Eating less calories then my actual goal and putting on weight?



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    I do a lot of cycling tho plus swimming

    With the amount of excersize you're doing it's possible that you are toning and gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle weighs more then fat so don't get discouraged!

    It is next to impossible to gain muscle while eating in a calorie deficit, especially without a progressive lifting program
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I would check your logging of food, drinks and exercise first for accuracy. You might need to get a scale and weigh everything you eat. I would not lower your calories until you do that.
    I would try to eat to your calorie limit and be patient for a couple of weeks.

    Make sure you are weighing yourself on the same scale at the same time of day under the same conditions. Take some body measurements and photo if you haven't already.
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    I do a lot of cycling tho plus swimming

    With the amount of excersize you're doing it's possible that you are toning and gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle weighs more then fat so don't get discouraged!

    Apparently one and a quarter pounds per month is considered an extremely good 'gain' in muscle terms, so I don't think that would account for much weight gain.
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I do a lot of cycling tho plus swimming

    With the amount of excersize you're doing it's possible that you are toning and gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle weighs more then fat so don't get discouraged!

    It is next to impossible to gain muscle while eating in a calorie deficit, especially without a progressive lifting program


  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I do a lot of cycling tho plus swimming

    With the amount of excersize you're doing it's possible that you are toning and gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle weighs more then fat so don't get discouraged!

    It is next to impossible to gain muscle while eating in a calorie deficit, especially without a progressive lifting program

    Muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat! Seriously this statement belong on the things that make me angry thread

  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member
    edited May 2015

    Muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat! Seriously this statement belong on the things that make me angry thread

    By volume it does.

  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    edited May 2015
    malibu927 wrote: »
    I do a lot of cycling tho plus swimming

    With the amount of excersize you're doing it's possible that you are toning and gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle weighs more then fat so don't get discouraged!

    It is next to impossible to gain muscle while eating in a calorie deficit, especially without a progressive lifting program


    What is so "no" about that? It's true.

    Edit: now that I see what you bolded (previous quotes before the one you quote don't show up like they used to) volume, muscle weighs more than fat. It's a statement that annoys me too, but that's what people mean when they say it.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Is it just me, or does it seem every time someone asserts, "Muscle weighs more then fat," the asserter uses "then," not "than"?
  • glevinso
    glevinso Posts: 1,895 Member
    ahoy_m8 wrote: »
    Is it just me, or does it seem every time someone asserts, "Muscle weighs more then fat," the asserter uses "then," not "than"?

    I tend to attribute that error to be indicative of the lower-level of critical thinking displayed in the person making such an absurd statement.
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member

    Muscle DOES NOT weigh more than fat! Seriously this statement belong on the things that make me angry thread

    By volume it does.


    More specifically, muscle is more dense than fat.
  • DevilsFan1
    DevilsFan1 Posts: 342 Member
    edited May 2015
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    Let me find the article. His site is packed with info. I know I just read it this past week. His advice as with my MD to eat more was really hard to get my head around. It's flies in face of everything we've been told. I was very resistant to it in the beginning. As my Dr said if exercise plus 1200 calories was the answer everyone would be thin and the weight loss industry would be out of business.

    Your doctor sounds profoundly confused.

    Why?? Because she doesn't follow the VLC diet insanity?
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    No no no that is not how it works. You cannot store energy with no energy.

    i didnt say store energy i said fat
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    Definitely NOT THIS.

    Yes it can be this!

    As the article explains eating below your BMR or too few calories in general will NOT result in greater weight loss. It will stall it and YES cause a GAIN! I'm living proof of this. It was my MD who pointed it out. I slowly added calories until I was 2100-2400 per day. Then I started cutting 50 calories a day. Somewhere in the 2000-2100 range I started losing. As the article states 100 calorie a day deficit can lead to 1 lb a week weight loss.

    100 calories a day is 700 calories in a week. How will this result in losing 1 pound a week?

    Because our bodies are not mathematical equations. There are hormones and other factors that come into play. There is also a significant bump in metabolism. It just works.

    These three posts combine for some of the misinformed, scientifically disproved, physically impossible concepts I've seen here for a long time.

    It's quite shocking how much pseudoscience is tossed around with respect to weight loss, even among those who you would think are smarter than that. For example, I'm an engineer and work with other engineers who are quite intelligent. One of my friends subscribes to the idea that it doesn't matter how much fat and protein you eat, that as long as you cut or eliminate carbs you will lose weight. I've tried to explain how the First Law of Thermodynamics applies to a human body as much as it does to a refrigerator, but to no avail. I believe this is what Francis Bacon was describing when he said "Man prefers to believe what he prefers to be true."
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    Definitely NOT THIS.

    Yes it can be this!

    As the article explains eating below your BMR or too few calories in general will NOT result in greater weight loss. It will stall it and YES cause a GAIN! I'm living proof of this. It was my MD who pointed it out. I slowly added calories until I was 2100-2400 per day. Then I started cutting 50 calories a day. Somewhere in the 2000-2100 range I started losing. As the article states 100 calorie a day deficit can lead to 1 lb a week weight loss.

    100 calories a day is 700 calories in a week. How will this result in losing 1 pound a week?

    Because our bodies are not mathematical equations. There are hormones and other factors that come into play. There is also a significant bump in metabolism. It just works.

    100 calorie deficit per day does not equal one pound weight loss per week for anyone. I would like to see the medical issue for this to apply.

    Try it. Eat up to your TDEE. Stay there for 3-4 weeks or longer. Then start subtracting 50 calories a day. You will shred weight like crazy.
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    Definitely NOT THIS.

    Yes it can be this!

    As the article explains eating below your BMR or too few calories in general will NOT result in greater weight loss. It will stall it and YES cause a GAIN! I'm living proof of this. It was my MD who pointed it out. I slowly added calories until I was 2100-2400 per day. Then I started cutting 50 calories a day. Somewhere in the 2000-2100 range I started losing. As the article states 100 calorie a day deficit can lead to 1 lb a week weight loss.

    100 calories a day is 700 calories in a week. How will this result in losing 1 pound a week?

    Because our bodies are not mathematical equations. There are hormones and other factors that come into play. There is also a significant bump in metabolism. It just works.

    100 calorie deficit per day does not equal one pound weight loss per week for anyone. I would like to see the medical issue for this to apply.

    Try it. Eat up to your TDEE. Stay there for 3-4 weeks or longer. Then start subtracting 50 calories a day. You will shred weight like crazy.

    Why would I do that when I know that is not how you lose weight?
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    Definitely NOT THIS.

    Yes it can be this!

    As the article explains eating below your BMR or too few calories in general will NOT result in greater weight loss. It will stall it and YES cause a GAIN! I'm living proof of this. It was my MD who pointed it out. I slowly added calories until I was 2100-2400 per day. Then I started cutting 50 calories a day. Somewhere in the 2000-2100 range I started losing. As the article states 100 calorie a day deficit can lead to 1 lb a week weight loss.

    100 calories a day is 700 calories in a week. How will this result in losing 1 pound a week?

    The article doesn't mention a specific number of pounds per week. It says that you (paraphrasing) eat your way up to maintenance level over the space of 12 weeks and then: "Reverse the process and start decreasing your calories by 50 per day for a week at a time. If you made it all the way up to 1800, then lower it to 1750/day for the first week. Watch as your body starts shedding body fat like it’s going out of style."

    I think what he's basically talking about is reverse dieting, but isn't that usually something that's done after a significant time/amount of weight loss (basically to correct metabolic adaptation)?

    So you recommend me try what you have no idea about?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    Let me find the article. His site is packed with info. I know I just read it this past week. His advice as with my MD to eat more was really hard to get my head around. It's flies in face of everything we've been told. I was very resistant to it in the beginning. As my Dr said if exercise plus 1200 calories was the answer everyone would be thin and the weight loss industry would be out of business.

    What qualifies your doctor to give nutrition advice?
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    dawnna76 wrote: »
    cwolfman13 wrote: »

    I'm going to go out on a limb and suggest that your calorie burn is inflated. What are you doing exactly that you are getting 800 calorie per day burns?

    unless your are very overweight a hour of exercise wont bring you that much of a burn.

    I was going to suggest something along the lines as this. Are you going by the calories MFP tells you you have burned when you log your exercise? MFP is well known for sometimes wildly overestimating the amount of calories burned on various exercises, and so as a rule of thumb people usually count half or two thirds of the exercise calories it tells you you have burned, just to be on the safe side.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    Let me find the article. His site is packed with info. I know I just read it this past week. His advice as with my MD to eat more was really hard to get my head around. It's flies in face of everything we've been told. I was very resistant to it in the beginning. As my Dr said if exercise plus 1200 calories was the answer everyone would be thin and the weight loss industry would be out of business.

    Your doctor sounds profoundly confused.

    Why?? Because she doesn't follow the VLC diet insanity?
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    No no no that is not how it works. You cannot store energy with no energy.

    i didnt say store energy i said fat
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    Definitely NOT THIS.

    Yes it can be this!

    As the article explains eating below your BMR or too few calories in general will NOT result in greater weight loss. It will stall it and YES cause a GAIN! I'm living proof of this. It was my MD who pointed it out. I slowly added calories until I was 2100-2400 per day. Then I started cutting 50 calories a day. Somewhere in the 2000-2100 range I started losing. As the article states 100 calorie a day deficit can lead to 1 lb a week weight loss.

    100 calories a day is 700 calories in a week. How will this result in losing 1 pound a week?

    Because our bodies are not mathematical equations. There are hormones and other factors that come into play. There is also a significant bump in metabolism. It just works.

    These three posts combine for some of the misinformed, scientifically disproved, physically impossible concepts I've seen here for a long time.

    I do a lot of cycling tho plus swimming

    With the amount of excersize you're doing it's possible that you are toning and gaining muscle while losing fat. Muscle weighs more then fat so don't get discouraged!

    That is not how this works.
  • lemonsnowdrop
    lemonsnowdrop Posts: 1,298 Member
    I also think it's funny how people are proposing OP is gaining muscle...from cycling.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I also think it's funny how people are proposing OP is gaining muscle...from cycling.

    There is lots of wrong in this thread.
  • chubbard9
    chubbard9 Posts: 565 Member
    * You need to weigh your foods. Chances are your portions are much bigger than you think. You have to be overeating.
    * Watch the sodium in your foods-many will think they're "gaining weight" when it can just be bloat. Drink more water, and "gains" aren't abnormal, they're just daily fluctuations.
    * Do not listen to whoever said you'll start losing weight 'crazy fast' if you eat at maintenance and lower by 50cals. You'll lose weight, but it will take a long time... I doubt there is any true way to "jumpstart" your metabolism.
    * If you eat back exercise calories projected by MFP, don't eat 100%. Most people only eat back 50-75% of them, because it can be hugely overestimated. For example, if I log that I walk on a treadmill for an hour, it will put me around 500-600 calories. I know that I am not burning anywhere near that! Probably half that, or less...