

  • HulaMama7487
    HulaMama7487 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there - I'm new to MFP message boards so I feel like I'm at a new school, barging in on established relationships, but I'm in my late 50's (which i can hardly believe) and struggling with a sugar addiction and looking for support. I'm pretty active and eat super clean, but can't lay off the sweets. I am hoping to find support and motivation somewhere. Have I come to the right place?
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »

    Cheri, I know we all like to see the scale move, but the reality is, if you can tell it in your clothes, that is better than being the other way around. Just keep up the good work and the scale will move. I’ve had the scale sit in one place for a month, which was very disheartening, but then it moved again. Like you said, you are in it for the long haul, so hang in there. We are with you!!JanetMyrtle Beach, SC

    Thanks for the supportive words. I am feeling stronger and my pants are fitting better so I will be patient with the numbers. It is very disheartening but it will move again as you advise! :)
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Cheri – congrats on the NSV. Better fitting clothes is a better indicator than the scale, but I’m the same way. I noticed my belly is sagging WAY down, which technically means it is getting smaller, but I freak when the numbers on the scale does not decrease. We just need to keep up the good work. Terri in Milwaukee

    Thank you for pointing out that this moment is a NSV! I totally did not look at it that way!

    Katla49 wrote: »
    Mary from MN:
    csofled: It sounds like you’ve hit a plateau. Keep doing the right thing and it will eventually pass. Several of us were vying for Plateau Princess a while back. It seems to be a normal part of the weight-loss process. :flowerforyou:

    Love it! Plateau Princess!

    pipcd34 wrote: »
    morning peep-er-roonies and welcome new peep-squeaks !!!I am a skimmer of all these posts if I run into some comment that is yelling out at me, then I tend to reply as it with the following comment to our comrade in arms:csofled - don't concentrate on the scale so much right now, it mentally beats you down. just keep doing what you're doing, stay on track, DON'T give up, walk, walk walk, put on some high jamming music, throw those headphones on and keep at it.

    I have every intention of keeping at it! I want to prove to myself that in the long run I am doing what is necessary to live a life with intention towards health and fitness in a manner which I can sustain through the rest of my 50s and beyond.
    Cheri, don’t give up! Change something. Try changing up what you are eating to get the same calorie count; for example, if you’re eating more carbs and less protein, try switching it to less carbs and more protein for a few days. Or if you’re always walking, try doing some other type of exercise for a few days; maybe a DVD/video or a YouTube workout. It WILL come off.

    I've been thinking of changing something as you suggest. I am a creature of habit but perhaps in this situation it is not necessarily a good thing.

    Thanks so much for the supportive words of encouragement. I take it all to heart <3 !
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    My sister's fur-babies. She thinks that Yukon, the blonde on the right, is surrendering to his multi-year cancer battle .
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,092 Member
    Pat love the clematis!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    edited June 2015
    Just gone on Amazon and found a floppy disk drive! Cheap! I hope it works, but if it doesn't I haven't lost a lot. I also found a company that recovers disks that are a bit "fatigued". Mine must be 18 years old at least! ! ! ! It will be strange to be able to access some ancient history. :noway: I have others with short stories and poetry on. Will any of them rise from the dead? :laugh:

    Heather UK
  • tngram2seven
    tngram2seven Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, there!

    Taking time to read about you all and write a little before leaving for work. My lady bits are feeling much better today. Even the pee doesn't seem to bother them. Thanks for the tips about the Bag Balm, girls. I'll get some for "just in case". Of course the reason I am so bummed about the No Pool is that this is the way I get most of my cardio and steps. I did a senior low impact class today and will try to get to work early so I can walk the track before my shift begins.

    Hulamoma (and other Newbies) - don't feel like you are the new kid at school. We are not clickish on this thread! Many have been here years, some months, and some just a week or two. Your interaction with us is how we get to know you, and we WANT TO GET TO KNOW YOU! So jump right it.

    Lisa - I think it is wonderful that you are pursuing your calling. Even though the book signing was a bit disappointing just think of what it took for you to write that book, publish it, and get it "out there"! You should be proud of your accomplishments! Loved the pic of you!

    Heather - I am "brewing" my own kefir right now. My acupuncturist gave me a starter. It has been "cooking" for 3 days. I plan to get up the courage eat/drink it tomorrow. She says I won't die, but this is really strange! Do you agree that it won't kill me? I thought since you made your own yogurt you can be my expert in this arena!

    We are gaining so many new friends - double names are confusing me. (But then it doesn't take much to confuse me!) I love hearing about everyone's life and seeing all the pictures!

    Toni in Middle TN where it looks like rain is on its way
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Toni - never made kefir, but I know people who swear by it! Tell us how you get on with it! I am interested. Love fermented flavours. Like beer. And cheese. And wine. :laugh:

    Still agitating my brain about holiday insurance. Will ring up a company tomorrow and compare prices. I then realised that my EHIC runs out in November. That is a Europe wide mutual health agreement for treatment in each others countries. Mostly for free or much reduced rates. I went on line and have renewed it. I am so anal about crossing the Ts and dotting the Is. :laugh: No wonder I don't sleep. :ohwell:

    Heather x
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Well today I walked with my TOPS friends. What a great conversation we had! My 16 yr old got up early so he could jog TO the church where we start...THEN jog back home. He hates waiting for us to get ready....lol Plus I think he just wants to get it overwith. I am proud that he is listening to us and not whining about doing this. His body will thank him :-)
    Afterwards on the way home I saw a garage sale near our complex, so I walked over to it. I stopped at the garden and clipped off 5 large spinach leaves to take as bartering tools. Nothing I saw spoke to me, so I gave the spinach to a neighbor that started a community garden plot next to ours. Share the wealth is my motto!
    This weekend we were going to visit a nudist resort that is on the way to Portland. We have a family gathering on Sunday to spread my Father-in-laws ashes near Mt Hood. We decided to put off the resort visit until next month when our medical check comes in.... My husband was surprised that I was turning down the visit. I told him, I was just thinking realistically, and financially it will make the end of this month really LEAN if we do both. I would've liked to have gone, as least for my birthday present. (yes just GIVE me a reason to be nude hahahaha). Birthday present, birthday suit....there is a method to my madness..hahaha.
    Oh this morning I am 2 lbs down from my weight from the TOPS meeting. That is just crazy but I will take it. I am in the lower 240's and I have been soooo long in the 250's that mentally it takes awhile to adjust. Soon I will say, I am in the 230's then 220's....sighes...I get impatient can you tell?
    Have a glorious day y'all
    Becca by the beach that is a nudist...(we are all nudists under our clothes don't ya know!)
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Just wondering if anyone knows why Total fats do not add up to the total of saturated fats, polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats and transfats. I expected them to add up...what am I missing?
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Quick check in. I've been reading your posts at night just before bed, but haven't attempted shout outs because they will take too much time. Just know that I am seeing your words and am thinking of each of you.

    My friend and I walked for about 3 hours yesterday and 4 hours today and I was able to keep up with her! What a great feeling. Not only did my seat belt fit on the plane, but I fit in my seat space and the tray table could be pulled down. Many NSVs for me. I am thrilled.

    A's son, step-son and brother are coming in tonight so it was good to spend time with her before family starts to pour in. Tomorrow afternoon we will head over to her mother's house where there will be a dinner for everyone. Sunday is the memorial service followed by the burial (I cannot recall if I mentioned her father died) and a bar-b-q at A's house in the evening for 10 family members who will be staying in town overnight. I anticipate tomorrow ill be lots of laughter and reminiscing. Sunday may be a bit harder. With so many people milling around no one will notice how much or how little I eat so I should be able to stick to a good eating plan without busybodies urging me to eat.

    Mia from MI but sitting in FL right now
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Annr wrote: »
    Well today I walked with my TOPS friends. What a great conversation we had! My 16 yr old got up early so he could jog TO the church where we start...THEN jog back home. He hates waiting for us to get ready....lol Plus I think he just wants to get it overwith. I am proud that he is listening to us and not whining about doing this. His body will thank him :-)
    Afterwards on the way home I saw a garage sale near our complex, so I walked over to it. I stopped at the garden and clipped off 5 large spinach leaves to take as bartering tools. Nothing I saw spoke to me, so I gave the spinach to a neighbor that started a community garden plot next to ours. Share the wealth is my motto!
    This weekend we were going to visit a nudist resort that is on the way to Portland. We have a family gathering on Sunday to spread my Father-in-laws ashes near Mt Hood. We decided to put off the resort visit until next month when our medical check comes in.... My husband was surprised that I was turning down the visit. I told him, I was just thinking realistically, and financially it will make the end of this month really LEAN if we do both. I would've liked to have gone, as least for my birthday present. (yes just GIVE me a reason to be nude hahahaha). Birthday present, birthday suit....there is a method to my madness..hahaha.
    Oh this morning I am 2 lbs down from my weight from the TOPS meeting. That is just crazy but I will take it. I am in the lower 240's and I have been soooo long in the 250's that mentally it takes awhile to adjust. Soon I will say, I am in the 230's then 220's....sighes...I get impatient can you tell?
    Have a glorious day y'all
    Becca by the beach that is a nudist...(we are all nudists under our clothes don't ya know!)

    HA! I went to a 'nude' beach north of Miami Beach . . . had a lot of fun. Took a while to get used to it; but, that is a good way to meet the 'real' person you are talking to. Went skinny dipping on night under a full moon over Miami.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Going next door to get in son's pool and do some exercising for a while. Not in the mood for treadmill.
  • becmaness150
    becmaness150 Posts: 3 Member
    Gilly139 wrote: »
    Thanks Barbie for posting thread.
    Carol - Just as well he lives a long way from you. Try again now you have done it once, second time is always easier. (Unlike many others here, my partnership has only been 5 years - although if counted as times we actually spend together it is probably less than 1 year!)

    Cynthia - Hope ankle gets better soon.

    Joyce - Good job I was not beside you, I would probably have had tears running down my face from trying to keep laughter in :-)

    JanetM - I am so glad my job starts at 7am, I know I would not be able to get anything done if I started later. Should actually be out shopping now but thought you guys were more important after last months inactivity.

    Becca - love your June goals. Whoops spell check just changed your name to 'be careful'

  • becmaness150
    becmaness150 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello ladies,
    I am looking for some support and would like to join you if you don't feel you have too many to keep up with. I lost 98 pounds on WW and kept it off for a year. Each year after that I have put on 5-10 pounds. I am now 30 pounds heavier than I want to be. I exercise almost every day doing spin class, a 90 minute toning class, or yoga. My job is the problem because everyone brings in sweets and goodies. My June goals are to stay off of diet soda, exercise at least four times a week, and track every day on MGP.

    This is a follow on from the May Weight Loss Challenge. It works the same way: You set your own goals, then weigh in each week. (Feel free to change the weigh-ins to suit your own schedule.) Everyone is welcome, no matter what your goals may be. You don't need to have done the May challenge to join in June.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,709 Member
    tngram - nuh uhhh, we are clickish, don't lie!! don't believer her new peeps. lmao

    you know, this goes out to all you peeps that have a hard time working out, getting to the gym, whatever... I was thinking to myself, "self? what makes you workout everyday, day in, day out, ride the bike, day in day out" yesterday, I was having one of those days, I REALLY don't want to workout... getting on the bike to go workout, no big, only 3 miles but once I got there, I REALLY didn't want to. even though I was whining to myself, I was still taking off my biking stuff and putting on my monkey feet (vibram 5 finger shoes) and put my head phones on. I REALLY REALLY didn't want to run ESPECIALLY on a hill, but I found AS I was whining, I got my a@# on the treadmill, turned on the music, put it on an incline and did it anyway. after I was done, I didn't have that, "oh I feel so much better cuz I did it" because I STILL had to ride to the train station, THEN I was going to have to ride home, so my whining wasn't done yet. I gave myself a break and rode the 1.5mi to the train station instead of riding the 11 miles to work. I found myself feeling guilty because I didn't ride to work. AS MUCH as my legs were not hurting but I could feel them if you know what I mean, I told myself I was going to ride home (the hardest ride of the whole day). once I was getting closer to the end of the work day, I started complaining, I DON'T WANNA RIDE... but I rode home anyway. in all that day, what is it about me that makes me do it even if I don't want to and all I come up with is the same answer that maybe other people need to look at it in the same kind of way....

    everyone gets in their car to drive, I just get on the bike. going to the gym every day is like going to work every day, or going to the bathroom every day, gotta do it, right? it's just part of the day whether you like it or not. if you do it often enough, it too will be "just part of the day". what is even more amazing, I don't go there and meet somebody (no workout buddy) to give me more of a push, it's all me. just keep chuggin along, it too will be just another part of your every day.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @GRITSandSLUTS I think Florida has the most nudist resorts/beaches of all the states. There is even a nudist housing development that you can travel via a over-street walkway from one resort to the next..or to your home. Crazy. The AANR (American Assoc. for Nude Recreation) here in the states has an extensive legal dept, and there are some states where being nude in your home is a no-no. And of course they are supporting members that would like to bring their grankids to the resort, but then lose their grandparents rights in doing so. Lots of signatures need to happen legally to make that ok...parents/exs/ etc. I am a believer that there is appropriate places in being nude, and so the people that take a stand let say next to a school or church, is really pushing it. Most of the places my family and I have visited have "buffer zones" between the resort and the textile world. I do believe everyone should try it at least once. Its great for your self esteem. I started participating when I was 265 lbs, and to be totally accepted, and my weight being such a non-issue was liberating. To realize that being nude isn't a sexual statement, but just a state of being is humbling. To be poolside at a nudist resort, where everyone is on one plane of existance, no one person being better than the other is strange at first. I remember being friends with a couple of ladies, (my brain labled them the beautiful people of the world) and they appreciated what I had to say, and I was able to just be myself.

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mia - Congrats on all the NSV's. So proud ! ! ! :D
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Just a friendly invitation if you want to go beyond this wonderful setting and become Facebook friends I am available. :) My facebook name is Cheri Soforenko Lederman. Just send me a friend request if at all interested.
    Wishing everyone a wonderful Friday evening!
    Cheri in Fairlawn, Ohio (where we just got some gullygushing rain)!
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~felt better yesterday,today not so good.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,355 Member
    Pip - I'm the same. I do it whether I feel like it or not. Most days I DON'T feel like it! :laugh: I often moan and groan and talk about "torturing an old lady", but I just put one foot in front of the other and DO it. Other days I have a more positive attitude and almost enjoy it. I think it is important to make the exercise easily accessible like you with your biking and me with my machines and weights at home. Something that doesn't require huge planning and effort. Just part of your daily routine. That can be walking, or strength and floor exercises in front of the TV. I do my weights in the bedroom. You can do everything you need in the space of a yoga mat.
    For those with bad knees - I do some of my weights sitting on the bed because of my knees. Floor exercises are great. Chair exercises. NO EXCUSES! :laugh:

    It's pouring outside - absolutely chucking it down. I can hear it roaring down the drainpipes and into the water butts. Torrents. Great for the garden. :drinker:

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK