Anyone doing Thursday weigh in?



  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Down 1.4 pounds from last week and not sure on the measurements, because I just found my tape so I have no idea whether it went up or down or whatever

    CW: 124.4
    GW: 115

    Waist: 31
    Hips: 36

    Good luck everyone, look forward to hearing from you! :)

    Just realized I had a typo
    SW: 134
    CW: 129.4
  • skinnymissy
    I would also like to join this group...I was obsessing with the scale so I have stopped looking at it for a while. I do weigh in on Thursdays. I am getting married in 15days!!! As you can imagine the stress is kicking in and so far I am happy to say I am not giving in but sticking to it!! The challenge will come when I go home next week but with the support of you all and me keeping focused i can do it.

    Starting Weight (started losing before MFP) :192
    MFP starting weight:189
    CW: 186.5
    GW: 165
    Height: 5'9
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Good morning! I lost 2 pounds this week, and my hubby also lost 2 pounds. I entered my waist and hip measurements for the first time this week, so will be interested to see how those change over time
    @rachel, hang in there and stick with it. Sounds like you are doing a great job.
    @syreeta, WTG, you skinny little thing!

    Hope everyone has a great week this week. Look out for those July 4th BBQs. :wink:

    That's awesome!! So proud of both of you... :)
    Luckily my hubby and I are going out of town so we are ditching all the family/friend BBQs...but I guess being out of town isn't really better because it's so tempting to taste food from different restaurants...guess I will have to stick with Bethenny Frankel on this one and "taste everything, eat nothing". I guess the book is growing on me *sigh*
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    I would also like to join this group...I was obsessing with the scale so I have stopped looking at it for a while. I do weigh in on Thursdays. I am getting married in 15days!!! As you can imagine the stress is kicking in and so far I am happy to say I am not giving in but sticking to it!! The challenge will come when I go home next week but with the support of you all and me keeping focused i can do it.

    Starting Weight (started losing before MFP) :192
    MFP starting weight:189
    CW: 186.5
    GW: 165
    Height: 5'9

    I just got married 2 months ago and trust me the last week you won't have TIME to eat!! And when you finally do get a meal, you'll only eat half of it because you'll stop and realize how much you have left to do, and feel like you're wasting time lol. You'll probably lose more.
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    So, I did my weigh in this morning and I have not changed at alllllllll over the last week. I've done loads at the gym and have been quite careful with food - sticking to the calorie goal most days and making up for it with exercise if I've gone over.
    I'm puzzled though as I thought you were meant to loosed loads at the starts due to water loss or something and that's not happened.
    Really doesn't help the motivation but I'm trying to tell myself that next week there will definately be movement.....
    Good to see new people on the link!

    Don't be discouraged just keep doing what you're doing it'll come off! We all have had this happen to us.
  • hipsgalore
    hipsgalore Posts: 204 Member
    July 1 172.5 --- up 1 pound?? hoping it's just sodium retention. I had hamburger last night and the day before that chocolate cake. I'm hoping the 1 pound will be off soon, but I need to get to 170 to reach my mini goal 1.
  • cerealqueen
    I'm new to this forum... it's Thursday today so this is my first weigh in! Hopefully doing this on a forum will help to motivate me :)
    So, week one: CW: 170lb
    GW: 150lb
    I really want to lose a good amount of weight (and keep it off!) by my 21st birthday in October!
    Feel free to add me as a friend, and good luck everyone!
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Welcome CerealQueen! (I love that name. Didn't think of anything creative for myself.) This group will definitely keep you motivated and encouraged. A very positive group of people! :drinker:
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    Welcome to all of the new people in our group! (BTW, I will send you a friend request shortly so we can keep each other motivated)

    I read the advice, and everyone is right....good, bad, or nothing, still weigh in.

    SW: 336.4
    Last: 319.6
    Today: 320.8

    I always try to put a positive spin on things, so here goes:
    First, I track my weight on a spreadsheet (accountant in me) and I was aiming to be 323.4 by today (at the slow and steady 2lbs a week)…and I am tracking well, even with the gain!! Second, I went to Zumba last week and to the gym this week….haven’t done those ever! Third, it is a new week now and I know I can keep doing better. Fourth, I ordered my books for meeting my first mini-goal (10lb loss by last week). I feel great!
    Good luck everyone!!
  • Fredder15
    Fredder15 Posts: 21
    Thanks so much for all the welcome wishes! And congrats to everyone who went down this week!! Way to Go!

    SW: 153
    Today: 153

    Since this is only day 2 for me on this program I am not discouraged that I did not drop any weight for my first weigh in. I have faith and hope for good reports next week!! Keep it going everybody! You can do it :-)

    btw: I have quickly fallen in love with this site, the support is amazing! Thank you so much! I think finally I have found the program for me. :):)

    - Adley

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Annabelle_M
    So, I did my weigh in this morning and I have not changed at alllllllll over the last week. I've done loads at the gym and have been quite careful with food - sticking to the calorie goal most days and making up for it with exercise if I've gone over.
    I'm puzzled though as I thought you were meant to loosed loads at the starts due to water loss or something and that's not happened.
    Really doesn't help the motivation but I'm trying to tell myself that next week there will definately be movement.....
    Good to see new people on the link!

    Please don't be discouraged I had a long while before I seen any changes also. It takes time for your body to adjust to a new routine so just stay motivated!! You CAN do it!!

    I'll do more in a minute, I can't see all of the messages!

    Also welcome cerealqueen!

    I will update my siggy with my measurements but I am down 1.2lbs since last week and that makes me very happy!! I've been doing so well, I'm also coming off of anti anxiety meds so I'm doing 2 things at once and I'm so proud of myself!
  • Annabelle_M
    Welcome Skinnymissy!!

    So happy to have new people joining!! Sorry if I do miss any of you it's just that I'm super busy and the review doesn't let me see everything, just know you are welcomed and we are all here to support you!!

    Coffeegirl: Very happy that you recorded it as it makes you see what you can strive to lose now. Also, you didn't gain much so that could be water.

    Hipsgalore: You will lose that lb in no time!!

    So proud of all of you, keep up the great work!
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Hi all! Despite my best efforts, I ended up at a beach-side eating frenzy on Saturday. Needless to say, I missed my goal for that day. I'm back at it, and hoping to still have a good weigh-in on Thursday. Hope everyone enjoyed the 4th!
  • Buppie
    Buppie Posts: 43
    Worried about tomorrow morning's weigh in after the July 4th weekend. I will be happy just not to have gained anything. I am almost positive I did not lose anything. More like maintaining!
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Am really not happy.....weighed myself this morning and for the second week running there is no change at all. I've been within my calorie goal everyday apart from a 'cheat day' and have been doing loads (I think anyway, lol) at the gym.

    How did everyone else get on today? - I hope you've done better - (It kinda helps to motivate me seeing that everyone else is getting there!!)
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Worried about tomorrow morning's weigh in after the July 4th weekend. I will be happy just not to have gained anything. I am almost positive I did not lose anything. More like maintaining!

    You've got to be allowed a 'cheat' day - or in special circumstances, a 'cheat weekend'! - Good luck for today :-)
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Week 3 on MFP: I gained 0.5 pounds, hubby lost 3.5. I had one bad day this past week, but my workouts were good, so I'm sticking with it, and will wait for the changes to happen. At the very least, I'm eating much healthier and getting way more exercise than I was a month ago.

    Hope everyone has a great week!
  • Buppie
    Buppie Posts: 43
    Well, I only lost 0.4 lbs this week, but I did not gain, so I will take it as a success. My calories were lowered this week so, this should be interesting!
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    SW: 336.4
    Last: 320.8
    Today: 315.8

    Woo hoo!! :)
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    WTG Buppie & Coffeegirl!