Sugar from fruits



  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    Wikipedia wrote:
    Though the metabolism of glucose through glycolysis uses many of the same enzymes and intermediate structures as those in fructolysis, the two sugars have very different metabolic fates in human metabolism. Unlike glucose, which is metabolized widely in the body, fructose is metabolized almost completely in the liver in humans, where it is directed toward replenishment of liver glycogen and triglyceride synthesis.[1] Under one percent of ingested fructose is directly converted to plasma triglyceride.[2] 29% - 54% of fructose is converted in liver to glucose, and about quarter of fructose is converted to lactate. 15% - 18% is converted to glycogen.[3] Glucose and lactate are then used normally as energy to fuel cells all over the body.[2]
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    vintem wrote: »
    cbrook29 wrote: »
    Yeah MFP has me at a lot higher sugar. Fruit has fiber (typically) and other vitamins and is processed by the body differently than say High Frutose Corn Syrup. The body metabolizes these different sugars differently. Of course anything in abundance is bad. Fiber delays the delivery of Frutose to the liver. This is why I stopped drinking juice. The juice alone doesn't have the fiber. I think processed foods with sugar like Cola are far worse for you, simply keep eating fruit - just in moderation.

    According to this post, all sugars are processed the same
    I didn't read it, but a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.

    Digestion really doesn't make a ton of difference. The effect on your weight isn't about how it's digested. It's about how much sugar you take in. It's about the calories.

    When you're losing weight, you want all the nutrition you can get for as few calories as you can. Keeps you healthy, let's you stay full. So, it makes some sense to take your sugar from fruit, which gives you nutrients you need.

    If you don't want to eat any sugar, that's your choice and I won't argue it. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But you can eat your fruit if you want to. For an otherwise healthy person, fruit won't hurt.

    yea, no.

    sugar = sugar


    just because you want to believe that does not make it so.
    I suspect that we have studied different things. Why don't you educate me? Compare the digestion of milk, peaches and cake frosting in detail. Don't single out just sugars, but do make sure to explain how all the sugars are identical and broken down in the same way.

    I do love it when you educate us all.

    Way to move the goal posts there.

    Why do you do this?

    No goal post moving. Perhaps you thought she meant sucrose, fructose and glucose here but she didn't specify that and could have just as easily meant the sugar in peaches vs the sugar in cake frosting.
    a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.
    Except they don't have different components and are essentially C(n)H(2n)O(n) molecules.

    The different types of sugar are converted to glucose by different enzymes, but they end up as glucose and then the body uses that glucose, regardless of source, exactly the same.

    If her position is merely that different sugars are broken down by different enzymes before the resultant glucose is used by the body, I'm wondering why that's a sufficiently relevant nit to pick every time sugar comes up, given that they all end up as glucose before being used.
    Good Lord in Heaven, I hardly bring it up every time sugar comes up, lol. I almost never bring it up and let those "All sugar is processed the same" comments go by with nary a peep a LOT. The OP brought it up.
    Let's say you brought it up only once. Same questions apply.
    There was no question there. You wonder why I nitpick. I don't. I almost never say Boo about it. The OP brought up that someone said that all sugars are "processed" the same. Not me.

    I don't know why people are always saying it, I have no idea. I don't generally care because it's really not important.
    These are the questions:

    Is the whole of your position on the digestion of sugars to make the point that fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc are broken down by different enzymes by the digestion process during which all of them are converted to glucose, which glucose the body then uses exactly the same regardless of source? If not, what differences do you mean?
    No, I don't consider digestion a thing on which I take a position, lol. Yes, the point of saying that different sugars are digested differently is because they are. There is no "If not."

    Then, njd disagreed. I am still waiting to hear how "sugar=sugar" and how I am wrong. "No" is how it was phrased, I think.

    Then you get that the sugars are converted to glucose before use by the body and that, after that conversion, the glucose is used by the body exactly the same regardless of the source? Right?

    Sugar == sugar because they end up as glucose before being used by the body. If you want to press the point that different types of sugar are converted to glucose differently, even though the resultant glucose is exactly the same and used exactly the same, that's certainly one approach. I'm not sure how it's ultimately helpful, but I can say that about a lot of stuff that gets posted here.

    QFT. Also, per Guyton and Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th ed. pg. 830-831:
    [A]ppropriate enzymes are available to promote interconversions among the monosaccharides - glucose, fructose, and galactose - as shown in Figure 67-3. Further more, the dynamics of the reactions are such that when the liver releases the monosaccharides back into the blood, the final product is almost entirely glucose.


    Thanks for that. But I'm not suggesting that anyone needs to learn it. I'm not even suggesting that anyone has to stop saying, "All sugar is processed the same way."

    I just asked njd to clarify since he thinks it's just something I "want to believe."

    It really isn't as important as people seem to make it out to be,

    why do you keep trying to flame bait me?

    This has been explained to you several times in the thread.

    Sugar = sugar and digest the same.

    Peaches, flour, and cake are food types and are not just pure sugar.

    I am sorry that you want to believe something that is not accurate. Maybe go back to the drawing and re-review what you have been told.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    vintem wrote: »
    cbrook29 wrote: »
    Yeah MFP has me at a lot higher sugar. Fruit has fiber (typically) and other vitamins and is processed by the body differently than say High Frutose Corn Syrup. The body metabolizes these different sugars differently. Of course anything in abundance is bad. Fiber delays the delivery of Frutose to the liver. This is why I stopped drinking juice. The juice alone doesn't have the fiber. I think processed foods with sugar like Cola are far worse for you, simply keep eating fruit - just in moderation.

    According to this post, all sugars are processed the same
    I didn't read it, but a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.

    Digestion really doesn't make a ton of difference. The effect on your weight isn't about how it's digested. It's about how much sugar you take in. It's about the calories.

    When you're losing weight, you want all the nutrition you can get for as few calories as you can. Keeps you healthy, let's you stay full. So, it makes some sense to take your sugar from fruit, which gives you nutrients you need.

    If you don't want to eat any sugar, that's your choice and I won't argue it. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But you can eat your fruit if you want to. For an otherwise healthy person, fruit won't hurt.

    yea, no.

    sugar = sugar


    just because you want to believe that does not make it so.
    I suspect that we have studied different things. Why don't you educate me? Compare the digestion of milk, peaches and cake frosting in detail. Don't single out just sugars, but do make sure to explain how all the sugars are identical and broken down in the same way.

    I do love it when you educate us all.

    Way to move the goal posts there.

    Why do you do this?

    No goal post moving. Perhaps you thought she meant sucrose, fructose and glucose here but she didn't specify that and could have just as easily meant the sugar in peaches vs the sugar in cake frosting.
    a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.
    Except they don't have different components and are essentially C(n)H(2n)O(n) molecules.

    The different types of sugar are converted to glucose by different enzymes, but they end up as glucose and then the body uses that glucose, regardless of source, exactly the same.

    If her position is merely that different sugars are broken down by different enzymes before the resultant glucose is used by the body, I'm wondering why that's a sufficiently relevant nit to pick every time sugar comes up, given that they all end up as glucose before being used.
    Good Lord in Heaven, I hardly bring it up every time sugar comes up, lol. I almost never bring it up and let those "All sugar is processed the same" comments go by with nary a peep a LOT. The OP brought it up.
    Let's say you brought it up only once. Same questions apply.
    There was no question there. You wonder why I nitpick. I don't. I almost never say Boo about it. The OP brought up that someone said that all sugars are "processed" the same. Not me.

    I don't know why people are always saying it, I have no idea. I don't generally care because it's really not important.
    These are the questions:

    Is the whole of your position on the digestion of sugars to make the point that fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc are broken down by different enzymes by the digestion process during which all of them are converted to glucose, which glucose the body then uses exactly the same regardless of source? If not, what differences do you mean?
    No, I don't consider digestion a thing on which I take a position, lol. Yes, the point of saying that different sugars are digested differently is because they are. There is no "If not."

    Then, njd disagreed. I am still waiting to hear how "sugar=sugar" and how I am wrong. "No" is how it was phrased, I think.

    Then you get that the sugars are converted to glucose before use by the body and that, after that conversion, the glucose is used by the body exactly the same regardless of the source? Right?

    Sugar == sugar because they end up as glucose before being used by the body. If you want to press the point that different types of sugar are converted to glucose differently, even though the resultant glucose is exactly the same and used exactly the same, that's certainly one approach. I'm not sure how it's ultimately helpful, but I can say that about a lot of stuff that gets posted here.

    QFT. Also, per Guyton and Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th ed. pg. 830-831:
    [A]ppropriate enzymes are available to promote interconversions among the monosaccharides - glucose, fructose, and galactose - as shown in Figure 67-3. Further more, the dynamics of the reactions are such that when the liver releases the monosaccharides back into the blood, the final product is almost entirely glucose.


    Thanks for that. But I'm not suggesting that anyone needs to learn it. I'm not even suggesting that anyone has to stop saying, "All sugar is processed the same way."

    I just asked njd to clarify since he thinks it's just something I "want to believe."

    It really isn't as important as people seem to make it out to be,

    why do you keep trying to flame bait me?

    This has been explained to you several times in the thread.

    Sugar = sugar and digest the same.

    Peaches, flour, and cake are food types and are not just pure sugar.

    I am sorry that you want to believe something that is not accurate. Maybe go back to the drawing and re-review what you have been told.
    I was genuinely interested in how you think all that "same" digestion took place. You were the one who disagreed with me. Mi was not at any time trying or even hoping you'd show up to disagree. But you did, so I thought you might describe how it happened.

    If you don't wish to do so, that is of course entirely up to you.

    I will not pester you with questions or demand any further clarification.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »

    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    kshama2001 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    vintem wrote: »
    cbrook29 wrote: »
    Yeah MFP has me at a lot higher sugar. Fruit has fiber (typically) and other vitamins and is processed by the body differently than say High Frutose Corn Syrup. The body metabolizes these different sugars differently. Of course anything in abundance is bad. Fiber delays the delivery of Frutose to the liver. This is why I stopped drinking juice. The juice alone doesn't have the fiber. I think processed foods with sugar like Cola are far worse for you, simply keep eating fruit - just in moderation.

    According to this post, all sugars are processed the same
    I didn't read it, but a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.

    Digestion really doesn't make a ton of difference. The effect on your weight isn't about how it's digested. It's about how much sugar you take in. It's about the calories.

    When you're losing weight, you want all the nutrition you can get for as few calories as you can. Keeps you healthy, let's you stay full. So, it makes some sense to take your sugar from fruit, which gives you nutrients you need.

    If you don't want to eat any sugar, that's your choice and I won't argue it. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But you can eat your fruit if you want to. For an otherwise healthy person, fruit won't hurt.

    yea, no.

    sugar = sugar


    just because you want to believe that does not make it so.
    I suspect that we have studied different things. Why don't you educate me? Compare the digestion of milk, peaches and cake frosting in detail. Don't single out just sugars, but do make sure to explain how all the sugars are identical and broken down in the same way.

    I do love it when you educate us all.

    Way to move the goal posts there.

    Why do you do this?

    No goal post moving. Perhaps you thought she meant sucrose, fructose and glucose here but she didn't specify that and could have just as easily meant the sugar in peaches vs the sugar in cake frosting.
    a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.
    Except they don't have different components and are essentially C(n)H(2n)O(n) molecules.

    The different types of sugar are converted to glucose by different enzymes, but they end up as glucose and then the body uses that glucose, regardless of source, exactly the same.

    If her position is merely that different sugars are broken down by different enzymes before the resultant glucose is used by the body, I'm wondering why that's a sufficiently relevant nit to pick every time sugar comes up, given that they all end up as glucose before being used.
    Good Lord in Heaven, I hardly bring it up every time sugar comes up, lol. I almost never bring it up and let those "All sugar is processed the same" comments go by with nary a peep a LOT. The OP brought it up.
    Let's say you brought it up only once. Same questions apply.
    There was no question there. You wonder why I nitpick. I don't. I almost never say Boo about it. The OP brought up that someone said that all sugars are "processed" the same. Not me.

    I don't know why people are always saying it, I have no idea. I don't generally care because it's really not important.
    These are the questions:

    Is the whole of your position on the digestion of sugars to make the point that fructose, sucrose, lactose, etc are broken down by different enzymes by the digestion process during which all of them are converted to glucose, which glucose the body then uses exactly the same regardless of source? If not, what differences do you mean?
    No, I don't consider digestion a thing on which I take a position, lol. Yes, the point of saying that different sugars are digested differently is because they are. There is no "If not."

    Then, njd disagreed. I am still waiting to hear how "sugar=sugar" and how I am wrong. "No" is how it was phrased, I think.

    Then you get that the sugars are converted to glucose before use by the body and that, after that conversion, the glucose is used by the body exactly the same regardless of the source? Right?

    Sugar == sugar because they end up as glucose before being used by the body. If you want to press the point that different types of sugar are converted to glucose differently, even though the resultant glucose is exactly the same and used exactly the same, that's certainly one approach. I'm not sure how it's ultimately helpful, but I can say that about a lot of stuff that gets posted here.

    QFT. Also, per Guyton and Hall, Textbook of Medical Physiology, 11th ed. pg. 830-831:
    [A]ppropriate enzymes are available to promote interconversions among the monosaccharides - glucose, fructose, and galactose - as shown in Figure 67-3. Further more, the dynamics of the reactions are such that when the liver releases the monosaccharides back into the blood, the final product is almost entirely glucose.


    Thanks for that. But I'm not suggesting that anyone needs to learn it. I'm not even suggesting that anyone has to stop saying, "All sugar is processed the same way."

    I just asked njd to clarify since he thinks it's just something I "want to believe."

    It really isn't as important as people seem to make it out to be,

    why do you keep trying to flame bait me?

    This has been explained to you several times in the thread.

    Sugar = sugar and digest the same.

    Peaches, flour, and cake are food types and are not just pure sugar.

    I am sorry that you want to believe something that is not accurate. Maybe go back to the drawing and re-review what you have been told.
    I was genuinely interested in how you think all that "same" digestion took place. You were the one who disagreed with me. Mi was not at any time trying or even hoping you'd show up to disagree. But you did, so I thought you might describe how it happened.

    If you don't wish to do so, that is of course entirely up to you.

    I will not pester you with questions or demand any further clarification.

    you have been given the answers. You just don't like them.
  • rushfive
    rushfive Posts: 603 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    vintem wrote: »
    cbrook29 wrote: »
    Yeah MFP has me at a lot higher sugar. Fruit has fiber (typically) and other vitamins and is processed by the body differently than say High Frutose Corn Syrup. The body metabolizes these different sugars differently. Of course anything in abundance is bad. Fiber delays the delivery of Frutose to the liver. This is why I stopped drinking juice. The juice alone doesn't have the fiber. I think processed foods with sugar like Cola are far worse for you, simply keep eating fruit - just in moderation.

    According to this post, all sugars are processed the same
    I didn't read it, but a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.

    Digestion really doesn't make a ton of difference. The effect on your weight isn't about how it's digested. It's about how much sugar you take in. It's about the calories.

    When you're losing weight, you want all the nutrition you can get for as few calories as you can. Keeps you healthy, let's you stay full. So, it makes some sense to take your sugar from fruit, which gives you nutrients you need.

    If you don't want to eat any sugar, that's your choice and I won't argue it. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But you can eat your fruit if you want to. For an otherwise healthy person, fruit won't hurt.

    How are different sugars digested differently?
    When broken down do they all end up the same in the body?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    rushfive wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    vintem wrote: »
    cbrook29 wrote: »
    Yeah MFP has me at a lot higher sugar. Fruit has fiber (typically) and other vitamins and is processed by the body differently than say High Frutose Corn Syrup. The body metabolizes these different sugars differently. Of course anything in abundance is bad. Fiber delays the delivery of Frutose to the liver. This is why I stopped drinking juice. The juice alone doesn't have the fiber. I think processed foods with sugar like Cola are far worse for you, simply keep eating fruit - just in moderation.

    According to this post, all sugars are processed the same
    I didn't read it, but a lot of people think that all sugars are digested in exactly the same way. They say it all the time. They don't understand the digestive system at all. Of course different sugars are digested differently. Because they're different, lol.
    They have different components and will, of course, be broken down differently.

    Digestion really doesn't make a ton of difference. The effect on your weight isn't about how it's digested. It's about how much sugar you take in. It's about the calories.

    When you're losing weight, you want all the nutrition you can get for as few calories as you can. Keeps you healthy, let's you stay full. So, it makes some sense to take your sugar from fruit, which gives you nutrients you need.

    If you don't want to eat any sugar, that's your choice and I won't argue it. Everyone has to do what works for them.

    But you can eat your fruit if you want to. For an otherwise healthy person, fruit won't hurt.

    How are different sugars digested differently?
    When broken down do they all end up the same in the body?

    Please read the whole thread before you stir this whole pot up again.
  • JustSomeEm
    JustSomeEm Posts: 20,222 MFP Moderator
    I believe that the OP probably has gotten the answers he needs, so this discussion is staying closed. A few thoughts that come to mind after reading this discussion:

    1. Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
    2. I'm convinced we need to create a group for 'sugar debates', so people will have a place to go to 'slug it out' when this topic comes up.
    3. Not every question about sugar has to devolve into a slug-fest debate.
    4. Sometimes, no matter how hard we try, we are never going to be able to convince the other party that they are wrong and we are right.
This discussion has been closed.