August 2015 Running Challenge



  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    I'm on vacation and feel so out of it--I haven't missed much on the internet the past few days, but I've missed this group! :)

    8/1 3.2 @ 10:55 (race)
    8/2 5.0 @ 20:00 (hiking)
    8/3 4.5 @ 18:00 (walk with kids and dog)
    8/4 4.0 @ 11:30 (treadmill) and strength training
    8/5 Amusement Park Day
    8/6 3.0 @ 12:00 and strength training
    8/7 Aquarium Day

    8/8 4.0 @ 15:00 (my first technical trail)
    8/9 5.0 @ 12:00 on my normal trail--felt a little sluggish
    8/10 4.5 @ 12:00 on a new trail near my house
    8/11 3.5 @ 11:00 on the treadmill, laughing like an insane person, and strength training
    8/12 Rest Day. Yuck.
    8/13 7.5 @ 12:56 (the first 10K were at about 12:15; I walked the last mile and a quarter with a terrible stitch in my side)
    8/14 3.25 @ 11:04 on the treadmill and strength training

    8/15 5.0 @ 11:48 road/flat trail combo
    8/16 Rest Day
    8/17 4.0 @ 12:47--I got out late and it was really hot. I also got "lost" a couple times, exploring a new section of trail.
    8/18 4.25 @ 11:17 on the treadmill and strength training
    8/19 7.5 @ 12:42 --it was drippy muggy but at least overcast, so not *too* hot. I'll take it!
    8/20 2.25 @ 12:45 (last quarter was really slow, just walking) short recovery run in 100% humidity
    8/21 3.5 @ 11:35 on the treadmill, and strength training

    8/22 Travel day
    8/23 Rest day
    8/24 2.5 @ 12:43--my first beach run. I do not like sand in my running shoes! The beach itself isn't bad, but the dunes...sandy sandy sandy and all in my toes.
    8/25 3.25 @ 11:59 boring sidewalk run, but no sand :)


  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    This is something I pass on Sunday bike rides. Every time it gives me a smile and makes me wonder ... did people keep trying to walk on down that sidewalk? so they had to tell them ... it ends here?

    It's a great area for a bike ride, but I'd love to run this area as well. If we leave early enough we pass by several runners, and I get my usual runner's envy.


    that's great. I love it.
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Date Miles today. Miles for August

    8/1 17 miles - 17
    8/2 REST DAY
    8/3 10.5 miles - 27.5
    8/4 9.25 miles - 36.75
    8/5 5.65 miles - 42.4
    8/6 REST DAY Unplanned (domestic emergency and bad weather)
    8/7 6.4 miles - 48.8
    8/8 18 miles - 66.8
    8/9 REST DAY
    8/10 10.15 - 76.95
    8/11 9.25 - 86.2
    8/12 6.25 - 92.45
    8/13 10 miles - 102.45
    8/14 6.2 miles - 108.65
    8/15 18 miles - 126.65
    8/16 REST DAY
    8/17 10.5 miles - 137.15
    8/18 10.5 miles - 147.65
    8/19 6.2 miles - 153.85
    8/20 9.4 miles - 163.25
    8/21 6.75 miles - 170
    8/22 18 miles - 188
    8/23 REST DAY
    8/24 10.55 miles - 198.55
    8/25 6 miles - 204.55
    8/26 REST DAY


    Today I slept in and did no running. My body will thank me later for this decision. Studying a little bit on the importance of cutback weeks and the way I been feeling on Saturday's long run, and my horrible sluggish run on Monday and how I felt after my short run yesterday; I definetely need this.

  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    edited August 2015
    I did a 2nd run last night (10km/6.2 miles) for a total of 26km yesterday, which brings my August total up to 262km/163 miles.
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    DATE ... MILES
    8/1 ... 16.5
    8/2 ... 10
    8/4 ... 5
    8/5 ... 8
    8/6 ... 5.25
    8/8 ... 17
    8/9 ... 6
    8/10 ... 4
    8/11 ... 5.5
    8/13 ... 5.5
    8/15 ... 13.1
    8/16 ... 10
    8/17 ... 6
    8/18 ... 5.5
    8/20 ... 9
    8/22 ... 22.5
    8/23 ... 5
    8/25 ... 5.5
    8/26 ... 4.5

    163.85/200 goal

    Due to scheduling conflicts I had to move my mid-week long run to tomorrow. Then woke up late and was only able to get 4.5 in this morning. I should reach goal though still!
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @ddmom0811 hysterical sign!
    @mwyvr that cow kills me, what a thread that is
    @7lenny7 thank you for the bear pix in your profile, just cracks me up - awesome job on the mileage and having that feeling of just loving it and going on and on
    @ruqayyahsmum so awesome about your daughter's run, I did giggle at the bambi on ice comment
    @5beautifuldays I hate sand in my running shoes too. I try to walk slowly to the wet sand and then empty my shoes and then run
    @stoshew71 great job listening to the body
  • HonuNui
    HonuNui Posts: 1,464 Member
    August goal 60 miles

    8/1 I really...
    8/2 Need to find a better source
    8/3 For my Chinese take out supply....
    8/4 Managed a 1.17 "ralk" with all 3 puppies
    8/5 3.1 on the dreadmill until the aforementioned Chinese food from hell re "reared" (pun intended)
    its ugly head.
    8/6 2.52
    8/7 5
    8/8 3.67
    8/9 3.42
    8/10 rest
    8/11 2.22
    8/12 3.36
    8/13 4.25
    8/14 "life day" ( I like that!)
    8/15 3.65
    8/16 3.77
    8/17 3.34
    8/18 Bike
    8/19 rest
    8/20 3.47
    8/21 3.83
    8/22 it stopped raining so I cut the lawn instead of running!
    8/23 4.29
    8/24 3.68
    8/25 heavy yard work>>found all kinds of new muscles....which now hurt!
    8/26 6.33: we've had a bit of rain so the waterfall that I passed this morning is flowing fast:

    Total 61.05

    Ticker is my goal for 2015 and accumulation to date:


  • dennie24
    dennie24 Posts: 251 Member
    8/26 2.05 miles
  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    edited August 2015
    Resting HR was back towards the normal range (51 today, normal 48), so I was seriously getting up to run. But I remembered that last night I made a promise to myself that I would make absolute sure I was completely rested before starting back up again by not running until the day after I went back to normal. The last couple times I jotted right out when my resting HR was normal it took longer than usual to recover. So I'm hoping this extra days rest will finally nip this dang thing in bud!

    @7lenny7 - Congrats on reaching that point where your mileage starts taking off! I heard from quite a few people that someday I would get there, then all of the sudden, BAM! I was able to bump up my miles quite easily. Just be careful not to increase the mileage too fast of course! As for resting HR, yes, right in the morning before getting out of bed. It takes some time and dedication to get used to doing it. I would miss most every morning at first. Then when I started to get used to it I would find I had to really, really go to the restroom when I woke up and the stress of waiting to read my HR would skew things. So it took some getting used to in a number of ways. Basically I just get up about 10 minutes early to make sure that if I have to go, I can then hop back in bed and read it after a solid 5+ minutes of resting again.

    @ddmom0811 - I read a book as a kid about that very place in your photo!:smile:

    @Stoshew71 - Congrats on busting 200 miles! And also for recognizing you needed rest. I went to log my recent runs in my training plan spreadsheet. I thought I had it memorized but see that I missed a rest week and starting running that week at full volume and that is when I got sick. So it was a double whammy, perhaps complicated by not resting after a couple monster weeks of mileage. I can't believe I lost track like that!

    Congrats to everyone who are hitting their goals this month! I have been living vicariously through many of you these last couple of weeks. And for those of us who are not quite going to make it (or not even come close), there is still next month!!
  • dstock80
    dstock80 Posts: 81 Member
    edited August 2015
    Aug 26: 4 miles

    I might not make it to 100; but, I'm no quitter.

  • aleph_0
    aleph_0 Posts: 30 Member
    8/1: 3.4 km
    8/3: 2.6 km
    8/9: 2.6 km
    8/10: 3.1 km
    8/16: 3.1 km
    8/18: 3.1 km
    8/21: 3.3 km
    8/24: 3.3 km
    8/26: 3.1 km

    Total: 27.6/30 km
    Just one more workout and I'll be there!
  • ctdebbie
    ctdebbie Posts: 34 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    My training plan called for 5 miles tonight, but the weather was gorgeous (72F and dry), I got home early, and Kody was fired up to go so I ended up with 8.5 miles. I ignored my HR monitor and ran it all based on perceived effort...trying to make it an easy run...and ended up with an average pace of 10:53, about 45 seconds faster than my recent similar runs, with an HR just 6 bpm higher than normal. I weight myself before and after...even though it wasn't that hot, I still lost 4.5 pounds on the run.

    In the last 2 or 3 weeks, I really feel like my running has gone to the next level. What were my long run are now my weeknight runs, I feel like I can run forever, I really don't feel like the running is wearing me out at all, and there's virtually no pain. I'm getting to the point where my running will be limited more by my schedule than by my endurance, aches or pains. A 90 minute run and I'm feeling great. 31.7 miles in the last 5 days, and 42.5 in the last 8 days!

    The verdict is in on the water belt I bought. I love it. I do wish they would have made the large pocket large enough for a cell phone, but it certainly serves its purpose. Even on the shorter runs, I like having water for Kody without carrying it in my hand. Freezing a half full bottle gives me cold water for the entire run.

    And @mwyvr, you will NOT believe this, but tonight I actually ran by a small herd of cows! There's a small farm a couple miles from our house, land locked by suburbia, and he runs about a dozen head. They were all grazing right by the fence as I was running by. I almost had to stop I was laughing so hard thinking about the bear thread and your cow picture. I really wish I had brought my phone with me so I could have taken a selfie with them and posted it. I'll try to run by there tomorrow and hopefully they'll be by the fence again.

    @shanaber, this is for you (but everyone else can check it out too). Kody gets very excited when he knows we're going out:

    ETA: Goal progress = 92 of 100 miles

    This is where I want to get to
  • annekka
    annekka Posts: 517 Member
    6 km today for 54.5/50km for the month
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    ddmom0811 wrote: »
    This is something I pass on Sunday bike rides. Every time it gives me a smile and makes me wonder ... did people keep trying to walk on down that sidewalk? so they had to tell them ... it ends here?

    It's a great area for a bike ride, but I'd love to run this area as well. If we leave early enough we pass by several runners, and I get my usual runner's envy.


    "Here's your sign"?

    Maybe they ran out of funding..
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    3.7 miles. Added bonus, the humidity seems to have moved out for a bit. A day off tomorrow and a chance to visit with my Book Club friends.
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Aug 02      8.0      8.0
    Aug 03      5.0     13.0
    Aug 05      5.0     18.0
    Aug 06      4.4     22.4
    Aug 08      9.1     31.5
    Aug 09      3.6     35.1
    Aug 11      6.2     41.3
    Aug 13      5.0     46.3
    Aug 15     10.0     56.3
    Aug 18      5.0     61.3
    Aug 20      6.3     67.6
    Aug 22      5.2     72.8
    Aug 23      7.2     80.0
    Aug 25      5.0     85.0
    Aug 26      3.7     88.7

  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    7lenny7 wrote: »
    And @mwyvr, you will NOT believe this, but tonight I actually ran by a small herd of cows! There's a small farm a couple miles from our house, land locked by suburbia, and he runs about a dozen head. They were all grazing right by the fence as I was running by. I almost had to stop I was laughing so hard thinking about the bear thread and your cow picture. I really wish I had brought my phone with me so I could have taken a selfie with them and posted it. I'll try to run by there tomorrow and hopefully they'll be by the fence again.

    @shanaber, this is for you (but everyone else can check it out too). Kody gets very excited when he knows we're going out:

    @7lenny7 - Love the cows! Love the video of Kody even more! Thanks for sharing!
    @JoRocka - Look at you almost to 60! That is pretty awesome for someone who was going to be just a sometimes when I have nothing better to do, runner!
    @ruqayyahsmum - that is awesome about your daughter! I had very bad pronation as a child too - my ankles hit when I walked (I never ran unless I was forced to) and I wore (heavy, terrible) corrective shoes for many years. I still have issues with my knees and ankles going in but I am working on strengthening my hips to lessen it!
    @ddmom0811 - Can't wait to hear about your runs in SF! Also I love the sign... maybe someone fell off the end and sued so they had to put up a sign?? LOL it is hilarious whatever the reason!
    @skippygirlsmom - I can't believe you got to wear long sleeves today! Here we are looking at triple digits for the foreseeable future :( I am SO jealous!
    @5BeautifulDays - I don't like running on the beach in shoes either but running on the moist sand by the water in bare feet can be awesome if there aren't a lot of shells or rocks and it is good for your feet and calves - just keep it short as it can be a real workout and make them very sore.

    Had a pretty good run this morning even though it was hotter and more humid than yesterday and there wasn't much of a breeze. Tomorrow I WILL get out earlier! I am stiff and sore from strength training last night and felt it in my abs, chest and shoulders the first few miles. Interestingly my legs didn't complain until after my run and then they let me know they too were sore from the legapalooza workout!

    08/02.....0.00.......8.45 - rest
    08/03.....0.00.......8.45 - unplanned rest +Agility
    08/04.....5.11.....13.56 - +Strength training
    08/06.....4.86.....22.60 - +Strength training
    08/10.....5.10.....43.50 - + Agility
    08/11.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/12.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/13.....0.00.....43.50 - Houston
    08/14.....4.19.....47.69 - Shake out run
    08/15.....7.05.....54.74 - ugly run
    08/16.....2.00.....56.74 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    08/17.....7.16.....63.90 - + Agility
    08/18.....0.00.....63.90 - +Strength training
    08/20.....0.00.....68.88 - +Strength training
    08/23.....2.50.....88.92 - Dog Beach Sunday!
    08/24.....0.00.....88.92 - + Agility
    08/25.....5.28.....94.20 - +Strength training

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    edited August 2015
    @shanaber this is Alabama it could be 120 tomorrow LOL It was also 5:00 am

    I drove past a field of cows I drive by every day, today I had to laugh, I'll never look at a cow the same again.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    5.7 tough miles. Tonight I learned that running after getting less than 5 hours sleep the night before is not fun.

    Less than a mile to go to hit my goal. I'll get that tomorrow night.

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @skippygirlsmom and @shanaber I think I will try running on the beach again tomorrow, but either skip the shoes or put them on after I get there. I also found a really nice sandy trail (through a maritime forest) I'd like to try.

    Sadly, I don't think I'm going to hit my 100 miles for the month. I'm trying not to feel too badly about it--I really did need the rest this vacation has given me, and I've stayed active even if I'm not running. I walked about 4 miles today, and tomorrow I'll try to get a short run in before we go kayaking.
  • GenoPrice
    GenoPrice Posts: 477 Member


    6.3 miles this morning