Anyone doing Thursday weigh in?



  • arbragg
    arbragg Posts: 73 Member
    I weighed in this morning, and I am up .5lbs, yuck!! Not too happy about that, maybe that monthly gift contributing to this, or the fact that I had a less than healthy 4 day visit at my sisters! Either way, I am hoping to be down for next Thursday, and I am going to do extra exercise this weekend, to make up for the Fathers Day suppers I will be hosting......
  • CFaye
    CFaye Posts: 59
    I weigh in on Thursdays! Been here, tracking for two weeks.
    Last Thursday I lost 4.5 pounds after my first week..
    This Thursday I lost 0 pounds. But I am okay with that. I didnt exercise, and its been stressful week and didnt get much sleep. This week will be much better!

    Good luck Everyone! <3
  • Annabelle_M
    Welcome Rachel and CFaye!!

    Syreeta: Good luck with tomorrow's weigh in!!

    I'm having a hard time finding out how to find this thread, any idea how to make it easy??
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I'm 5.1

    (I am 28 years old but have got my wedding next year so have an added incentive!)

    How's your progress going?

    Oh ok, I'm 25.
    I just got married in April...beware of "happy weight" I think my toning class called it lol. It's going good though so far. I really just got serious about it last week; I've done it before just found it difficult to get back on the bandwagon.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I weighed in this morning, and I am up .5lbs, yuck!! Not too happy about that, maybe that monthly gift contributing to this, or the fact that I had a less than healthy 4 day visit at my sisters! Either way, I am hoping to be down for next Thursday, and I am going to do extra exercise this weekend, to make up for the Fathers Day suppers I will be hosting......

    Good for you sounds like a plan!
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Yep! - Go to
    then it should be listed.

    Hope that helps!

    Had a bigger dinner out last night so pleased I've opted not to weigh myself every day now!
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Congrats on your wedding :-)

    What's 'happy weight' - when we're all happy in the glow of marriage!?

    I'm determined not to loose weight for my hubbie to be and instead for me - or is that for the thought of all those cameras snapping away .... !!
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    How is everyone doing today?

    I think I have my next area of concentration...sodium. I reweighed this morning and 4 lbs lighter than yesterday. Yesterday I watched my sodium very closely and drank a lot of water...

    Good luck everyone and have a wonderful weekend!
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Congrats on your wedding :-)

    What's 'happy weight' - when we're all happy in the glow of marriage!?

    I'm determined not to loose weight for my hubbie to be and instead for me - or is that for the thought of all those cameras snapping away .... !!

    Yes ma'am! When we got back from our honeymoon all we wanted to do was be in the midst of one another, no housework, no cooking, so all we did was eat out and order in, not to mention the weight I gained on our honeymoon (cruise)
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Congrats on your wedding :-)

    What's 'happy weight' - when we're all happy in the glow of marriage!?

    I'm determined not to loose weight for my hubbie to be and instead for me - or is that for the thought of all those cameras snapping away .... !!

    I agree with not doing it for him. But, I would like to do it WITH him, because he buys sweets and they are so tempting. He has his strawberry shortcake popsicles, and I have my Edy's all natural fruit bars...
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Ok so I'm at my parents' for the weekend and normally this is when my journal goes hay wire but I am doing my best! I even ate a sub last night for dinner. I'm depending on my group to keep me motivated! ;) But today IS my cheat day so we'll see...
  • Annabelle_M
    How is everyone doing so far this week? I had a good weekend and I've been trying to keep up with exercising but I ate out twice yesterday and will again on Thursday night, with my bf's collegues. So I need to plan ahead about what to order because I'm a fussy eater and tend to go with the steak as a safe option but I've had that 2 nights in a row!!! Any suggestions?
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    I'm in. I'll be doing my first weigh in on Thursday. How do we join a group? Or is it easier to invite each other as friends? Clue me in. I'm too new to know.
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Maybe a small portion of a tomato based pasta dish - no cheese though! - and a big green salad? Otherwise a more lean meat such as chicken? Good luck!
    I've had a really bad few days - well really good fun but bad for the diet - since Friday nigt I've eaten out loads and had lots of alcohol and hardly any water. I'm about to go out and get lunch and know that I should get something good to get back on track but I'm craving all the bad's soooooo easy to get back into bad habits isn't it!!
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    I'm in. I'll be doing my first weigh in on Thursday. How do we join a group? Or is it easier to invite each other as friends? Clue me in. I'm too new to know.


    See my post above about how to get back to this forum:
    Go to
    then it should be listed.

    Hope that helps!
  • Annabelle_M
    Welcome, you're basically in the group now!! You just check back and weigh in on Thursday!! Good luck!
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    Doing well here. Do you know where you are going for dinner? I would recommend maybe checking out their menu before you go and decide before hand what to have. I have done that with the Friday nights out with the girls and it has helped! I even get compliments that I am being so well behaved!! :bigsmile:

    -edit: if a menu isn't available (like a local only resturant), try asking around or even stop by and ask for a to-go menu....
  • eliaison
    eliaison Posts: 34 Member
    This is the first time I've read this group post and I read through all of them. First I have to laugh, the "happy weight" happened to me and my husband too! We both gained after we got married last year! We're both now committed to being active and eating right. He's lost 9 lbs and I've lost 3. I want to take it slow on purpose, and my focus is on getting fit.

    I do Thursday weigh-ins as well.

    SW: 160
    CW: 158
    GW: 140
    height 5'9"

    I do stress that there are measures far more important than the scale-- something my husband reminds me of when I forget. This is a long term lifestyle adjustment. The goal is permanent weight loss, without the feeling of always doing without. Increased activity and awareness of the foods we eat, and of drinking enough water. Right? :-)

    So to that end, I want to share something I read when I first joined June 10 (almost 2 weeks ago) that really helped me through my first 3 days (because at the time I was so hungry! And I realized I was cutting too many calories). It was from a lengthy post about metabolism, written to a girl who barely ate enough but was still somehow- impossibly- not losing any fat or weight. Her body had adjusted to less calories into "starvation mode" and was hanging on for dear life. She would first have to learn to eat reasonably and GAIN WEIGHT until her metabolism re-adjusted, then diet correctly, which might take much longer but in the end would work. The post told her:

    Do not give up too soon.


    Quality food intake. It takes time for glycogen levels to balance out. It takes time for mental adjustments to occur. Low carb and low cal followers will see the scale go up as soon as reasonable consuption begins again.

    If I find the post I'll put a link because it was amazing. It really got my head around what I wanted to commit to, it made all the difference with me hanging in here and feeling as great as I do now!

  • Annabelle_M
    Thanks for the great info and welcome!!! I was worried about the starvation mode too as I haven't lost any weight yet but hopefully I will soon. Good luck to you!!!
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Yeah, me too. if I have a few calories below my recommended amout the comment says that my body could be entering starvation mode but if I eat just a few too many then the number comes up big and red so I kind of feel like there's no win unless you have the exact amount every day which is nearly impossible!

    Having looked back on my food diary for the last week I have noticed a few things:
    * alcohol is reeeeaaaalllly bad for the calories * Having a big Dominos pizza was a really bad idea as I had my full days calories in half an hour and * chinese food is very very bad - I knew it was bad at the time but now I know it's very bad (although I guess I knew there were healthy options which I didn't pick!).

    So, weigh in tomorrow - good luck everyone!!