2nd day without eating meat



  • Ryanstwin
    Ryanstwin Posts: 70 Member
    jpaulie wrote: »
    definitely I eat more meat when training, specifically bulking. If you are trying to gain lean body mass/strength don't worry about it. Enjoy it. If you are cutting then you might have to cut out some short ribs for a leaner cut. Figure out what you want to do. But meat fat does not = tummy fat

    Thanks for the advice my man
  • Ryanstwin
    Ryanstwin Posts: 70 Member
    @RGv2 thanks for the feedback
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Can you build a day in your diary where you get your goal of 178gs of protein?

    I mean this in the nicest way, I'm just curious how. I struggle to hit my own protein goals, and I'm eating lean meat, so I really want to see how to max out the protein.

    I will also happily take PMs from the vegan/vegetarian commentators here with a similar description of how to hit a goal like that.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    edited May 2015
    Ryanstwin wrote: »
    @Emillia77 not receptive just because I am not. Replying to every single comment ??

    Your sentence doesn’t make sense, but I think I get it. I only meant that you seemed to ignore the particular comment questioning your characterization of a high-rep lifting routine as “heavy”, and appeared to endorse the banana diet thing.

    What I wanted to get at is that you might be better served by a low-rep high-weight program. I’d recommend you look into it. Then again, you didn’t really ask for advice, so feel free to ignore this.

    You can eat whatever, but I’d suggest you make sure you hit your macros. Best of luck.
  • Ryanstwin
    Ryanstwin Posts: 70 Member
    Can you build a day in your diary where you get your goal of 178gs of protein?

    I mean this in the nicest way, I'm just curious how. I struggle to hit my own protein goals, and I'm eating lean meat, so I really want to see how to max out the protein.

    I will also happily take PMs from the vegan/vegetarian commentators here with a similar description of how to hit a goal like that.

    I've just started yesterday I didn't hit my protein number but no sweat. I'm sure I will be able to.. But besides meat you can have oats.. Rice.. Beans vegetables.. Cottage cheese etc etc
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Can you build a day in your diary where you get your goal of 178gs of protein?

    I mean this in the nicest way, I'm just curious how. I struggle to hit my own protein goals, and I'm eating lean meat, so I really want to see how to max out the protein.

    I will also happily take PMs from the vegan/vegetarian commentators here with a similar description of how to hit a goal like that.

    8000 grams of spinach should do it.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    Ryanstwin wrote: »
    Can you build a day in your diary where you get your goal of 178gs of protein?

    I mean this in the nicest way, I'm just curious how. I struggle to hit my own protein goals, and I'm eating lean meat, so I really want to see how to max out the protein.

    I will also happily take PMs from the vegan/vegetarian commentators here with a similar description of how to hit a goal like that.

    I've just started yesterday I didn't hit my protein number but no sweat. I'm sure I will be able to.. But besides meat you can have oats.. Rice.. Beans vegetables.. Cottage cheese etc etc

    If you're just cutting down on red meat and still open to still including fish, tilapia and mahi mahi are both super high in protein (and taste fan-freaking-tastic). Do it up with some quinoa and black beans and you've got a protein packed meal without any red meat.
  • Queenmunchy
    Queenmunchy Posts: 3,380 Member
    BFDeal wrote: »
    I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals. I'm a vegetarian because I hate plants.

    @BFDeal, in high school/college I was a vegetarian. I often said "I hate animals so much I won't even eat them." (I really don't like animals...)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited May 2015
    Not sure how eliminating meat is going to help you get stronger and lean out and lose belly fat...most people trying to lean out and get stronger do the exact opposite.

    IMO, there's nothing wrong with going vegetarian, but you should have better reasons for doing so.
  • dkjaer
    dkjaer Posts: 9 Member
    edited May 2015
    I'm not weight training but I am a runner. In 10 days I'm doing my fourth marathon. The last time I had meat or dairy was November 2013. In fact, my wife and two teenage daughters are also vegans. Both of my daughters are competative swimmers (syncro and racing) who weight train year-round and all of us competed in triathlons last year. The oldest recently had a flu shot and when she rolled up her sleeve the nurse actually told her "Girl, you are ripped. Whatever you're doing, keep doing it.", lol.

    The only time I seek any extra protein is during marathon training. Even then, it is just a glass of Hammer Vegan Protein after medium runs and two after long runs. The biggest advantage of a plant-based diet that I have found is fast recovery. Listen to interviews with just about any vegan athlete and you likely will hear the same answer. I was actually shocked the first time I started training for a marathon after eliminating animal-based food.

    An easy way to get all of the essential amino acids at once is with a combination of grains and legumes. They actually don't have to be consumed in the same meal. A peanut butter sandwich has 14g of complete protein. Beans and rice is another good combination. Last night we had vegetables with peanut sauce on brown rice. There are a lot more good sources like quinoa and seitan but I honestly don't pay that much attention to it.

    If you haven't yet, check out what guys like Patrik Baboumian, Tim Shieff and Frank Medrano are doing on a vegan diet. You might also find some helpful info at www.nomeatathlete.com, www.plantbuilt.com (vegan bodybuilders) or www.fuelforthefighter.com (vegan UFC fighters).
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    tlharin wrote: »
    Wow, guys, this is kind of hostile to the OP, who really just wanted some support. @Ryanstwin, you're welcome to check out the "Vegetarians & Vegans" group and post in our forums about weight training--positive you'll get some helpful feedback.

    Hostile? Really? Well, that's what we get for expressing concern, I guess.

    People are seriously expressing concern about the man not eating meat every day? Because it sounds so extreme? I do nto know where you all live, but including daily meat in your diet is not the norm aroudn the world. Eating a variety of foods, including having meat-less days, is not a special restrictive diet, does not have a specific name, is not a weird lifestyle, it is how normal people around the world eat. Not for ethical reasons or because they are trying to adjust their macros or reach specific goals. Because it happens. Without getting ill, needing supplements or whatever. The obsession with protein some people have, it is just unreal. Eat all the meat, or take protein shakes or watch your muscle disappear. If this was how it worked, the human race woudl have been extinct a loooong time ago.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    edited May 2015
    aggelikik wrote: »
    tlharin wrote: »
    Wow, guys, this is kind of hostile to the OP, who really just wanted some support. @Ryanstwin, you're welcome to check out the "Vegetarians & Vegans" group and post in our forums about weight training--positive you'll get some helpful feedback.

    Hostile? Really? Well, that's what we get for expressing concern, I guess.

    People are seriously expressing concern about the man not eating meat every day? Because it sounds so extreme? I do nto know where you all live, but including daily meat in your diet is not the norm aroudn the world. Eating a variety of foods, including having meat-less days, is not a special restrictive diet, does not have a specific name, is not a weird lifestyle, it is how normal people around the world eat. Not for ethical reasons or because they are trying to adjust their macros or reach specific goals. Because it happens. Without getting ill, needing supplements or whatever. The obsession with protein some people have, it is just unreal. Eat all the meat, or take protein shakes or watch your muscle disappear. If this was how it worked, the human race woudl have been extinct a loooong time ago.

    It's not concern that he's not eating meat every day...it's that he thinks the elimination of meat is going to make him magically lean out or something. That is incorrect. I know lots of fat people who don't eat meat.

    Also, no...your muscle won't just disappear if you're not eating meat...but if your goal is actually to put on muscle, a high protein intake is very beneficial for accomplishing that goal. The OP mentioned he wanted to get stronger which I assume means he wants to put on some mass...getting a lot of protein is a pretty integral part of achieving that particular goal.
  • Ryanstwin
    Ryanstwin Posts: 70 Member
    @cwolfman13 I'm well aware that not eating meat a few days out of the week won't give me abs magically or get me lean necessarily or make me stronger necessarily.. Because one method isn't better than the next I have been dieting for a while lifting weights as well.. Getting stronger doesn't mean I'm trying to bulk up yes I already know you need to get your proper macronutrients and plenty of protein when trying to build muscle. By me eating more fruits vegetables (micronutrients) which I have been greatly neglecting I'm hoping to have more energy therefore increase performance . I'm still eating eggs on my no meat days as well as making sure I hit my other numbers. I guess the way I worded the post and threw in strength gains and I dislike my abs made people think I was a clueless person I'm no expert but I seek knowledge on fitness and nutrition daily it's very interesting to me but thanks for your feedback.. Salute
    And @aggelikik couldn't agree with you more thanks for the comment!
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    But it doesn't make any sense.
  • Ryanstwin
    Ryanstwin Posts: 70 Member
    But it doesn't make any sense.
    Your opinion:-)
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Moving your bowels doesn't mean that your digestion has improved--really it's just the opposite. Moving your bowels means that there's more in your bowel for your body to move out of it. Those movements you're so proud of (and really? who brags about bowel movements outside of toilet training?) just mean that you've put a whole bunch of indigestible material into your gut, material that needs to be moved out in order to maintain digestive health.
  • Ryanstwin
    Ryanstwin Posts: 70 Member
    If you don't have anything to add to the discussion and you have never went without eating meat.. just being critical and negative don't comment. It's simple don't say anything
  • jaeemtea3
    jaeemtea3 Posts: 3 Member
    Good luck. I was vegan for about 7 months last year. Gave it up when a family member got seriously sick and I was not able to get enough protein (I do not tolerate soy products at all). Besides being soy free I am also gluten free because of a thyroid disease (doctor told me to stop eating gluten because it can cause issues with my disease). I do admit I felt healthier while I was on that diet but it definitely was difficult and I did start noticing the effects of low protein. Be careful with this experiment and do your best to get the minimum amount of protein you can from other sources while in the non meat phase.
  • LoupGarouTFTs
    LoupGarouTFTs Posts: 916 Member
    Ryanstwin wrote: »
    Moving your bowels doesn't mean that your digestion has improved--really it's just the opposite. Moving your bowels means that there's more in your bowel for your body to move out of it. Those movements you're so proud of (and really? who brags about bowel movements outside of toilet training?) just mean that you've put a whole bunch of indigestible material into your gut, material that needs to be moved out in order to maintain digestive health.

    Shut up



    What I said is true. That's what roughage is all about, for Heaven's sake. You're not making your digestive system more efficient in terms of digesting nutrients. You're making it more efficient in terms of expelling waste. Human beings can't digest cellulose, so it goes, undigested, through our systems and aids in "cleaning out" other things that are there. A truly efficient digestive system, in terms of nutrients, makes use of all of (or the majority of) the foods being put into the system, absorbing as much food material as possible, and expelling small amounts over time. Unfortunately, this process tends to leave small, relatively hard stools, which can be difficult to expel. That is why our digestive systems require roughage. Kudos to you on getting the roughage you require. *shrugs*
  • Ryanstwin
    Ryanstwin Posts: 70 Member
    jaeemtea3 wrote: »
    Good luck. I was vegan for about 7 months last year. Gave it up when a family member got seriously sick and I was not able to get enough protein (I do not tolerate soy products at all). Besides being soy free I am also gluten free because of a thyroid disease (doctor told me to stop eating gluten because it can cause issues with my disease). I do admit I felt healthier while I was on that diet but it definitely was difficult and I did start noticing the effects of low protein. Be careful with this experiment and do your best to get the minimum amount of protein you can from other sources while in the non meat phase.

    Someone with actual PERSONAL experience with the subject at hand thank you for your feedback ! Still eating eggs on my no meat days.. Supplementing with protein shakes as well..
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