

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    iwork925 wrote: »
    I'm a newbie but count me in for July!

    :) Welcome, this is a great place to find the support and encouragement you need and we're all eager to listen and reply to you.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today my TOPS, (Take Off Pounds Sensibly Support group), meeting had a great program. It was some great Bathroom Mirror Inspirations taken from a book entitled 'MIRACLE PILL', by Tres Hatch (www.treshatch.com).
    -Quick weight loss is the antithesis of permanent weight loss.
    -Instead of eliminating food, eliminate the escape.
    -Universal laws dictate when you give nothing, you get nothing.
    -Marketing campaigns promise to do for us that which we can only do for ourselves.
    -It is not our occasional treats that define our bodies, it is our regular food choices that determine how we look and feel.
    -No one on earth can change yesterday. Just take care of today.
    -You are who you decide to be.

    I like the last one.
    Sometimes I feel like a canvas. The white square all perfect is always there. It is up to me to fill it with paint, the colors I choose are my emotions, and the colors represent me. So I put the colors on thick, until at least there is no white showing. But what is my picture? Maybe my picture isn't about the finished product, but about appreciating the changing, always enflux. What I have to pay attention to is what my picture shows right now, right today. Artists don't blindly put on paint, without looking and paying attention to proportions, depth perception, what they are trying to convey and so forth. I am creating myself, by my actions, my self-esteem, knowing my place in the world. Yes, somedays the paint goes on thick, and unstructured. Other days it is articulate and precise. The important thing is to keep painting my lifes' canvas.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Michelle - we got the picture this time. LOVE the turtle :)

    @Cheri in Ohio - Gorgeous afghan. Wish I were that talented. I tried crocheting but, like all needwork, I pull it as tight as I possibly can. Its not pretty. :(

    @Barbie - thanks on the trailer. We enjoy it, I'm not ready to stay home yet. I may be there someday. :)
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Annr: You look lovely in the blue dress, & look like you're ready for a fancy occasion. Heels are out for me due to foot issues. You will look grand anywhere you decide to go. Trying a bunch of shoes on seems like a good idea. :flowerforyou: I like the messages from TOPS. They seem right on target. :star:

    Michele: The turtle is glorious! It is worth the time and effort. :bigsmile:

    Tomorrow morning I'm going in to the doctor for a medicine review. I haven't had this done since I don't know when. I have my homework done, including a list of medications I take, a list of things I quit taking, and questions about a few that might need changes. I also have a sore foot and will ask her to have a look. I hope she is willing to do it without advance notice. The "ouchie" on my foot just happened over the weekend.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    Annr wrote: »

    How many of you have worn a pointed toe pump? Isn't that pointed part just wasted space that your toes can have a party in? I may need to go to a Payless shoe place and just try a bunch on.

    Good idea to try some one, see what is comfortable for you.

    Becca wrote - "I like the last one.
    Sometimes I feel like a canvas. The white square all perfect is always there. It is up to me to fill it with paint, the colors I choose are my emotions, and the colors represent me. So I put the colors on thick, until at least there is no white showing. But what is my picture? Maybe my picture isn't about the finished product, but about appreciating the changing, always enflux. What I have to pay attention to is what my picture shows right now, right today. Artists don't blindly put on paint, without looking and paying attention to proportions, depth perception, what they are trying to convey and so forth. I am creating myself, by my actions, my self-esteem, knowing my place in the world. Yes, somedays the paint goes on thick, and unstructured. Other days it is articulate and precise. The important thing is to keep painting my lifes' canvas."

    Love this, so very true and yet we don't take time to realize it. I'm going to print this out. Thanks for sharing.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, glad you got some much needed rest.

    Heather, I have never known some one who was adopted but I can't imaging what they must go through. You two are so good for each other.

    Lisa, you be careful young lady. The messy restaurants of the world need you!

    Terri, the most important thing to remember, and you seem to have, is exactly what you wrote 'lesson learned'. That is the one huge thing why MFP is so good, you can key in what you ate and see exactly what you ate.

    Janetr, now that is one very nice trailer. My FIL had one of the meanest wives I had ever met. They had a fairly nice trailer that they kept parked at a trailer park. It was the same property that has the amusement park we love going to. They let us use it when ever we wanted to. I had really wanted to offer to buy it when his Dad died since I knew she would not use it. But while he was really sick, she had already made arrangements to give it to her church and let them sell it or use it for whatever they wanted to. I'm not really sure why she went to church. Nothing rubbed off on her. Our oldest daughter was really close to her Grandpa and made only 1 request after we went to their house when he died. She wanted his cowboy hat. I had offered to do anything she wanted and she asked for me to pick up a prescription for her. So I did and got it to her 2 hours later and Goodwill had already taken away ALL of his belongings. 2 hours after he died! Oh, she was mean.

    MNMargaret, form the sound of what you paid for that hot air balloon ride, I had better take it off my bucket list. The two trips are off also since Charlie has gotten it in his head that he no longer wants to fly. We used to fly all the time.

    Sylvia, I do miss the info on my FitBit one. I have the Flex now so that it can go in water. The flashing lights just don't do it for me. If I want any info I have to look at my phone or iPad.

    Pip, I think both you and Kirby are missing the old healthy you. And that's all normal. It is wearing on your nerves. You do sound like you are feeling better.

    Kate, I am so mad after trying to deal with insurance companies all day long I don't need any excuse to kick some one. So here is a good swift one for you!

    Carol, since you normally live alone, I doubt you use a sound machine. I have one that I keep on white noise and have it on quite loud. It blocks out quite a bit.

    Becca, good hearing from you. WOW, Legos are different these days than when my girls were little. They are big boy toys now. You look fantastic in that dress. But you are right, you do need different shoes. But I love the kind you are wearing. I don't like those pointy toes kind at all. And they are to high. I don't know if you are a member of AARP or not but you get a discount at PayLess.

    Michele, love Mr. Turtle! Looks ready to join the other critters.

    iwork925, welcome. Is that your grand son? Those eyes could charm anything out of anyone. Gorgeous.

    I use a CPAP also. I remember my 1st sleep study. I didn't get much sleep. I just thought it was because of all the stuff I was hooked up to and the strange place, knowing some one was watching me. But then they scheduled me for a sleep study wearing a CPAP and in doing that helped me pick out what fit me the best and what worked in moving in bed. I didn't hardly budge that night and they had to wake me the next morning. So it was a success. I I take a nap I wear it during a nap also. I wish Charlie would have one as he is a terrible snorer but you know men.

    Got up and started calling the numbers given to me yesterday to try to get some prices quoted to me as to what an infusion so that Charlie would finally let this treatment get started. I got nowhere and it took me all day. The only soothing thing about it was the music I had to listen to when I got put on hold. I don't know what ever happened to insurance companies having case managers. When I was working in the hospital, we did and they helped to coordinate care. Apparently now what they do in regards to insurance is help people on Medicaid get financial help. I know with this one call I must have gotten my call forwarded to 8 people. I think some one just got tired of dealing with my request. By the last 2 calls I was in tears. The more trouble I had the more irate charlie was and more adamant to not take any treatment. So I gently tried to remind him of his dream trip next year of Disney World and how it would be impossible with untreated ulcerative colitis. Not getting anywhere with that I decided to get down and dirty. And I mean real dirty. He knows what a colostomy is but had never thought of what kind of stool would come out if he had to have one. After realizing that I told him about how the seal on a colostomy bag is so difficult to get when you are having that diarrhea all over your belly. So I googled picture of colostomies and showed him the worse picture I could find. Not the nice and neat little rosebud stomas but the huge, inflamed one. I said picture that, hard to get a seal on the skin and it seal breaks when you are up on stage at Karaoke. What is going to happen to your shirt and pants??? He said, go ahead and schedule me for the treatments!!!!! Yeah, happy dance!!!!! Now whether he will fight me when time comes to have the treatments is another thing. But my down and dirty trick worked.

    Our neighbor was having a tree removed today so we talked to the guy in charge to give us an estimate. We have a huge silver maple and 5 very overgrown bushes that need to be removed. And then with the huge holes in the ground all of this is going to give us, we need landscaping. Anyone want to take a road trip to help us???? The estimate he gave us is quite a bit less than what we expected. He didn't have one of those chipper things, just a young boy that hauled it all out to a truck. Can the wood chips be used for mulch with the landscaping we will have to do? Our bushes are so big, it is up to the guttering of our bi-level. You can't see the house. The tree is 40 years old and still healthy but is just to close to the house, branches on top of our house and huge roots all over our yard. We don't want it trimmed, we want it gone!

    Joyce, Indiana
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Morning friends,
    I am on a treadmill as we speak..nice to be back at a gym... One of my friends from the other gym is here so that's great.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    edited July 2015
    Ahh... stress insomnia at the moment is the issue. Not unusual for me when I'm up in the middle of a high-stress situation. I go to bed thinking about it, get up thinking about it. I'm not sure I'd recommend it as a solution, but working in an icky restaurant does help keep you on the straight and narrow road food-wise... :smiley:

    As I told the GM, during a long, private conversation as to what the actual next steps were going to be, "Really bad managers never question themselves. Good managers always do." That's an adage I developed out of my own experience with a few good ones and a lot of bad ones. The manager has never reacted to the knowledge that the restaurant is so far out of code as to be dangerous. Ever. Never said, "I missed that," "I should have caught that," nothing. He cannot take responsibility.

    I've taken to calling the manager the "Vampire Pinocchio," or "VP," as in his desperate need to avoid me, he only comes out late at night, and whenever actually faced with anything that he has not resolved in the prior months, he lies like nobody's business. Right to your face. Repeatedly.The VP sat down for a few moments with the GM yesterday while I was home working on reports and told him that he had thrown a pit bull into the process (referring to me). The GM told him a Chihuahua wouldn't have been able to do the job. Not sure I like either reference.

    Last but not least, the silly crapweasel has been going around the restaurant telling them he has no intention of being around for the deep cleaning process while we're closed down Sunday night--and that it won't do anyone on staff any good to be there, either. According to him there is no money for raises or promotions, and the restaurant is going broke, and the owners are broke, etc. The whole restaurant is in an uproar, and I told that much to the GM last night. He said if I will confirm that is the messaging going out, he will message the owners and find out whether they'd prefer him fired Friday, or wait for their arrival next week. I expect confirmation by the time I've talked to two or three people at most.

    The funny part is - the restaurant's making more money than it has in the last two years, because the goober actually did improve the food enormously. But his employee turnover is enormous... Wonder why? Ha!

    Back to bed... thanks for worrying, my friends. And for being a place where I can say all this. Please pray we dodge the very large axe hanging over our heads until I can get this mess at least marginally up to code.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,331 Member
    Beth - I feel for you! Having had only a couple of days of worrying about a loved one's mental state, I don't know how you do it. You are one strong woman!

    Lisa - good going on sorting out that manager! My DSIL had a micro sleep episode last time I was in the car with her. :sad:

    Joyce - what an angel you are. Those phone calls take the patience of a saint!

    Annr - you're looking good! I have awful problems with smart shoes. I have found a lowish wedge suits me, unless I'm just getting out of a taxi! ! ! ! !

    Michele - since I've been writing again I've been less interested in cooking. I think I don't need the creative outlet so much. I still want to eat good food, but I don't want to spend a lot of time preparing it. I used to long for a dinner party to cook for - not so much now. I have other priorities. Strange, eh?

    Vicki - congratulations on the pound lost. Going in the right direction. I hope you get some good news soon on your granddaughter.

    DH slept ok last night. I was awake for a couple of hours worrying and listening to his breathing, so eventually I decided to cut my losses and decamped to the spare bedroom and read. Then I slept. :bigsmile: Bit woozy this morning, but feeling optimistic that the worst is over.

    Love to all. Heather x x x x
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,789 Member
    Oh my,
    bent down to empty the shredder and ,my head is swimming.. dizzy as all get out right now so sitting down, was going over to see DFIL but dont dare try to drive right now...
    did go over to the gym and did 1/2 hr on treadmill, gonna work up slow.. laundry in the washer, will get it in the dryer once I can see straight
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Hang in, Allie... take care of yourself. Thinking about you today, Carol, Pip, all of you. Hugs to all our walking wounded--y'all make me understand that my troubles are temporary and not that bad. Kudos to our losers, and a serene and loving Thursday to you all.

    I have to go dig up my SuperWoman cape and my big girl panties. I know they're around here somewhere! :wink:
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @Annr - I think your dress would look more stylish if you pulled up the dress to bunch up more around your tummy, rather than to have it pulled tight over your hips and bunching again below your hips - this will make it shorter, of course - I just think the folds would be better being consistent; bring the dress hem up to the bottom of your knees and pull the folds so they will be consistent all the way down the dress, and definitely get a pair of shoes that are more dressy, even if they are flat sandals. If you can wear heels, they can still be low heels. Maybe finding a pair that are a 'wild' color with a matching bag or a colorful scarf. I agree with Heather about maybe some low wedges. I have some wedges that are about 2.5" high and I am looking forward to wearing them again. Being able to bend over and buckle them myself.

    @jnkmom - I wear my C-pap machine for naps, too. DH does not snore - without C-pap machine, I can snore in 'any' position; so the only way to stop me is to wake me up and tell me that the nose mask is not on correctly. I hate the comment of 'well you were really getting some ZZZZZZZZZ's'. I don't think he realizes that when I am snoring, that is when I have stopped breathing and letting me sleep and snore is NOT good for me. So now he will wake me up. I used to wake myself up snoring sometimes. This would be embarrassing when the boys had friends over and they walked around me on the floor. Drool running out of my mouth. If anyone out there snores or has a spouse or significant other who snores - talk to your MD and ask about having a sleep study done. I tell you, having a C-pap machine has saved my marriage and there is no reason to sleep in separate rooms. Sleep Apnea is generally quite mistaken for having COPD (but the machines you use are very different), Not until I told my MD that DH says I snored like a freight train did he order the sleep studies to be done. It is difficult to sleep with all the electrodes attached to you - but generally all you have to do is call the operator and have them come help you get to the restroom. When I had my first set of sleep studies done, it was done on one of those beds that you could adjust the softness/hardness of the mattress; the second time, I felt like I was sleeping on a board and the pillows were hard, too. I'm use to having my own 'down' pillow to sleep and I told the MD that the bed was too hard to fall asleep.

    Going to the lung man today - still coughing like a chain-smoker - hopefully he can give me something to clear it totally out of my lungs. It is worse at night.

    Your MnL sounds like my DH's D who we have not seen or spoken to in over 8 years. She had taken money that belonged to my DMnL and co-mingled her funds with hers. We could prove it; but, DH decided to just let it fly and not say anything about it. What was hurtful is that I had painted my MnL a picture and when she went to have it framed they did not find a signature. I had asked her if she'd send it to me so I could at least, sign it, offered to take it home and bring it back to DMnL - that never happened and on the addendum to the Will his D had scratched out some things that were coming to me and put her name there instead. A 5-diamond ring that she had bought shortly after DH and I were married and that I had been told would be mine and this picture, still not signed - I don't doubt that the reason I never heard from her about it was she probably signed it as if she had painted it. Long, long story if you ask me; so I will end it here. Saddest thing is that we have a 9-year-old granddaughter that we have not seen since her 1st birthday. Even when her first child was living and we were only 3 hours away - we never got to have her on our own. Usually, it was her weekend to have her and she had 'plans' and we were not invited to come to Atlanta to see her; then it was always her Daddy's time to have her. I was out-of-town when she got killed (struck by an auto when driver - teenager - was 'high' and the sun was 'in his face'). My DSs had found out about it by watching the news on TV. DH and I had always had the agreement that whichever one of us were out of town would be the one that called home and checked in. When the red light was flashing on the phone when I got back from eating supper with some of the other secretaries there for training, I knew something was wrong. Called home and DH had been crying and all I could say was, 'dear God, please tell me that it is not one of our sons'. He assured me it was not either of them; but had been his DGD. The next day I had to drive from Savannah, GA to Jacksonville, FL to pick up my DMnL and was met at the door by FnL who told me 'don't cry - whatever you do - DON'T CRY'. He did not come with us because he did not travel for any reason. It was difficult not to cry in front of her although she cried the entire trip home with me.

    Yes, wood chips can be used for mulch - makes pretty good mulch; some flowers do not do as well with it as mulch but some really thrive with it, It has something to do with the acid or alkaloid (sp?) in the wood and soil you use. I am surprised that the lawn guy did not have a chipper
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,085 Member
    Michele love the turtle. It will great by your pool.

    Beth prayers for staying strong during this trying time. Although we are the mom and want to fix his illness. He is the one who has to take responsibility for his wellness. I believe he can do it with then help of the resources that are out there.

    Becca well said.

    Katla hope visit to Dr. goes well.

    Joyce applaud your tough love with Charlie. Surprised he doesn't want to try the less invasive route of changing his habits first. When I am on one of these robo calls I have a book I want to read or a magazine while I wait it through. Sometimes depending on what phone I use I walk around and do things I can get done while holding onto the phone. Sounds like Pip found a more reasonable balloon ride than I did so you might find a way to do it yet.

    Lisa you pegged VP (Love the name) to a tee. His blindness in his inability to take responsibility is the root cause of the problem. So instead of helping solve the problems he sabotages and makes it more difficult. I agree he needs to go since he can't change his ways. Hopefully you can quickly find a good replacement.

    Alison take care.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    WHOOP!! I lost one pound!! A Pound is a pound I guess!! LOL!! That is 6 pounds lost since July 1st. I have four more pounds to lose by August 9th and my Disney trip. You all have been a big part of it. I have gotten encouragement, food ideas and a place to feel at home!! You are some AMAZING women!! If I would just take some time to exercise, I could lose more!! Last night I was making dinner at 8:30pm!! We worked and then had an errand to do and we didn't get home until then. I had 2 turkey hot dogs with sauce - no buns, peas, and corn on the cob. I'm going to try to eat earlier!

    Lori from WV
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Lillian, we know you want to be 1 ½ pounds lighter when you are in public, as well, which is what has me concerned. Not so sure any of us mature ladies should be going Commando in public? massmoon.gif

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Ha ha.... I would definitely NOT go commando in public!!! I will work on being mature though! lol....

  • cd_va
    cd_va Posts: 31 Member
    Good morning everyone. Lori, congrats on a pound lost!!!! Way to go!!

    I hate the first week or so of a 'restart': I'm working on planning my meals and getting to the gym. But then this morning I packed a pair of slacks in my gym bag that were snug when I put them on. Too late to go back home--I have to walk around trying not to feel awful about myself all day.

    I hope you all have a lovely day.

    Colleen in Virginia

  • tonithewriter
    tonithewriter Posts: 27 Member
    Colleen, I hate the first week of a restart as well! And yep! That is where I am as well. We have a lot of life changes going on, but I think I am settled and ready to work on me again. I was looking for a group of ladies about my age for motivation and weight loss companionship, accountability partners. I am from north of Chicago, but we are currently living in MN, which may be temporary, not sure. So, I promise to motivate all of you and hoping for the same in return. Nice to meet all of you ladies.

    Toni in Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Heather: I checked an article on micro-sleep at the wheel. I wonder whether this is commonplace for your DSIL. It is most certainly dangerous to the driver and everyone else on the road. I'm happy to hear that your DH slept okay and that you went to another room where you were able to rest. :yawn:

    Alison: You are a smart woman to avoid driving after you have been dizzy. I used to occasionally have a head spinning sensation when I stood up abruptly. In my case, it was due to low blood pressure. This hasn't happened to me in many years. Do you know what is causing your dizziness? If it doesn't go away I hope you'll contact your doctor. :flowerforyou:

    Lillian: Age and maturity do not necessarily go together. :noway: I like thinking about grape juice. It can mature into fine wine, or vinegar. Let's become fine wine and enjoy life! :drinker:

    I'm having a cup of coffee and getting ready to leave to my doctor's appointment. A prescription review is a novel experience for me, but I think it is a good idea. I am not enthused about the drive in to her office. I live in a small town about 20-25 miles from her location. Morning rush traffic is no fun at all. :grumble:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    July Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    morning peepheads -

    well, I up'd my exercise time at the gym 5 minutes so i'm at 35 wapping minutes!! still haven't run on the treadmill cuz of the dizziness and shoulder, don't want the bouncing around to make it hurt. today I have my followup appointment w/my doctor at 4:30pm PST (right now 7:23am). I drove to work because I am not going to push myself to ride from here to the doc which would be around 11-12mi. I wanna hear what the doc has to say first so i'm being a slacker and driving.

    exermom - i am not sure if the patch helped or not... cute coloring on the turtle.

    annr - both of those shoes would look very nice w/the dress! i've worn them all!

    grandmallie - as everyone is telling me, take care and take it easy.. ahhhh how cute... we're a couple of dizzy broads!! group hug!!

    tulliplor - congrats on your 1lb loss!!!!! keep it up!!!!

    cd_va - just remember how snug those pants feel now... then after awhile, put them on again later you will smile to yourself and say, "ahhhh yesssss,,,, i remember when these were tight!" :0) let those pants be your motivator.

    welcome to all new peep-ease !
    type to ya later.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,677 Member
    stat for the day:
    spin - 35min, 71ar, 107aw, 12-16g, 12.2mi = 321cal