August 2015 Running Challenge



  • ruqayyahsmum
    ruqayyahsmum Posts: 1,514 Member
    1/8/15 - 3 miles
    3/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    4/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    6/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    7/8/15 - 2 miles
    8/8/15 - 3 miles
    10/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    11/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    13/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    14/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    16/8/15 - 3 miles
    17/8/15 - 2 miles
    19/8/15 - 1.5 miles
    20/8/15 - 1 mile
    23/8/15 - 3.5 miles
    26/8/15 - 1.75 miles
    27/8/15 - 2.7 miles
    28/8/15 - 2.65 miles


    wasnt really feeling it today, after the first 1/4 mile i developed a pain in my back, left side around the bottom rib that never went away and considering its the uk it hit 24 degrees, bit warm for me, never happy lol

    the skies have now taken on a dark gray shade instead of the clear blue it was earlier so im glad i got my run in now in case it pee's it down this afternoon
  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Nice cool morning! Set records (over July and August Challenges) for best Mile and best 5K! 5 miles:
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Aug 02      8.0      8.0
    Aug 03      5.0     13.0
    Aug 05      5.0     18.0
    Aug 06      4.4     22.4
    Aug 08      9.1     31.5
    Aug 09      3.6     35.1
    Aug 11      6.2     41.3
    Aug 13      5.0     46.3
    Aug 15     10.0     56.3
    Aug 18      5.0     61.3
    Aug 20      6.3     67.6
    Aug 22      5.2     72.8
    Aug 23      7.2     80.0
    Aug 25      5.0     85.0
    Aug 26      3.7     88.7
    Aug 28      5.0     93.7

  • AlexPaige
    AlexPaige Posts: 72 Member
    8-1: 2.5 mi
    8-2: 2.62 mi
    8-5: 2.6 mi
    8-8: 2.77 mi
    8-9: 2.77
    8-12: 2.91 mi
    8-13: 2.49 mi
    8-16: 3.13 mi
    8-17: 1.15 mi
    8-18: 1.11 scary tinges of knee pain today, called it quits conveniently as my mother happened to be driving by.
    8-21: 2.53 mi...felt much better today after taking time off. My pacing was much quicker than it has been since I was about 6 weeks in c25k. Paired w/ endurance training I think this is a good sign for the future.
    8-22: 2.45 mi. Went back to W6D1 of c25k for some intervals...started out quick and burned out by the last 5 minutes. Lesson learned!
    8-23: 3.14 mi..started out pretty conservative because I was tired and realized I had way more gas than I thought...ended up negative splitting 2 minutes on my last 1k from my first. Very tired afterwards though.
    8-24: Just did a 1.75 mi recovery walk but I'm not including it in my cumulative total. Very sore yesterday after working a 9 hour shift after my run.
    8-25: 2.35 mi. W1D1 as a workout, except I did the 60 sec. jogs as 75% runs. Very tired by the end but I felt very productive.
    8-27: 1.93 mi... Ran in the cold as sin rain because I had an appointment scheduled later and I wanted to be on time...only to be told it had to be rescheduled. :| Quick pacing I had though, probably the best I've done all summer.
    8-28: 1.89 mi...woke up early to get a quick jog in before I go on vacation! Wine tour B)

    38.34 mi/30 month.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    8/1 - 10 miles
    8/2 - 3.2 miles
    8/3 - 5.5 miles 1st day of school here, can't believe my baby is a Sophomore!
    8/4 - 3.2 miles
    8/5 - rest day
    8/6 - 1.8 miles ending up not getting back out last night - had to bring work home with me and worked until 9:30
    8/7 - 4.4 miles in the fog :tongue: 5K Run to the Rescue with Skip and some of her teammates tomorrow.
    8/8 - 3.1 Run to the Rescue 5K today. Skip and I ran, it was trail for almost 2 miles (I've never run off the road) then onto the road, then onto parking lot gravel (ugh) then back to and finish on grass. We don't have official times, I was I did a 9:43 pace just over 30 min so not near a PR, Skip said she was about 23:49 not near her PR either. I thought it was a tough course, a few hills. The trail was hard for me very rooty and uneven, but it was a lot of fun. I finished 3rd in my AG and she finished 1st in her AG.
    8/9 - 9.3 miles
    8/10 - 3.5 miles of recovery - it's my birthday it's my birthday!! :sunglasses:
    8/11- 6.1 miles
    8/12 - 3.5 miles - Wed is usually my rest day but I need to be in work at OhDark30 the next two days so I ran today.
    8/13 - rest day
    8/14 - rest day - work got in the way for 2 days :-(
    8/15 - 6.5 miles - halfway right on schedule
    8/16 - 8.6 miles - longest run ever for Skip - so proud of her
    8/17 - 3.5 miles of leisurely run in the rain
    8/18 - rest day
    8/19 - 6.4 miles legs still sore and they talked to me the whole run - they weren't cursing so I kept going :smiley:
    8/20 - 5.1 miles
    8/21 - 3.5 miles - overslept a bit so I knew I couldn't do the 4.5 I wanted ended up with a 10:15 pace, felt great.
    8/22 - 6.5 miles
    8/23 - 3.5 miles legs so heavy ugh for the second day
    8/24 - rest day
    8/25 - 6.2 miles - couldn't be any nicer 60F low humidity, I was actually chilly the first 3 miles. Just an awesome run! Decided to run a true 10K my time was 1:04.17 I was very happy.
    8/26 - 5.5 miles - another fantastic morning, put the long sleeves on today. Skip's first meet is Saturday she can't wait to run it in this weather.
    8/27 - 3.5 miles
    8/28 - 6.1 miles

    Taking a rest day tomorrow, it's Skip's first XC meet of the season...well unless I get up early enough and run 1.4 miles LOL

    118.7 miles of 120

  • juliet3455
    juliet3455 Posts: 3,015 Member
    8/1 7km 7
    8/4 5km 12
    8/6 5km 17
    8/10 6km 23
    8/11 6km 29
    8/12 5km 34
    8/16 8.5km 42.5
    8/17 5km 47,5
    8/18 7.5km 55
    8/23 5.0km 60 ( Triathlon ) 28:57
    8/27 7.0km 67 ( 3km to go )
    8/28 5.0km 72 Goal plus 2km 33:47

    WoHo Goal with a few days left.
    The human body/mind is an amazing and frustrating structure.
    How can I run 28:57 ( nearly PB ) after doing a 750m swim and a 20km bike ride and turn around and run a 33:47 today on the same course. I know race pace gives you a little but the swim/bike cancels/balances that out.
    @ruqayyahsmum 24 yuch. I am with you on that. 8 this morning - a brilliant cool morning for a run with a beautiful red sky.
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @alexpaige a wine tour sounds great
    @5beautifuldays I love the pix of the horses
    @ruqayyahsmum my best friend is from England and I can hear her voice saying some of the things you say. I have to tell you "pee's it down" had my in a fit of laughter and oh yes I plan to use that phase the next time it rains. One of the things I love about this site is the "lingo" of the people from all over the world.
    @mwyvr if I watched that clip once I watched it 100 times yesterday. Hate that it happened but you gotta admit it was too funny. One more thing to have to watch out for bears, cows and now segways! Sorry about your slight mishap yesterday, Skip can join you in the losing a nail department and I'm strange happy to hear the nips the good.
    @shanber don't be jealous just yet, back to shorts and short sleeves today and I could have easily done a tank top. Welcome back hot and humid. My neighbor needs to check the weather channel she went out to run as I came back in a shirt, jacket and long pants. LOL I wear that when it's 40.
    @7lenny7 GOAL!!! congrats
    @aarar - 168 miles that is awesome!
    @unrelentingminx great PB!!! Good luck getting through those Easter Eggs :smile:

    Anyone racing this weekend @jorocka have a great race!!!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member

    Taking a rest day tomorrow, it's Skip's first XC meet of the season...well unless I get up early enough and run 1.4 miles LOL

    I am actually taking another rest day today. Missing out all this cool weather on my cutback week is disappointing. Blah! But I needed it.

    I plan to get up early in the morning (like 4 AM) and try to get in 12 miles, before Jennifer has to be over at Hampton Cove for the Running of the Bulls 5K. Not looking forward to getting up that early.

    Date Miles today. Miles for August

    8/1 17 miles - 17
    8/2 REST DAY
    8/3 10.5 miles - 27.5
    8/4 9.25 miles - 36.75
    8/5 5.65 miles - 42.4
    8/6 REST DAY Unplanned (domestic emergency and bad weather)
    8/7 6.4 miles - 48.8
    8/8 18 miles - 66.8
    8/9 REST DAY
    8/10 10.15 - 76.95
    8/11 9.25 - 86.2
    8/12 6.25 - 92.45
    8/13 10 miles - 102.45
    8/14 6.2 miles - 108.65
    8/15 18 miles - 126.65
    8/16 REST DAY
    8/17 10.5 miles - 137.15
    8/18 10.5 miles - 147.65
    8/19 6.2 miles - 153.85
    8/20 9.4 miles - 163.25
    8/21 6.75 miles - 170
    8/22 18 miles - 188
    8/23 REST DAY
    8/24 10.55 miles - 198.55
    8/25 6 miles - 204.55
    8/26 REST DAY
    8/27 6.75 - 211.3
    8/28 REST DAY


  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    Well, I didn't want to run this morning, but I did...and got a fun reward! Turns out wild horses *could* drag me out of bed in the morning! :)



    This sounds like a good time for a musical break.....
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    In keeping up with the theme of cows. One of my favorite movie lines....
  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    @stoshew71 best movie line ever! Maybe you can just stay up all night LOL Tell Jen good luck tomorrow. I hear we are looking at 60% chance of rain now. UGH Need to get longer spikes for Skip's shoes.

    Anyone who wears Asics, I got Skip a pair of Asics Gel Noosa something 9 that she wears on Amazon last night. They ranged in price from $69 I think to $99 depending on the color...and they will be here tomorrow. She was complaining about her toe last night and sure enough she's got a black toe nail (under her black nail polish) and I checked her toe box and she definitely needed to go up a 1/2 size.
  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @Stoshew71 It is always a good time for a musical break! v

    Not such a good day for running, though, since I decided to sleep in! I think today will be a swimming day. :)
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    sigh. I'm super bummed about my race. We don't have anyone at the studio to cover the 9:30 beginners class- which is really important for us on a lot of fronts. My teacher asked me- and yeah- last resort- I told her if no one else could I would.

    Turns out of the 5 other people who teach- none of them are available. I'm super bummed out- even though it's a free race so no money lost- I was hoping to go race. I think I'll run myself my own 5K. sigh. oh well. there are worse things. :)

    I love the horses! That's great!! I wish I had prettier places to run!! #sojealous!!!
  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    Aug 1 - 43 mile bike ride
    Aug 2 - 37 mile bike ride
    Aug 3 - 4.1 miles
    Aug 4 - 4.15 miles in morning; strength training and cycling class. Yeah, I’m crazy.
    Aug 5 - 6.15 miles - too hot to do my long run for the week.
    Aug 6 - strength training and cycling class (hills!)
    Aug 7 - rest day
    Aug 8 - 34 mile bike ride
    Aug 9 - 46 mile bike ride
    Aug 10 - 5.1 miles
    Aug 11 - 1 hr cycling class and strength training
    Aug 12 - 3.5
    Aug 13 - 4.25 miles; strength training and cycling class. Still crazy.
    Aug 14 - rest day
    Aug 15 - 44 mile bike ride
    Aug 16 - 47 mile bike ride
    Aug 17 - 5.5 miles + strength training
    Aug 18 - cycling class (1 hour, 20 miles)
    Aug 19 - 6 miles + strength training
    Aug 20 - cycling class
    Aug 21 - 5.2 miles
    Aug 22 - 46 mile bike ride
    Aug 23 - 40 mile bike ride
    Aug 24 - strength training
    Aug 25 - 4.2 + cycling class
    Aug 26 - 4.2
    Aug 27 - rest travel day
    Aug 28 - 6.12 in San Francisco! The hotel is on top of Nob Hill - (hill should be called mountain, in my Florida opinion :wink: ). Once I got to the bottom of it and by the water, it was amazing The temperature here, and no humidity, is just perfect for running. I've never seen so many runners, except in a race. I had to walk the .5 miles back up to the hotel because there was no way I could run up it. I tried jogging backwards up the hill (suggested to me by the doorman ... I think they probably have a bet ... let's see if we can get the tourists to walk backwards up the hills). That actually felt pretty good, but I couldn't sustain it. Tomorrow - a long run to the Golden Gate, over it and back. I will probably have to take an Uber back at some point because it will be too far. Doing a bike tour this afternoon.


    @5BeautifulDays - wild horses - that's so cool!
    @jorocka - good luck tomorrow!
    @Stoshew71 - I forgot about that line, lol - perfect.
    @skippygirlsmom - good luck to Skippy tomorrow! Hope the rain holds off.
    @mwyvr - you got to be fashionable on your runs... You should have seen me packing for this little trip. I had to lay out the running clothes over and over, changing my mind, back and forth, knowing I would be running in daylight. I was matching this morning - mostly pink! Tomorrow is green! For the regular clothes, I just threw anything in the suitcase.
    @whatmerunning - You got it next month!
    @7lenny7 - amazing mileage!
  • Stoshew71
    Stoshew71 Posts: 6,553 Member
    edited August 2015
    JoRocka wrote: »
    sigh. I'm super bummed about my race. We don't have anyone at the studio to cover the 9:30 beginners class- which is really important for us on a lot of fronts. My teacher asked me- and yeah- last resort- I told her if no one else could I would.

    Turns out of the 5 other people who teach- none of them are available. I'm super bummed out- even though it's a free race so no money lost- I was hoping to go race. I think I'll run myself my own 5K. sigh. oh well. there are worse things. :)

    I love the horses! That's great!! I wish I had prettier places to run!! #sojealous!!!

    @JoRocka Have you seen this? Sorry about you having to miss the race.

    ^^^^^ This goes by Princeton as well @kristinegift

  • ddmom0811
    ddmom0811 Posts: 1,878 Member
    @jorocka - Sorry about the 5K.
    @Stoshew71 - That goes pretty close by me as well in Orlando.
  • Elise4270
    Elise4270 Posts: 8,375 Member
    Happy friday all. Here's some fun from runners world!
    I may be all of them!
  • briebee7
    briebee7 Posts: 224 Member
    @ddmom0811 - I am guessing you are up by Grace Cathedral? Those hills are intense! I used to run home from the Financial District to the Richmond district and had my various routes I would run depending on if I wanted "hills" vs "crazy hills" Lol If you have time you should run through golden gate park and see the buffalo (off JFK Blvd by the Polo Fields). Plus it is just a gorgeous place to run.

    Rest day for me. Going with a group to do a trail run tomorrow. Hopefully get 18 miles in.
  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,493 Member
    Elise4270 wrote: »
    Happy friday all. Here's some fun from runners world!
    I may be all of them!

    The only one that fits me is The Chronically Farty. Maybe that's why no one wants to run with me.

  • skippygirlsmom
    skippygirlsmom Posts: 4,433 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »

    Good night why would anyone want to run through Trenton :wink:

    @jorocka sorry about the race :disappointed:

    @ddmom0811 sounds like a great run today had to laugh when you said about matching!
  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    Way to go everyone.

    @kristinegift, great run..and pic!
    @mwyvr, looking at this pic, am I wrong to think of steak?
    @ddmom0811, "Sidewalk end"? masters of the obvious (your taxpayer $ at work)..thanks
    @HonuNui, I want to run by that river
    @JoRocka, its not easy being cheesy
    @Stoshew71, way to go Panera Pounders
    @5BeautifulDays. wild horses..awesome

    • 8/02 - 7.2mi
    • 8/06 - 5.2mi
    • 8/14 - 8.1mi
    • 8/18 - 6.4mi
    • 8/20 - 6.3mi
    • 8/25 - 6.6mi
    • 8/28 - 6.3mi