Nothing is happening :-(



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Hisservent wrote: »
    avskk wrote: »
    I just want to clear up the idea from a couple pages back that "you have to eat enough to burn the calories." Honey, no. Your body is always burning calories -- i.e., your metabolism is always running and burning energy for at least basic bodily functions -- unless you are dead or severely, SEVERELY ill. If you're not losing, you're eating more than you think you are (and I'm glad you ordered a scale). You don't maintain or gain from eating too few calories. Not ever. It's a charming idea, but it isn't remotely true. Sorry.

    You have to eat ENOUGH calories to be able to burn the fat. If you eat less and work out more, you're not going to burn enough. There's nothing to burn except muscle and tissue. Your metabolism slows down, decreases leptin levels, and decreases your energy. If I'm working out 4-5x a week, burning 300+ calories a day through exercise, that's over 1000 burned a week. I need to be consuming roughly 1750 calories a day based on the amt of exercise I'm doing. I was NOT eating that much. WITH OR WITHOUT the scale.......But I am getting one so we'll see. I WAS eating 1300 calories and NOT adding more after a workout. You factor in the workout, which burned 300 of that. I am getting a scale and I will make sure to stick with AT LEAST 1700 calories and see what happens. I think my metabolism just slowed down and I'm also going to switch up my workout routine and try something different. Maybe some Zumba for a few weeks :-)

    Yah no (to the bolded) it takes a long time at low calories for that to happen...along with age of course.

    Exercise does not mean weight loss...only calorie deficit does...

    You can't outrun a bad diet...which means doesn't matter how much exercise you do if you are not in a deficit you won't lose weight...and according to your post you aren't losing weight so you aren't in a deficit or you aren't losing fast enough so you aren't in as big of a deficit as you believe. Simple truths.

    Even with a food scale if you don't choose correct entries ....but you won't open your diary for any real help so...until you do you will have to figure it out yourself.

  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    DevilsFan1 wrote: »
    I've read this whole thread and honestly don't see what the point of the discussion was. OP is losing 1/2 pound a week. What she's doing is working right now. She has unrealistic expectations about her weight loss. In fact, she's 20% of her way to her goal in just a month. That means at her current pace, she will hit her target in four more months. That is progress.

    Hisservent, what you are doing is fine. You can probably increase your rate of loss by weighing your food, but I think you are better served by being patient. What is the hurry? Are you trying to make weight for a fight or something? It probably took you years to put on the extra weight. What's wrong with waiting five months to take it off?

    Honestly, most people on this board who struggle to lose weight would love to see the type of progress you're making.

  • Hisservent
    Hisservent Posts: 25 Member
    Just to update y'all I got a scale AND I increased my calorie inatake. I figured out my TDEE and I need to consume between 1600-1700 calories to lose weight. Anything less would put my body in starvation mode becauase I work out x a week. So, I tried modifying that here and mfp said I'd GAIN weight, and my brain can't handle seeing that, so I set up an acctt on a diff. site. And in less than a week, I have already lost 1.6lbs. SO thankful I found out aboutTDEE!!!!! Thank you to whomever mentioned it to me :-).