

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Janet: DS was mad at shoddy work done by the boatyard in the first place. He was happy with my work once he got over whining about the fact he had to take the boat to the yard with my help, rather than have his “staff” handle the job. (“Staff”= DH & Me.) It is at the boatyard and he has returned to WA. I imagine he was back by noon. :flowerforyou:

    Mary: Thanks for the compliment on my mothering. For a little perspective, DS will be 40 on his birthday. DD will be 36. I get to be the mother forever. :heart:

    Heather: Enjoy the grandchildren! :heart: :flowerforyou:

    Yanniejannie: Your suggestions helped me with my saddle sores. Thank you! They aren’t as painful as yesterday, thanks to your daughter’s expertise and your suggestion to try Baby Anti Monkey Butt Cream. Just the name of the stuff makes me smile. :bigsmile: :laugh:

    We are getting ready for a roadtrip to DH’s hometown for his 50th HS reunion. I hope we have a great time, and that we handle the heat okay. It will be in the low 100’s there if the forecasts are correct. The surprise is that it will be almost as hot here. I have never seen the river levels this low before late August.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    June Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    6,590 steps today, most during my 30-minute lunch period. Having hauled my buns outa bed at oh-dark-hundred yesterday, was too tired for chorus tonight, so won't be in the final concert. Am way over sodium. Culprits were the friz cauliflower with garlic sauce and the Subway broccoli cheddar soup. But still within calorires, and the low steps were more than double my average before I started pushing my walking.

    Katla - wonderful about the anti-monkey butt cream. Here in Louisiana we have Boudreaux's Butt Paste. I'm sorry I didn't think about it.

    Lenora - I forgot to mention that one summer I lifeguarded a pool at an apartment building where lots of Cuban families lived. I learned two phrases in Cuban-accented Spanish: "No corre!" and "No expectare a la piscina!" -- "Don't run!" and "Don't spit in the swimming pool!"

    Joyce - can your husband eat bananas? Potassium can help w/ cramping. Something my nurse sister-in-law taught me - the way to clear a cramp is to stretch the muscle. So if it's in the calf, pull the toes of that foot up. For a while I had a cloth belt next to the bed so that if I cramped I could put it under my instep and pull w/ both hands.
    How horrid that someone would glue an animal's mouth shut.

    Heather - instead of punishing yourself with calories, could you punish yourself with some chore you dislike? :)

    Allison, it's a shame Tom yells at you when someone else does something bad or stupid.
    How often do you visit Tom's dad? Could you keep the candy at home, and bring 28 pieces a week to the nursing home?
    According to this, the 52-oz bag holds about 175 pieces, so a bag should last about 6 weeks at 4 pieces a day.

    Barbie, that does look tasty. Thanks!

    KMHilinski-Yayforthe logging, the feeling better, and the 5K. The scale will eventually move.

    csofled - I should note that you'll find Cynthia Voigt in the young adult section. I love her work.

    Machelle - <<<hugs>>> I'm so glad that the lump was just a scar. I'm very sorry about your sister's death. Five pounds over eight months is a bad trend, but it's reversible. <<<hugs>>>

    Carey and DJanet - thanks! It's one of um, a lot of limericks I've written for a peculiar and quixotic enterprise called the Omnificent English Dictionary in Limerick Form. http://www.oedilf.com
    I've been ignoring my usual online haunts for this place lately. I need to find some balance. But at this point, I don't seem to be able to lose weight without getting compulsive about it.

    yanniejannie - you're welcome for the Carl Sandburg memories. :) The one I memorized as a kid starts out "Look out how you say proud words". (Though with more linebreaks.)

    Miakoda - WOW! 36 to 18 is WAY impressive. And only spending $200! And only 20 pounds from "overweight"! You've lost seven times that already, so you can do it.

    Meg - you're absolutely right about the importance of swimming.

    Michele in NC - I don't think I've ever made sweet potato fries. I eat 'em, but don't make 'em. Sorry.

    Jen - I donno what to suggest about the silent treatment, and you''ve already gotten some good suggestions. For whatever it may be worth, Consumer Reports says stainless steel is harder to keep clean than the other surfaces.

    Evangelia - I often have trouble getting recommended amounts of protein. Never have any trouble with sugars - I loooove fruit.

    Great how-we-met stories!
    I'm not married, but The Man In My Life and I have been an item since '83 and sharing space since '86. We met at work in the AP's Washington bureau in the mid '70s - he was a copyboy and I was a typewriter attachment (job title: news dictationist). We fell in love, or a reasonable facsimile <g>, when he visited for Mardi Gras 1983.

    Kim in N Calif - sounds like a smart way to deal w/ the cookie critiquing. Five Miles! Wow.

    JanetM in NO

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Hello 'fat chatters'. Another hot day today but not as bad. Now we go back to rain for awhile.

    Cynthia, thanks for the info on 'posting'. Now I feel so intelligent.

    Allison, Huge hugs to you today. <3 I am so sorry that Tom lashed out at you over something that wasn't your fault. Hope your kitchen is to your liking when it is done.

    Carol Peach, We both take a senior multi-vitamin, a calcium +D and an eye health vitamin. And his heart doctor has him on extra Vitamin D3. So he takes a lot of vitamins. I am just glad he sees two different doctors Thursday and Monday. He told me today that he also has general aches in his chest muscles. I will be so glad when he gets better. I think he hasn't been able to make it to the bathroom 3 times today. He gets a gas pain and them wham. His Dad just gave up when he got cancer and he says he is about to that point and he really doesn't have a lot ot live for. I sure hope he says yes to these treatments and they act fast.

    Machelle, great news about the negative biopsy. You can do this! When you move, drag me along with you. I need a lot of encouragement right now.

    Tonia, what is that Karaoke app? My husband is a very avid Karaoke junkie. He will go to about any place he can find. Of course with his health he is really cutting back on that. He has about 300 songs that he has mastered. I sing in my church choir and do duets and trios. I would do a solo if the right one came along.

    Sylvia, I'm like you in the swimming, I can paddle enough to get from one side of the pool to the other. I haven't been to a pool in a long time but loved just jumping off the diving board, not diving but just jumping.

    Naomi, so glad to see you back. I was wondering about you the other day when you were coming back.

    Mia, of my heavens, that is enough woes to last 5 years and you had them all in one day. Hope everyone stays safe.

    DJ, oh no. I was hoping some one would see my suggestion of the Preparation H and be curious enough to try it and report back. I don't like the idea of using something like that around my eyes.

    Yanni, the german shephard sounds like a wonderful old dog. So glad he was able to stay with his buddy. It is so interesting to watch the interactions between animals. My youngest daughter takes her 3 dogs to the dog park all the time. There is always a King, a judge, a punisher, a tattle tale and sometimes the smallest ones are the loudest and biggest personalities. She has 3 dogs, all from rescue sites. She has an old dog, he was getting real slow until she joined the dog park and he could get more exercise, then she got her favorite a boxer puppie. Now he was a character but he is about 9 years old and slowing down and then she has another Heinz 57 that was severely abused and she fostered him for a long time until she decided that no matter whether she ever got him to warm up to humans, especially men that she could never let anyone else have him. So she has a postage stamp size yard and finally gave up and grass and has the whole yard covered with these heavy duty tarps she gets from her work. Of course she has to do regular work on it to keep it clean. So she brings them over to our house about once a month to let them run in our big back yard.

    Sylvia, I thought of you today. I was watching a video on face book about this master craftsman that does ceramics. His vases and other things he made looked like they were made of lace.

    I am so sorry to say that I do sleep better now that I resurrected my CPAP and started using it again. And then I added Melatonin 2 mg. My fitbit says I move maybe twice a night. And I mean just move.

    Am I the only one who met my husband the normal way???? Well it all had to do with me flunking the OB course in nursing school. So I had to retake it in the fall semester. That made me start work November 19th. The first day was general hospital orientation which any new employee took at the same time. My husband was in that orientation class! His eyes were on a cute pharmacist that was also starting but he soon found out she wasn't easy to get along with. He was a pharmacy technician. So we started flirting with each other in December and January. On February 18th I saw him standing in the line at the coffee shop but he didn't have a ticket. So I asked him what he was in line for. He said he was getting a package of gum. It told him I had some so he could come upstairs and get some. He did, he asked me right there in front of all the people at the nurses desk if I was free that night. I wasn't so that was our first date. I had a date with some one else the next night and told that guy that I didn't want to see him anymore. We were engaged in March and married in September of that year, basically 7 months. That was in 1972, still together, not getting along at times but still hanging together.

    I get the silent treatment form my husband quite often. When we are in the car, he likes to not talk to anyone or have anyone talk to him so he can concentrate on those &&*^^^*&(&%% drivers. It drives me crazy if it's just a 30 minute drive. And his main goal in retirement was for us to travel the US! And there would be silence in the car as we are driving 800 miles in one day. Ain't happening buddy. But we never knew that he would have all the health problems he is having. I sure hope that when he has his appointment with the GI guy July 2nd that he does accept these expensive treatments and they act fast. I imagine he has about 8 - 10 BMs a day and today I know he wasn't able to make it to the bathroom in time. With what his Parkinson's does to his outside physical self, tremors, his walk and then incontinent, it is so demoralizing to him. He is barely making it emotionally.

    Take care ladies, I have got to get my body back in the mind set of exercising again. I'm pushing 200 now and I do not want to do that. And I don't want to go buy a size 14 wardrobe. I have no idea how I am still wearing my size 12 clothes.

    Love you all, Joyce, Indiana
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,330 Member
    Joyce - sending lots of love and the biggest HUGS to you. It is very hard seeing someone you love suffer. <3 You have such a big heart.

    Got to go to London.
    Love Heather x x x x UK
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,786 Member
    Phew~ trying to keep up with y'all is a feat in itself.
    Cheri- would love to know some of the tendincies for Aspergers, I am wondering if Tom has alot of that ...high functioning of course, and he would never admit anything is wrong anyway...
    the kitchen is coming along and looking good but we probably wont get the countertops for at least a month, they are backed up 5 teams working 6 days a week and can't keep up, they said 2 weeks maybe...
    That is an awesome Idea about bringing 28 pieces a week... very very smart.. will do that. we spent I think 12 bucks for the 52oz and i did pic out the twix for the staff to have.. but 3 weeks and it is all gone? will do that from now on..
    guess what came from Fed Ex yesterday? <3:) yup it is set up and charging,,, my Ipad mini and the first app I downloaded? hmmmm? can ya guess? yup MFP..
    we had a nasty quick storm come through last night we lost the top of a tree at work.. tree's down everywhere,
    I have to get in the shower , im going out to see DFIL and I can't remember who asked, but I go out almost every day. to see him and the other residents they have come to love me too <3
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
  • Debbieclark11
    Debbieclark11 Posts: 18 Member
    Oh wow - I just found this group and I am excited! I am so stuck right now - 54 years old - menopause and finding this weight loss thing slow, slow, slow going. I am very active and just now logging my foods. Still I am not finding the right combination. Sigh......... maybe you all will have some magical words of wisdom! :)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    "Sylvia........Glad you had such a great evening and got such a big hug. antelope?"

    YannieJannie, that should have said cantaloupe. Darn autocorrect.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Oh wow - I just found this group and I am excited! I am so stuck right now - 54 years old - menopause and finding this weight loss thing slow, slow, slow going. I am very active and just now logging my foods. Still I am not finding the right combination. Sigh......... maybe you all will have some magical words of wisdom! :)

    Since you are exercising, yet not finding your goal, insofar as what will make you start losing the weight; portion out your food and maybe talk to your MD about how many calories you should use in order to start losing. Maybe as low as 1000 - 1200. Usually, they can or will give you a menu to follow in order to keep your caloric intake within that range. More important - start upping your water intake to 8 8oz. glasses of water or more. I don't think that most people are drinking enough water per day. I know I wasn't - I'd be doing good to get 5 glasses in. If you want some recipes that are 550 calories or less - I have several that were given to me at the Medical Weight Loss Plan I am in (can only have one of these meals during the day). I think I posted them earlier in this thread; but, I don't remember who I sent it to. I think it was yesterday when I posted them.

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    JanetMMcC wrote: »
    Lenora - I forgot to mention that one summer I lifeguarded a pool at an apartment building where lots of Cuban families lived. I learned two phrases in Cuban-accented Spanish: "No corre!" and "No expectare a la piscina!" -- "Don't run!" and "Don't spit in the swimming pool!"
    JanetM in NO

    That is funny! But, I am sure he had to do that to get their attention. I'm sure we had a lot to spit in the water, just not too many would we noticed doing it. One day at camp we threw in a Baby Ruth to see how long it would stay in the pool until someone noticed it, thinking it was something else. We were a wild bunch of life guards. Sometimes we'd stay late just to be able to swim and play in the water without having kids to constantly watch. Night swimming with the lights on in the pool was very relaxing to say the least especially when we could watch the baseball games played by some of the adults in the town . . . we had a perfect line of view from the 1st base side.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,972 Member
    Oh wow - I just found this group and I am excited! I am so stuck right now - 54 years old - menopause and finding this weight loss thing slow, slow, slow going. I am very active and just now logging my foods. Still I am not finding the right combination. Sigh......... maybe you all will have some magical words of wisdom! :)

    My "words of wisdom"
    *log every single bite of everything you eat or drink
    *go over your log and look for the empty calories and get rid of them and replace them with more nutritionally dense foods so you get more food and more nourishment for fewer calories
    *keep coming back here and never, never, never give up

    <3 Barbie

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Morning gals!

    A mere 66 degrees this morning so heading out for my walk!
    Have a good one will be back later :)

    Cheri (in cool Fairlawn, Ohio)
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just popping in, caught up on the reading, got to go set out some fresh bread and get some pizza crusts made up and pre-baked for tonight's dinner. The kids pull out tomorrow... love 'em, but Lordie I'm tired. I've read everything - and had written this story out for something else, thought I'd share it... Plus a picture of Corey with our three-month old granddaughter...

    Diet-wise - Made it to 150 grams of protein every day--NOT easy, had to add a protein shake--and changed nothing else. The kids have been running with me, so I've been able to stick to my exercise routine, as well. Two of the three pounds I gained are gone... and I'm eating 1400-1600 calories a day, which feels like I'm stuffing myself. Weird. We'll see if the weight loss continues.

    My Corey love story...

    I met Corey a week and a half after I left my now-ex husband and drove down to Texas. The second day I worked at my present company, I was standing on the balcony overlooking the shop (it's a big shop, the trucking department is on the second floor), and just marveling at the huge trucks, more than a dozen of them, all under some kind of repair. I was joking with one of the girls that worked for me, told her I felt like Juliet standing on a balcony, and demonstrating the princess wave (elbow, elbow, wrist-wrist-wrist) when Corey walked 'round one of them, looked up at the balcony and saw me. He said "Hello, princess!" and I just fell down laughing.

    He and I talked a bit nearly every morning, as we were both in by 6 a.m. He was nearly at the end stage of his divorce, and of course I couldn't even get mine started yet... but we did some mild flirting, he grinned every time he saw me, and I'm sure I grinned back. I had to go across the shop two or three times a day to get to the ladies room, and somehow, nearly every time, I'd hear "Hello, Princess!" and there he'd be... I finally asked him why he kept calling me that, and found out that his now ex-wife is also named Lisa. He had also gotten into a relationship with another lady, and I still wasn't divorced, so it was still hands-off. For both of us... he's not that kind of guy.

    The months went by, I moved over to my permanent office in a new building. Six months later, he stopped in my office just to visit... Just as a joke, I asked him, "So, you got rid of that girlfriend yet?" He blinked at me, smiled, and said, "Well, actually...yes." We talked a bit more, he walked outside for a moment, and I wrote my phone number down on a sticky note. Walked out right behind him, and asked him if he was willing to come look at the taillight on my car, which had been bashed in weeks before. I'd gotten the replacement, but hadn't got it put in yet. When he said, "Sure!," I was shaking so hard I could barely talk...but I handed him the note with my number on it, asked him to call me before he came to the house, and I'd tell him how to get there.

    When he came to the house, he looked at the taillight, said not to worry about taking it to a body shop, he'd bring over his tools another time and fix it... and he kissed me before he left. After being over every night for a week and a half, he finally fixed the light... and I went into mourning, thinking I'd never see him again. He called again the next night, and the next. Two weeks later, he told me he loved me, and I told him I loved him, as well. Seven months later I married him. He came with a 15-year-old boy and a 17-year-old girl, both of whom are married now, both in the military (Air Force and Army respectively), and both of whom called me "Mom" pretty much from the jump.

    June 29 will be our 6th anniversary. Joy for me was once a sometime thing. Now it's a forever thing, and a daily thing, and I am the most fortunate of women. He also cooks. :wink:

    Lisa from foggy West Texas


  • HoneyRose77
    HoneyRose77 Posts: 42 Member
    Mia - congrats on your weight loss and on your lowering your BMI! The singing app is a blast for me and very relaxing, too. I learn so many songs I wouldn't normally listen to.

    CityJane - have a great and safe trip to London being with your grandkids.

    It's hard to keep up with y'all, but I'm trying to read what I can and get a picture of what everyone is going through.

    I like quotes, so I may end with a Quote of the Day: "There is no substitution for hard work." Thomas Edison.

    Happy Wednesday to all.
  • allhiscreations
    allhiscreations Posts: 5 Member
    Hi ..im gin! I am 64 ...5/1....130.
    I am small built. So...in that light , I would like to say :smile: I have always been into exercising. .most all my life. The last 10 years or so..I have been lazy! I always said I need to stay under 120..at the most! Now I say I need to stay under 130..at the most! Lol. ..well..I went o WWs..last year when I climbed up to 140. I lost 12-13 lbs. Which was my weight goal for my age and size WHAT EVER!! I am a lifetime member..but I havent been attending the meeting every month..mainly because every dang time..I get ready to go....at 6pm...I might add!..I WEIGHT MORE THEN I WANT TO! SO..I DONT GO....ok...here's where I am now....WEIGHT 130..GAINED A COUPLE LBS...BUT NOT REALLY..DEPENDING ON THE DAY.
  • allhiscreations
    allhiscreations Posts: 5 Member
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    @Lisa: I LOVE your princess love story. How incredibly romantic. Joy to you!
  • SlenderClassyElegant
    SlenderClassyElegant Posts: 62 Member
    edited June 2015
    JanetMMcC wrote: »
    Jen - I donno what to suggest about the silent treatment, and you''ve already gotten some good suggestions. For whatever it may be worth, Consumer Reports says stainless steel is harder to keep clean than the other surfaces.

    JanetM in NO

    @JanetMMcC: Oh lord; I was able to change the order for a stainless steel dishwasher last night. DH and I had a really good talk and I used all my "conversation skills" to try to get at why he was so upset. It was the price, not the color. So I went back to Sears and adjusted our order to get what we both wanted.

    I'll learn to clean stainless steel carefully and make better purchase choices next time. washing-dishes-smiley-emoticon.gif

    @drkatiebug and @michele: Thanks for the kind words of comfort. I know there's always hope! After 23 years of praying for answers about DH's weird behaviors (he's also a really great guy, responsible, kind (sometimes), and wants to please me), perhaps the answers are now coming. I am willing to do almost ANYTHING to keep my marriage intact and growing.

    ~Jen in (summer with sweet blooming jasmine) California

  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    Hi ..im gin! I am 64 ...5/1....130.
    I am small built. So...in that light , I would like to say :smile: I have always been into exercising. .most all my life. The last 10 years or so..I have been lazy! I always said I need to stay under 120..at the most! Now I say I need to stay under 130..at the most! Lol. ..well..I went o WWs..last year when I climbed up to 140. I lost 12-13 lbs. Which was my weight goal for my age and size WHAT EVER!! I am a lifetime member..but I havent been attending the meeting every month..mainly because every dang time..I get ready to go....at 6pm...I might add!..I WEIGHT MORE THEN I WANT TO! SO..I DONT GO....ok...here's where I am now....WEIGHT 130..GAINED A COUPLE LBS...BUT NOT REALLY..DEPENDING ON THE DAY.

    If you are a lifetime member of ww you know what you need to do to get rid of 7lbs. So I would say burn more calories. Get outside and move more. You already know how and what to eat. So as you say "I have been Lazy" easy to fix. Meetup with someone to workout or hike or bike whatever get off the couch.
    You got this.

    Lutz Fl