Things people do at the gym, that you hate.



  • MShayne2414
    MShayne2414 Posts: 537 Member
    I hate it when people do things at the gym that in no way affect my life and I wouldn't even notice if I were minding my own business

    Must be a guy who is guilty of all of these.. :D
  • lookin4gains
    lookin4gains Posts: 1,762 Member
    I can't stand horrible form. Especially half reps. Body Odor. Curling in the squat rack - I seriously want to skull drag idiots that do that. People that grab a treadmill right next to me when there is a whole line of treadmills open. Wtf? More than 5 minute rests between your sets. Are you here to work or is this social hour?
  • katnroyal87
    katnroyal87 Posts: 8,789 Member
    I hate being approached at the gym. I'm there to work out not socialize.
  • SugarBabyGirl
    SugarBabyGirl Posts: 7,026 Member
    The guy that is about 60 years old, wears a wife beater and a ball cap backwards and hisses when he lifts anything heavier than his water bottle while staring at me.
  • TrailBlazinMN
    TrailBlazinMN Posts: 209 Member
    I don't hate it but it's interesting when people run on a treadmill when it's a gorgeous day. Actually...any day where it's somewhat warm and not pouring rain.
  • eatgoodeat
    eatgoodeat Posts: 180 Member
    I don't hate it but it's interesting when people run on a treadmill when it's a gorgeous day. Actually...any day where it's somewhat warm and not pouring rain.

    I'm guilty of this, helps me keep pace :p

  • eatgoodeat
    eatgoodeat Posts: 180 Member
    Fitness steps braced against the power rack....
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    I once got to the gym and it was very crowded. I got the last available elliptical. Soon after getting on, i noticed the man next to me was wearing a very very strong cologne. It was so strong that my eyes started to water. I actually had to smoosh my gym towel up to my nose to get the burning to stop. It was awful. It was like cheap cologne that smelled like bug spray mixed with sweat smell. I couldn't take it so went to the weight rooms. Well within five mins
    Stinky was also using the free weights. So i went and sat in the woman's locker room until he left the weight room.
    Since then
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    Guys wearing tank tops, and constantly posing in the mirror. Some even take selfies :s

    This makes me laugh, i live at the Jersey shore so 90% of the men are in tank tops taking selfies. You would cringe at my gym. Lol . It doesn't bother me but i have noticed how common it is
  • TrailBlazinMN
    TrailBlazinMN Posts: 209 Member
    eatgoodeat wrote: »
    I don't hate it but it's interesting when people run on a treadmill when it's a gorgeous day. Actually...any day where it's somewhat warm and not pouring rain.

    I'm guilty of this, helps me keep pace :p

    Excuses, excuses :-P
  • eatgoodeat
    eatgoodeat Posts: 180 Member
    eatgoodeat wrote: »
    I don't hate it but it's interesting when people run on a treadmill when it's a gorgeous day. Actually...any day where it's somewhat warm and not pouring rain.

    I'm guilty of this, helps me keep pace :p

    Excuses, excuses :-P

  • kwiet_storm
    kwiet_storm Posts: 56 Member
    thorsmom01 wrote: »
    Guys wearing tank tops, and constantly posing in the mirror. Some even take selfies :s

    This makes me laugh, i live at the Jersey shore so 90% of the men are in tank tops taking selfies. You would cringe at my gym. Lol . It doesn't bother me but i have noticed how common it is
    Really? :D and I thought I had it bad.. :o
  • taterfit
    taterfit Posts: 75 Member
    People who don't take care of there weights. I know you had to carry them all the way to the bench and it's a far ways back to the rack but please take care of them
  • Soopatt
    Soopatt Posts: 563 Member
    edited June 2015
    Men that rush over to give you "tips" before you have even picked up a weight. Please don't use this trick to try to cosy up to the ladies, gents - besides being horribly condescending (you are giving me tips before bothering to wait to see how I was going to do it - I happen to be a qualified personal trainer in my former life - things are not as they appear), nobody likes a creeper.

    The worst example of this sort of thing is when said creeper then uses the "advice" as an excuse to touch you while your hands are full of weights or equipment. ("You need to feel it here" said one, while touching my butt)

    To echo the sentiments of others - if you have the urge to chat anyone up at gym - don't.. just don't.

    Unless someone is really doing something daft, don't offer help unless you are asked.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    For me nothing really grinds my gears at the gym. I have been going way too long to have trivial issues matter to me at the gym.
  • zoomtech16
    zoomtech16 Posts: 100 Member
    People not liking people on the phone freaks me out! Why not? I do the strong lifts app, and I have to rest for atleast 90 seconds, so what am I supposed to do just sit there... Does that really bother people? Also I have to type my reps into the app, and I just get so freaked out that people are going to think I'm not really working out.
  • RNGRZulu
    RNGRZulu Posts: 3,964 Member
    At 6am the lockers are all empty. Why does the new guy have to put his stuff right next to mine??? Great, now I come out of the shower and he's sitting right in front of my locker...texting.
  • CarrC83
    CarrC83 Posts: 78 Member
    Umm my Gym get super crowded and when I can't get My work in..hulk wants to smash! Also I cleared a spot the other day to do db chest presses on the floor and some old lady stole it.. pretty much fueled the rest of that workout
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    zoomtech16 wrote: »
    People not liking people on the phone freaks me out! Why not? I do the strong lifts app, and I have to rest for atleast 90 seconds, so what am I supposed to do just sit there... Does that really bother people? Also I have to type my reps into the app, and I just get so freaked out that people are going to think I'm not really working out.

    I am on my phone even longer than I am lifting weights in the gym. I would love someone to tell me how they hate that. I also take way shorter breaks and I am still on the phone longer than lifting weights.

    It's like people just want to complain about something.