Anyone doing Thursday weigh in?



  • eliaison
    eliaison Posts: 34 Member
    Height 5'9"
    SW 160
    CW 157
    GW 140

    Weigh in results: I maintained while gone 6 days on holiday! As I'm only trying to lose .5 lb a week, this is a really good result. I admit, I'm bummed not to see that scale go to 156 yet, but I know this is a huge accomplishment. I totally indulged the last two days of my trip, and then got home and became very strict again the past 2 days-- so it balanced out.

    Did lose 1 inch in waist, and .5 inch in bust (only place I don't want to lose it! ha ha!)
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    coffegirl: you go girl!!:happy:
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Height 5'3"
    SW 134
    CW 129.4
    Last weigh in: 129.4
    GW 115

    Ok, so I maintained. I did get in a couple workouts over the holiday weekend; but since Monday I've been sick so no working out for me! :frown:
  • aquavitae30
    Actual: around .5 lb weight gain
    New scale: up 4.5 lbs

    Okay, so my home scale sucks and when I went to the doctor's last week I weighed alot more then what my scale said, so I ordered a new more accurate scale and got it today. So if I go by my old scale, I've gained 1/2 pound.

    I entered my new scale weight today and will start using that from now on for hopefully more accurate readings. It is a little dissapointing suddenly "gaining" 4 pounds. :( Oh well. Congrats to all the "losers" hee hee.
  • Annabelle_M
    So proud of you all!!!!

    For me not so happy but I'm dealing with some hormonal issues at the moment and I'm blaming that.

    4'11" Short I know!!
    SW 140lbs
    CW 140.2lbs
    GW 125lbs

    However, that being said I have been losing inches!! I will update my siggy now.
  • cerealqueen
    Well done to all you 'losers'!! both in weight and inches!

    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 170lb
    CW: 170lb
    GW: 140lb

    Don't actually own a tape measure so I don't know any other measurements but I might have to go and buy one!

    See you next week :)
  • aquavitae30
    cereal queen, I don't have a tape measure that goes around my body, so I use a string to get my measurements and use the house tape measure to see how long the string is. Hey, it works. :)
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Height 5'3"
    SW 134
    CW 129.4
    Last weigh in: 129.4
    GW 115

    Ok, so I maintained. I did get in a couple workouts over the holiday weekend; but since Monday I've been sick so no working out for me! :frown:

    Hope you're okay now? You can't loose weight every week (and muscle weights more than fat so that might be the reason?), just keep going - when you're better - and good luck!
  • LisaKC
    LisaKC Posts: 328 Member
    Good morning! This was a very good week for me. I lost 3.5 pounds, and half an inch off my hips. Hubby is continuing to lose, too, and informed me this week that he is almost at his high school weight.
    Have a great day! :flowerforyou:
  • arbragg
    arbragg Posts: 73 Member
    Weigh in this morning was a good one down 1.5lbs, but seems like more as I had been lugging around extra water weight from bad weekend eating and taking medication!! Getting closer to my goal - 17lbs to go!!! Hope everyone has an awesome weigh in and weekend, I know mine will be we have a family reunion which I am really looking forward to. One thing to be a tad bit worried about is all the yummy food at the potluck on Saturday night :grumble:
  • Annabelle_M
    I had a better than expected weigh in this morning as since the accident I was in Saturday I've been doing very little exercise. I was down 1.4lbs but I still can't seem to get past 138lbs!! I will have to try harder once I feel better.

    Great job Lisa and arbragg!! Where is everyone else?
  • Syreeta6
    Syreeta6 Posts: 377 Member
    Great job Anna and Lisa! I gained...I'm at 130.2 up 0.8 from last week which is not bad because I only exercised one time! Yeah I've been slack this week but...we'll see. It is hard because my the gym where group lunch exercise classes are is closed until September I am just completely lost without it...trying to gain motivation to work out once I get home from work but not enough energy...Suggestions ladies?? :frown: :embarassed:

    Sincerely Yours,
    *discouraged Syreeta*
  • jenready
    jenready Posts: 2,658 Member
    Hi all! I just saw your thread and I would love to join your weigh in group if that is okay. (I know you started it a while ago.) I don't always weigh myself each week but that is only because I am afraid to see what has happened with it some weeks! lol
  • eliaison
    eliaison Posts: 34 Member
    Yay! After maintaining my weight last week, on a 5 day holiday, this week I have reached my target! I'm down 1 lb, (trying to lose .5 lb a week). And in inches, I've lost in some pretty stubborn places: 1/4 inch in my arm, calf and hips! Waist and thigh stayed the same.
    SW 160
    CW 156
    GW 140
  • aquavitae30
    technically down 3.2 pounds, but still not the weight I thought I was with my old scale. Feel like I'm going backwards.

    But great job on all the losses this week. :)
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    Good job everyone! Keep it up!

    Syreeta, I don't know what to recommend, because I am too tired to "exercise". I generally try not to sit down until dinner and then I try to keep on my feet after dinner. I find that by not "resting" ( = sitting down), I don't feel as tired and I get a lot of stuff done!

    Jenready: Welcome!!

    Aquavitae, I can relate. I think there is an issue with my scale too. I think my scale is off 15lbs. I KNOW that the loss is real. I think that my beginning weight is wrong. So I am considering adjust everything up (so I still have a total loss but I have 15 more pounds to lose!)

    I forgot to weigh in. I had to go out of town on business and got back really late last night. I totally forgot to weigh in. I will do it tomorrow and post results!!
  • Annabelle_M
    Welcome Jenready!!

    Great job everyone!! Keep it up!

    Eiliason: I never thought about measuring my arms too!!! Great idea!
  • cerealqueen
    Well done everyone!

    Height: 5'2"
    SW: 170lb
    CW: 167lb (-3lb)
    GW: 140lb

    somehow managed -3lb! i was very good thurs - mon but then not great tues - wed (i was away from home), ahh well. very happy with the loss although i have to be more consistent!

    hope you guys are all feeling relatively positive! even if you didn't lose any weight this week, DON'T GIVE UP! you'll probs see a big loss next week instead :)

  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    Ok, so my scale has been calibrated and my stuff has been updated - I found I have an additional 15.6 lbs to work off. I gained this week. I was kind of down, but then I got to thinking...I just need to work smarter and harder. BUT - I am still ahead of my targeted timeline! Woot woot!

    SW: 352
    Last Week: 331.4
    This week: 335.2
  • rachel2011
    rachel2011 Posts: 37
    Ok, so my scale has been calibrated and my stuff has been updated - I found I have an additional 15.6 lbs to work off. I gained this week. I was kind of down, but then I got to thinking...I just need to work smarter and harder. BUT - I am still ahead of my targeted timeline! Woot woot!

    SW: 352
    Last Week: 331.4
    This week: 335.2

    I can sympathise completely! I weighed myself on both the gym and home scales and there was a 6lb difference. I thought the gym scales would be the most accurate (they gave the best reading too!) but having weighed myself on a friends scales at the weekend I think the home scales are correct. It means that in exactly 1 month and 1 week I have lost a total of 2lb, it's completely rubbish (and I lost that the first week). Feeling completely unmotivated but in a strange way also very motivated as I'm sure some MUST come off soon and then I'll be very happy! Can't stand the thought of another bad Thursday weigh in though :-(

    Have a good week everyone