

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Margaret ~ loved the bad day stories and passed along to my email buds.
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Sorry for the double posts.

    I've got less than 200 calories for the rest of the day. :#
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    stats for the day:
    day off so didn't get to ride, strictly gym
    Expresso bike machine- extreme trail, savage revenge- 1hr 43min 3sec, 97aw, 11.7amph, 20.02mi = 750cal
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    edited June 2015
    afternoon peep-heads- holy crap-o-la peep-c's don't u have anything else to do??? geez about 90million posts to skim thru!!
    no work for me, just had a minute to skim thru this stuff, put in my stats and now i gotta go to the eyeball dr. be back... this poop is pooped!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    annr - to your non believing husband, tell him to go to renovo.com. that is where the bike was made (in oregon) U.S. grown wood.

    exermom - yeah i wanna move in with you... color or no color, yOU GOTTA POOL!! yes, "c" means calories and you are right "crunches are with my knees bent, then with my legs up in the air w/knees bent, then with my legs straight up.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    terewilliams - roflmfao!!!! too tired to go downstairs to get the ice cream... GOOD!! u didn't need it anyway!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    so far, went to the gym, went to walgreens, go to starbucky's, go tan, go to the pet store, go to costco, go pick up floyd, take him to the groomers, let the kids out for a pee, go back to costco, fill up gas, log my workout, read posts, now gotta go to the doc then probably floyd will be ready to pick up, then bring him home, need to give winkle a bath.... i'm sure i'm missing something.. is that busy enough for you?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    afternoon peep-heads- holy crap-o-la peep-c's don't u have anything else to do??? geez about 90million posts to skim thru!!
    no work for me, just had a minute to skim thru this stuff, put in my stats and now i gotta go to the eyeball dr. be back... this poop is pooped!
    You are a hoot! Love your attitude and smile! :)
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi Ladies. I’m in between classes right now, so I took an after lunch walk outside. It’s around 90 and after 20 minutes, it got hot! I went outside because of the hills thinking I’d burn a few more calories that way! I am well on my way to 8000 steps right now.

    SSC: Blessings and prayers for the families of the slain officers. Having just had an officer killed here a couple of weeks ago I know how traumatic that is for the whole community. Good news on the cardiac rehab visit

    Janet: sounds like you are really doing well!

    Kim: I feel like I am missing so much of everyone’s lives when I can’t stay caught up.

    Joyce: you’re so sweet

    Alison: is listada an eggplant?

    Rosie: congrats on the upcoming graduation…it feels good to launch them, doesn’t it?

    DrKatie: I have to say you cracked me up. I was reading what you said about cleaning floors and I’m thinking “did I comment about cleaning?” and “did I comment about getting new floors and keeping them clean?” DUH! Thanks for the analogy!!!

    Wait…what’s wrong with Alfred dunner I ask as I look at the tag on my shirt….

    Lisa: good luck on your book signing! Did you float away in the recent floods?

    GRIT: 5.5 months is a good time to get the benefit from hospice services. My mom lived for 3 days on hospice and dad was on it for 2 whole hours. Worst hospice referral ever!

    Jules: good job on the elliptical

    Lillian: what great progress!

    Sylvia: I was just so proud of myself when you mentioned that I was hotter than you…..then I read the rest of your sentence! ::O I’m having reading trouble today! I’m going to have to borrow your broomstick *(they did not issue me one)

    Terri” I have heard that walking backwards on the treadmill is a great exercise

    Katla: I didn’t realize you were in a drought. I always think of Washington and Oregon as being so rainy!

    Sharon: welcome!

    Ydaily: we have a shop here where they custom make bras! I’ve never been but I want to

    Mary MN: so sorry about Apple Jack!

    Carol: today is my long day too…8-7 p.m. bleh!

    Margaret: yes I am feeling better now! Thanks

    Jane: hope you are feeling up to par again soon

    Sue: OMG you reminded me of those panties and I just about spit out my water! That was funny.

    Who on earth was too tired to go downstairs for ice cream? That is not a problem I will ever have. Who ever it was needs to borrow Sylvia’s broomstick!

    Well ladies, it’s nearly time to go teach til 7. I want to thank all of you for your positive support and your friendship. I really don’t know what I’d do without you all. Take care, Meg from steamy Omaha
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Quick hello to everyone. Sunny, hot, humid. Gym this am, grocery store. Have mtg. At six for police group I volunteer with, tried to make a little something with puff pastry......decided I hate puff pastry. Ended up just brushing a sheet with melted butter, sprinkled with brown sugar and cinnamon, sliced in strips, twisted and baked. Will take with, those guys are not picky but had hopes for a better offering.

    This has to be quick so I am going to miss a lot of what I wanted to say.

    Meg.......NO, just NO. I do not know how ANY of you who work full time make it here but I am grateful that you do!

    Carey.....so sorry to hear about the death of your officer and the entire incident, awful beyond words! Hugs!

    Mary......condolences about your Applejack, sounds like he was well loved! Beautiful pic.

    MnMargaret.....laughed until I cried! Thanks so much.

    Sylvia.......I am sorry your son is having soooo much trouble medically. How horrific to not have oxygen avail. When needed. Hugs to all of you.

    Katla....wanted to say I thought you gave good advice to someone but can not remember who or what it was......arrrrrrghhhh, anyway kudos for something.

    Trying to write a appeal thingy for one of the volunteer groups I am involved in, one of those go fund me things......driving me crazy and I bet we will not be allowed to post it anyway, not sure how I ended up with the job anyway.

    And I am on th iPad as the pc has decided to not let me on, hateful beast.
    Yanniejannie..flustered and frustrated...this too shall pass

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited June 2015
    @Chris in MA
    lol Well
    janetr7476 wrote: »
    Myrtle Beach, SC

    I lost 125# total. You're right it's not easy, but my weight just rolled off. I couldn't keep up with it. But I am thrilled and feel so much better. I have been able to get off of meds for Type II diabetes, high blood pressure and high cholesterol. I had a right knee replacement just over 4 months ago. I breezed thru it, I'll have the left knee replaced in September. None of this would have happened 125# ago. I WILL keep it off. Thanks for the encouragement. Hang in there, the rest of yours will come off. I did start adding more activity/exercise than I'd ever done before on a regular basis.

    How did you manage to get that weight to roll off? I have a vision of if rolling down a hill!

    Chris in MA

    Lol sorry, it did rather sound like that. Janet in Myrtle Beach and I had posted that we both had gastric bypass surgery. She said she was struggling to lose the last of the weight to get to her goal.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sharon6248 wrote: »
    I'm new here! Time to get back to the right path - no more excuses! I'm off work all summer so my goal is to be active every day! I have found it so difficult to lose weight after 50. I'm trying to keep a positive attitude, and accept that a healthier lifestyle is more important than a number on a scale, and I hope this group will keep me on board with that!

    Welcome Sharon, glad you're on board. We're here when you need us. I'm new too and really enjoying it.

    in Oklahoma City

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    OK my bad it is called Lysteda...sorry spelled it wrong.. Working till 6.will catch up later <3
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @ Meg from steamy Omaha - Janet: sounds like you are really doing well!

    Not sure which Janet you were responding too, but I'll take all the encouragement I can get. Still pumped about it, still have not been hungry and have tried new recipes every day this week. My hubby (tall and skinny) has really liked them too. Luckily he's not a picky eater, that helps.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Megblair1 - we changed the Hospice Care we had for our Mother - 1st one was not coming when they were supposed to and not doing the things they had said they'd do. ALF owner told sister what was happening; and they got 'fired' immediately. Referral to another was much better.
  • tipper65
    tipper65 Posts: 13 Member
    Ok , after reading this board I can see that my exercise needs to go up!!! You ladies are all so active and weight lifting. I have been biking and walking and eating 1200 cals a day but in 40 days have lost 6 lbs. Im 59 and have been pretty sedate so any suggestions for a video thats easy on the knees?? How do you all feel about Leslies walk away with weights??

    What a great group!! I book marked it.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Mary :) So sorry to hear about AppleJack! What a beauty he was! Your daughter is beautiful as well!!

    Cynthia :) My my, what a good little doggie sitting there soaking his paw <3 ! I'm pretty sure Noel would never do that :noway:! Hope his paw is feeling better!!!

    Margaret :) Love your post! I'll have to copy it and reread it when I think I'm having a bad day!

    Meg :) I love reading your posts! I especially love the adventures of Benny!!! I still remember the time he got on the dining room table and ate the bread, the time he peed in the electrical outlets :laugh:! You should write a book about his adventures!

    Carol/Peach :) Have a big salad with tons of veggies for dinner and maybe a little chicken on top, if you put dressing on very lightly you can probably stay around 200 calories!

    Carol NC :) I hate those days where I feel like I'm an empty pit. I had one of those days recently, seemed I ate everything in sight, good thing I didn't have more at home to eat. Funny thing was, I was down a pound the next day :happy:!

    Pip :) I would say you've had a busy day :# ! Hope the eyeball Dr. appt. went well.

    I did not get my nap yesterday afternoon :grumble:. The guys showed up to to repair a paver in my driveway and Noel didn't like that at all :noway:! She is a barker, I swear she likes to hear herself talk! The paver guys are the same the ones that were here last summer, they call Noel "Little Boss" . The name suits her well....

    Hope everyone is having a wonderful day and a wonderful evening! It is time to get off this iPad and take Little Boss for a walk!

    DeeDee in gorgeous NC B)

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,688 Member
    just got back. it's 2:43pm and i haven't stopped from doing stuff. just brought floyd home from the groomers after the eyeball appointment. i'm half blind cuz of my eyes being dilated. squinted to pick up the boy, now i'm getting a headache from squinting. so i should get a new prescription in time for vegas and that's a good thing, now i gotta give bullwinkle a bath outside.

    i'm kinda bummed that i didn't do over 1k burn today but my excuse is cuz i didn't go to work today so that means i didn't ride to work and ride home which would have brought me over that. i went to do the 5:15am class and she usually does 2 classes back to back and i was going to do them but i got up there and she had a sub that i don't care for (the style of class, not her). so i went downstairs and did the expresso bike (virtual trail stationary bike) and i did the hardest, longest one the had. i had done that before and when you have an account, it shows you your "ghost" of your previous ride. kinda gives u incentive to beat your last time. well from riding all week, my ghost rider kicked my a@# by 18minutes lmao!!!!! oh well at least i got 750 cal. in. my shirt and shorts were soaked. i had to put them thru the swim suit spinner to get the excess sweat off. i weighed myself and i was at 132 and at least 2 lbs of that was sweat. lololol

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,795 Member
    Pip~ I wanna be you when I grow up~ Damn Girl you put us all to shame...
    no formal exercise of late, except walking the dogs...mowing the lawn...
    I have to get back into some routine,, would love a virtual bikeride like that.. sounds awesome..
    Well I think my DFIL said it best today as I was shoveling wheaties in his mouth this morning, He said stay away from my wheaties your fat enough already :p God Love him he cracks me up sometimes... I take it all with a grain of salt.. but it is an eye opener ..
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    You guys brighten my day. In comparison to you all I live a very dull and ordinary life! Keep you life stories coming as I am living vicariously through yours!
    Cheri in Fairlawn