Fashion Peeves and Faux Paux, What's yours?



  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Anything that shows boobs or *kitten* in public (sagging pants, ill-fitting tops that allow boobage to spill out or threaten to spill out, shorts/skirts that would show hoo-ha if the person bends over or sits down, etc.).

    Pajamas and/or slippers in public. Get dressed before you go out for goodness sake.

    Dirty clothing, with stains. In public.

    Strapless tops with bras that aren't. If you can't find a strapless bra that fits you, don't wear tops that show the straps.

    Shorts that have the pockets hanging out the front.

    Any pants/shorts with writing across the butt. Especially for preteen/teen girls.

    I once saw a man at a flea market (talk about a treasure trove of fashion DON'Ts) who was shirtless and somehow had a pack of cigarrettes stuck to his bare chest. Disgusting and fascinating at the same time--HOW?!?!?!? Still have not figured that one out. I didn't have the courage to ask.

    How could I forget this one?!?!?! THANK YOU! Although, I'm tempted to get a pair of sweatpants and screen print something ridiculous like "SHART" across the butt. That would be fun.
  • sjp_511
    sjp_511 Posts: 476 Member
    Not a fan of leggings, but nude colored leggings take it to a whole new level. You have to do a double-take to make sure she is wearing clothes.

    Patterned bras underneath white shirts. Had a coworker try this at work. It was so distracting talking to her.

    And guys - please leave the muscle shirts at the gym (or maybe for lounging around the house or doing yard work). When I am out to dinner or shopping I don't want to see your hairy armpits, chest, or nipples!
  • dunnodunno
    dunnodunno Posts: 2,290 Member
    I cannot stand seeing people who try to dress way, way, way, way, way younger than their age. I understand that some people of a certain age have to shop in the Junior's department based on different factors, but I am speaking about the people who clearly shouldn't be shopping in the department.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    String bikinis and ironic tees on 40-year-old women.

    What is that? Don't they know they're old?

    Thank you!
  • tavenne323
    tavenne323 Posts: 332 Member
    Dirty clothes (unless your camping/hiking)
    Pants below the *kitten*.
    *kitten* crack (seriously, get pants that fit you)
    Too matchy. (my mom always wants me to help her pick out clothes because she loves the way I dress...fact is, I don't match anything, I compliment. If there is blue in my shirt, I probably won't be wearing blue jewelry. She can't get past that.)

    I'm tall and not super skinny (though moving in the right direction). I have one maxi dress. But it's asymmetrical and has stripes that help with shape. The dresses that are all the same pattern just make me look like a big blob.

    Girls who complain they are cold/feet hurt, etc and are wearing 4" strappy heel and a mini skirt in the middle of a Minnesota winter. Dress appropriately.

    Young girls showing off their "cleavage"...or anyone dressing inappropriately... this just goes back to be appropriate for the situation.
  • rocky503
    rocky503 Posts: 430 Member
    I HATE, HATE, HATE with a passion the ridiculously short-shorts that are being sold to our young girls these days. What's the deal with trying to sex up our young girls? Let kids be kids and teach them that modesty in the clothing department isn't always a bad thing. There is a time and a place for showing skin and honestly these days I think we give younger generations a very bad example for modesty. pre-teens shouldn't have a world that revolves around being sexy.

    Agree, why are the shorts so short? At my child's school the kid's skirt or short length has to be at least as long as long as the end of hand when held straight at their sides.
  • tigerlily886
    tigerlily886 Posts: 74 Member
    Too short dresses. I worked at a coffee shop and every morning around 8, I had a female customer who wore really short dresses. The first time I thought she forgot pants. I had to find somewhere else to look when she walking up because I was uncomfortable. Does she really need to wear a dress that short in the morning?

    I have a dress that I consider a little short. It covers my butt, I still won't wear just the dress.I wear black leggings underneath. The leggings are not sheer, so you can't see anything.

    And really low-cut shirts. They should be really careful not to lean down if they are wearing a low-cut shirt. Like someone said earlier, there is a time and place for low-cut and really short dresses. 8 am in a coffee shop is not one of them.
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Oh, if you wear a wifebeater, muscle shirt, tank top, or whatever people call it these days, please shave your armpits, or at least trim them.
  • Rage_Phish
    Rage_Phish Posts: 1,507 Member
    Anything hipster looks horrible to me. High waist shorts and plaid with buddy holly glasses!! LIKE OH EM GEE, YOU ARE SO QUIRKY!!!!!!!!! And you are drinking a PABST BLUE RIBBON!!!!!!!!!! SQUEE!!!!!!!!!!!!! *Dies*


    hates hipsters...makes most hipster comment in thread "I pretty much hate all clothing in any regular store today" LOL
  • tigerlily886
    tigerlily886 Posts: 74 Member
    I HATE, HATE, HATE with a passion the ridiculously short-shorts that are being sold to our young girls these days. What's the deal with trying to sex up our young girls? Let kids be kids and teach them that modesty in the clothing department isn't always a bad thing. There is a time and a place for showing skin and honestly these days I think we give younger generations a very bad example for modesty. pre-teens shouldn't have a world that revolves around being sexy.

    Agree, why are the shorts so short? At my child's school the kid's skirt or short length has to be at least as long as long as the end of hand when held straight at their sides.

    My school had that dress code. I hate seeing kids in really short skirts and shorts. Makes me wonder about the parents. My mom would have never bought that type of clothing for me.
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear
  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear

    But what about for yourself? Don't you have any thing you see while shopping that offends your sense of aesthetics?
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear
    In that case, what kind of clothing you wouldn't be caught dead in?
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear

    But what about for yourself? Don't you have any thing you see while shopping that offends your sense of aesthetics?

    Not wanting to wear something my self is not the same thing as considering something a fashion faux pas Or a pet peeve, I can't remember the last time I saw someone and was shocked, disgusted,offended, or grossed out by what they had on.
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear
    In that case, what kind of clothing you wouldn't be caught dead in?

    Nothing comes to mind
  • Hexahedra
    Hexahedra Posts: 894 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear
    In that case, what kind of clothing you wouldn't be caught dead in?

    Nothing comes to mind
    Really? You seem to sport a certain style. You sure you're ok with wearing preppy outfit or soccer mom stuff?

  • HardcoreP0rk
    HardcoreP0rk Posts: 936 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear

    But what about for yourself? Don't you have any thing you see while shopping that offends your sense of aesthetics?

    Not wanting to wear something my self is not the same thing as considering something a fashion faux pas Or a pet peeve, I can't remember the last time I saw someone and was shocked, disgusted,offended, or grossed out by what they had on.

    Well I wouldn't say I'm all that emotionally involved in what *anyone* is wearing, but I know what I like and what I dont. There are probably not many legitimate fashion faux pas though..
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    Nothing I don't care what other people wear
    In that case, what kind of clothing you wouldn't be caught dead in?

    Nothing comes to mind
    Really? You seem to sport a certain style. You sure you're ok with wearing preppy outfit or soccer mom stuff?


    I have a closet full of preppy stuff all mixed in with my corsets . I'm not sure what could be considered soccer mom besides a mini van
  • FearAnLoathingJ
    FearAnLoathingJ Posts: 337 Member
    In fact I even have a shirt I wear to the gym with a bible passage on it (I'm an atheist)
    But I like the fabric and that It doesn't stick to me to much when I'm sweaty