"12 Weeks Weightloss Challenge" All Welcome



  • cheryl2926
    cheryl2926 Posts: 36 Member
    So todays workout is adding up to pouring a yard and half of cement , slong w all the work involved.... So how many calories is that lmbo!?!?!?
  • cheryl2926
    cheryl2926 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi IZZY
    OMY GOODNES i am feeling you. I am not Martha or Betty. I wanna just swim and hang out. But... If we dont plan the frontal attack on the plate battle ground then we will not be victorious. And Izzy... I am ready for victory over my body!!!!
    Be well everyone and celebrate wizely!!!
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Thanks Cheryl
    I am fighting constantly to achieve my goals and often let my emotions control my decisions and I must up my exercise. So getting through today without over doing it will be a challenge in itself, life is short and sometimes
    you must eat cake :p
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Doing a little grilling this holiday weekend? With tons of burgers, hot dogs, potato salad, and beer around, you don't want to go overboard on the calories. To avoid packing on the pounds this weekend, here are some ways to add a healthy spin to your barbecue.

    * Bring a healthy dish
    * Go for homemade guacamole instead of creamy dips & Chips
    * Grill up some veggies
    * Don't always choose beef, try chicken or fish
    * Go easy on the alcohol
    * Get moving after your meal
  • missyhill99
    missyhill99 Posts: 206 Member
    I'll Join:)
    Name: Missy

    Start Weight (29th June):320
    Goal Weight: ( Sept 14th):299

    29th June:320
    6th July:
    13th July:
    20nd July:
    27th July:
    31st July:

    Weight goal for this week:2 3 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week:
  • cheliebee
    cheliebee Posts: 40 Member
    I haven't exercised this week, it has been 100+ here in my little part of Oregon so I have been focused on what I am eating. I still have been getting my 10K/5mi of walking in (which doesn't count for me). I hope to get in some pilates before the heat ramps up.
    Happy 4th!!
  • DoraHaymond
    DoraHaymond Posts: 7 Member
    edited July 2015
    I'm in -
    Name: Dora

    Start Weight (29th June):224
    Goal Weight (14th Sept):150

    29th June:224
    6th July:
    13th July:
    20nd July:
    27th July:
    31st July:

    Weight goal this week: 219
    Weight lost/gained this week:
  • momof3gdn
    momof3gdn Posts: 10 Member
    Great idea!!! I'm in! accountability is what I need right now!

    Name: Dee

    Start Weight (29th June):191.3
    Goal Weight (14th Sept):160.0 or less :)

    29th June:191.3
    6th July:
    13th July:
    20nd July:
    27th July:
    31st July:

    Weight goal for this week: 5 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week:
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member


    Great to have and we are looking for to hearing about your 12 week journey and ways we may help
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    edited July 2015
    Thought for today:
    "you will never change your life until you change something you do Daily.
    The SECRETE of SUCCESS is found in your DAILY routine."
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Ok made it through the 4th but not as healthy as I had wanted. I ate BBQ grilled chicken, a few fries and a salad for dinner. Breakfast was 2 eggs and 1 turkey sausage and lunch was salad with grilled chicken.
    I did not panic. I got up went for 1 hour walk, cleaned the house and had a protein shake for breakfast.
    So not to bad. I plan to walk again in the even and eat light today. I HOPE to see the scale has move when I weigh in Monday. How did everyone else do?
  • Radory
    Radory Posts: 35 Member
    I'm game, I've never done an accountability thread.

    Name: Melissa

    Start Weight (29th June):294.2
    Goal Weight (14th Sept): 272

    29th June:294.2
    6th July:
    13th July:
    20nd July:
    27th July:
    31st July:
    To be continued...

    Weight goal for this week: 2 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week:

    Quick question though, shouldn't this go until September 21? If July 6th is the end of week one, the 14th of August only takes us through 11 weeks.
  • arathena720
    arathena720 Posts: 449 Member
    Name: Kim
    Age: 44
    Height: 5'5"

    Start weight 141
    Goal weight 125

    July 4- 141
    July 11-
    July 18-
    July 25-

    Weight goal for this week - 2 pounds
    Weight loss/gain this week :
  • kakaka111
    kakaka111 Posts: 1 Member
    Sounds like a good motivation tool

    Name: Karen

    Start Weight (5th July):264
    Goal Weight (14th Sept): 240

    6th July:264
    13th July:
    20nd July:
    27th July:
    31st July:

    Weight goal for this week: 2 + pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week:

    I need to lose weight as I have clicking hips and knees, and at an age when I can't put it off any longer. My liver is damaged, but repairable, so here starts the new me. Just booked my holiday of a lifetime, for next year, 1 month in the South of France, and it's so hot there, I need to be able to go swimming....... Just to self conscious arm.
  • gigglebyte610
    gigglebyte610 Posts: 6 Member
    Name: shanda
    Height 5'3"

    Starting weight: June 30th - 193 lbs
    Goal weight: September 15th - 172 lbs

    June 30th 193 lbs

    July 7th
    July 14th
    July 21st
    July 28th

    August 4th
    August 11th
    August 18th
    August 25th

    September 1st
    September 8th
    September 15th
  • foomsy
    foomsy Posts: 222 Member
    Name: funmi

    Start Weight (4th July):182
    Goal Weight (14th Sept:)169

    I weigh in on saturdays so i'll post after that.
    Hope you all had a wonderful weekend....
  • KellyLotus33
    KellyLotus33 Posts: 9 Member
    I'll join too (although 1 week late).

    Name: Kelly

    Start Weight (July 5th):148
    Goal Weight (14th Sept):133

    29th June: (late start)
    6th July:148
    13th July:
    20nd July:
    27th July:
    31st July:

    Weight goal for this week: 2 to 3 pounds
    Weight lost/gained this week:
  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Welcome Newbies
    It doesn't matter when you start, its your 12 week challenge. Some of us started June the 30th and others on different days or week. Its really about challenging yourself to take the journey for 12 weeks and keep going until you get to your goal. It make take me 3 or 4 (12) week journeys to get where I want to be, but its important to start and stick with it. Share your journey and support others here on the journey and so you will feel right at home. Please make some knew friends and post your daily or weekly ( whatever is best for you). We are all here to help and thanks again for joining.
  • cheryl2926
    cheryl2926 Posts: 36 Member
    Izzy you are ver inspirational!! Thank you