Does calorie counting actually work?



  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    If you are new to the forum, may I suggest utilizing the "search" function to find the answers you are looking for? Nearly every question possible has been asked and answered. You will learn a lot by reading through the different threads.

    This. It will prevent a lot of hurt feelings.
  • blossomingbutterfly
    blossomingbutterfly Posts: 743 Member
    It does work if you log correctly.
  • andyk_79
    andyk_79 Posts: 1 Member
    It works, but a few tips I have found:
    • Be careful when you eat your calories. Loading up at night time because you have some "spare" for the day stopped my weight loss
    • Be careful about calculators of your base calorie requirements. Find somewhere that has a body analyser scale (maybe your local gym) that calculates your caloric requirements based on your weight, height age AND muscle mass. The online calculators obvioulsy can't use your muscle mass. I found that the calories calculated by MyFitnessPal as my daily requirement to lose weight were actually too high. Once I got the body analyser figure and based my target calories off that rather than the online calculator I started losing weight again (after a 4 week stall in weight loss)
    • If you do intend to indulge, as others have noted, make sure it is within your weekly calorie count - the weekly net calorie graphs in myfitnesspal I have found great for exactly this
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    sympha01 wrote: »
    Ok well thanks for the positive feedback, didn't ask for no snotty ones but hey ho

    Honestly. If you ask a silly question you're going to get some blunt answers. When you phrase your question like that, does it "actually" work, you are displaying -- at best -- your skepticism to a well-proven fact. At worst, you are displaying not just skepticism but hostility to the idea that it works. What result can you expect? Bluntness. Not rainbows and "positive feedback."

    If someone "counts" calories but doesn't lose a reasonable amount of weight, it is either because
    1) They are magical unicorns whose bodies never burn calories. Evar.
    2) They are eating too many calories because they've set too small a caloric deficit to achieve results.
    3) They are bad at or lazy about counting.

    Most of the time it's Door #3. To be "good at counting" you have to
    • Practice accurate portion measurement. The key point here is accurate. Absolutely no guesstimating, no eyeballing. For most people, it means weighing stuff. Weighing is more consistent than volume-based measuring, because sometimes different amounts of food seem to take up the same amount of space. Some people don't want to meticulously weigh / measure their food. Fine. But then those people don't get to complain that calorie-counting doesn't work. Because they haven't really tried calorie-counting.
    • Count EVERYTHING that actually has calories in it. Depending on the size of the calorie deficit you are targeting, there's actually a bit of variation in what will work for different people. I don't count water. I don't count diet sodas. I do count salsa and mustard, even though the calories in small portions of these are pretty miniscule. I certainly count fruits and vegetables. They have calories and eating them reduces the size of the deficit I am achieving. Duh. Some people don't want to count vegetables. Fine. But then, those people don't get to complain that calorie-counting doesn't work. Because they haven't really tried calorie-counting.
    • Record everything you count. Kind of a subset of #2, but a lot of people make the mistake of not recording "a few bites" of something here and there because they assume that it's negligible. And that might be fine if you are successfully achieving a super-huge deficit and seeing results. Some people don't want to count the 3 M&Ms they ate, and the few bites of an apple, and couple sips of OJ, and those crackers that were just going to go to waste if someone didn't eat them, etc. etc. etc. Fine. But those people don't get to complain that calorie-counting doesn't work.

    Is there some variation in people's metabolisms? Absolutely. Do we always accurately know the EXACT caloric value that our bodies extract from every bite? Nope. But this stuff only matters on the margins. Giving a crap about it is a great way to major in the minors. Calculating a reasonable and appropriate caloric deficit, and diligently counting calories as best we can to achieve that deficit works. ACTUALLY.

    So much this.

  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    This is really very basic science so yes it works 100% of the time. Imagine you have a fuel tank and it holds 20 gallons and you know you use 5 gallons a day to get back and forth. If you use 5 gallons and only replace 3 gallons you will deplete the stored fuel in your tank. Now if you lose that 2 gallons a day for 5 days but on day 6 and 7 you put 10 gallons in your tank amazingly your tank will be back to 20 gallons by day 8.

    People make this much harder than it is. Make it simple. Track everything even when you are "cheating" (cheating yourself). If you don't know the calories don't eat it. If this sounds too hard then set your goals lower and say "I won't lose any weight but I will try to eat healthier" and then at least you won't be disappointed with the results.
  • SuggaD
    SuggaD Posts: 1,369 Member
    Of course it works!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    nylo143 wrote: »
    It's my understanding that calorie counting is in fact the only way to lose weight. Any "diet" such cabbage soup egg diet whateve is based on that principle, they just candy coat it with a fancy diet name, but in essence it's all calorie counting. As everyone here on mfp likes saying "Calories in and calories out". I've lost 18 lbs counting calories and only counting calories. I have a food scale and can eyeball if one isn't available when I'm out and about. You get so good at it that you mentally calculate your calories during each meal. It's a lifestyle change, but that doesn't mean you are deprived. If it fits into your calorie goal treats are fine. I eat everything I want in moderation. I don't drink soda 95% of the time. I don't eat fast food at all. I try to eat as natural as possible and cook a lot. No one can be perfect, but it's about how you eat most of the time, not that one bite of a brownie or spoon of Ice cream. It works ! And it gets easy after the first few weeks. I've always lost 5-10 lbs then gone up and down up down. Until I really began to take calorie counting seriously. I'm so close to my goal weight for my wedding it feels amazing. Good luck :)

    Technically creating a calorie deficit is the only way to lose weight, not calorie counting. You can do that via a number of different methods, MFP is set up so that by simply tracking your calories and logging accurately, you can create the calorie deficit without any magical "diet". But there are people who create the calorie deficit and don't "count" their calories.

    OP - as others have said, read the stickies.

    Here's a good one:

    It gets bonus points from me because of the amazing bearded Trog and the rampant use of sarcasm...

  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh, this is like being back at school. Think I'm out

    Try to ignore the immaturity and flippant comments. There are helpful people here :)

    If you want help with anything feel free to message me.

    Is that an offer to promote your services? Because you can offer help in an open forum. Especially considering since we don't even know your accomplishments.

    Promote my "services" - as in, exchange for money? No. Forums can get cluttered and clearly insulting. I wasn't offering anything to a group so I didn't know that I had to prove my accomplishments to the "we" you are alluding to.

    I think MrM's point is that it's better to keep advice on the forums rather than doing it in private. That way a) others can vet what you (generic) are saying (I'm sure you've witnessed some of the atrocious advice given around here, imagine if no one was countering that?), and b) others can learn from your (generic) experiences.
  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member
    You get what you put into it.

    If you log everything you eat accurately and maintain your deficit, then yes.
    If you're just going to go about it halfheartedly and log sporadically or in incorrect portions/amounts, then don't expect to be terribly successful.

    Calorie counting DOES work, but YOU have to put in the work too.
  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    If you are new to the forum, may I suggest utilizing the "search" function to find the answers you are looking for? Nearly every question possible has been asked and answered. You will learn a lot by reading through the different threads.

    But then...what would we do?

  • Justygirl77
    Justygirl77 Posts: 385 Member
    If you are new to the forum, may I suggest utilizing the "search" function to find the answers you are looking for? Nearly every question possible has been asked and answered. You will learn a lot by reading through the different threads.
    Questions can be asked repeatedly ad nauseam and there is nothing wrong with it!! It's specifically allowed.

  • mizzlarabee
    mizzlarabee Posts: 134 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh, this is like being back at school. Think I'm out

    Try to ignore the immaturity and flippant comments. There are helpful people here :)

    If you want help with anything feel free to message me.

    Is that an offer to promote your services? Because you can offer help in an open forum. Especially considering since we don't even know your accomplishments.

    Promote my "services" - as in, exchange for money? No. Forums can get cluttered and clearly insulting. I wasn't offering anything to a group so I didn't know that I had to prove my accomplishments to the "we" you are alluding to.

    I think MrM's point is that it's better to keep advice on the forums rather than doing it in private. That way a) others can vet what you (generic) are saying (I'm sure you've witnessed some of the atrocious advice given around here, imagine if no one was countering that?), and b) others can learn from your (generic) experiences.

    Fair enough but that wasn't really the vibe that I got from his post. The OP can decide for herself what advice she wants to take and I know that, even as a professional, there will be some person from the peanut gallery dismissing my advice. She said that she didn't feel comfortable with the responses she was getting, and frankly I've found this "community" pretty unwelcoming as well, which is why I offered to help her outside of this forum. This is my first day using these forums and offer help where needed, because I truly enjoy it, but this isn't the community I was expecting.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh, this is like being back at school. Think I'm out

    Try to ignore the immaturity and flippant comments. There are helpful people here :)

    If you want help with anything feel free to message me.

    Is that an offer to promote your services? Because you can offer help in an open forum. Especially considering since we don't even know your accomplishments.

    Promote my "services" - as in, exchange for money? No. Forums can get cluttered and clearly insulting. I wasn't offering anything to a group so I didn't know that I had to prove my accomplishments to the "we" you are alluding to.

    I think MrM's point is that it's better to keep advice on the forums rather than doing it in private. That way a) others can vet what you (generic) are saying (I'm sure you've witnessed some of the atrocious advice given around here, imagine if no one was countering that?), and b) others can learn from your (generic) experiences.

    Yes but also I thought the post might have been a solicitation, maybe this poster was selling a product or service, offering to consult via PM is a common tactic.

    I don't think that's the case here but it initially seemed possible.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh, this is like being back at school. Think I'm out

    Try to ignore the immaturity and flippant comments. There are helpful people here :)

    If you want help with anything feel free to message me.

    Is that an offer to promote your services? Because you can offer help in an open forum. Especially considering since we don't even know your accomplishments.

    Promote my "services" - as in, exchange for money? No. Forums can get cluttered and clearly insulting. I wasn't offering anything to a group so I didn't know that I had to prove my accomplishments to the "we" you are alluding to.

    I think MrM's point is that it's better to keep advice on the forums rather than doing it in private. That way a) others can vet what you (generic) are saying (I'm sure you've witnessed some of the atrocious advice given around here, imagine if no one was countering that?), and b) others can learn from your (generic) experiences.

    Fair enough but that wasn't really the vibe that I got from his post. The OP can decide for herself what advice she wants to take and I know that, even as a professional, there will be some person from the peanut gallery dismissing my advice. She said that she didn't feel comfortable with the responses she was getting, and frankly I've found this "community" pretty unwelcoming as well, which is why I offered to help her outside of this forum. This is my first day using these forums and offer help where needed, because I truly enjoy it, but this isn't the community I was expecting.

    The forums can be a little jarring at first, but if you stick around you'll find that there are many experienced members here with a lot to offer. MrM is one of those. People tend more towards the blunt, non-sugarcoated approach, cos frankly there's only so many times you can answer the same thing over and over with sweetness and light.
  • mizzlarabee
    mizzlarabee Posts: 134 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh, this is like being back at school. Think I'm out

    Try to ignore the immaturity and flippant comments. There are helpful people here :)

    If you want help with anything feel free to message me.

    Is that an offer to promote your services? Because you can offer help in an open forum. Especially considering since we don't even know your accomplishments.

    Promote my "services" - as in, exchange for money? No. Forums can get cluttered and clearly insulting. I wasn't offering anything to a group so I didn't know that I had to prove my accomplishments to the "we" you are alluding to.

    I think MrM's point is that it's better to keep advice on the forums rather than doing it in private. That way a) others can vet what you (generic) are saying (I'm sure you've witnessed some of the atrocious advice given around here, imagine if no one was countering that?), and b) others can learn from your (generic) experiences.

    Yes but also I thought the post might have been a solicitation, maybe this poster was selling a product or service, offering to consult via PM is a common tactic.

    I don't think that's the case here but it initially seemed possible.

    As far as I can tell, anybody can message anybody at any time, whether they post about it or not, but that's what the moderators are for - to moderate. I'm sure they can see my messages and I have no interest in soliciting anybody for profit, I'm actually just a nice person that cares.
  • Nony_Mouse
    Nony_Mouse Posts: 5,646 Member
    Kruggeri wrote: »
    Nony_Mouse wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Oh gosh, this is like being back at school. Think I'm out

    Try to ignore the immaturity and flippant comments. There are helpful people here :)

    If you want help with anything feel free to message me.

    Is that an offer to promote your services? Because you can offer help in an open forum. Especially considering since we don't even know your accomplishments.

    Promote my "services" - as in, exchange for money? No. Forums can get cluttered and clearly insulting. I wasn't offering anything to a group so I didn't know that I had to prove my accomplishments to the "we" you are alluding to.

    I think MrM's point is that it's better to keep advice on the forums rather than doing it in private. That way a) others can vet what you (generic) are saying (I'm sure you've witnessed some of the atrocious advice given around here, imagine if no one was countering that?), and b) others can learn from your (generic) experiences.

    Yes but also I thought the post might have been a solicitation, maybe this poster was selling a product or service, offering to consult via PM is a common tactic.

    I don't think that's the case here but it initially seemed possible.

    As far as I can tell, anybody can message anybody at any time, whether they post about it or not, but that's what the moderators are for - to moderate. I'm sure they can see my messages and I have no interest in soliciting anybody for profit, I'm actually just a nice person that cares.

    As are most of the people here answering questions day after day :)
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
  • charlieandcarol
    charlieandcarol Posts: 302 Member
    lynn1982 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    been doing this a week now and sticking to 1200 calories a day, and doing jillion michaels 30day shred , on the weekend I indulged

    Did your indulgence outweigh your defecit? Cos it won't work like that

    But yes it works if you stick with it

    Sorry I may look completely stupid , but I am new to this (I never even new there was this forum until an hour or so ago and I got all excited lol!) but I have no idea what you mean by outweigh my calorie deficit ? :/ people can say what they like ... But I'm so in the blue

    Hi, To answer your question re outweigh your calorie deficit.

    If, for example, you set your goal loss on mfp of 1 pound a week which means you need a deficit of 3500 cals for the week. You eat your cals needed to achieve this (say like in your case it is 1200 cals per day) for 5 days but on the weekend your "blow out" adds up to an extra 3500 cals on top of the 1200 you can eat on each day then you are not likely to lose a pound, or if you eat over by some proportion of the 3500 cals then your loss might be something less than a pound. Because you have cancelled out your efforts earlier in the week.

    Hope that helps