I need help ASAP



  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    You have had some great advice about measuring food. That is a great start. As they say, weight loss starts in the kitchen. So if you want calories in to be less than calories out (CICO), then start with calories in.

    At some point, you might consider investing in an activity tracker (Fitbit, Garmin Vivofit, etc.) if you think that will help motivate you to move more. These are devices that you wear in order to track energy expended (calories out).

    As far as exercise, you also could try finding activities that you enjoy because it is easier to stick with something you enjoy. As you might notice from my pic, hiking is my cardio activity of choice. For some, it is running. Some people enjoy swimming, or tennis, or one of many other things.

    Finally, don't forget the importance of medical advice. If you haven't had a physical in the last year, schedule one now. If you have, then consider an additional appointment to make a weight loss plan. Either way, make sure to get your physician's support in making a healthy plan.

    Cool thanks I never thought about that I see my doctor on Monday I will let him know what's up when I go in
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Gska17 wrote: »
    Food scales are neat, eh?

    You know you're hooked when you get nervous leaving town without it. I'm driving to my mom's house tonight for the weekend and I'm leaving the scale at home so my husband can use it! :/:o

    That's so true would you advise using it before you cook the food or after you cook it
  • sars388
    sars388 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi. Everyone thinks that dieting is hard,that's what I thought I was getting on for 20stone after nearly 3 months I'm 16 1/2 St. Once you get your head around what your doing and see the weight drop off I garantee you will think why did I think it was so hard. My advice would be get digital food scales get a fitness tracker and a app and some comfy training shoes. Good luck..
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    sars388 wrote: »
    Hi. Everyone thinks that dieting is hard,that's what I thought I was getting on for 20stone after nearly 3 months I'm 16 1/2 St. Once you get your head around what your doing and see the weight drop off I garantee you will think why did I think it was so hard. My advice would be get digital food scales get a fitness tracker and a app and some comfy training shoes. Good luck..

    It really is a life battle
  • Gska17
    Gska17 Posts: 752 Member
    Gska17 wrote: »
    Food scales are neat, eh?

    You know you're hooked when you get nervous leaving town without it. I'm driving to my mom's house tonight for the weekend and I'm leaving the scale at home so my husband can use it! :/:o

    That's so true would you advise using it before you cook the food or after you cook it

    It depends on the food. Meats? Raw. Pasta & rice? Dry.
  • ogmomma2012
    ogmomma2012 Posts: 1,520 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend. I have a lot of parents on my friendslist and we can motivate each other!
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Cazbee56 wrote: »
    Congratulations on taking the first step back to healthy! All the advice you will get here will help you as you move towards your goals. Set small achievable weight goals to focus on and make sure you remember to note the non-weight signs, like loose pants and being able to play with your adorable son for longer! My advice to you is simple. Eat real food. Trust the process and mostly be patient!!

    Feel free to add me as a friend.

    Thank you very much
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    maryerline wrote: »
    Nice suit! Congrats on the new job. Once you start making positive changes in one area of your life it spreads to other areas. How do you like using the food scale?

    I love it it really helps me a lot in knowing how much I can eat
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Narcissora wrote: »
    Grats on the new job... And the new scale!

    Good luck with your weight loss journey!

    Thanks you very much how have you been
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me as a friend. I have a lot of parents on my friendslist and we can motivate each other!

    Thank you very much
  • mick1988burrows
    mick1988burrows Posts: 13 Member
    Food scales is a good option. When I first started dieting to cut weight I ended up eating way over in carbs from pasta etc. Water is the best thing you can drink if you're dieting, because it helps flush out the byproducts as fat breaks down. If you don't drink enough water while dieting, these byproducts build up in the liver and slow down your elimination process, which in turns slows down weight loss. I wouldn't beat yourself up and try losing mass amounts of weight in a week or two. Take it slow over a period of weeks , months. Snack on nuts , fruit and prep your meals the night before so you can count the calories for the weight loss . Good luck anyway On achieving your goal
  • Storytella100
    Storytella100 Posts: 141 Member
    Food scales is a good option. When I first started dieting to cut weight I ended up eating way over in carbs from pasta etc. Water is the best thing you can drink if you're dieting, because it helps flush out the byproducts as fat breaks down. If you don't drink enough water while dieting, these byproducts build up in the liver and slow down your elimination process, which in turns slows down weight loss. I wouldn't beat yourself up and try losing mass amounts of weight in a week or two. Take it slow over a period of weeks , months. Snack on nuts , fruit and prep your meals the night before so you can count the calories for the weight loss . Good luck anyway On achieving your goal

    Great Advice thank you very much ya I've been drinking only water and a salad with every meal and trying to stay to chicken fish and that's it
  • rats2010
    rats2010 Posts: 79 Member
    Here's some simple things that may help you get started, other than the great stuff already listed above: Try eating from a child size plate. This will help mentally with the smaller serving sizes as your plate will still look full. Also drink your water mainly before meals, try not to drink so much after as this will flush the food out of your stomach faster and you will feel hungry again sooner. Chew eat bite 20 times- enjoy the taste and the meal. Don't just rush through your food in 5 minutes. This lets your stomach realize it's full and kick off the hungry switch (takes about 20 minutes). Make yourself do SOMETHING for at least 10 minutes a day if that's all you can manage, whether its walking laps, up and down stairs, or bodyweight exercises like squats or wall push ups- then build from there. Realize there will be good days and bad days and horrible days... but it will be worth it in the end! Just don't sit there and be "stuck." Best of luck!