

  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Goal 150

    6/5 - 20 miles, road bike, did the Twilight over the Tippy bike ride.
    6/9 - 25.9 miles road bike, beautiful eve for a ride
    6/10 - 11.5 miles, road bike
    6/11 - 5.46 miles, road bike, didn't have much time quick hard ride, 23 minutes.
    9/17 - 9.9 miles, road bike, little ride between rains

    total for June 72.76
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    Keep up the good work, guys! @girlinahat, you have enough energy to take up my slack this month! :D

    Steve, it's official, you are just too much... Only you would sing on a walking thread! Hey, Whistle While You Work It! HA!
  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    6/18 - 3 miles
    Total = 31 miles
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Sorry, tonight's ride failed in favour of brewing up some elderflower cordial, because it's that time of year.....
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    edited June 2015
    Rowan (my husband) and I completed a ride we have been talking about and preparing for for a while. We rode a century (100 miles) on our Bike Friday Pocket Llamas (folding bikes)!

    We didn't break any speed records, but ...

    We set off shortly after 9 am and rode with my father about 14 km, then he returned home and we continued on ... to Hope. The route is a little bit hilly out that way, but nothing too significant. We flew into Hope with an increasing wind behind us, but knew that we'd be into it on the way back.

    So we stopped at DQ for some fuel ... chili cheese dogs and blizzards. :smiley:

    Returning to our start location wasn't too bad at first, but the last 7 or 8 km were a slog ... right into that ever-increasing wind.

    118 km complete!

    We stopped for more fuel and then made a decision about where to go next. We decided it would work best for us to cycle into the wind, and then to return with a tailwind.

    The route we chose zig-zagged into the wind so that sometimes it was, again, a slog, but other times not too bad. And finally, we turned around and cruised home. We would have done the trip home a lot quicker if we hadn't been as worn out as we were. The wind takes it out of a person ... and I was experiencing one particular fit issue which we'll need to sort out if we're going to entertain the idea of doing longer rides on our Bike Fridays.

    Nevertheless ... our first century (100 miles) this year is complete. :) And we did it in 9 hours and 40 min, including all breaks, which is well within rando time. :smiley:

    And along the way we saw ... planes and trains ... and cows, horses, goats, hawks, crows, geese, cats and dogs ...
    Kept us entertained!
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Goal 150

    6/5 - 20 miles, road bike, did the Twilight over the Tippy bike ride.
    6/9 - 25.9 miles road bike, beautiful eve for a ride
    6/10 - 11.5 miles, road bike
    6/11 - 5.46 miles, road bike, didn't have much time quick hard ride, 23 minutes.
    6/17 - 9.9 miles, road bike, little ride between rains
    6/18 - 13.21 miles, road bike, rode to the Tippy and looked at the flooding going on.

    total for June 85.97
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    wow @Machka9 That is impressive!!! Especially on a folding bike!! I'm planning a long ride at the weekend but nothing like that at all!
  • jesiann2014
    jesiann2014 Posts: 521 Member
    @Machka9, add me to the incredibly impressed! Your day sounds positively awesome!

    Happy Friday, Milers!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    wow @Machka9 That is impressive!!! Especially on a folding bike!! I'm planning a long ride at the weekend but nothing like that at all!
    @Machka9, add me to the incredibly impressed! Your day sounds positively awesome!

    Happy Friday, Milers!

    Thanks ... I've been wanting to ride a century for a while now. Last one we did was April 2014. And we wanted to try it on the folding bicycles to see if it were possible. It is possible ... but I do need to make some adjustments if I'm going to do it again, or do anything longer.

  • jahmanrv
    jahmanrv Posts: 102 Member
    6/19 - 3 miles
    Total = 34 miles
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    From yesterday's ride ...

  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Isn't it awful how doing exercise outside (walking/cycling etc) takes us onto such disgusting wildernesses, where big ugly mountains loom over us, obscuring our views of built up areas, giving us NATURE, trees, rocks, coastlines and such like? I mean how dreadful does that scenery look? I feel for you, I really do..... ;)
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    girlinahat wrote: »
    Isn't it awful how doing exercise outside (walking/cycling etc) takes us onto such disgusting wildernesses, where big ugly mountains loom over us, obscuring our views of built up areas, giving us NATURE, trees, rocks, coastlines and such like? I mean how dreadful does that scenery look? I feel for you, I really do..... ;)

    :lol: Yeah ... really dreadful. :smiley:

  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,215 Member
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    Machka9 wrote: »
    March Cycling: 409.33 km (254.34 miles) = 21 hours 55 min
    March Walking: 80.47 km (50 miles) = 16 hours 9 min
    March Total: 489.8 km (304.3 miles) = 38 hours 4 min

    April Cycling: 384.15 km (238.7 miles) = 20 hours 35 min
    April Walking: 107.79 km walking (67 miles) = 22 hours 31 min
    April Total: 491.94 km (305.6 miles) = 43 hours 6 min

    May Cycling: 259.06 km (160.9 miles)
    May Walking: 102.75 km (63.8 miles)
    May Time: 2060 min (34 hours 20 min) walking & cycling + 45 min stairs & weights + 45 min cycling inside
    May Total: 361.81 km (224.8 miles) + stairs, weights and cycling inside = 35 hours 50 min

    June Totals

    01 Mon - 2 km walk (25 min) + 60 min on bicycle on trainer in basement

    02 Tues - 5.6 km walking (70 min) ... utility + beach
    03 Wed - 3 km walking (35 min) + 50 min on bicycle on trainer in basement
    04 Thurs - 2.5 km walking (30 min) + 5 flights of stairs ... tired today
    05 Fri - 3.6 km walking (45 min) + 10 flights of stairs ... so far, there might be a bit more yet.

    June Cycling: 110 minutes on bicycle on trainer in basement
    June Walking: 16.7 km (10.3 miles)
    June Time: 315 min (5 hours 15 min) walking + cycling + some extra time climbing flights of stairs

    06 Sat - 100 kilometre ride on our Bike Friday Pocket Llamas (folding bikes). The route was relatively flat, but had the added challenge of rain for the first half of the ride. Fortunately it was a warm day for winter, and wasn't at all windy for a change!

    That was the longest distance we have ridden the folding bikes so far. It was kind of a test ride to see how we would go over that distance. We were reasonably comfortable. I was having a few back/right hip issues, but stretching seemed to help.

    100.72 km in 6 hours 25 min 34 sec total.
    (Moving time was 5 hours 31 min 26 sec)

    07 Sun - 3.2 km walking (40 min) ... to the beach!
    08 Mon - 60 min cycling on bicycle on trainer in the basement

    June Cycling Inside: 170 minutes on bicycle on trainer in basement
    June Cycling Outside: 100.72 km (62.5 miles) in 330 min cycling outside
    June Walking: 19.9 km (12.3 miles) in 245 min
    June Time: 745 min (12 hours 25 min) walking + cycling + some extra time climbing flights of stairs

    09 Tues - 1.5 km walking (18 min) + 45 min on bicycle on trainer in basement
    10 Wed - 4.5 km walking (55 min)

    June Cycling Inside: 215 minutes on bicycle on trainer in basement
    June Cycling Outside: 100.72 km (62.5 miles) in 330 min cycling outside
    June Walking: 25.9 km (16 miles) in 318 min
    June Time: 863 min (14 hours 23 min) walking + cycling + some extra time climbing flights of stairs

    Almost forgot to mention ... today I reached my goal to lose 15 kg. :) I'm taking a little diet break for the next month or so, and will then reassess the situation. I might make a new goal after that.

    11 Thurs - 2.3 km walking (25 min)
    12 Fri - stairs

    June Cycling Inside: 215 minutes on bicycle on trainer in basement
    June Cycling Outside: 100.72 km (62.5 miles) in 330 min cycling outside
    June Walking: 28.2 km (17.5 miles) in 343 min
    June Time: 888 min (14 hours 48 min) walking + cycling + some extra time climbing flights of stairs

    12 Fri - stairs + 1.5 km walking (20 min)
    13 Sat - 5 km walking (60 min)
    14 Sun - 14.06 km cycling outside (45 min)
    15 Mon - 5 km walking (60 min) + 37.6 km cycling outside (115 min)

    June Cycling Inside: 215 minutes on bicycle on trainer in basement
    June Cycling Outside: 152.38 km (94.68 miles) in 490 min cycling outside
    June Walking: 39.7 km (24.6 miles) in 483 min
    June Time: 1188 min (19 hours 48 min) walking + cycling + some extra time climbing flights of stairs

    16 Tues - 21.4 km cycling (65 min) + 5 km walking (60 min)
    17 Wed - 1 km cycling + 2.5 km walking (30 min)
    18 Thurs - 160.95 km cycling (488 min)
    19 Fri - 7.5 km walking (90 min)

    June Cycling Inside: 215 minutes on bicycle on trainer in basement
    June Cycling Outside: 335.73 km (208.6 miles) in 1043 min cycling outside
    June Walking: 54.7 km (33.9 miles) in 663 min
    June Time: 1921 min (32 hours 01 min) walking + cycling + some extra time climbing flights of stairs
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Out on the bike today for a 25 mile ride, having survived a ride home last night after vast quantities of limoncello (something to do with a 'Gladiator' film drinking game). Again I find myself in fantastic countryside, sights today included a steam train and a horse leaping with joy around the field.

    Cycling - 35.5/60 miles
    Walking - 46.5/40 miles
    Swim - 0/120 laps
    Stronglifts 5X5 - 4/6 times
    Lindy Hop class - 1/4 times

    Total mileage - 82/100 miles.
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Goal 150

    6/5 - 20 miles, road bike, did the Twilight over the Tippy bike ride.
    6/9 - 25.9 miles road bike, beautiful eve for a ride
    6/10 - 11.5 miles, road bike
    6/11 - 5.46 miles, road bike, didn't have much time quick hard ride, 23 minutes.
    6/17 - 9.9 miles, road bike, little ride between rains
    6/18 - 13.21 miles, road bike, rode to the Tippy and looked at the flooding going on.
    6/21 - 5.4 miles, road bike, got called home an old friend stopped by enexpectedly.

    total for June 91.37
  • SteveCro
    SteveCro Posts: 788 Member
    Machka9 and girlinahat- beats the heck out of corn fields and more corn fields and soyabean fields.
  • ScrAgnX
    ScrAgnX Posts: 368 Member
    SteveCro wrote: »
    Machka9 and girlinahat- beats the heck out of corn fields and more corn fields and soyabean fields.

    I feel you. Corn and soybean feilds kill my patience; fortunately after ~10 miles of them I can get to small wooded areas.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    yeah, I'm sorry. I drove across Queensland earlier this year and it was nothing but sugarcane interspersed with the occasional banana plantation. I understand your pain.

    Here in the UK we get a bit more variety, so you don't have to go far to tick off a whole load of wildlife, agriculture and landscape features.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Planned a swim, went for a 13.5 mile bike ride with a friend after work. If anyone ever asks what daylight savings is for, it's that.

    Cows, a river, a gorge, a famous bridge, old ship building works, rock climbers, walkers and cyclists.