

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    edited July 2015
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Lillian, you’re on. Maybe we can light a fire under each other. I’d sure like to lose more than 3 or 4 pounds in a month. Gosh when I started this journey I was losing that much some weeks. You know exercise is not my forte’ so I’ll work on a variety to start with. Gonna’ try to plan my menus a little farther in advance. I am normally a day or so at a time. Good luck!!! Let’s motivate each other to success and who cares who ends up the biggest looser? This will help make us both winners. cheer.gif

    Mary, so happy for you. At least you can get some things done in the house before you move in there. I’ve had that opportunity a few times and love it. Dumping everything in at once to try to sort, is a little more of a hassle.

    Linda, your DD’s MIL slapped her? OMG, that is over the top. I’m sure they don’t have a choice in living arrangements but that is too much togetherness. Sending prayers, for sure. Kudos for clothes getting looser. Isn’t it a wonderful feeling? Go girl. I feel for your DH as I’ve just stopped vaping a few weeks ago and still not easy. Maybe he will need the patch for a while?

    Katla, I know what you mean about DD using birthday money to pay bills. That is what often happens with our DD. I love it when she can actually get something for herself.

    Joyce, I really hope the new meds help DH. If he has a mishap while the Grands are there, it will probably be as hard on him as on them. cartman.gif About the medicine he stopped taking, I had to laugh. Nearly every medicine out there says side effects can be diarrhea or constipation. Sounds like they are just trying to cover all bases.

    Kate, it’s interesting about the online shopping. That’s just not something we are used to for groceries. Even though some stores offer it, unless someone is homebound it is rarely used here. We are so used to hoping in our car for anything we want or need, with a few exceptions. (Ya know, like NYC) I am more curious about the health care system. We hear all kinds of stories, both good and bad. How easily can you see a doctor? How long do you wait for an appointment? Etc. Share anything you’d like. I just love having friends in different parts of the world.

    Sharon, what fun to spend time with the grands. I remember those days at work of feeling like I was babysitting. Some of the younger folks just have no business sense at all. You keep enjoying that morning coffee out with nature and fresh air!!!

    Penny, good for you on that extra sleep. That doesn’t happen often to most of us, so enjoy it while you can.

    Allison, so sad for DSIL. I hope it passes quickly. You enjoy yourself.

    Heather, you are gonna let those forms get to be an issue before you are finished with them. smiley-scared002.gif We all handle things differently, but when I have something I really don’t want to do, I put it off for a short while, then work on it until it is finished, so I can get it off my list. When I was working, more often than not, I would do a project as soon as I could, just so it wouldn’t haunt me. I know you’ll get it done. Even though the part of the book you are writing is difficult, you are plugging away. I’m so proud of you for that.

    Katla, that is kind of you to send your dog to the pup motel for the Fourth. Ours don’t like the fireworks but luckily there is none really close to our house so it’s more of an aggravation. I agree that our happiness in our advancing years is partly due to a different mindset. We laugh about being able to enjoy things like watching the birds in our backyard. That probably wouldn’t have worked in my 20’s. Plus as I’ve gotten older, I just don’t let the simple things bother me. If I’m going to stress over something, it’s going to be something that counts. To be honest, when I was younger I never really thought that much about whether or not I was happy. But looking back, I was most of the time. Life is good if we let it be.

    Linda/Iowa, welcome. We don’t mind a few stalkers from time to time as long as they come out from behind the keyboard and say hello. It sounds like you are off to a good start, so keep it up. Don’t let trying to keep up with the posts get in the way of your goals. Read what you can and post when you want. Best of luck on your journey.

    Heather, did I read that you aren’t having any cheese tonight??? Oh my. LOL Enjoy your dinner and wine.

    Pip, it is a good thing you got home so someone could let the dishwasher guys in. I hope they finished their jobs and you still got to go find a bathing suit? We don’t want to hear about you going all nudist on them in Vegas. (later) Woo hoo on your new bikini, you sexy thang!!! The prices are outrageous!!!

    Mia, I haven’t lost as much as you have, but I know what you mean about sometimes not seeing the changes. But then I stop and think about the closet full of clothes that I have gotten rid of because they were way too big. And yes, it’s sad to undergrow some of the things that we loved. Just remembering the shirt in your picture should remind you of how far you’ve come. And I agree, by golly if we’ve done this much, we can go all the way to our goal and maintenance.

    Lisa, you are a good example of no matter how bad things seem at time of our lives, it can turn around in a moment just by meeting the right person. So happy that you found Mr Right and are enjoying life. We have more to celebrate than the Fourth of July.

    Kate, your tacos sound yummy.

    Heather, your flowers are absolutely beautiful!!! Tiniest bottoms, huh? Lol

    Wendy, welcome. Please tell us a bit more about yourself so we can get to know you. Have you been on MFP for over a year or is it new to you. This is a good place for support so come often and join right in.

    DeeDee, it sounds like a wonderful time with the grands. Makes me smile just reading about it. Enjoy your 4th.

    Barbie, how nice that you went easy on the ladies in line. You have to remember that they aren’t all in the great shape that you are.

    Pat, love the Christmas tree. Really cool with the lights.

    Tere, congrats on the new laptop. Yep, one of the problems with new is getting everything you want on it and getting acclimated to it. You enjoy it.

    Sue that’s cool that you got so much work done at a small fee. Have you heard from ex-owner to know if he will actually come get the rest of his stuff? Sounds like it could be expensive to have it all removed if he doesn’t take care of it. Glad you are getting settled and everyone made the trip okay. Enjoy your new home.

    Joyce, that’s too funny about your DSIL getting lost in the town he’s from. You have a ball with those grands.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    We will go to the beach tomorrow for lots of great people watching. Home by noon then stay here to help keep the fur babies calm tomorrow night.

    I wish all my American friends a wonderful Fourth of July. Be safe and eat healthy.patriot.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    Ok. Finally back to post July goals.
    Managed most of June's goals except for the gym ... need to work on that!
    I had wanted to lose 1 pound ... lost 3. Of course, they're part of my yoyo weight problems of this past year, but at least its going in the right direction.

    Tomorrow, July 4th, is my birthday ... think its time to get serious again with my efforts, so here's July goals ...
    Release forever 4 pounds.
    Stay within calorie goals and log every bite.
    Drink 8 glasses water.
    Get to the gym!
    Get pool area completely weeded!! Looks awful....

    Today is day 2 for son and his new weight loss plan ... eye opening for him I think. My husband and I are following along. I'm hungry! So drinking water.

    Mia ... wonderful transformation!
    Penny ... beautiful pics
    Pip ... have a great vacation ... cute suit!
    Michele .... hugs ...
    Alison ... sorry you had a spat with DB ...
    DJ ... always love your posts ...so kind and supportive to others!
    Have been reading with interest! Have a great weekend ladies!

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    You sang that didn't you? lol Yep I need to harvest my spinach, but I am giving the smaller leaves this weekend to grow more, then I will pinch all them off. I will have a huge bag of baby spinach!!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @patceoh Love the pic of your tree! Love the red background...Striking! Thanks for sharing!
    @Katla49 That is the hardest goal I think of the bunch. For many years I have just settled, and never put myself first. I try to give my own self a hug now and then!
    @exermom When I bought those strawberries, those three were hidden by the smaller ones...its was like, 'TA-DA', when I took them out! I think there was space inside them...so those injector thingy's would work if I could put strawberry daquari mix in them, or vodka, or chocolate!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sue WA - hopefully we will close on both houses sometime next week. Our property was pretty free of debris. Mostly cleaning out gardens of weeds and planting. You got quite a deal with your yard work. I could use a bobcat to move some dirt around. Can you at least use the barn?

    Pip- have a great time on your trip. When I was there during the summer i spent the days at the water park at the Sahara. They had record heat in the 110's. It didn't feel hot!

    Michele- I don't think Vegas is ready for Pip, she'll take them by storm...we all do have to get together sometime! We would have sooooo much fun!

    DJ have fun at the beach!

    Beth - Happy Birthday! You get two celebrations in one day!

    Have a good night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    my view on my river walk...looking across to Washington State.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    ohhhh my husband and I EONS ago....1984
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    New laptop arrived today....Now I just have to acclimate myself on using it!

    lucky YOU :-)
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Joyce – glad there are some good choices for DH to try… that should help his mental state as well.

    Kate – thanks for the update… I think the produce thing would drive me nuts, I’m ok with the hand it back, but then what? You put in another order or run out anyway ….hmmm Loved your idea for Sharon of what to say to DH…. Great line.

    Sharon - I went through that with my godson, he did a non-hug chunk of time, but he’s now 22 and hugs and arm around me… and it is great! He dragged me around at graduation and introduced me to everyone.

    Heather – Love the info, it is so interesting to hear how it is in other countries, of course the lugging is not much of a bother here as we drive to everything! But walking to more would do us USA-ers a bunch of good!

    Pip – cute suit!

    Cheri – we are here for support! While some of us do not understand or relate, to the specifics: I think we can all relate to being in a relationship that is not giving us all we need and the challenges of how we cope.

    Wendy – welcome, you can have all my hot weather!

    Becca – don’t be naughty!

    June goals:
    Walk every day 180 miles for the month (in May I did 175… thought maybe a higher goal would be good) OK- NOT SO GOOD, 149MILES, BUT 3 DAYS WITHOUT MY FITBIT,SO NO MILEAGE COUNTED….
    NEW – 1 plank every day – and log them here – 19 WELL…. COULD HAVE DONE BETTER
    Log everyday - FAIL, MISSED 17 DAYS – WHERE IS MY BRAIN…
    do 2 fun things every week - LOVE THIS…
    week 1 – no traditional fun – but working hard to get all embroidery jobs done, clean up clutter inside and out, so that my doggy sitter will not have that to deal with, and the house will look nice when I get home.
    Week 2 – Seattle seeing my Godson graduate from college
    Week 3 – taught Intermediate baking camp every morning, and beginning baking every afternoon.
    Week 4 – teaching a new class – Candy! This is a challenge but a good one, and had gourmet at my house.

    July Goals:
    Walk everyday –try to hit 180 miles
    1 plank every day and log here – goal more then 19 - 2
    Log everyday –
    Eat mindfully-
    Weekly fun things –
    W1 – Mom is here for the 4th, and we are going out to dinner –her treat!

    Kim from N. California
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    edited July 2015
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Kate, it’s interesting about the online shopping. That’s just not something we are used to for groceries. Even though some stores offer it, unless someone is homebound it is rarely used here. We are so used to hoping in our car for anything we want or need, with a few exceptions. (Ya know, like NYC) I am more curious about the health care system. We hear all kinds of stories, both good and bad. How easily can you see a doctor? How long do you wait for an appointment? Etc. Share anything you’d like. I just love having friends in different parts of the world.
    DJ — I don't use any online grocery shopping service but I have friends who do and who swear by it. The stores are savvy enough to realize that if the produce they distribute isn't up to scratch they'll lose customers, so they apparently take pains to pack good quality stuff. Ong BIG advantage of online shopping is you never have to fight against impulse purchases at the check-out counter.

    Another popular service in Scandinavia is the pre-planned menu package. You order a certain type of food for X people and all you need for a week will be delivered to your door along with recipies and instructions! No need even to think about what you will eat. And there are LOTS of different packages to choose from, such as:
    • Easy to cook
    • Ready in less than 30 minutes
    • Kid-friendly
    • Vegetarian
    • Ecological
    • Gluten/lactose/egg/allergen-free
    • Inspiration (includes untraditional dishes)
    A woman I know from a Swedish online health forum subscribes to a "weight loss" package and so far it has helped her lose about 15% of her weight.
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    I agree that our happiness in our advancing years is partly due to a different mindset. We laugh about being able to enjoy things like watching the birds in our backyard. That probably wouldn’t have worked in my 20’s. Plus as I’ve gotten older, I just don’t let the simple things bother me. If I’m going to stress over something, it’s going to be something that counts. To be honest, when I was younger I never really thought that much about whether or not I was happy. But looking back, I was most of the time. Life is good if we let it be.
    DJ again — That's so true! I vividly recall how my mother-in-law would look out the window and comment on what the birds were doing. At the time I was constantly run off my feet with two small children and I couldn't understand how anyone could spend time and energy looking at totally mundane birds. Back then I thought she was crazy. Now I do it myself!

    Becca — That river looks like a great source of tranquility. In the picture from 1984, it's easy to recognize both you and your husband. In fact, when I see your husband's face, 1984 version, it brings up a vivid image of his face (and knees) from the kilt picture taken 30 years later. smiley-ashamed005.gif

    I wonder, do nudists wear clothes for special activities, something to support the dangly bits when they're jumping around? Personally I almost never wear a bra. (I took after my small-chested grandmother rather than my well-endowed mother. My mother said I was lucky and I tend to agree.) But even with my mini-boobs I wear a sports bra for jogging. So what's the score?

    Heather, some arctic wildflowers back atcha!

    /Penny at the Pole
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    morning peepers!!!! we are up it's 2:11am and we are getting ready to start the walk to the bus station. bout 2-1/2mi i would guess. post ya later
  • Lagopus
    Lagopus Posts: 1,016 Member
    Have a good time, Pip, and don't leave Vegas in a shambles.
  • italy10548
    italy10548 Posts: 174 Member
    Hey Phat Chatters,
    So I weighed myself this morning and overall I lost 2 lbs. (had gained 3 lbs but lost that, plus 2 more). Woo Hoo!
    Hi I am in for new challenges of July..computer crashed so i am starting from scratch on this one, made it through 14 days on a soft food diet before my colonoscopy, now i am so happy to return to raw fruit raw veggies, lots of H2o,, will be advancing from a 4 wheel walker to a wheel chair but already have upper body work outs plan I can still walk to the park 1/2 to 1 mile then my legs give out so now with wheelchair i can push my way home still head held high with walking half the way, upper body yoga and tai chi , going more vegan too..my new goals for July...if i can survive cancer and now survive diabetes nerve damage in my legs i am half way there..thanks for letting me post.

    Welcome. You can do it! Let us know how we can help.

    Rosie in So Cal
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,375 Member
    edited July 2015
    Kim - I'm sending you lots of love for your time with your mum. Has your relationship with her changed recently? :love:

    Penny - I love the vase. It is glass, hand blown on the Isle of Wight, an island just off the south coast near us. I bought it from the studio where I watched them making glass. Your flowers are beautiful! <3 One of the things I like about sweet peas is that I don't feel guilty about picking them. In fact you have to pick them to keep them flowering. DH doesn't like me picking garden flowers, like daffodils and roses as he would rather see them in the garden. Thus I buy daffs when we have a garden FULL of them in the spring. My house smells of the several bunches of sweet peas. <3

    Guess what I found in a bag of old stuff? Spiderwoman and Bumbum. I couldn't resist taking a photo for DJ. Remember I usually wore these topless on the rivers in France. Once I kayaked back in a hailing thunderstorm and took refuge in a hut with a bunch of men. It suddenly dawned on me that I was virtually naked and shivering! ! ! ! Talk about organ stops! The Bumbum is showing from the back.
    Those were the days. I am 5 ft 5+ and I weighed around 126 lbs. I now weigh 139 and could get into them, but saggy skin and cellulite means I will never wear them again. :cry:

    Heather UK

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member

    At the bus station, on the bus
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,739 Member
    mom216 wrote: »
    Hello All!

    Barbie - thank you for the thread.

    July goals

    continue drinking 6-8 glasses of water per day
    be consistent with logging stats -food, work-outs, & failures
    get a heart rate monitor that actually works - I have 3 !@#$%!!!!! that don't work properly
    walk over the Woodrow Wilson Bridge 4 times B)
    get rid of all the clothes that don't fit, need repairs etc. and wear only the clothes that I love!
    I will find 1 new (non food) way to pamper myself!
    I will try 1 new healthy recipe per week!

    A dear friend says this often at church gatherings:

    Please keep that in your hearts!

    Love your goals