Almomd Milk vs. Regular Milk vs. Soy Milk



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
  • gobonas99
    gobonas99 Posts: 1,049 Member
    Just drinking it straight, I prefer cow's milk (skim), but it doesn't like me anymore, boohoohoo :( I can't stand anything other skim milk on cereal (but I have to take a lactaid first).

    I use almond milk or coconut milk in my shakeology and protein shakes.

    I hate soy milk.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    Baby cows drink cow milk.
    Baby zebras drink zebra milk.
    Baby humans drink human milk.

    So why do adult humans drink cow milk?
    And adult cats drink cow milk
    and adult birds drink cow milk
    and baby sheep drink cow milk
    and baby tigers drink dog milk and pig milk
    and baby leopards drink dog milk

    and the calcium available in cow milk is more bio-available then the fortified milks. And there's more protein and many people on this site are eating less then the RDI/FDA/Health Canada recommends. And it's not as processed as the other milks you can buy.

    and I don't see the baby soys and baby nuts drink their own milk so why should I?
  • JessieNeutronGirlGenius
    I'm Lactose Intolerant but I grew up drinking 1% but I LOVE Almond Milk..especially the unsweetened vanilla one made by Blue Diamond.It tastes wonderful and has less fat than regular milk but it does have less protein but I'd rather cut the fat anyways.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    I suppose the starting point is to look at the nutrition facts of the main “milks” that people drink. I’m going to focus on plain ol’ “moo juice,” soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, and coconut milk. Note that there are other, lesser known, milk substitutes out there like oat milk, peanut milk, hemp milk, and milk made from other grains. Without further ado, the nutrition labels of the Big Five:

    Grams Per 8oz Milk (Whole) Soy Almond Rice Coconut
    Calories 146 105 60 120 552
    Total Fat 8 4 2.5 2 57
    Sat. Fat 5 0 0 0.1 51
    Chol. 24 0 0 0 0
    Sodium 98 114 150 86 36
    Total CHO 13 12 8 25 13
    Dietary Fiber 0 0 <1 0 5
    Sugars 13 9 7 10 8
    Protein 8 6 1 0.5 5
    Vitamin A 5% 9% 10% 0% 0%
    Vitamin C 0% 0% 0% 2% 11%
    Calcium 28% 30% 20% 2% 4%
    Iron 0% 6% 2% 1% 22%

    You probably noticed that I have listed the fat content of whole milk. There are a couple big reasons for that. First, you all know my take on pasteurized milk vs. raw milk. But I can’t find a nutrition label for raw milk. As such, for comparison purposes, we need a standardized product and whole milk, at around 3.5%, fills the bill. Raw milk is typically 4-8%, depending on the time of year, so the calorie and fat information would be a bit different. I didn’t pick skim or low-fat milk for another very big reason. Milk is not naturally low in fat, nor should it be turned into that.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    I didn’t pick skim or low-fat milk for another very big reason. Milk is not naturally low in fat, nor should it be turned into that.
    Nothin' wrong with it, I guzzle more fat now then I did when I was over weight and lost it all just fine :p
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    I don't get why soy and almond is called milk anyways. Are there little almond teets that someone is nursing with two fingers?
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    Big fan of almond milk, and I totally go all in with the 60 calories a cup :happy: no 'unsweetened' for me. I also love the chocolate milk. I find soy milk to have a gross after taste, almond milk tastes more like skim milk. I can't eat absolutely any dairy, so I'm out for the dairy milk argument.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't get why soy and almond is called milk anyways. Are there little almond teets that someone is nursing with two fingers?

    it makes those of us that use to be able to have milk, happy. And it tastes like milk. It's actually called almond beverage, but it looks like milk, you use it like milk, etc.
  • Alphastate
    Alphastate Posts: 295 Member
    I don't get why soy and almond is called milk anyways. Are there little almond teets that someone is nursing with two fingers?

    it makes those of us that use to be able to have milk, happy. And it tastes like milk. It's actually called almond beverage, but it looks like milk, you use it like milk, etc.
    Hahaha I was joking, because I drink soy milk, but thank you for clarifying.
  • Coquette6
    Coquette6 Posts: 158 Member
    If I'm going to have a glass of milk by itself (or with dessert), I get dairy milk. If it's for in a smoothie or protein shake or on cereal, I'll get almond milk to save the calories. I don't like soy milk.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Cow milk because it's cheaper in the long run and it's one of my main (known) sources of potassium.
  • Carnivor0us
    Carnivor0us Posts: 1,752 Member
    Baby cows drink cow milk.
    Baby zebras drink zebra milk.
    Baby humans drink human milk.

    So why do adult humans drink cow milk?

    Because we're actually baby cows.

    Oh, wait, it's because it's a nutritious source of protein and fat expertly and wisely exploited by our pre-industrial ancestors for means of survival.
  • momzeeee
    momzeeee Posts: 475 Member
    I don't drink any form of milk-

    cow's milk grosses me out and I don't like the taste
    almond milk is too expensive
    soy milk-I don't do soy anything

    So, good old water for me :drinker:
    If I did that it would be hello good ol osteoporosis for me :sick: I don't understand where people get so much calcium from :tongue: even with milk I don't seem to get enough.

    My calcium total for today will be 107, which is 7 over the recommended amount :)
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Exactly. whole milk. cows.
  • etoiles_argentees
    etoiles_argentees Posts: 2,827 Member
    Don't you agree though that the maternal inheritance matters?The egg you developed from , with half of your chromosomes, was created in your mother's ovaries while she was still in your grandmother's womb. New research shows that that when our grandmothers passed those epigenetic signals to your mother she was also passing those signals to the egg that would provide half of your DNA.

    You don't think that the early nutrition influenced the establishing of epigenetic marks?

    I'm curious, not arguing. :)
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    Used to use soy milk but stopped because it was nasty.

    Almond milk just sounds nasty.

    I prefer cow's milk. Used to do skim until I read about how it's not that good for you. Went up to 1% and now at 2%. I only use it in my coffee and smoothies. Maybe once or twice a week I will drink a glass.
    My calcium total for today will be 107, which is 7 over the recommended amount

    Hate to say it but the RDA for anything is usually really, really low.
  • annasor70
    annasor70 Posts: 187 Member
    Almond or soy...or hemp or hazelnut...tasty and healthier.

    Cow's milk is for baby cows. It is designed to get a calf to a huge size in a short length of time.

    We are the only adult creatures on earth that somehow think we need the milk of another animal...funny eh?

    There is more osteoporosis in the western world because of dairy products, compared to Asian countries where they eat far less. The calcium in cow's milk causes the bones to leach calcium from the body..the opposite of what the dairy industry tells us!

    I know I will get hate for this as dairy loving folks are very defensive and hate to hear a bad word about how unhealthy it is..but so be it ;)

    "Dairy is nature's perfect food -- but only if you're a calf".
    "If that sounds shocking to you, it's because very few people are willing to tell the truth about dairy. In fact, criticizing milk in America is like taking on motherhood, apple pie, or baseball".
    This is funny but so true!
  • I used to use Soy milk (or water) in my oatmeal - now I use the 30 Calorie Almond Milk - (Vanilla) - Whole milk only has 30% of your daily requirements for Calcium - Almond milk has 45% - Whole milk 0% iron, Almond milk 10% - - - I wouldn't drink it as a beverage (and it doesn't work for making fat free pudding; doesn't set up), but I use it in my shakes and cereal...:heart:

    Blue Diamond - Almond Breeze Almond Milk
    Calories 30 Sodium 180 mg
    Total Fat 3 g Potassium 170 mg
    Saturated 0 g Total Carbs 1 g
    Polyunsaturated 0 g Dietary Fiber 1 g
    Monounsaturated 0 g Sugars 0 g
    Trans 0 g Protein 1 g
    Cholesterol 0 mg
    Vitamin A 10% Calcium 45%
    Vitamin C 0% Iron 4%
    *Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Your daily values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.
  • xxmzangel
    xxmzangel Posts: 119 Member
    I use an unsweetened almond or coconut milk, as I eat a low carb diet. However, if regular or soy work better for your eating habits and lifestyle, then all the power to ya, it's just not for me. :smile: