

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    edited July 2015
    Rosie - love the Ramona Dam pics AND the spider! ! :laugh: He/she looks lovely to me. I have heard they JUMP! though. :laugh:
    I was in a car once with a friend when she suddenly started skidding ALL over the motorway and eventually screeched to a halt on the shoulder. There was a teeny, tiny spider on the mirror. :sad: I have a lot of phobias, but spiders are not one of them.

    Margaret - I didn't explain it very well, but DH is fully awake, but acts like he is having a major nightmare, crying out, shaking, curling into a ball and drenched in sweat. Literally terrified. I can hardly get him to respond to me, but keep trying and talking to him. I try to get him to keep his eyes open and look at me, but he is whimpering. This time he went into a kind of death rattle and just stopped breathing and was unconscious for a few seconds. I think it must be some kind of fit, brought on by the panic attack. He has fitted (as in twitching) a couple of times before when he has fainted from a sudden drop in blood pressure and had the same sweating response. The last few days he has been waking up in the night feeling horribly panicky and today it just peaked. Last time he got bad his sister, who is a nurse, was "babysitting" him for me because I had to go to London for the day and ended up taking him to the ER. That's when they put him on the meds he has started back taking again, but he only has 12 pills and needs to get some more. He has put in for a repeat prescription, but will have to visit the doctor soon.
    I know he will be alright soon, but they are SSRIs and take a while to kick in. At the beginning they make the panic attacks worse.Like most men he HATES being ill, but it does make him very loving. When he is like this he is scared to do almost anything and doesn't like me leaving him alone. I really thought my travelling days were over; he couldn't even get on a train. That all got better and he thought it was all behind him. Unfortunately it is a periodic occurence. This time he is guessing it is the upcoming party that is triggering it, but he never really knows what starts it off.

    As I was up so early I did some machine exercises before yoga, so I am up to my normal 600 cal burn. :bigsmile: DH eventually forced himself onto the machines and managed 500. He has gone to cricket even though he didn't want to, as he knows he is ok once he gets going. The friend he goes with had a new baby granddaughter yesterday. His grandson from the same son, who is just over two, was born with a terrible genetic disease that makes him virtually a vegetable. He lives at home with masses of care. So a real mixture of joy and pain. I am sure the mother must have very confused emotions.
    DH's friend is a lovely man, but DH, being a man, has never talked to him about his anxiety attacks. :ohwell:

    Chunky cod for dinner with asparagus and tsatziki.

    Love Heather x x x x
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    DJ I agree a better way to have put it is Lisa is the Robert Irvine sent to help this owner towards common sense. Go get him Lisa we are right behind you. For his sake and his restaurant I pray he listens to you. :smile:

    Heather how frightening for your DH and upsetting for you. It makes it difficult for you to get the rest you need. Sounds like he knows how to treat it which is a first step. I agree for whatever reason it is harder for men to ask for help. Prayers.

    I am continuing to cull through my things. My process is to sort and then set a goal of getting rid of a quarter to one half of what is in the pile. Indirectly I think it is helping me get on track with my weight too. The scale is starting to move down again after it was starting to creep up.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Becca, Becca, oh BECCA where are you? I'm sorry for sayin g put the wiggle dress on N O W? :) Missing you, come back?

    Or did she say she was going to be gone and I forgot??
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Checking in before I read all the posts while I was gone.
    Stepgrandaughter Trinity and I had a great weekend together. We visited my mother in the assisted living in NJ right after lunch on Saturday. They were enchanted with each other. There is something very special about the young and the old. It was the longest visit I've had with my mother and everyone was happy.

    Next stop was to my BFF's house at the beach, 2 hours south. She made herself right at home, setting up all her dolls in the bedroom she was sharing with me. After dinner we walked the beach to allow her to burn off some energy and then ice cream. Sunday was a perfect beach day and we were there all day. I actually went in the water alot with her playing like a kid. We came home yesterday and to break the trip up we stopped at the PEZ museum in CT. She was not that interested in the history of PEZ but I really enjoyed it.

    My fitbit got too much of a workout and died on Sunday. I felt so lost that I ran to Bed Bath & Beyond (20% off) yesterday evening to replace it. I would have loved to have seen how many steps I did Sunday at the beach.
    This morning I discovered a flat tire on my car, thankfully it didn't happen on our trip with the little one on a highway in 95F heat.
    Back on the program today. It was an awful lot of fun though!!

    Chris in MA
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    Vicki – Hugs and Prayers ! ! ! It takes a very special parent (and Grandparent) to hold a loved one accountable for dangerous behavior, instead of making excuses and enabling or protecting. This young person will learn a better lesson much quicker if she has natural consequences, and most parents protect their kids instead. I hold you all in my prayers during this turmoil. And thank you for doing the right thing and attempting to raise her to be a productive part of society. As I mentioned earlier, it is an uphill battle I chose to fight with my DD, all the while her dad was allowing her to do whatever she wanted. It’s a slippery slope, and I pray you can create a united front to help your young adult. More Hugs !

    Meg – It’s funny about technology. I have been trained on the computer and many of the programs, but when it comes to my phone, no one at home gives me the chance to learn anything, they just take it away and do it for me, so I continue to not learn. I didn’t even want this fancy phone, but I needed an upgrade (because Verizon took away services on my previous phone that I thought were important), and this one was free. Now I try to learn things on my phone by searching them on my laptop, and hope DS or DH don’t catch me. I guess they just don’t like seeing me frustrated with technology since I am so frustrated with my body right now. Must be love.

    Sylvia – Hugs and prayers for DS’s ex and all the stress she is causing everyone. It sounds like it was handled well. Hugs also for the DGC, and for you, all that you do for and with them. They are lucky, and you are lucky to be able to help them and enjoy them. Thanks for letting me laugh about the Dove chocolate. I had 3 soft tacos after baseball last night (we went out with another baseball family, and I deserved that more than you can imagine). They were yummy, but I now have quite a few joints inflamed from my RA. I would have preferred the chocolate.

    Rosie – I’m so envious that you went out and splashed in puddles. I love doing those silly kinds of things. I’m going to do it next time we have rain without thunder. Thanks for the reminder to enjoy my inner child, and congrats on enjoying your inner child. I’m glad it was fun.

    Joyce – I spent extra money buying a waxing kit that is electric. You put the wax tub in the heating element, choose the temperature (never high), and apply with a craft (popsicle) stick the size you need. Tongue depressors are good for legs, underarms, or split in ½ lengthwise for upper lip or eyebrows. The popsicle size is good for chin, upper lip, and bikini area. Keep plenty of aloe gel and/or baby oil on hand, both to sooth the skin and to remove wax that goes where it doesn’t belong. If you get the kind that goes in the microwave, be VERY careful of burns. I was trained in Cosmetology school, and did numerous body parts several times a day at the Salon where I worked, but it also came naturally for me. Just remember to pull the skin tight. I would also suggest getting a small area (just chin, upper lip, etc) at a salon to make sure you like the procedure and results before investing in the kit. // So Sorry for the stressors caused by DH’s health, and lack of desire to “fix” it himself. ( ( ( ( Hugs ) ) ) )

    Heather – That attack sounds very scary. I’m glad you had experience and that you were able to help him through it.

    “ Arachnophobia!!! - You can keep that damn spider! I would not get close enough to have taken the picture. “ I’m with Grits on this one. I will only get as close to any spider, regardless of size, and the can of hairspray will reach and paralyze.

    Grits – Hugs and Prayers for DDnL and the new job. I am fat and work at a health clinic. I can do all the duties asked of me, and I have a personality that doesn’t quit, so I will continue keeping her in thoughts and prayers.

    Allison – It makes me so sad that you have to tolerate bad treatment from co-workers. It is just so immature of them to be bullying. When I started the job I have right now, I tolerated that from a co-worker (my equal) for a little over a year. I constantly tried to “kill her with kindness”, because I truly believed that we teach people how to treat us. One day, I was just done with it. When she gave me a snarky attitude I said “you may not speak to me that way.” She said “really Terri?” And I said Really _ _ _ _” and stared at her until she release eye contact with me. She has only gotten snarky with me once in the past 3 years, and she caught herself mid-sentence. There was also another employee who would be considered above me, and she was the same way. After she berated me in front of a patient, I finally went to her Supervisors’ Supervisor (the lower-level supervisor had witnessed it in the past and did nothing) and drop the word “harassment”, for that to stop. It was definitely stepping outside my comfort zone, but it was also worth it, and DH and I were fully prepared for me to lose my job over it, so I’m not suggesting it is the way you should go; I am just saying I understand, and I feel your pain, and I continue to offer hugs and prayers . It just makes me so sad to think that people have to treat people so badly just to make themselves feel worthy. YOU are worthy of better treatment, and I pray that you find it soon ! ! !

    DJ – congrats on the winning for the drawing.

    Pip – I’m so worried. Please take care. Don’t make me come there and strap you down, and please don’t make me cry, either.

    Sylvia – forgetting one thing, with everything else that has been happening, does NOT remove you from Grandma Of The Year awards. Hold your head high and own it!

    Our team struggled at the baseball game last night, so now we don't play again until Wednesday in the consolation bracket. However, if we win Wednesay, we go back into the Championship game for Saturday. DS played okay behind the plate, but hit too many times directly to either the first baseman or right fielder.

    Oops! Time for lunch, which means my work-out. I'll try to catch up again later.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Joyce, Indiana -
    jmkmomm wrote: »
    OK, question for all you ladies here. What is the method that you deal with all the hair under your chin and on your neck???? They drive me crazy.

    Oh yup. They make me crazy too. Mine are too light to have laser removal work on them so I go and for electrolysis once a month. It’s been a year now and there does seem to be a tiny bit fewer of them, but I don’t think electrolysis will ever remove all of them permanently.

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude

  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    terri_mom wrote: »
    Happy Tuesday ! ! !

    “ Arachnophobia!!! - You can keep that damn spider! I would not get close enough to have taken the picture. “ I’m with Grits on this one. I will only get as close to any spider, regardless of size, and the can of hairspray will reach and paralyze.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee

    I'm with you on that one! I get only as close as a broomstick and that's only if no one is around to kill it for me!
    Those things give me the willy nilly's and creep me out!

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,088 Member
    edited July 2015
    Vicki we are needing to stay strong and let natural consequences teach our son he needs to own his problems. Hopefully you and I with the help from others here can help each other to be strong and have patience as we refuse try to make their problems our problems. I want what is best for my son even if it means I have to but out.
    This is my new goal for the next few months. You might start hearing me repeat it often.

    Terri I am so proud of you for standing up for yourself. I know it was frustrating to have to involve management. That is part of management's job in seeing the company runs smoothly. Some people just have to learn the hard way unfortunately.

    Maybe it is all the gardening I do because the spider didn't bother me. I have encountered all kinds of critters in this process. One of the most dramatic moment was when I came face to face with a skunk one night as I was attacking the slug population in our yard. I learned after the fact the reason I didn't smell him/her is their tail was down. You smell them when the lift their tail and hopefully you are across the yard from that at the time. Fortunately the skunk did not lift their tail and I walked away from him very carefully. I was lucky on that one.

    I have been seeing at least one monarch a day. A wonderful no calorie moment.

    :heart: MNMagaret
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy tues,wasn`t too happy for me.Woke up smelling smoke,no smoke alarms,running around the house,Find my neighbor burning leaves and the smoke is blowing my way.Glad the windows were closed except the 3 season room were the cats go.Not a good thing for my asthma either.
    Have a good day ladies,enjoy the post,pics and stories
    hugs jane
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    What is a fitbit? I hear most of you talking about it. Where would I get one?

    Thanks to all of you praying for my DDnL and her job interview. We are so hoping and praying that she will get the job. Her present job is a downer and she has begun to 'strongly' dislike her boss and his son (who acts like he is the boss). My only hesitation in getting this job is the 'confidentiality' that comes with it (or in an attorney's office). She does tend to like to get into family and friend's business. Maybe they'll put the 'fear of God' in her about this. It's depressing for her to feel like she is stuck. DOS told her that 'if' they offered her the job, even if it paid less, because of the benefits - to 'jump all over it'. We had wished that he'd have gotten a job he applied for; but, that did not work out for him/them - and maybe for the best. The guy he had been talking to quit the job shortly after Trey's interviews. They probably hired a much younger man, maybe without a family and a child in college.

    @margaretturk - I don't know what your son's problem is - alcohol, addiction, something more or less; but a friend of mine who is a recovering alcoholic told another friend who had been married to an alcoholic told her that she needed to go to the 'family's version' of AA - that it would answer a lot of what goes on in a family and way to deal with it. Maybe he is just floundering and not knowing what he needs to do because parents have tried to 'bail him out' of trouble - thinking that is best. It's hard to watch one of your children struggle with life and all that comes with it. Some turn to drugs, alcohol, food, have mental disorders that medication can help; but, maybe it is totally whacked out - or they try to doctor themselves, going off it when they start feeling better or don't think the need it.

    We've been enjoying the hummingbirds that we have attracted this year - they empty my 4 feeders about every 3 days. The cat likes to watch them, too; but, after he went sailing off the deck railing because he swatted at one (and I did it to him) he has not done anything other than watch. Not worth the consequences, I guess.

    Weigh in today ... I'm down to 179lbs. YEAH! Twenty pounds in 10 weeks. <3

    Talking about arachnophobia - one day when I was working, the other secretary told me to come in the hall and see something. When I went it there was the huge brown fuzzy spider with two beige lines on it's butt; I 'screamed' bloody murder and my boss, who was with a client, came running out to see what I was screaming about. This spider was easily 3.5 inches across leg-to-leg. The smaller ones that look like this are 'jumpy' spiders. I would have died on the spot if he had jumped on me and told my boss he'd have to kill it himself. OMGooodness - I think I had nightmares about him for 2 nights.

    I'll have a hair or two that comes on my chin sometimes. Usually I can pluck it, although it grows towards my neck. When I rub my chin, that is when I feel it most often. Louis had a hair that grew out of the cheek close to the nose - not somewhere he'd hit if he shaved. So when it got long, I plucked it, did it 3 or 4 times and so far it has not come back.

    Storming here.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Oh, dear, I'll never catch up! But the most pressing deadline is behind me as of yesterday so now maybe I can catch up with everyone's news.

    Sad face... MFP did not register my contact via the iPad app on Sunday, so my 47-day streak was broken. Oh, well, now I can start a new one.

    Summer has set in for real, after going unusually easy on us until recently. It's hot hot hot, and much as I want to get going on preparing a garden space and bicycling and other outdoor stuff, when it comes time to walk out the door I have a hard time with it. I did take a little motorcycle excursion last week though, and was able to scout out a great place nearby to take the kayaks!

    Also really feeling the wish to get away for awhile. I used to take off camping on my own now and then. I want to go to the beach, and to Big Bend National Park, and back up to northern New Mexico, and Pagosa Springs, and New Orleans... As soon as it cools off this fall I think I'll try to plan a couple of weekend trips. In the meantime, there's nothing stopping me from weekend escapes at Dad's river house.

    Heather - DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD. Thank you for sharing that! And I'll add what a friend used to say: DON'T SHOULD ON YOURSELF! Your photos are gorgeous - I can almost smell the sea air!

    Janetr - Wow, 8+ years is a long time for your girls not to see their dad. I hope he's not expecting to waltz right in and take up where he left off! Hope the visits result in healing for all concerned.

    Sylvia - Sorry to hear about the fall - ouch! You definitely deserve a high five for getting yourself to the point where you can not only be active but also have the mobility to get yourself up when you fall!

    Rosie - That spider is a beauty! I'm happy to live and let live with only a few exceptions. Most insects get escorted out of my house, but cockroaches turn me into a squealing girl and if they fly, there will be screaming and running. Currently looking into ways to keep the roach population down. The new house is built on piers and beams so there's only so much you can do, and we're an organic household but there are some products that have worked pretty well for us in the past.

    July Goals:
    1. Track on MFP every day. So far, so good!
    2. Get the exercise machines set up and step up the cardio. The NordicTrack is still in storage but I brought the stationary bike home and have been using it in front of the TV in the evenings.
    3. Unpack my office. Made pretty good progress on this one - at least I've got boxes unloaded onto the bookshelves, and the sewing machine is now accessible.
    4. Clear out the storage unit we filled up while moving (lift that box! tote that bale!). We're getting there slowly.
    5. Start saving/shopping for a better bike. I've been doing some reading; probably won't be able to buy for at least a couple of months.
    6. Get fitted for a sports bra. Hasn't happened yet. It's a 40 mile trip into Austin and I haven't managed it yet, but I'm off Friday so maybe I'll get to it then.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Jane - So sorry about the leaf smoke and your asthma. I will wish for a change of wind direction. . . . Did it work? I'll try harder next time.

    I'm back from lunch. I made it 10 minutes on the handbike, which is an accomplishment today, because my RA is pretty bad in both wrists, both elbows, and the pinky on my left hand. Tonight I am in charge of 50/50 raffle at the baseball game, so I should get plenty of steps in before supper and bed. NO tacos tonight, just salad and/or leftovers at home (DS and DH will probably just hit the batting cages and watch a little of the game to start working on their plan for Wednesday's game). I think DS will be our catcher again, so I need to remind him to ice his knees and take some alleve. He's a "tough boy" so he hates taking even the most basic of pain meds.

    Time to focus on my paperwork (I don't like getting too far behind, because if someone needs a chart, I have to dig instead of just finding it in Electronic Medical Records).

    I hope you are all having a wonderful day, and making wise choices.

    Hugs ! ! ! Terri
  • NO_Excuses_515
    NO_Excuses_515 Posts: 220 Member
    Happy Tuesday everyone! Doing a little project in my home office, so my home computer isn’t hooked up right now and my Wifi has been spotty. Have been reading posts via my phone but then I can’t take notes and respond as I would like. But, I’m finally caught up. 

    Michelle – Praying for you and Vince.

    CrazyDogLady – You are beautiful and an inspiration to those of us still on the journey to our goal weight.

    Joyce – Have to say I’m glad that Zach Johnson won the British Open as he is a local Iowa boy.

    Lisa – Sounds like you are doing a Restaurant Impossible rescue.

    Betty – I know almost nothing about PCOS, but I think that show “My Big Fat Fabulous Life” is about a girl with PCOS. I haven’t seen the show but saw an interview with her and it was quite inspirational. All about how she has learned to love herself regardless of her body and how she has started dancing again as part of her journey to lose weight.

    JanetR – No diabetes, no meds… sound like awesome NSV’s.

    Pip, Carol and all others not feeling well… sending hugs and positive thoughts your way.

    Lenora – Fitbit is a brand of fitness tracker. There are other brands as well (I actually use a Jawbone UP) but Fitbit is the most popular. You can get them almost anywhere these days – Target, Best Buy.

    We put in an application to foster a cat/kitten through a local no-kill shelter. Got a call yesterday saying they had 3 kittens that need foster homes. By the time I was able to call back, looks like they already found homes for all three. Daughter#2 is quite disappointed. She loves her kitties. We have two of our own, but I’m sure we would have a dozen if she had her way.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    edited July 2015
    terri_mom - i want you to be my mommy!! {{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}

    sluts - congrats on your weightloss!!!!!

    oh got the ambulance bill, 1098.01
    got the hospital bill today - 7941.00

    I called them both and gave them my ins. info. lets see how much I have to pay after that. :0(
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    Hello! I have been reading... And reading ... And reading!!! But I am now all caught up!

    A lot going on here ... Some good ... Some not so good... Will update when not on my phone .

    Pip ... Very sorry you're having so much trouble. Thinking about you.

    Carol ... Thinking about you too. Sure wish I was close and could help.

    Michele ... Will be praying for Vince

    Sylvia ... Glad your fall was not serious. I believe you deserve grandma of the year too.

    Lisa ... The kitchen ... Eww!

    Kate ... I cook mostly from scratch too. While trying to discover cause of son's chronic migraines ... Went preservative free. Food triggers were not a cause of his headaches ... But can't bring myself to go back to packaged food.

    Betty in WNY ... Which part of WNY? I'm in Orchard Park.

    So many wonderful photos and stories ... I love them and all of you!

    Planning on keeping up!
    Beth in WNY
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Heather UK – I hadn’t heard of Laksa before so I had to go look up a recipe. Sounds yummy. I hope you enjoyed it.

    Page 52!! Woo Hoo! Progress is being made despite the fact that I actually have work to do today. <grin>

    Mia in MI

    July goal:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Start one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced tea overload. 24 oz. iced tea daily plus 40 oz. water
    Word of the month – gratitude

  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,946 Member
    Popped in to skim posts. Glad I skimmed tight by the spider.

    Sylvia, those must have been some serious granny panties.

    No more time today.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,697 Member
    I have decided that i'm going to surprise Kirby (when I get a bit better and see how much I have to dish out for the medical bill) with a hot air balloon ride to make up for his bday.
  • ydailey
    ydailey Posts: 516 Member
    Linda - Sorry you didn't get a foster kitten. I'll bet it won't be long until you do - good foster homes are always in short supply!I'm like your daughter... if it weren't for my husband I'd probably have seven or eight cats. He keeps me from turning into a crazy cat lady.

    Pip - glad you are doing better and that the bills didn't give you a headache all over again. A hot air balloon ride sounds like a wonderful birthday do-over!
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,348 Member
    Mia - I make a slimming version of laksa using a salt free stock cube and shiritaki noodles. The most fattening bit is the coconut cream, but I only use about 100 cals worth. I like it REALLY spicy with fresh chillies. I was coughing yesterday! ! ! ! >:)

    Heather UK