MFP Cycling Club



  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Thanks Dinos (I think?). That one of the purposes of a riding kit. Not that I ride fast enough to worry about aerodynamics but loose trousers can lead to saddle sores and I DON'T need those. There are enough things in my life trying to become a pain in my backside. :smile:

    I didn't mean to leave the ladies out of the challenge, either. It just didn't seem gentlemanly to ask to see them dressed to ride! :embarassed:
    Um.. I'm a lady.... :laugh:
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    Um.. I'm a lady.... :laugh:

    I'm gonna HAVE to look at the pictures closer (or go to the profiles and read them)....sorry! :embarassed:
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    LOL! I think it's fine for the biker chicks to post their pics, too!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Haha! :laugh: I don't like to post pics of myself. I've been changing my main profile pic to reflect the stage winners of the Tour. There is one pic of me in my profile wearing my old Discovery Team jersey tho :happy:
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    As I have no idea what a Riding Kit is, I can't say I have one or not. I tried biking in regular shorts, but the material was bunching up between my leg and the saddle. So, I don't have a pair of biking shorts with a chamios yet, (no local bike shop carries one and scared to mail order my size) but I did buy some spandex lycra shorts and and tight Danskin exercise top to match. Oh well, If you don't like what you see, pass me quick. lol

    Someday when I go to a bigger town to shop, I will get my riding shorts.

    @skywalker, your profile pics must not be of you?
    @tpusnr, I thing I would have been scared to death being "attached" to the bike as you said happened. Glad you got free and are ok.

    I missed my ride this am, due to selling one of my siberian husky puppies to a lady from out of town. May try to ride a bit more tomorrow. It is way to hot to go in the 105 heat index during the high sun sky.
  • TnTHawkins
    TnTHawkins Posts: 285 Member
    TnTHawkins burned 2316 calories doing 114 minutes of "Cycling (Avg 17.0 MPH)"

    It was one of those hard rides even though it has roughly the same route. Distance ended up being 32.18 tonight and I did 29.38 on tuesday. I plan on riding either Saturday or Sunday but I'm taking a rest day tomorrow.
  • tipusnr
    tipusnr Posts: 572
    TnTHawkins burned 2316 calories doing 114 minutes of "Cycling (Avg 17.0 MPH)"

    It was one of those hard rides even though it has roughly the same route. Distance ended up being 32.18 tonight and I did 29.38 on tuesday. I plan on riding either Saturday or Sunday but I'm taking a rest day tomorrow.

    Good ride!
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Nice job, Todd! :drinker:
  • dinos
    dinos Posts: 1,390 Member
    My worse mishap with a bike doesn't have to do with accidents. I had several of these over the years, but nothing very serious. When I was about 14-15 years old I wanted a bike so bad, but my dad wouldn't buy me one. He helped me find a summer job instead, where I worked for a couple of months, collected the money and bought a Mercier road bike. It was a dream to have this bike, I was feeling 10 feet tall and so proud. Unfortunately the dream lasted only a few months, because the bike got stolen :sad: :brokenheart:
    Ever since I have an withdrawal syndrome. I've got to have a bike, and thanks to you people I'm now motivated to ride it more and more
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    I had a great ride today. Being a geeky science teacher, I had to stop a mile from my house, find an empty soda bottle (trash along road) and stop to pick up a freshly killed copperhead snake. I love finding nice snake road kill. I will skin it and use it to teach with.

    I just installed a memory foam seat cover for my bike's saddle. Wow, that helps. I was just startled by this one, rude, and dangerous pickup truck that past me at what seemed like 100 mph. He did get over, but didn't slow one bit.

    Ok, it is official, since I have not purchased a speedometer yet, my top cruising speed on a flat patch of road is just a bit over that of the dragon fly that I chased. I you think I need to contact Guinness book of world records? lol

    I have another question for pondering? How do you deal with that territorial big scary dog that runs out barking and chasing you down the road? I was chased by this pitbull dog. I was already going at my top speed, or so I thought. But he jumps out at me and I must have added 5 more mph. Do you just run, use some type of pepper spray, or talk to the dog and try to become his friend? Anyway, food for thought.

    Dinos, man, that really must have been saddening for a young boy, to work hard for his dream yet to be stole from you.
  • megamom
    megamom Posts: 920 Member
    RAGBRAI starts here Sunday so we should have anywhere from 10,000 to 30,000 riders in town. Since I am grounded from my bike for another 5 weeks I am just going to do the photography. Anyone from here riding?
  • tcac
    tcac Posts: 211 Member
    I want in. My goal is 50 miles a week.
  • Ellem86
    Ellem86 Posts: 204
    Last night I hit my goal of 37 miles/60 km. I was so excited that I really sprinted the last mile home last night. It's a modest achievement but the most I have ever cycled in a week :) I don't really have the opportunity to increase the distance so for now I will work on the speed. I'm on such a heavy bike with not enough gears that I really do have to work for my speed, it will be good exercise at the very least!

    I'm really beginning to enjoy my rides, I've come to know my route so well that I'm automatically slowing down on the potholed roads and gently swerving to avoid slippery drains. I'm even getting to know the timings of the traffic lights, I know when I can sprint to make it through the amber and when not to even bother. I now know that there's no point riding through the tunnels at breakneck speed because the small hill on the other side will absolutely kill my legs! City cycling isn't often described as peaceful but it's fast becoming the word I use to describe my rides, not to mention that London really is beautiful.

    Finally, most city drivers have a reputation from being awful to cyclists but I'm learning that the odd wave, thank you and smile really goes a long way.

    I'm hitting the gym hard next week to alternate my exercise so I won't get to cycle as much but the week after I will again for 60 km.
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    Finally, most city drivers have a reputation from being awful to cyclists but I'm learning that the odd wave, thank you and smile really goes a long way.
    Good for you, Ellem86. Sounds like you've had a great week!:drinker: I agree with you about city drivers. If you show a little codiality, they are more accomodating.:happy:
  • skywalker
    skywalker Posts: 1,533
    I want in. My goal is 50 miles a week.
    You're in! Welcome! :drinker:
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    Cool. I made my goal of 90 miles. Next week i will shoot for 100.

    Ellem, I am proud of you. You keep it up!
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I don't have a distance goal I'm riding for, but in reviewing my exercise notes from the past week, discovered I rode 99.6 miles. :happy:
  • ClareRce
    ClareRce Posts: 79
    Wow! Everybody's doing so brilliantly well on this thread. Looks like it's a popular thread too.

    I'm so close to buying a new carbon road bike, a Specialized Roubaix comp, complete package including computer, pedals and kit for around $2100 from my local bike shop. It's one hell of a lot of money, but I'm SO into cycling that I just want to go faster and further! You would pay at least that in pounds in the UK for the same bike but without the 'extras' so I've convinced myself it's a total bargain (nearly convinced my husband too; he's just so happy it's not a horse I'm looking at buying!). We leave Hawaii next year (3 years up :-( ) and I can take the bike back and get used to riding in the cold and wet of England. It would be rude and churlish not to buy it, don't you think?

    Happy cycling and may your path be littered with road kill gwynh!
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    Hi there,
    Just found this thread and would love to join you. I have ridden regularly for the past year or so and I love it - I live in France and at the mo have fully kitted out cyclists whizzing by me with a sweet bonjour and I breathe in their dust lol!!!!!

    It is VERY hilly here but I love going to work on my bike - 23km, the return journey however I find is a killer tho after 8 hours working to go up a couple of mountains aint ideal but hey a girls gotta do what a girls gotta do.
    I have a 2nd bike on a home trainer for when the weather is bad (I know I know shhhhh! dont tell anyone yes I try to be a fairweather cyclist whenever poss!)

    I am going to think about my target if that is okay with you and I'll post it for a monday start, I am also on week 3 of the C25K so am alternating my exercise (I am NO runner but my dogs would like me to be!) so happy cycling guys and I will get my thinking cap on as to what is a realistic target for this 40 something old bird!
  • gwynh
    gwynh Posts: 160
    Happy cycling and may your path be littered with road kill gwynh!

    Thanks, that made me laugh out loud for real. :):laugh:
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