For some, has avoiding fat been more effective than avoiding carbs for weight loss?



  • daniwilford
    daniwilford Posts: 1,030 Member
    I lost weight more quickly and consistently by limiting carbs than by limiting fat, I have lost the most weight by CICO. I am careful to keep my carbs under my daily allowance and my protein at about 90 grams as long as I am within my calories, I do not track fat daily.
  • Mr_Frawstie
    Mr_Frawstie Posts: 2 Member
    Was going by calorie deficit for about 2 months until i hit a plateau a month ago. Started at 210, dropped to 190 and hovered there for three weeks

    I started to moderate my carbs between 150-200g/day. Started to see losses again, but results slower. I also noted that my waist and hip measurements remained the same...

    Thats when i started to really pay attention to the macros. I decided to go the hflc with just enough protein to maintain muscle aka keto. This was around 2 weeks ago, went from 187 to 180 today.

    Seems to be working and i like my food options, people always ask about the deprivation feeling of certain foods. My response is this, i eat bacon and eggs cooked with butter in the morning. Munch on all kinds of different cheese and pepperoni as snacks. And my dinner? Steaks cooked in butter, thyme and garlic. Seafood? Salmon fillet with lemon and dill topped with garlic butter. Lets not forget about the chicken! Rotate between jerk, tandoori, lemon herb and masala. I have no problem going to popeyes and eating a 2 piece meal (minus the fries).

    So yeah.. everyone is different, low carb and high fats work for me right now. I hope to drop another 10 lbs to hit 170 by july long weekend... gonna stick with it and if or when my body adapts.. well.. just taking it day by day. G'luck!
  • emmaps55
    emmaps55 Posts: 54 Member
    "my daughter should be the size of a house then. she was put on antibiotics within an hour of birth, had numerous courses her first year in hospital, lives on them every winter and several short courses every summer."

    I'd say she was one lucky little girl and I'm glad for her sake that she wasn't affected by them.

    "instead shes underweight. guess shes just burning more than shes eating'

    So, are you happy with yourself that you got off that zinger?
  • Sunny_Bunny_
    Sunny_Bunny_ Posts: 7,140 Member

    What studies? Please link

    Nobody here ever said they eat all the sugar and carbs they want

    All I ever see is people saying they hit their macro and micro nutrient targets (the macros being protein and fats) and then can eat whatever they want to their calorie limit

    I'm no fitness fanatic but I can accommodate any food within my diet if I am careful with my calories .. anybody could [/quote]

    Here are a few studies.
    You should find more links there also if interested.

    Whatever works for someone is obviously ok. But many people fail to stick to a healthy eating way of life and very often it is due to hunger. Therefore, as these studies mentioned, more people in the low carb/high fat groups were actually able to stick with it and complete the study.
    I have seen studies before, I didn't look for those links that basically showed that someone is equally likely to lose weight with either way of eating. It just happens that a good majority of people have a much easier time sticking to low carb/high fat. It breaks the addiction to sugar and carbs, reduces the need for insulin (which causes feelings of hunger) and everyone I know that eats this way has experienced many other benefits aside from weight loss and controlled hunger.
    Eating at a deficit causes weight loss.
    There are different ways to get it done. If someone is struggling, maybe there is a better way for them.