those five pound back OFF! I don't want them anymore. I KNOW I can do this. Even at 52 I don't have a doubt that I have the tools here that it takes to get it done. Good luck on your journey.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    I am 42, hubs is 54.
    I do 2 to 3 hours cardio a day.
    anyone can add me.
  • Camera_BagintheUK
    Camera_BagintheUK Posts: 707 Member
    Hi I'm 50 - going on 22.

    My weight crept up from my late 30s really and I just thought it was inevitable, part of growing older.

    MFP has been a miracle for me - I downloaded the app on my phone last year and I've lost over 2 stone, and about 10 years!

    I can't quite believe that I'm 50, and I resent the fat years where I looked and felt older than I was. And I was suffering from sore joints and lack of strength and energy. As the fat falls away, I'm rediscovering some youthfulness and sometimes I look at my profile which says my age is 50 and it still makes me jump! I don't feel it, I feel no different to how I felt in my 20s and 30s. But now the weight has gone, my knees and hips and back agree with me.

    I'm here just about every day, so happy to be friends with anyone who'll be friends with me :smile:
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I'm 48 and joined here in January when I realised I couldn't fool myself any longer that clothes were just being cut skimpy:ohwell:

    I work full time, have one son at Uni and one teenager at home. I do a 20-25 min Rosemary Conely workout every weekday morning, plus something else when I get home - more Rosemary, Wii Zumba, Davina Body Buff - for abot 40 mins, plus I walk to and from school. I do one Zumba class a week, and weekends I try to have a long (45-75 min) walk, weather permitting. I can just about count walking round Bluewater for 2 hours :wink:

    I've reached goal weight and am just going for a couple of extra pounds off so as to have a cushion for Christmas. I haven't given up anything except second helpings - I use my allocated calories for healthy food and exercise calories for wine and treats. I weigh everything (especially pasta, and cereal as they are impossible to guess!) and use MFP calorie estimates for exercise except for the Wii Zumba. So ignore all those who say "don't eat your exercise calories" or "you must get a HRM because MFP estimates are too generous". What matters is being honest wth your logging - don't ever think "oh, I went up 5 flights of stairs so a biscuit won't matter", or "I'm really sweaty so I must have walked 4.5mph" - and you'll find using MFP will really help. But only you can actually do it. Just like having exercise dvds won't help if they stay on the shelf, MFP will only help if you use it honestly and consistently - sorry, adding it to your favourites bar is not enough on its own:laugh:

    Feel free to add me! I'm always happy to support, but not afraid to give tough love!
  • sunnydayz71
    sunnydayz71 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 42 and I've been on MFP since April... it works. I had a baby in December and that was pretty much my kick start to getting into shape. I've been a stay at home mom for almost 14 years. When we found out we were pregnant (after the shock and happiness of it all) all I could think of is that I hadn't lost those darn 30 lbs. Well, here I am already 10 lbs below were I started when I got pregnant. So I'm pretty happy with the results. I don't do anything especial but it takes dedication. I walk on my treadmill 4 to 5 times a week with hand weights and eat around 1300 calories a day. That's it.

    Good luck to you! You can do it! Feel free to add me, I'm always open to new friends and would love to have more around my age.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    Hi I'm 50 - going on 22.

    My weight crept up from my late 30s really and I just thought it was inevitable, part of growing older.

    MFP has been a miracle for me - I downloaded the app on my phone last year and I've lost over 2 stone, and about 10 years!

    I can't quite believe that I'm 50, and I resent the fat years where I looked and felt older than I was. And I was suffering from sore joints and lack of strength and energy. As the fat falls away, I'm rediscovering some youthfulness and sometimes I look at my profile which says my age is 50 and it still makes me jump! I don't feel it, I feel no different to how I felt in my 20s and 30s. But now the weight has gone, my knees and hips and back agree with me.

    I'm here just about every day, so happy to be friends with anyone who'll be friends with me :smile:

    This was my experience, I started thinking about knee surgery, hip replacements etc. By the time I was a stone down everything was better and now I have no pain at all and more energy that I thought possible for an old boiler!
  • GeeksRfit2
    I'm 46 and as my husband says, "I'm a hard loser!" The weight is really hard to come off....BUT logging honestly and watching trends in what I eat,. how I exercise, and what happens to my body is essential. I've had to play with a lot of things (what I consumed, what kinds of exercise, when I ate, etc.) to find that window where the weight would come off more readily...and without MFP, I wouldn't be able to do that. Hang in there...I've lost only 30 pounds or so in a year, but my body has changed a lot as I've found what works...
    You can do it!
  • GeeksRfit2
    [/quote] This was my experience, I started thinking about knee surgery, hip replacements etc. By the time I was a stone down everything was better and now I have no pain at all and more energy that I thought possible for an old boiler!

    I so agree with this! I've been watching my parents....who are struggling to move because they quit moving when they were in their late 50's and early 60' at 80, they are so limited! That's motivation for me!
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    Hello, 45 here and needing to get my motivation back, I have 2 little ones at home and between all the school and sports they do, i am having trouble finding the time to eat right and exercise, need to drop about 30 and would love to have people in my age range to help.. feel free to add me.. all are welcome..
  • ractrev
    ractrev Posts: 426
    47 here. I have a long term goal to be at a 'I'm happy' weight when I hit 50. I can always use friends along the way, anyone feel free to add me!
  • FitRodr
    FitRodr Posts: 353 Member
    I turned 50 last month. I gained it all over 25 years. But with exercise and MFP it's gone. Definitely possible and you are never to old to change your life. Don't give up, don't give in. One day, one meal, one bite at a time whatever it takes to be a fitter, healthier you.

    You can do this!

    Add me if you'd like. No one can have too much support
  • CarlaNeverGivenUp
    CarlaNeverGivenUp Posts: 108 Member
    Im 45 and about to turn 46 next week. Yes it does work! I started in May and have lost 17 lbs. Went from size 14 to now comfortable 8. The tortoise wins the race girl! You can do this one day at a time! Feel free to friend me! Welcome to mfp!
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    I am 46 y.o. I started lifting and dieting about 18 months ago - lost 37lb in a year and am now cutting again after a bulk. My progress can be found here:
  • paprad
    paprad Posts: 321 Member
    I am nearly 50 (eep, it feels weird to even write that. I think I am frozen at 33 in my head) - and have been overweight for some 15 years, and obese for at least 5 of those. I joined MFP in 2011 but wasn't very efficient in the way I measured my intake or how I did my workout. So I would lose a couple of kilos, put them on again and convinced myself I was a hard loser/special snowflake/highly efficient at retaining fat - whatever helped convince me that this would be my life here on. Menopause is looming, and with insulin resistance, I was fairly sure I was doomed to stay fat. This changed in May this year - and the post that changed it was Sara's post (the one linked to the post above this one). After reading her posts on the ETP forum, I began to measure my food more accurately, log consistently, start a lifting program, and the weight is slowly shifting, not fast, but the trend is consistent. I also downloaded the excel spreadsheet that Heybales put up ( and I am delighted to see the changes. I'm down 8-9 pounds since April - the inches are slowly peeling off, and even better, my blood tests for sugar came out normal. So I am now full of optimism and hope that I can make this work. Also I finally have a sustainable lifestyle, eating what I like, working out and prepared to stick my tongue out at the idea that my metabolism will fall with menopause - bleah to that, I say.
  • blackcloud13
    blackcloud13 Posts: 654 Member
    I suppose I'm 50 too (according to my birth certificate). I was pretty thin (70kg or less) till I was about 23; then a more reasonable weight (75-80) till I was about 35. Then, not sure what happened- too much work, kids, too much food - whatever; headed up to 100kg.

    I made a few attempts along the way to reverse the trend; but never managed to claw back more than a couple of kilos.

    However, about a year ago, everything finally fell into place; a combination of calorie counting and running like a lunatic, and I was back down to 80 in about 5 months!

    So I know you can do this - I guess the trick is to try to create the right circumstances, and fit it round family life. Always tricky - I realize that one thing that made the last year possible is that my kids are old enough to leave at home for hours while I run; that was never an option before. I can also do weight training with my son, or run with my daughter - so I kind of lucked out with their age.

    The house has loads of junk; but luckily the only "bad" food I really like is chocolate. And chocolate chip cookies, chocolate muffins etc.

    Still with counting calories, and a good mix of exercise, things have gone ok.

    Funny how I went through this entire note without once mentioning the real culprit - beer! Itsnot cut out altogether; but definitely restricted - once again, I find the calorie discipline works really well for me!

    Good Luck
  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    I will be 53 soon. I did exercise some over the years, but it didn't show due to my being a compulsive overeater since I was a teenager. During the last three weeks I have been motivated to change, and have been doing well. I am walking and doing weights. Just trying to figure out which way to go with the weights. There seems to be so many different opinions on what is right.
  • jojo4613
    jojo4613 Posts: 18 Member
    I'm 46 and working on getting healthy and fit. This is my first time to put the effort in at counting calories. In the past, I just followed a particular diet and worked out religiously. I am surprised at how well counting calories really works!! Who knew?! I lift weights in my home, doing what is supposed to be a 20 minute circuit training routing, but generally ends up being more (dependent on if I do 3 sets or 4) 3 days a week and do interval training on 3 days.

    I'm post menopausal, (yeah, I didn't see that coming either) and my body has responded very well to this. I lost 14 pounds in 16 weeks, which is the last time I weighed since I don't have scales in my home, and, more importantly look and feel much better.

    You can definitely do this!

    I started out eating 5 to 6 small meals per day, which works really well for people who are hungry. But, my appetite has never really been a problem. There are different schools of thought on this, but since I decided to relax, tally calories, and work towards eating more and more healthy, it has finally clicked into place that this is a FOREVER change. I eat whenever I want to and make the best choice for me. Good luck.
  • Vince_1964
    Vince_1964 Posts: 359 Member
    Just turned 49 last month. Been on MFP for a bit over a year (I did a profile "reset" a couple of months back). Always welcome some like-minded friends and motivators!!