

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    wow janetr - purcy cool digs!!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    edited July 2015
    @bwcetc - C-pap (especially if they did the 2 sleep studies on him) will make ALL the difference in the world re: migraines, being tired, grumpy, depression, anxiety, and so many other things too numerous to list. The first sleep study they did on me I had stopped breathing over 100 times in less that 7 hours, put me in a C-pap and I did not stop breathing at all; set my settings on C-pap to make it so I'd sleep through the night. Best sleep I ever had - I think I actually slept about 12 hours (DH did not wake me up). That was 4 years ago; had a 2nd sleep study, same routine and MD was able to change settings on machine a little. Surprisingly, it went down a notch. If your insurance will pay for rental - that is the best way to go; if your actual purchase it, you have to pay for any repairs. Just took mine in today - lightening got to it; and they gave me a replacement to uses while it gets repaired (or replaced). To be compliant with using it you have to sleep with it on for 4 hours a night. I even use mine when I nap or if I think I'll fall asleep in my chair. Also helps with weight issues as well.

    My pool is about 4.5" deep (no deep end), circular and I walk around it 10x one way, turn around and walk 10x going the other way. The 2nd go-round there is a lot of resistance because if you walk fast enough it will swirl; then I walk across it about 76 times - using the posts and each time across I go to the next station and walk across at the furthest point. Then I do leg lifts and other aerobic exercises. We live in South Georgia (USA) and it is hot here - been in the 90's (humidity) makes it feel like triple digits. I get it in and sometimes get chased out because of afternoon thunder bumpers. It takes less than 2 hours for me to do the entire workout. I'd think you could walk laps until it got up to your shoulders or neck if you have a deep end. Swimming laps is also a good exercise for all over. I move my arms as well, like I would if I was walking on the street or treadmill (set low). I leaned that you can't change the speed, the hard way. You see comics that turn it up and fly off the backend of it. That is exactly what I did and knocked over a chair and the belt about tore my wrist up before I could get the chair off me. I'm sure it would have made for a funny movie clip and probably would have gone viral, too. LOL!

    @ydailey - If I know we are going out to eat, I will check through the 'food' section and come up with something I can eat that won't make me go over my daily calories and that is what I order. I hate it when my husband comes home from work and I don't have a minimum of 550 calories to use when we go out. DH is getting better about letting me know ahead of time (usually).

    - for some reason, this year, I have not been in the mood for flowers; maybe because we have had so much rain. When using pine straw put it on thick - it will settle down, usually after the first rain. We're glassing in our screened-in porch and will have to cut a vent from the AC/Heat for it to feel nice. It's on the west facing side of our house and even though it has the sun blocking panes, it is still going to be hot out there if we don't do something about the vent (or get those stand alone fans/heaters to use. I'm planning on putting my flamingo collection out there as well (as soon as DH builds some shelves. We've got a lot of work to still do for it to be useable. He finally got our neighbor to put in a new disposal and faucet. Randy told me that Louis had told him that he wanted to do something 'nice' for me. That was NICE! <3

    @mollywhippet - I'll remember that when I get ready to go look for a fitbit.

    @miriamwitcats - Our tomato lady used to have a lot of daylilies; but husband tilled them over; if I had known he was going to do that I would have gone up there and dug up as many as I could. She died a couple of months ago, and he picked some of the tomatoes for those of us who bought them on a regular basis. He is so pitiful without her - don't think he will move back in the house. Guess that means no more fresh tomatoes. I'll go down there to pick figs if we can find out where he is staying and can ask him. The wake/visitation was at the house - now THAT is definitely 'old country'. I think everybody in the entire county must have come to visit with him. You never saw one without the other. I really don't expect that he will live much longer. She died suddenly. Had repair done on hernia, made it through that without any trouble; but, then bled out in a couple of days because of all the medication they had her on. Was told that she was constantly having to change up meds because her blood would get really thin, and the next time would be thick as syrup. She was only about 64 or 65; but, she looked a whole lot older. So does Vern; he is younger than my DH; but easily looks to be in his early 80s. People are surprised when they learn that DH will be 74 his next birthday (November). I laugh and say that is because his wife is so young looking. People who know how old he is probably think I am his 'trophy wife'. LOL! But, 3rd time was the charm. He's only 9 1/2 years older, just like his mom and dad and my mother and daddy. He doesn't have enough money to be a "Sugar Daddy". I fell in love with his voice before I ever looked up to see his face. Gorgeous bedroom eyes.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited July 2015
    Janetr - that is some spacious trailer! Ac and all! Can I come and visit? :p

    Tonight I conjured up a tasty meal from odd cooked sausages and meatballs that I kept for the grandchildren, but have been languishing in the freezer for about a year! Decided it was time to drag them out. Made a HUGE pot of passata and put three portions away in the freezer. Used one portion with some frozen peas, dried chillies, basil and heated up the meat bits in it. Served with grated parmesan on a base of cauliflower 'rice'. (Grated or food processed cauliflower) Delicious, and only 400 cals. I love using up leftovers and now I have lots of passata for other meals.

    DH came back ok this evening. Hope tonight goes well. He will pick up his prescription tomorrow.

    I had a great afternoon reading the beginning part of my memoir. It's a "nice" part with lots of early 50s nostalgia. Spent a lot of time googling song lyrics, fifties food items and a bit of history, like the Suez crisis. Ain't Google wonderful? ! ! ! ! ! :bigsmile: It's always rewarding when you go on line to look some obscure thing up and you find other people are just as obsessed. Nostalgia rules!

    Love to all. Renewed my Senior Railcard today. You get a third off any railfare. Fantastic value as we go up to London so often.

    Heather UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    margaretturk - balloon rides are about 175-180 for sunrise flights and 220-230 for sunset rides. i'm more app to do the sunrise so we can get home early enough for the kids. we got the money, this was just a reminder of how his bday ended. i'm sure thy have a pyt plan and as long as their's no interest, no big deal. otherwise, we can pay it in full if we HAVE to. IF he gives me any *kitten* i can tell him, hey i didn't give you any grief when i allowed you to spend over 5k on a bike, consider this my bike!

    megblair1 - yeah, my followup app. is tomorrow..

    I am doing a lot better today :0)... I even extended my workout time by 5 min. so 35 min in the spin class. oh and I weighed myself this morning, 4 lbs under the goal weight.

    type to ya later.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    pipcd34 wrote: »
    wow janetr - purcy cool digs!!

    Thanks, Pip, we've hauled it all over the place and it makes a great guest "house" :)
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    DJ Myrtle Beach, SC -
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    I had the best doctor’s appointment that I can ever remember. He is taking me off my diabetes medicine and told me to cut back on Nexium. My cholesterol numbers are all great. For the second visit in a row, we are reducing my thyroid medication. He said, it’s amazing what losing weight can do, isn’t it. *big grin* Needless to say, I was pleased. Oh yes, and I am no longer in the Obese category.

    I just got up from my desk, walked into an empty conference room, closed the door and did a happy dance in your honor. Hooray for good numbers! Hooray for lowering/getting off meds! HUZZAH!!!! For no longer being obese. Loved the way you casually tossed that nugget in as a “by the way.” This is the best reason to stick to it and lose the weight. Congratulations.

    Tuliplor – I too found getting motivated to exercise extremely difficult. Still do some days to be honest. When I first started I decided that if I spent money to exercise I would be much more inclined to follow through. I started by signing up for a once a week class (aqua aerobics). Double follow through benefit a) didn’t want to toss away money as I already mentioned; b) had a scheduled time to exercise.

    After that class I found that having what I call a “Sacred Schedule” in my calendar and a 15 min. rule meant I followed through with exercise fairly regularly. A Sacred Scheduled event in my calendar is one that I am not allowed to change for other events unless it is a dire emergency. The 15 min rule is that I must show up and exercise for 15 minutes. If I still do not want to be there after 15 min. then I may leave.

    Once I got in the habit of exercising (took me about 4 months before it was a habit), lost weight, and it was easier to move I actually got to the point where I would miss it if I didn’t get some movement into my day. I considered myself an exerciser!

    The bad news is that I had a 6 week period where my doctor would not let me do anything more strenuous than walking at a stroll. By the time I had clearance to go back to the gym I didn’t want to do it. Back to the Sacred Schedule and the 15 min rule. This time it only took me about 2 months to reach the point where exercise is once again fun most days.

    Guess I’m saying you find something you sort of enjoy (or keep trying new things every month or so) and force yourself to do it when you don’t want to until the motivation kicks in.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy hump day.
    Going for my mammogram and fasting labs,hope the counts are good,been really watch the diet and doing what I can for exercise.
    Hugs to all
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Ditto on what Lenora said about sleep apnea and a CPAP. The first sleep study I did was a daytime sleepiness study since the doc was discounting my fatigue as part of my mood disorder (common for physical illnesses to be discounted if you have a mental illness). They hook you up to all these electrodes, and give you five chances to fall asleep with 30 minutes between each chance. I was out so quickly they suggested that I not drive myself home. The full sleep study showed that I NEVER got in to REM sleep. I would start to doze off, my throat would collapse, and I would wake up. All night long. I had been a severe snorer since my late teens (and I was NOT fat) so I am talking twenty years without sleep! I was having symptoms of narcolepsy I was so sleep deprived- falling asleep driving, talking to people, even my boss, watching movies or TV. I had two attacks of cataple><y which is when your brain goes in to the part of the sleep cycle where you lose all muscle tone, suddenly, like a marionette with its strings cut. Not fainting, fully conscious but just drop. I was doing "automatic behaviors" where my brain was going in to mini-sleeps as I walked around doing things, so I would put things away in weird places, say the wrong words, do odd things. It was really bad. Constant headaches (from o><ygen deprivation!). Love my CPAP from the very first night with it. Use it for the entire night, naps, and even when I meditate since my throat collapses then too. There is a link between sleep apnea and celiac so my undiagnosed celiac may be to blame.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @Heather - "Janetr - that is some spacious trailer! Ac and all! Can I come and visit? :p"

    Heather, thanks so much and you BET, I would love to have you visit!!! :)
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,815 Member
    I will try this again. Yesterday I had my post all typed out and when I went to post it things went crazy. So I gave up and trying again today. These new computers at work have a lot of problems getting things set up. But am praying all the bugs are out now. Last couple days have been very stressful at work. But hoping today and tomorrow go better. I am off Friday and work the weekend.
    Weigh in yesterday was better then expected. I am down a pound. I am happy with that and back on track. I signed DH and I up for the step challenge at work, it starts Aug 3 to 31st. We can earn $100 on our heatlh care card. So have to up my steps daily.
    Sylvia--Great NSV getting up on your own. Must say I am very glad to hear DGC are home.
    Carol--Sending hugs and healing prayers.
    Joyce--I either pull them or shave. I have not been brave enough to try waxing. I see someone said something about Wal-Mart having some wax strips, so may check that out.
    Heather--Sending prayers for DH. Panic attacks are no fun! Sounds like you and DH are just prefect for each other. So lucky. I feel DH and I was a good fit also. We bring out the best in each other.
    Cheri--Wise words. I know I feel so much better then 120+ pound ago.
    Teri--Anytime that is what we are here for.
    So far the police have not found DGD and she has not come home. I just pray she is ok and gets the help she needs.
    Rosie--thanks for the beautiful pictures.
    I am up to page 53 so hoping I can get caught up today. I am working my short shift 7-3. Sounds like going to be another hot one, so not sure if I will get anything done outside after work or not.
    Maragert--I so agree that the most we can do is keep them in prayer and know God is in control. Easier said then done, I am working on it.
    pip--WOW!! That is terrible, those bills. I sure do pray insurance pays most of it. Add my name to the list that is worried about you. I would love to give my DH an hot air balloon ride, but have not found any around here, but keep my eye open. I hope Kirby has fun. Sending HUGS!!
    Michele--Boy! wish I was closer sounds like a fun time. Will be looking for pictures and report.
    DJ--Great doctor's visit. I have my blood work done next week for my appointment on Aug 11. I am hoping to cut down my metforin.
    Lisa--You take care and stop overdoing. Glad you are ok. Scary!
    Put my name on the list for Hawaii. I have always wanted to go.
    Meg--Sorry to hear about your ant bites. No fun.
    So I am caught up again. When I get off this afternoon I need to run to the post office on the way home and pickup so stamps. DH wants to go for a motorcycle ride when he gets off so will see what I can get done before he gets home. Have a good rest of the day ladies.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    :::: lifting up my leg, marking my spot:::::
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    Sylvia no surprise I tend to over water plants rather than underwater them. I finally bought a water probe that tells me when I need to water. I know it has saved water and plants in the long run. I wish I had your pottery gene.

    Gayle my son gradated from Harding High School. We are happy living in the Twin Cities, too.

    Pip wow I know we paid more for our balloon ride ten years ago. With dealing with my DH I have learned men and money are not always rational. After what you went through in recovering from your injuries it will make a nice outing to look forward to. You were smart to wait and approach him about this at a better time.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Time to wrap up things at work and get ready for another baseball game. Hopefully DH will grab me a t-shirt, since I only packed tanks thinking it was supposed to get over 80 today (75 right now - perfect for baseball). But now the area is on edge, because a Mountain Lion has been seen twice this week. I have to say, I think I will pack my new umbrella, since it's the closest thing I own to a weapon.

    Chat with you all tomorrow again.

    Hugs ! ! ! Terri in Milwaukee
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Afternoon Ladies,

    Katla, glad you had a nice and safe trip to deliver the dingy. "A dingy delivery duo." Hee hee hee. One of these years, DH and I might get over that way to visit our DD. Talk about another world right here in our country.

    Michele NC, your turtle picture didn’t open for me. Maybe you can try it again.

    Gayle, that is the trick to exercising, but so far I haven’t found anything I like to do. I do like line dancing so far but it is only once a week. I just keep trying to talk myself into exercising because I know it’s good for me, just like eating right.

    Lillian, we know you want to be 1 ½ pounds lighter when you are in public, as well, which is what has me concerned. Not so sure any of us mature ladies should be going Commando in public? massmoon.gif

    Joyce, my doctor did say he loves having patients like me that do things to help themselves. What a shame that your DH talks to you like that. I hope you don’t take any offense to it?

    Allison, glad you got a good night’s sleep. Yes it’s a good idea to steer clear of the nursing home till you know you are well.

    Joyce, I am the same way as your DH when it comes to sleeping pills. I like having them for when I need them but don’t like taking them so rarely do. It’s just always nice to know they are there. Glad he got a better night’s sleep.

    Heather, thanks to you and others for the kind words about my doctor’s visit. I am not real happy at the rate of loss I have had the past couple of months but yesterday when I was telling the doctor that I quit smoking, I realized that it’s actually wonderful that I haven’t gained. I do still find I want to eat something all the time and sometimes do, so maintaining is actually a victory. Overall health wise, I am very happy with my progress. Have you given more thought to talking to the kids about your memoirs? And how is the book coming along? Just remember we are all with you. (((((Hugs)))))

    Lisa, congrats on that pound!!! Sometimes they can be so stubborn. Be careful doing that long drive. It is so easy to be here one minute and gone the next.

    NMMargaret, since I got rid of so many clothes and pared down other rooms in the house, I feel so much better. It’s like losing weight only this is getting rid of “stuff” and leaving breathing room.

    Terri, good idea to toss those Pop Tarts if DS doesn’t want them. I hate having things like that in the house.

    Janetr, the trailer makes a very nice guest room. Enjoy seeing your family.

    Sylvia, I don’t know what kind of house plant you have but I have a couple of philodendrons’ that I know are at least 30 years old. And I’m not a plant person. In fact, yep, I just looked and still have a black thumb. I keep thinking the soil should be worn out but it just keeps thriving. So I doubt yours is dying of old age. I can’t believe that lady started talking to you about diets. I have a friend that really needs to lose weight and she tells a story about weighing less than she did 5 months ago when she had foot surgery and had to stop exercising. I just look at her and smile every time I hear that. I would never indicate to anyone that they needed a “diet”.

    Colleen, welcome. You are smart to get a grip on your weight before it gets too far gone. No need to start over, right? This is a great place for support. Come often and join right in.

    Yvonne, sorry you didn’t like the job on your hair. Some things are worth traveling for. I do hope you get to the special bra store so you can keep those girls contained. seehearspeak.gif We don’t want them to hurt anyone or you.

    Beth, how wonderful that the sleep apnea was diagnosed. Wouldn’t it be great if that took care of the majority of migraines?

    Pip, glad you seem to be getting a bit better. Kirby chose to get his bike but you didn’t choose to fall and hurt yourself.

    Mia, thanks for the Happy Dance. I love your 15 minute rule. That’s a great way to get in the groove.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I didn’t get this posted this morning so going to post it now before it gets too long. I’ll check back in on you ladies before I go to bed. I’m going to make Heather’s Spinach/Feta Pie. Hope mine is as good as her looked.

    I hope you all have a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • KateKyi
    KateKyi Posts: 106 Member
    I just lost a wonderfully written moaning rant about me needing a swift kick in the pants. I will spare you the details but anyone want to volunteer feel free I need it.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    @ DJ - "Janetr, the trailer makes a very nice guest room. Enjoy seeing your family."

    Thanks, DJ. We do have a guest room in the house but the youngest and her hubby prefer being out there. My oldest is single and she always stays in the guest room. The Grands love the trailer most often. :)
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Lisa – I’m very glad to hear you just gave yourself a fright and weren’t actually in an accident. Good for you listening to your body and taking a report writing day at home.

    Meg from Omaha – Thanks for the encouragement on the chin hairs. I’m really hoping one of these days they’ll be few and far between. Eyebrows huh? Now there’s a thought. My hairdresser decided to dye my eyebrows because they are so light you cannot see them from a distance. I like the results except for the fact that it emphasized the stragglers.

    Heather UK – I frequently use cauliflower “rice” in place of real rice or pasta. I’ve gotten to the point where I like it better than real rice.

    Miriam with cats – That is a remarkable list of problems all caused by lack of proper REM sleep. I remember coughing for a solid year before I was finally diagnosed with Asthma. I hadn’t quite realized the toll a year without a good night’s sleep had taken on me until I finally had the correct medication and slept through the entire night. I woke up the next day feeling like a totally different person. I absolutely cannot picture 20 years without a good sleep. Glad you have the CPAP these days.

    Vicki GI NE – I’m so sorry that your DGD has not been found yet. I’ll be praying for her and hope she is OK.

    Kate – Sending you that kick you need. You know what you need to do to get the results you want so get out there and just do it. No quitting now, you hear?

    On that note ladies I am now briefly all caught up.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude

  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Miramwithcats - 16 cats... That definitely qualifies you as the crazy cat lady (said with love). We are working with Furry Friends Refuge in West Des Moines. I'm sure they will call again soon. We have two cats today (plus one dog and five fish). First one was adopted from a friend who discovered he was allergic to his cat after having him for a year. Rocky has been with us for about 8 years now. Second was adopted from my sister when she married someone who did not want a cat. Maggie was quite timid and hid under a table in our basement for the first two weeks. We’ve had her for almost 5 years now and she is still shy but has come out of her shell quite a bit. She even jumped up on daughter#2’s lap the other day and stayed there for quite a while. I think when we foster a cat, there is a good chance it will have found a home for life.

    Lori – Congrats on logging for 20 days in a row. On exercise… I have found (and I’ve heard others on this string say it as well) that I need to get up and exercise first thing in the morning or it’s too easy to put it off. I work full time so that means getting up earlier than I like, but I also find that I have more energy to start off my day. What works for me is to exercise at home using our Wii - the Gold’s Gym Cardio Boxing is my favorite.

    Gayle W – I hear you on that Wii Fit bar. I’m working towards the day that I don’t go over the top. I find it a bit depressing.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    KateKyi wrote: »
    I just lost a wonderfully written moaning rant about me needing a swift kick in the pants. I will spare you the details but anyone want to volunteer feel free I need it.

    :::::::::::: reving up the boot!!! BAM!!!::::::::::::::
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Janet - Congranulation on that doctor appointment! Woohoo!!

    Pip - I'm so sorry that Kirby is acting out. Especially since that is something my ex would have said to me.

    Joyce - I'd've already poisoned Charlie by now for calling me those words!

    Sylvia - I guess that's why I weigh in my birthday suit...

    I went to PT this morning. This was my last session of purely passive therapy. Next week, I'll begin rebuilding muscle in addition to range of motion. I'll get to try out that hand bike that Terri keeps talking about. I heard someone mention the nu-step today but my back was to them so I didn't see which machine they were talking about.

    The therapist I saw today is much gentler than the other one and did slightly different things. They always ask me if I am in pain as soon as I get there and I was actually having some twinges. After we'd figured out the probable culprit, she ended my session with a massage of my trapezoid muscles on my surgical side. Heaven!!!

    My daughter and I have been having a quick and cheap bagel breakfast after my therapy sessions because I eat only a piece of fruit beforehand in case the pain/movement makes me nauseaus. It takes about 30 minutes total. Well, this morning, when I got to work, the pastor very pointedly looked at his watch. I guess we're going to need to figure out something else. I don'want to pack anything because it would have be in the hot car for 2 1/2 hours.

    On therapy days, I am definitely more tired. I couldn't get in a nap today (noisy children again) so I rested. I was still feeling pretty crappy but have since taken a pain pill and am attached to the icing machine. I feel a bit better.

    I decided today that I am going to go tomorrow and get three inches or so cut off my hair. I have let it get longer than it had in years and am still uncertain if I really, really like it. Having my hair shorter will make it easier to wash and dry. I won't have full use of my arm for at least two-three months, so off it comes!! Hair grows...

    I hope everyone has a great evening!

    Carol in NC