Eating less calories then my actual goal and putting on weight?



  • tlmeyn
    tlmeyn Posts: 369 Member
    There may not be a "starvation mode" but metabolic syndrome is real. Ask Ballerinas who are eating 500-600 calories a day and dancing and can't lose weight. Ask anyone who has been in a stall for a couple months. Once the stall is over, they don't suddenly drop all the weight they should have in those couple of months, they drop a normal amount. That said. Stop eating back your calories and you will be fine. :)
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    There may not be a "starvation mode" but metabolic syndrome is real. Ask Ballerinas who are eating 500-600 calories a day and dancing and can't lose weight. Ask anyone who has been in a stall for a couple months. Once the stall is over, they don't suddenly drop all the weight they should have in those couple of months, they drop a normal amount. That said. Stop eating back your calories and you will be fine. :)

    If I were to stall for a couple of months I would make sure my log is as accurate as it can be.

  • brianpperkins
    brianpperkins Posts: 6,124 Member
    tlmeyn wrote: »
    There may not be a "starvation mode" but metabolic syndrome is real. Ask Ballerinas who are eating 500-600 calories a day and dancing and can't lose weight. Ask anyone who has been in a stall for a couple months. Once the stall is over, they don't suddenly drop all the weight they should have in those couple of months, they drop a normal amount. That said. Stop eating back your calories and you will be fine. :)

    Metabolic adaptation takes months, if not years of failing to provide the body with the nutrients it needs coupled with deficits that eventually lead to lost lean body mass which reduces the body's ability to burn calories.
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    mrsvstol wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    Definitely NOT THIS.

    Yes it can be this!

    As the article explains eating below your BMR or too few calories in general will NOT result in greater weight loss. It will stall it and YES cause a GAIN! I'm living proof of this. It was my MD who pointed it out. I slowly added calories until I was 2100-2400 per day. Then I started cutting 50 calories a day. Somewhere in the 2000-2100 range I started losing. As the article states 100 calorie a day deficit can lead to 1 lb a week weight loss.

    100 calories a day is 700 calories in a week. How will this result in losing 1 pound a week?

    Because our bodies are not mathematical equations. There are hormones and other factors that come into play. There is also a significant bump in metabolism. It just works.

    If you are going to assert that a deficit of 700 calories will burn an additional 2,800 calories, you need more than "it just works."


    A hahahaha! This made me smile!
  • RosieRose7673
    RosieRose7673 Posts: 438 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    if you aren't eating enough your body will go into starvation mode and store fat instead of burning it. You must have balance when it comes to eating and exercise. you cant exercise all day but barely eat. you also have to be considerate of what youre eating even if its low in calories.

    If this is true please explain how prisoners in concentration camps where extremely thin, basically just skin and bones? How are anorexic people so thin that they look like walking skeletons??


    When I was suffering from anorexia (for a few years until I was around 19ish... 8 years ago), I never stopped losing weight. I used to restrict to 1200 calories and exercise a ton. Then as I lost more and more weight... I didn't have the energy to exercise. I'd restrict to around 500-700 calories a day and basically nap all day, whenever possible. I still lost weight up until I went into treatment. I was 103 lb, 5'5. I wore children's clothes.

    I used another calorie counting website back then and I always read about starvation mode. I never understood why it didn't happen to me. That nonsense was a lot more prevalent back then. Because according to starvation mode... I should have been ballooning up in weight!

    I know... It's anecdotal evidence about the non-existence of starvation mode. I'm sure I had metabolic adaptation to a certain degree because I wasn't dropping weight fast... But in no way shape or form did I ever gain weight that way!!

    To conclude.... No. You're body will not store fat eating less food. Makes noooo sense.
  • ImitatetheSun
    ImitatetheSun Posts: 44 Member
    I'm having the same problem - 10 days of strict weighing and measuring plus 10,000 steps on the pedometer (half through a one-hour fast walk) and I've gained 3 pounds since starting. I've never had this happen before in all my previous weight loss attempts. To compensate, I'm measuring my hips, waist and bust instead of relying just on the scale and I am seeing evidence that I'm losing inches, even though I'm not losing pounds. One thing I'm doing differently is taking a probiotic every day. We have several pounds of bacteria in our bodies, and I'm wondering if maybe the bacteria is just growing exponentially. At any rate, I seriously doubt I'm adding muscle mass - all I've done is cut portions, not add a ton of protein and muscle exercises. It's a mystery for me, too.
  • Geristarr
    Geristarr Posts: 1 Member
    Stick to it! Log all your food and exercise. Eat your calories, leave none on the table and drink plenty of water. I ate two handfuls of salty almonds last night and gained 2 lbs! It's temporary. Avoid salt and don't get discouraged. Good luck on your weight loss journey;)