Cabbage soup diet



  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Ok, I must admit I have always wondered this....

    What if, someone goes on a VLCD for a couple of weeks and loses 5 or 10 lbs (water, fat whatever). After that 2 weeks is up they swap over to the same deficit, but with real food. If they meticulously count their calories, like most of us do, who's to say they'll put the weight the weight back on?

    Or what if they stay on the diet for 6mths and lost all their weight, then swapped over to maintenance calories, again meticulously counting their calories.

    People have said "but you haven't learnt how to eat properly, or how to eat real food" etc etc
    Seriously? Aren't the people on the site grown adults who if using some common sense know precisely what they should or should not eat??

    That's precisely the problem with fad diets like the cabbage soup diet. They sell the gimmick, but not how to change behavior long term. So, assuming someone sticks with the plan until they hit their target weight, there's very little good advice for getting to a sustainable maintenance pattern. People go back to their old habits and start packing on weight again.

    If someone went on a VLCD, then swapped to a "real food" diet at the same deficit, they'd probably be shocked at how small the portions have to be to sustain that level. I doubt the cabbage soup diet even introduced the concept of TDEE or maintenance for people who actually succeeded in sticking to that plan.

    So, yes, grown adults should be able to use common sense to know what they should eat and how much of it, but there is a lot of mis-information out there which is what people who peddle fad diets use to make their money.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Yeah, I should have also written "how much to eat".

    With the cabbage soup, you can eat a lot of it for very few calories and feel very satisfied. I suppose if you compared the calories and amount of soup to say a steak and chips, one would be very disappointed lol

    In the end, I know I'm not going to lose weight eating a bag of chips, nuts and pudding every night after dinner , or having monstrous servings of pasta like i used tor. I guess it comes down to common sense, honesty and a fair bit of willpower
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    is anyone doing this I started yesterday.

    Hw long are you planning on doing it for?

    Just for one week doing it for cleansing more than anythin(

    What exactly are you trying to cleanse?
    Sugar out of my system and a good bowel cleansing

    You know you can't get rid of the sugar in your blood - and it's supposed to be there - and that your "bowels" will fill up again, and again - every time you eat?

    Don't you even start to wonder why everybody doesn't "cleanse", always?
  • katherine_startrek_fan
    katherine_startrek_fan Posts: 425 Member
    Russian Sweet & Sour Cabbage Soup is supper yummy... Diet though? You realize this site is about lifestyle changes, not get thin quick schemes.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    I make a very nice bacon egg and cheese taco that comes in under 200 cal. I could write a book that tells people how they can have up to 6 tacos a day and lose weight, maybe throw in a "hibiscus tea cleanse" for good measure. Delicious miracle egg tacos that melt fat away! Come up with some hocus pocus about protein and fat combining to with the tea to grab toxins from the body and flush them away....make a mint!

    Of course, I personally would get extremely tired of the monotony of eating only tacos and hibiscus tea, myself. I'd start dreading the smell of bacon crisping and green onions sizzling, knowing I've got another taco on the plate coming my way. I'd hit my target goal and immediately reach for a big juicy burger and a big hunk of sweet cherry pie!

    No, too much of any one thing is a surefire recipe for hating every minute between now and my goal.