

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    Barbie - good for you scheduling the weight training. Fantastic!

    Gayle - do you play the American version of mahjongg? That's the one we play. Ken showed me his Chinese mahjongg set. It's different looking and one of the things that stood out was that in his set, there aren't numbers on the tiles, just the Chinese characters.

    Forgot to post a pic of my turtle. Here it is. Now the gal is going to put eyelashes on and we're going to hope that they don't run into the paint. She's also going to do the mouth since that's such fine detail work. But here it is.....

    Michele in NC

    Singapore, but we have numbers. Good food n talk!
  • tuliplor
    tuliplor Posts: 51 Member
    Hi everyone!! Still sticking to my diet. Logged in 20 days!! I've really tried to be honest!! HERE is my problem. I don't exercise!! I just haven't made myself to it that much!! Only a few times!! Why can't I get motivated!! I know I would feel better!!!
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    @DJ - Three cheers for you on your doctor visit. That is so exciting to losing weight and getting healthy. I can't think of any thing more important to do for your self and your family. Big high five to you.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited July 2015
    tuliplor wrote: »
    Hi everyone!! Still sticking to my diet. Logged in 20 days!! I've really tried to be honest!! HERE is my problem. I don't exercise!! I just haven't made myself to it that much!! Only a few times!! Why can't I get motivated!! I know I would feel better!!!

    I hear ya, I am the same way. I have been very faithful in exercising since I started MFP. At first I started with water aerobics only two or three times a week (that I have been doing for several months), that got to be fun and a social outing for me so upped it to 3-4 times a week. Then felt bad (guilty) the days I couldn't make it to the pool so started stationary bike at home. Now I've added 1/2 hr on the bike in the afternoon even if I do go to pool in the morning. I'm pushing 66 now, I have NEVER liked to exercise in my life, but guess what? I am ENJOYING IT. It gets me energized in the morning and I am just busier and doing more than I have done in years. So here ya go start little, get used to a few minutes at a time doing something you can tolerate well then built up and add on. You can do it. Hang in there.
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    DJ... Congrats on those test results!!!

  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    tuliplor wrote: »
    Hi everyone!! Still sticking to my diet. Logged in 20 days!! I've really tried to be honest!! HERE is my problem. I don't exercise!! I just haven't made myself to it that much!! Only a few times!! Why can't I get motivated!! I know I would feel better!!!

    That's the age old question!! Is there any activity you like? Do you have spouse n friend to do it with?? Keep recording and give praise to yourself for sticking to it!!! Gayle Minneapolis
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    edited July 2015
    DamitJanit wrote: »
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Lillian is going Commando on the scales, so don’t look, you guys!!! headache.gif

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    Hey!! Someone said she weighed without her panties and she was 1 1/2 pounds lighter.... I want to be 1 1/2 pounds lighter too!!! Now if someone could please insert a wiggling bum here for me being as I can never find those graphics.... Thank you!

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member

    Sylvia, I have just not been able to get you off my mind all day!!! I have an important question: if your panties weight that much, how much does your bra weigh??? smiley-scared001.gif

    Myrtle Beach, SC

    See... it was Sylvia that started it!! That is why I not weighing with panties on again.... :)

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Oh dear ...goodnight everyone. I have to work tomorrow....

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Went to look for work slacks at Dillard's. Thought I'd looked everywhere on the floor. Then a saleslady asked what I was looking for. I said, "Work slacks in size 12, washable, with pockets."
    "We have some in the back there," she said, and headed across the floor. Sure enough, they did.
    She brought me a pair in brown and one in navy. Brown didn't work for me; more of my shirts go with black, gray or blue. She found black. And the waistbands are waist level.
    She also called a manager to see if a discount was possible for a pair that had lost both of its buttons. (It was. 10 percent.)
    I asked her to call the manager back. "I can't. She's gone for the day."
    I said, "I just wanted to tell her how incredibly helpful you've been."
    I thought helpful salespeople were a thing of the past in clothing stores!

    I've been doing stairs in our office building the past 2 days, and my calves are sore. The building has 27 floors. We're on the 21st. You can walk all the way down from 27, but the stairwell doors are locked from 1-5 and at some higher floors. Today I walked from our foor to the 25th to bring up a piece of mail, then had to go back down a floor and take the elevator to 25. Yesterday I walked from 6 to 21, walking around the hallway every few floors to recover.

    Heather - the spinach/feta thing sounds wonderfu (though I'd wind up eating it on my own, since the guys won't eat spinach) but the pic on my screen came out with weird colors - mostly pinkish and grayish.
    re panic attacks and IBS, <waves of sympathy>

    Tammy / Oregon - my basic calories are 1200 a day, and exercise adds about 200 to 350. My diary's open to friends if you want to check it out.
    <later> I see you've been by. :-D
    I donno about the pickle, but I've had satay - meat with peanut/soy/sambal ulek sauce -, and it was quite good. I've also made groundnut stew with chicken, and liked that.

    TulipLori- great loss!

    lambocj- welcome! I hope that 40-pound goal is longer term than a month. And as long as you stay within your daily calorie allotment, you'll lose weight. So giving a fraction of that to sweets is fine.
    Yeah, logging - and weighing and measuring everything - will make a big difference.

    peep - sorry you're feeling woozy and punk.

    Gaye 1776 - welcome!
    <cheerleader skirt>
    Watch that Gayle! She's no fool!
    She'll use each and every tool!
    Gayle! Gayle! Yaaaaay!

    crazydoglady - CONGRATULATIONS! ou look damn fine!

    Michele NC - way to go on "No, I don't want something that big." Yaay!!

    lozinit - welcome! I just joined at the end of May, myself.

    kayak kutie - Happy belated anniversary, and congratulations on retirement and the 10-pound loss!

    Lisa - oy (re the restaurant)

    Sylvia - way to run! Anent the heavy panties, the best scales in a Consumer reports test were those that varied by no more than a pound in weighings one after the other.

    Allison - that gym must be really something! I can only dream of a gym with chair massagers and a movie theater. :)

    Margaret Turk - what fun sculptures, and what pretty gardens!

    JanetR - in addition to what your dr said, remember that muscle is denser than fat. You may be gaining muscle.

    It's late so I'm stopping at the end of 51 of 55.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Hello everyone! We have the DGS'S they really keep us busy. We were fishing all day then went on a boat ride after supper.

    Gayle- what part of Mpls are you from? I grew up in S Mpls. 43rd and 44 th street. I graduated from Rosevelt in 75.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Rosie, as you said that is a beautiful sunset. We had a nice one tonight and i went outside to take a picture of it with my iPad and it just didn't capture it. But my memory did and I will remember it. So how close were you to that spider?

    Heather, have fun with your yoga class at lunch. It's so nice of you to loan your shrug to your teacher. Her daughter must have found one special kind of guy that will take on such a ready made family, and one with severe diabetes. So sorry about your husbands panic attack. Sounds scary to me and I have never seen it. Was he in the service and having flash backs of some kind. My Dad would have terrible nightmares about bombing but again, that was when he was sleeping. I do think he needs to share about these attacks to the guys he goes to the cricket games with. If he should have one of those when he is with them, they would have a panic attack in response to his.

    Allison, what is it about the ladies here that are getting dizzy? You take care. Glad you could get some extra rest before having to start the day. I know you love seeing your FIL but sometimes you do have to put your own needs first.

    Lenora, hope your DDnL gets the job at the doctors office. Benefits are so important. I don't know how big your town is or how big this doctor's office is but a lot of the doctor's offices here are affiliated with one of our hospitals and therefore are part of a large corporation and get to participate in the pension and 401K.

    Lisa, that health inspections office needs to have an anonymous call to get them back and do a full inspection. Glad that the manager is fully cooperating with you. The inspector that came out needs to have his head inspected and also needs to be reported. He could be named in a lawsuit if some one got sick there.

    Miriam, covered with tarantulas????? WOW! I am an animal lover and am respectful of all animals but I think i would have peed my pants if I saw that. My daughter and I are all bug lovers. The youngest one used to have a tarantula. Of course at the time she had 3 dogs, 1 cat, a tarantula and 2 snakes, one was an 8 foot boa. Her now ex husbands brother really wanted the tarantula so she gave it to him as a wedding present!!! Most unusual wedding gift. I was eventually comfortable holding the spider. Now ants and *kitten* roaches, no. Don't like them. A good squirt with an all purpose spray kills them dead. WOW, you do have quite the rescue center! All our pets except one have been through rescue centers. Charlie likes to keep it one at a time. and our one loves him. He is the only person she will allow to give her a belly rub. I am the lap she goes to. If I had my way, I would have 3 cats.

    DJ, thanks for the waxing technique. I think that is the one I will try. My daughter is going to help me with it. I think she is looking forward to helping me a little to much! I have always wondered what it would be like for her to dye my hair also and she has offered many times but I think I will stay my natural color. But the waxing will be only my chin and neck, none of that 'where ever'. Yes, my husband does call me those words, calls our daughters those also. He was raised talking like that and it is just natural to him. I remember hearing his dad calling his 2nd wife that and his brothers do the same to their wives. He only does it just around us. He can hold it when he is around my oldest daughter, SIL and grand kids. My oldest doesn't even want her girls hearing some one being called stupid. Congrats on the doctors visit. You are the perfect patient!

    Pip, sweetie, what are we going to do with you, wrap you up in bubble wrap? You are jsut having the toughest time. Seeing that hospital bill would make me light headed! Taking a ride up in a hot air balloon is on my bucket list. But i never thought of it being hot in the gondola.

    Sylvia, it's OK to make a mistake occasionally and still maintain that greatest Grandmother title. Would your son allow the kids to call you and remind you about an hour before an appointment?

    Chris, when my MIL was still alive and we would go out and see her when daughter and family was in town, I would get so mad at my oldest grand daughter. She is normally a kind hearted, cheerful young lady. But when we would visit MIL in the visiting room, Trinity would lay on the love seat and read a book and never speak. Ellie was the opposite. She would get on MIL lap, read ehr a book, color, cut things out and just jabber away. Now granted MIL was kind of strange. She had paranoid schizophrenia which was well under control but was an extremely quiet person, no dentures and was hard to understand, stunk to high heavens because of dirty diapers and hardly spoke but the was still Trinities Grandma and deserved respect. MIL was a very kind woman most of the time to people she trusted only.

    terri, are there any u-tube videos you could watch to teach you howto do some things on your phone? Luckily my girls are very patient with me and Michelle not only teaches but makes sure that I can repeat it back to her. I knew when Charlie had his heart attack that I needed to get him a cell phone. I don't think he even knows how to turn on my computer or if he did, what to do with it. So I got him a very simple flip phone on a Tracfone plan. I got the flip phone because he can never answer or hang my phone up. There are still over half the tings my phone can do that I haven't even tapped into, well just because I don't need to do it. One day Charlie took a picture with this little tiny flip phone. He was so proud of himself and then couldn't stop taking them. Most of them are now deleted since you couldn't see anything.

    Carol, NC seems like you are feeling better. Keep it up.

    Didn't sleep well last night. My fitbit shows I didn't get to sleep until 6 AM and slept until noon. But I have a weird sleep/awake pattern. I know if I have a bad night's sleep I know I will be awake at 7PM. So I am feeling pretty good right now!!!! I tried to call the numbers that the GI office gave me yesterday so I could get a bottom lie number of how much money it will cost Charlie to get each infusion. I was able to only talk to one person but she was very helpful. I did find out that whether Charlie's dose is 10mg or 90mg the cost is the same so that was a relief. But that's about all I could get. Left a lot of messages on voice mail. I call it voice jail!

    Joyce, Indiana

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,798 Member
    Morning ladies~well I went to bed at 7 and read for awhile,then slept until 6 this morning.. still have a touch of something so no gym, but have tomorrow off and will be there tomorrow.gonna stay away from the nursing home also , just in case I still have a touch of something....
    not going into work until 11:30 this morning working until 6. then I am working all day for Zina on friday 8-5 ..
    I am excited about the gym though it has been open for 6 months ,but it is very clean,updated and brand new..
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Good morning all! :p

    Just had a lovely cup of coffee. <3 I just have some heated semi skimmed milk in my mug of VERY strong filter coffee. I allow myself 100 logged calories for daily semi skimmed milk in tea and coffee. I have one mug of coffee a day around 10 - 11 am. Also around 5-6 large mugs of tea with a splash of milk. Fizzy water at lunch. A long Pernod at 6pm (lots of water) and the occasional glass of tap water, depending on my salt consumption, often one before bed. Yesterday I had a Diet Coke at 5 pm to keep me going until dinner.

    DH took a prescribed sleeping pill last night and got through with only minor flutterings of panic. Apart from feeling a bit woozy this morning he is so much happier. He managed 600 cals on the machines and has gone off to cricket, which involves quite a long walk, so that's good. He will go to pick up his repeat prescription tomorrow and then make an appointment with the doctor. The sleeping pills are a very occasional life saver. Even having them in the cupboard makes him feel more secure. He hates taking things so it won't become a habit.
    Unfortunately, I found it difficult to get to sleep because I was worrying about a recurrence of the day before's drama. I did eventually manage some sleep with Barbie's words ringing in my ears, "Stay in the moment!"

    Joyce - he doesn't tend to feel as bad in the day time and once the pills kick in he will be back to normal. The panic attacks seem to start building up out of nowhere and the first sign is IBS. Often the trigger is a loss, like his ex MIL dying a couple of years ago and this time the only thing we can think of is the coming family party. I think the unimaginable trauma of being left as a baby in a nursing home all alone for months when your twin was adopted and then never feeling entirely part of your adoptive family is enough PTSD for anyone. :love: Any small rejection, criticism or minor shouting triggers a wave of upset. As I come from a family of expressive people and like to speak my mind, sometimes not tactfully, I have had to learn a whole new way of being which has been good for me. When I do, rarely, lose my temper he used to walk out of the house in tears, but he is much better at controlling those fears now. I am over a blow up in minutes, he lets it linger, but eventually stops sulking. There must be so much fear and rejection deep down in that lonely little baby, which is what I see when he gets like that. He is a wonderful, loving man with great moral principles and is my biggest fan. Also the best step grandad ever! ! ! :laugh:

    Going to have a read through of my memoir scribbles today. ;)

    Katla - so glad you had a good time. I soooooo much want to visit your and Barbie's neck of the woods. Hope I can persuade DH into a road trip. He would just love the scenery! :bigsmile:

    Michele - soooooooo jealous of your pool party. Be sure to tell all the gals I am with you all in spirit. <3

    DJ - I actually had tears come into my eyes when I read about your doctor visit. WTG! ! ! ! ! :drinker: I well remember how great it felt to come out of the obese category. :bigsmile: You have done so well. :flowerforyou:

    Grits - you have done brilliantly too and so have some others whose names escape me. :flowerforyou: Sorry! Well done all you LOSERS!

    Love Heather. UK
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, afternoon and evening, all... I am reading when I get a moment, so keeping up with all of you (and worrying about Pip). Carol, glad you're got sign-off on getting your hours shortened. Heather in the UK, every word of my own autobiography that I wrote helped obtain some distance, if not clarity. I hope it's as valuable a journey for you as it was for me.

    Scared myself yesterday - had that split-second blinky thing of almost falling asleep on the way home at 1:30 yesterday. However, I also hadn't eaten anything all morning, then went and worked out at the local fitness center, then shopping to pick up a few things we needed at home. And then, while I was driving, I ate one of the protein bars and some of the string cheese I'd picked up at the store. Eating anything and driving never mix for me. It always makes me sleepy. I let myself get too hungry, and I know better.

    I know this because I totaled a car two years ago in December. Same pattern. Hungry, grabbed something out of a grocery sack and ate it. Had the car on cruise control at 75mph (that's the speed limit for most non-city roads in Texas), and within 30 miles, fell completely asleep. Luckily, flat country, no oncoming traffic. I woke up when the car's front tire went into the ditch on the wrong side of the road, and instinctively overcorrected and braked, sending me into a spin. I walked away from it without a scratch. Mostly because it was a 2008 Lincoln Town Car. So heavy, it spun flat instead of flipping when I went in the ditch. Saved my not-so-narrow behind.

    Anyway - yesterday reminded me I'm not 20 years old, so my first e-mail was to the management team, saying I'm staying home today. Got a bunch of reports and recommendations to write, so I will go do that.

    Actually did finally lose the next pound - I've been on a three-week stall, so was hoping I'd lose SOMETHING in July. Shaking up my entire schedule/workout/diet may have bumped me off, or the math just finally caught up. Fingers crossed a few more will follow.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,978 Member
    :) Katla, you came to Port Angeles at a beautiful time. The lavender farm you saw on the highway was only one of about 15 that were part of the festival along with a street fair. They estimate about 30,000 people come through Sequim during the three days of the festival. We visited six farms, ate lavender ice cream three times, bought some plants for our yard, and enjoyed the beauty. On Sunday afternoon when we sat for an hour to watch the Olympic Mountain Cloggers dancing, it was 85 degrees. Maybe we can have a brief meet-up when you come back next time.

    :) tuliplor, don't wait for motivation to exercise....pay attention to what women on this thread are doing and find something that appeals to you....exercise is not just going to the gym or lifting weights, or running....be on the lookout for any opportunity to be active...you will find something....I like to walk (either with a friend or with headphones so I can listen to something) and dance (I go faithfully to three line dance classes a week). I went to water aerobics with a friend once and enjoyed it, but finally concluded that I was unlikely to ever choose an exercise activity that required changing clothes before and after, so I quit fussing at myself for not doing it, and found something else.

    <3 Barbie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    edited July 2015
    Tulplor I agree with the other suggestions, too. I believe exercise is finding an activity that gets your body moving. Anything you enjoy walking, gardening, swimming, dancing, yes even cleaning. It doesn't necessarily have to be a formal class just have fun moving.

    Katla and Heather thanks for the reminder to be gentle when encouraging others. Timely reminder as I help our DS. I would like to add the importance of being gentle on yourself too. I know you have mentioned this too Heather.

    Miriam I like cats. We always had a cat when I was growing up. Unfortunately now I am allergic to them now. I would find the number you have overwhelming. My niece finds herself in the same dilemma with dogs. She has to stop herself from taking in too many because her first instinct is to try and save them all. She knows she can't. She only takes in the number she can take care of and keep in good health and give them attention they need. She limits herself to three.

    Heather glad to hear DH taking care of himself. He is lucky to have you in his life with your understanding and patience.

    DJ great job!

    Lenora also great job!

    Goals today are to continue to pare down belongings and work in the garden.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Lisa, that sounds like me before my sleep apnea was diagnosed! You might want to have a sleep study done! I never wrecked but I came awfully close.

    DJ Congratulations!
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    MN Margaret, I am disabled, so don't work outside the home. And I have no partner and am a real introvert so I am not active socially. So I have the time for the cats and love their company. I do have to admit I would have found homes for the last two - they were kittens that I could easily have found a home for but now that I have two girls living with me there is no way I could give them away. Both were strays that the girls found in the yard.
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Thanks to all who are praying for DDnL to get the 'new' job. She might find out as early as today. Her present boss and his son will be out-of-town next week; so if she gets it she has told them she could start in 2 week; but, I have an idea that her bosses will let her go when they find out about the job change. Georgia is an 'at will employment state' which means neither employee nor employer have to give notice about quitting/firing one and unused vacation is normally not paid. I can understand that - quite a few employees will sabotage their companies if given the chance to do so. I hope she finds out sooner rather than later that she has gotten the job. It would make her life so much better and maybe she would not come home sick with a migraine. Some times she even comes home during the middle of the day. I think she uses it as an excuse to get 'outta there'.

    Also, thanks to the encouragement of losing my weight. It's been fun watching myself being able to fit into pants/shorts that I have not been able to fit into and still have some that are loose on me. DH has taken notice and he is so encouraging about my losing the weight.

    A good exercise program for those who have access to a pool is to walk or do other aerobic exercises in the pool. You get a lot of resistance and it is also nice not to feel like you are sweating all the time.

    I'm going to look for a fitbit today when I go into town; but, I also need to buy a new laptop carrier big enough to carry the laptop pad with a fan in it as well. C-pap machine stopped working last night, so got to take it into town and find out if maybe it is on the fritz because of the heavy storms we have had the last 2 afternoons. DDnL and DGDs and a boy that one babysits came over yesterday because of all the wind and hail and they live in a trailer and the wind was whipping in every direction and the trees were bent over. She feared the Paloma tree would snap and fall into the house. We lost quite a few limb off ours. Theirs is very close to their house; ours is on the others side of our driveway. Both of us had thought about taking them down, they give good shade in the summer but they are messy when their leaves fall of (usually all in one month in the Fall). During storms they are not forgiving and snap quite easily. Sharp messy nut shells fall off, too. They are quick growing; but, because they split of into branches they did not make a good substitute for pine trees.

    Down here, we put pine straw in our flower beds to keep the weeds out. Sometimes you are lucky to find pine straw that does not have a lot of sticks and cones in them; but, you usually spend $1 more to get it. Roughly $4 a bale.