August 2015 Running Challenge



  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    edited August 2015
    @aarar Sorry to hear about the scraped knees - and especially about the wasps stings! That's no fun at all - I can still remember the one time where I was playing in the forest as a kid, and one of my friends stepped into a wasp nest. They chased us for quite a long distance, and each of us got multiple stings that hurt much more that those of "city wasps", in my memory. I hope yours aren't as horribly painful as the ones I remember!

    @_nikkiwolf_ I hear ya, they were pretty painful! Every time I took a deep breath it sent a searing pain through my stomach for the first half hour or so. That made running interesting lol. I read that when they sting you, they release a pheromone that attracts others to attack which might explain why you guys were chased. Fun times! lol
  • kimlight2
    kimlight2 Posts: 483 Member
    My July goal was 30 miles and I hit that. I think I will shoot for 35 for August.

    8/2 - 3.5mi. PR for distance Woohoo! According to my GPS I went 3.5 but according to the trail map I did 3.7 miles. I am going with my GPS since I always use the same one when I run so any errors should be consistent. Walking up to get ice cream with son and dog later so that will be another 3 miles but I will not include it in my monthly total.
    8/4 - 3.6mi. Another PR! I went for a run on my break at work because I was falling asleep at my desk, don't tell the boss, and I ended up completing the run in 50 minutes which is what it took me to run 5k last month in the heat and humidity. I learned that my ideal pace right now is about a 13 minute pace so I was able to cut out most of the walk breaks except for walking up the big hill at the end of trail. (Why is there always a big hill at the end of a run?)
    8/6 - 3.5mi. Got up at 6:30am on my day off for a beautiful cool morning run with Neeko. Kept my average pace at 13:14 which seems to be ideal for me but I will admit my legs were tired when I was done. That hasn't happened in a while but it was a great feeling.
    8/8 - 2mi. Over did it on strength training yesterday and pushed myself to do 3 reps of 12 leg presses at 210 lbs so my legs were dead today. Even Neeko was confused when I turned around early LOL. I think I am going to try again tomorrow depending on how crazy work is and I am not sure if I want to push for 4 miles since I just stepped up to 3.5 last week. I guess I will see how I feel.
    8/10 - 1.5mi. Well yesterday didn't happen, work was insane and today it started raining and thundering when I started. Neeko and I kept going until we saw lighting but got in a fast comfortable mile and a half. No running tomorrow, I have a session with my trainer so I will try again on Wednesday for 4 miles.

    Completed : 14.1mi
    To go : 20.9 mi
  • Erin9607
    Erin9607 Posts: 31 Member
    4km today - August 10

    + 27km

    31/80km done
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes. I had a great day.

    During the week I run earlier enough that there isn't any sun for the most part. The greenway we run on the weekends it's 2 miles roundtrip one way and that is about 90% in the sun, it's about 4 miles round trip the other way about 95% in the shade. We run the 2 miles first then the 4 then back to where the 2 miles goes into the sun and back towards the 4 and back and forth. Rarely do we had back out into the sun. When your back is to the sun it's not bad, when you are facing the sun it can be brutal.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    8/1 3.2 @ 10:55 (race)
    8/2 5.0 @ 20:00 (hiking)
    8/3 4.5 @ 18:00 (walk with kids and dog)
    8/4 4.0 @ 11:30 (treadmill) and strength training
    8/5 Amusement Park Day
    8/6 3.0 @ 12:00 and strength training
    8/7 Aquarium Day

    8/8 4.0 @ 15:00 (my first technical trail)
    8/9 5.0 @ 12:00 on my normal trail--felt a little sluggish
    8/10 4.5 @ 12:00 on a new trail near my house. Other than the part where I fell in at the "fair weather crossing", it was a good run, lol! I'll go faster now that I know where I'm actually going. I'm always a little tentative when I'm not sure how to get home!



    @skippygirlsmom Happy Birthday!
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    edited August 2015
    @skippygirlsmom happy birthday!

    I'm so envious of everyone out running... I'm keeping up on my miles but dang, today was 105. I heard we had "ice vests" stashed for the guys that work outside. I'm working on procuring such am item!
  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Happy Birthday!!

    I didn't think that I could run any slower than I have been but I did for two miles today. It was worth it to run with my 5 and 7 year olds though. It makes me happy that they want to go with me. I am really trying to encourage them to find an activity they enjoy to keep them active and to stick with it.
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    @skippygirlsmom Happy Birthday!!!
    Made a mountainous mistake yesterday. I ran down the steepest hill around these parts (316 feet descent, just over 1/2 mile in distance) Needless to say, my knees are killing me! So, I took today as a "rest" day and ended up on my feet for 13 hours and counting baking for our Huge family picnic coming up. Tomorrow won't be what I hoped for (13 miles) since I can see balloons coming from the outsides of both my knees. Oh, whoa as me!
  • jenmeekes93
    jenmeekes93 Posts: 8 Member
    10k down 90 to go starting a bit late but I think I can do it
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    @skippygirlsmom - Happy Happy Birthday to You!!! I just barely got it in before it was past and late (not the 11th here yet!)
    @_nikkiwolf_ - I am with you! Enjoy the shade as much as possible!
    @WhatMeRunning - Wow - I am in awe of 20 miles for a long training run just because you could! Great job!
    @JoRocka - I hope your calf is feeling better despite all the dancing! I am hoping there is no tear and it is just sore!

    Everyone else - I read through the posts and there is so much activity! Wow - everyone is getting to those goals!! Awesome!

    I took yesterday off completely other than walking around IKEA - that place is so crazy! No dog beach run as I was hoping though. Today I took the pup out for a short run and almost headed back... again my side was SO sore. It hurts when I sleep (turning over) and getting into the car but otherwise it is fine until I start running. I am pretty sure I pulled a muscle - something I use for stabilization when I start running. Although today it hurt more consistently throughout the first 3 miles. I am heading to Houston tomorrow for work and hoping to get a few miles in on the treadmill but will see how it feels. I am not looking forward to the trip - who wants to go to Houston in mid-August???

    I will try to keep up on everyone but this group is really moving along these days!

    08/02.....0.00.......8.45 - rest
    08/03.....0.00.......8.45 - unplanned rest +Agility
    08/04.....5.11.....13.56 - +Strength training
    08/06.....4.86.....22.60 - +Strength training
    08/10.....5.10.....43.50 - + Agility

  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member


    6.3 miles this morning
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    edited August 2015
    8.1.15.... 5.41 M... 52:30.
    8.3.15.... 1 HR Lift + 2 hrs dance
    8.4.15.... 3.19 M.... 28:10 Afternoon Hot Run + 2 hrs of dance
    8.5.15.... 4.18 M....39:06 Nice cool morning run- feeling stiff-
    8.5.15.... Pt And Chiro Rest otherwise
    8.6.26.... 3.05 M..... 27:59 super cool morning
    8.7.15..... PT and Chiro- Rest otherwise

    8.8.15.... 6.30...1:01 Calf problems
    8.11.15... 3.02...30... super slow and rainy- just trying to get the mileage in- calf is still twitchy but felt okay to run on- pressing forward!!!

    25.15 of 75 miles

    Moderate Jo is Moderate today.

  • Aine8046
    Aine8046 Posts: 2,122 Member
    Aine8046 wrote: »
    I am in for 75 miles! :)
    Aug 2nd - 8 mi
    Aug 9th - 5.5 mi
    Aug 11th - 4.7 mi

    Total: 18.2 mi

  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
    August 2015 running challenge:
    8-10-15 UPDATE
    I already posted an entry for 1 mile that I ran this morning during my workout. Well, I got in some unplanned miles when the kids came home from their 1st day of school. Upon asking about how the day went my kindergartener informed me that it was good but he didn't get to play very long at recess. So we packed up a couple dogs, bicycles, and a fishing pole for my teenager and headed to the lake.
    I ran with the dogs while the kids road their bikes and my high schooler went down to the lake to fish. Let me tell you "they wore me out!" The trail is marked every quarter of a mile so we even got to practice some math along the way. From beginning to end it is 2.75 miles and when we got to the end they dropped their bikes and they ran with me an added quarter mile for a total of 3 miles. We made good time too (5mph) considering the timer was running during water breaks, photos, and trips for doggy business off the beaten path.
    We had a great time and found big brother(who didn't catch anything) just in time as big storm rolled in.

    Goal: 45 miles
    Completed: 24
    >>>>>>>>>>> 21 to go <<<<<<<<<<
  • CancerSurvivor2014
    CancerSurvivor2014 Posts: 111 Member
  • demoiselle2014
    demoiselle2014 Posts: 474 Member
    edited August 2015
    Got up bright and early and ran in the rain. About 2.7 miles. I only saw four people. Running in the rainstorm felt amazing. I stayed in the grass.

    I'm not sure I've got the shin splints beaten. I had a bit of tightness at the 20 minute mark and walked until it went away. I continue to stretch daily, and its really improving my yoga.

    But what I want is to be able to run. I don't really want to take another week off.

    8/2 - 3.1 mi in 5/30/5
    8/9 - 2.8 mi in 5/30/5
    8/11 - 2.7 mi in 5/30/5
  • JimCrackinDandy
    JimCrackinDandy Posts: 146 Member
    @CancerSurvivor2014 Lovely photo of that changing sky. You certainly gave your kiddos a great ending to their 1st day of school!
  • dinsfamily
    dinsfamily Posts: 84 Member
    Officially started my running season this morning! I was slow and it was hard, but felt great to be out there. We did a track workout for coach to gauge where we all are: 800m warmup, 2 x 1 mi, 1 x 800m. Thankfully, my half train-up doesn't start until Oct 20th so I've got some ramp time. I haven't been running at all, but I have been Crossfitting and I could tell that helped me with recovery. Now just need to jump start my endurance. This is going to be a great season. 3 miles down.

  • truelight_photo_craig
    2.5 miles today...
