

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2015
    Drkatiebug- it sounds like you are really turning the house into a home! I'm sure your son is really great full.

    DJ - oat bran is the hard outer shell of the oat grain. Oat flour usually is made with rolled oats no outer shell whole grain oat flour does include the outer shell, Cheerios is an oat cereal using a whole grain oat, then you have oat meal and several more cereal is made from processed grains either whole or part of usually eaten as first meal of the day.

    Michele- you're right about weight lifting it's supposed to aid in bone health and increase density.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. Just a quick note because I'm sick as a dog. We drove through the great smoky mountains, which were beautiful, and walked up a steep paved trail to the top of a really beautiful overlook. It was worth the effort to get there. Then drove into Pigeon Forge TN, where we found our hotel. OMG! This place is a nightmare! I think I died and went to hell. It is like Branson, a hillbilly Las Vegas. Neon lights and noise everywhere! Wall to wall cars and people.We checked in, then tried to find someplace to eat dinner. We wound up at a TGI Fridays and didn't get our good till almost 10 pm, after waiting almost 45 minutes. I wound up with grilled chicken, which was highly processed and didn't taste much like real chicken. It came with a tomato and mozzarella salad, which had cherry tomatoes that were past their prime and little globs of cheese, all tossed together in a vinegary mess. It was awful, and didn't taste right, so I didn't eat that and took half the chicken in a to-go box. By the time we got into the room, I was throwing up. And now diarrhea too.

    I have drafting to do but can't face it tonight. Maybe in the morning.

    But my step total was over 15,000, so I'm happy with that.

    Good night.

  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    I don't think I will be working out in 2105.

    Least I hope not.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Syliva - Oh my not a good experience. I sure hope you rest tonight and feel better in the morning. Lots of (((hugs)))

    Janetr OKC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia- I'm sorry to hear about your experience with both the hotel and restaurant! I hope that you feel better soon!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • JanetMMcC
    JanetMMcC Posts: 410 Member
    Apologies to all. I've been spending more time walking or at the gym, a couple long days at work, and almost no time online beyond logging.
    Then today I spent at the ER with Larry, who has a dangerous infection just outside his eye. Orbital cellulitis, it's called. Sounds silly, but ain't. A VA ophthalmology resident came into the clinic on his own time Saturday to check on the antibiotics Larry got Friday. They seemed to be working, but he said if things got worse to go to the ER. So we did. At the end of a long day, and a succession of ophthalmology residents, the attending doc decided he didn't need to have the area under his eye cut and drained, but does need 48 hours of IV mega antibiotic. At the end of which we learn whether he gets to come home.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Janetm- (((hugs))) to you and Larry. I hope all goes well and he gets to go home at the end of the 48 hours. Keep us updated! We will be praying for a quick recovery.

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    DJ: I love the mallard duck, but the rubber duckies have appeal, too. We would have gone to help the kids but they knew neither of us wanted to do an ocean passage and they found another helper. That is more than fine with us. :bigsmile:

    Becca: I especially like your blue and white canisters and cup. :flowerforyou:

    Rebamae: Your minister's 1 year old is in my prayers. I hope he's doing better already. :heart:

    Heather: Scribbling in pencil is the best way I know to get started writing. WTG! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: DH and I have decided to visit Port Angeles within the next few weeks although we haven't got it narrowed down to specific dates yet. Our son found someone to help him bring the boat home as he'd promised us, and that someone is our next-door neighbor. He's heading north tomorrow morning with our car and dinghy trailer. He'll meet the kids in Neah Bay. DDIL will drive our car back with the dinghy and our neighbor will help DS bring the boat down the coast. We may be able to get to the Port Angeles area later in August, and if not, we'll push for September. I am so eager to meet you! We both want to explore the area more, too. I'll let you know when we narrow down dates. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I am so sorry for your daughter's situation and her inability to hear and understand your very reasonable suggestions. :heart:

    Heather: Congratulations on being here 3 years!!!! WAHOO!!! :star: I'm just a bit behind you. Tomorrow will be day 1030 for me. :bigsmile:

    Rori: The Garden of he Gods is beautiful. I've been there during visits with DS when he was stationed at Fort Carson. :flowerforyou:

    Gayle: Here are some of the acronyms: DH= dear, darned, or D*mned husband, depending on the circumstance. DDIL= Dear Daughter in Law; DSIL=Dear Son in Law OR Dear Sister in Law. MII= Mother in Law, and so on. You can guess most of the rest. The letter D can be Dear or the opposite of dear. :wink:

    Sylvia: I hope you're feeling better. It is horrible being sick in a hotel room. I remember well from our trip home from DGD's birthday party in CO. Sending hugs and good thoughts your way! :heart:

    Janet MMcC: I hope Larry is doing better minute by minute and will be able to come home soon. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we went to a BBQ put on by the local marina for its tenants and customers. We had a lovely time. Today has been quite and restful. We saw river otters swimming and playing in the river right in front of our house and were thrilled to watch them having fun. We had resident river otters a few years ago until a man who lived a little ways downriver trapped and killed them. :broken_heart: Fortunately he moved away. We were afraid we'd never get otters back here again and are thrilled they're here now. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    JanetMMcC - That sounds very scary. Prayers for Larry and you. Hope the antibiotics clears it up quickly.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Janetr, hope Jack doesn't get a puffed up chest because of all our compliments. But he deserves it. He should be a master craftsman. Great news on BIL. Remember I told you that God is still in the business of miracles.

    Gloworm, what does the apple cidar vinegar do for the water that makes it desirable? Sorry about your phone.

    Lisa, the quilt is quite stunning. Hope you enjoyed escaping your world there and the run.

    Lillian, those kids are so precious. Looks like big brother is mighty proud. I remember when my 2nd grand daughter was born. I went down there to spend the week and take care of her older sister. My daughter had prepped her really well and what the role of a big sister was and also that it was not taking away from her worth at all. She taught her these these different sounds to make to calm baby sister down if needed. So The day after she was born, I take Trinity up to see Ellie. She immediately hoped up on the bed and said 'well give her to me, I have waited all my life or this' This child was in kindergarten! So of course Ellie was a little fussy and Trinity just gently rocked her back and forth and just said shhh, shhh, for several times and Ellie was then sleeping in her arms. She was so cute. They are about 4 1/2 years apart but so close as sisters. I am glad that they have separate rooms now so Trinity can be a teenager in her own room.

    Sylvia, you be careful my friend in 'self medicating' yourself. Remember your heart. So sorry about your awful meal. Food poisoning maybe???? Hope you can get back on the road soon. I don't know why Charlie likes Gatlinburgh so much. I think he things we like it. But he really doesn't like any vacation. My favorite part of any vacation is that we rent a house now. So we rent a house in Gatlinburgh up in the hills. Then we sit in a hot tub watching the night sky.

    Tammy, I do it both ways but I prefer to prelog for the entire day. I feel it makes me more accountable to myself because I have all my food logged and then I hit enter.

    DJ, I love that deep turquoise blue for the duck. I also love the traditional rubber ducky. But I would want a whole family of those all in a group in an area all there own. So glad you have now learned that you have to put a light bulb in if you want it to work. Funny how things work like that!!! ;)

    Allison, you sound so refreshed and perky. Good to hear it in your 'voice'. I loved the picture of your cottage and the video of the ocean that you put on face book.

    Gayle Minneapolis, I think I have been here about 2 years, maybe longer. I know I have been on my diet for close to three years so it may be 3 years I have been here. They will have to take a vote to kick me out!!!

    Meg, so sorry about DD and all her problems. I hate to say it but it sounds like she is on some street drug like Meth. She sounds spaced out and totally unable to handle anything. You take care of yourself since it looks like your stress level will be high for some time. Let us do the thinking and sending good thoughts your way.

    Rori, you must check out Kohl's. Some of the clothes are just to young looking for me and others I really like. And they are always having a sale. We have a much smaller version of your Garden of the Gods here in my area. It's in southern Illinois. It is also called Garden of the Gods. it's a good hiking place plus just sitting on the rocks in amazement that that is there. We used to go all the time but don'g go now. My girls and I were always the adventurous kind and would walk out as far as we could on the ledges of the rock formations. Charlie stays way in and yells at us to not go far. I know my SIL would love to go but I don't know if Charlies heart cold take it because Paul likes to rapel, spelunk, etc. And he would take our DGDs with him.

    Cheri, so glad you are enjoying the B&B and the house dog.

    PJ, sorry about the heart attack but sometimes it is at those moments that make us realize that we need to make a change in our lifestyle. Wish it would have accomplished that for my husband. He just thinks that the stents and cholesterol medicine are now protecting him. I hope you are recovering well.

    Michele, I think that when they 'upgraded' MFP, they took out those records of past postings on our profile page. I have no idea how to find out when I started here.

    JanetMMcC, haveing an area under the eye cut and drained sounds awful. But so so important. How did he get this infection? Hope the big gun antibiotics take care of it.

    My one remaining azalea bush looks like it is dying. :'( The more I think about it, the new plants we put in are going to be baby plants and this is a mishapened mature plant and may look really look weird. Since my tree guy is still working it might be best to have it taken out and let him grind the small trunk down. After watching them take the shrubs down I can kick my self at how easy it was. We could have done that ourselves and just let them grind the stumps. Would have been a lot cheaper. But I am distresses about the azalea. The only thing I can think of is that after they ground up the stumps of the bushes, they raked all the grindings all over the whole area. Maybe my azalea didn't like that very well. But it has been living with those bushes for many years.

    Church was good as usual this morning. We had an 80 year old sing a solo thins morning. He doesn't l like his voice now because he sounds like the 80 year old that he is. well I will take that 80 year old voice any day over the voices I hear on TV and radio. It is so rich, pure and strong and you can tell his conviction of what he is singing about. Our Sunday school monthly lunch is Tuesday. I hope I don't forget about it like I did last month. we bring our own sandwiches. I think this time I will also bring a fruit and vegetable with me instead of eating the chips or side dish the hostess will make. Then she will provide a desert! Eak!!!!

    Take care ladies, see you tomorrow. Well in my mind tomorrow is already today! Joyce, Indiana
  • gawworthington
    gawworthington Posts: 1,131 Member
    They just posted the Biggest Loser Challenge that I am participating in I made it in the top nine of the BL out of over 250 people. Very excited to succeed in this. My mom is coming for Christmas this year and I want to do everything in my ability to be smaller than I am now. But need to remember one day at a time.

    I do best with some type of competition even if it is in my own head.

    I am also doing the Insurgent Challenge. It is more difficult as there are many more components- calorie, exercise, and punishment when my team loses the points for the week. Which we did again this week. I wanted to do the Hogwarts challenge but got wait listed. Maybe next time. With my hurt foot I am doing chair exercises. Just have to get creative. Did 60 mins of chair today.

    Better get to bed. Have a great Monday.

    gayle idaho
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    I know I've missed a lot but I decided to start again at Pg. 23 and go forward from there.

    Beth- I am sorry you are in pain. Is our body telling you to rest a bit?

    Heather- The hydrangea dress must have looked great on you. It's really something when a 17 yr. old compliments you.
    Fresh tuna steaks would be such a treat!! I've only cooked them 2x.

    Dozer 1961 - Oh my, you do have a lot on your plate. It will all be worth it in the end.

    Renny - MMMMM....shrimp curry.

    Lily - Zoey and Aiden are adorable

    Okay . Finished reading for the night. Maybe will catch up tonight. Page 26 and out of here. Head is nodding. Head hitting the computer Good night
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    JanetMMc - My ex had orbital cellulitis, and a few days of mega-antibiotics was exactly the ticket. It is scary, but definitely fixable. Glad they caught it quickly.

    Sylvia - sorry about the foodborne illness! It's exactly my nightmare, thus the early efforts to get the restaurant clean and sanitary. The neon lights and too many people aren't helpful when you feel like ca-ca, either.

    Thank you all for the comments on the quilt - it was a labor of love, and I don't regret a minute, but like most of my big projects, I was really, REALLY glad when it was done. Now I just have to ship it today. Scary. Am going to insure the snot out of it, and if it gets lost, will simply split the money and share the photos of what could have been with the young couple! LOL... :)

    "Restaurant Impossible" continues. The gal I promoted to crew chief stepped past her authority big time yesterday, not so much in what she did, as in the words she used to describe it. She has seen me issue a couple verbal reprimands--because I ALWAYS make sure to have a witness when I do, and it's often her. What she apparently did not understand was that I have not issued any to people who I am not willing to have walk out. In fact, I'm often hoping they do. Nor have I told her she has the authority to give any form of reprimand to anyone.

    While I was taking a day off yesterday, she pulled the head cook and her line cook into my office and reprimanded them (using the words "this is a verbal reprimand") for talking so loud (read carping and complaining) that the customers could hear them in the front of the restaurant. The head cook quit on the spot. The lady who has all the recipes for every dish in her head, and who does all the food ordering. Will she come back on Tuesday? I just don't know. Is she irreplaceable? No, no one is. Will it put a crimp in my plans for starting to fix the systems? Oh, yeah. Back to people fixing.

    I asked my crew chief, "Did you ask them to quiet down before you did that?" No, she did not, because it upsets them, especially big Donald, the line cook. :sweat: Because of the words she used, I told her on the phone that she overstepped her authority... said it gently, but said it, nonetheless. Had to be said. She has no authority to issue any reprimand to anyone--I'm trying to teach her how to be a manager, but she's certainly not ready yet, and proved as much with this SNAFU-laden interaction. I got a long e-mail back in return; she's hurt, striking back. My reply was simply that I don't have conversations like that over e-mail, would talk to her if she wanted to call me, but otherwise I'd see her when she gets back to work today.

    I may yet recommend they let me shut the place down for a couple weeks so I can retrain EVERYONE, or alternatively, wipe the slate clean, finish getting the mess cleared up and start again with people who can hear me. I'm near my wits end... but if I can pull this one out, it will make me a miracle worker. Luckily, I did inform the GM before he ever hired me that he was risking a massive walkout simply by putting me in the system--they've never been held to any standards or managed well, and it shows, oh my word does it show. Change is uncomfortable at best--and I'm not getting their best, by any means.

    Lisa from West Texas... at dawn's early light

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,806 Member
    morning ladies~
    well I was so tired yesterday.. must be the sea air..
    yes up in N.H. is where I grew up going.. as my dad did, and my kids did..
    we were up there for less than 24 hrs's ,but it did me good..
    Tom was good the whole time. I have to say since I told him I am letting him sort this out.. there are no fights,no yelling.. so I am letting it go. for right now..I put it in the good Lord's hands and will see what the future brings..
    we have a wild blueberry bush out from of the cottage so I picked about a cup of berries and will make my dad some blueberry muffins..
    working at 12:30 today..and this coming saterday... then we are having a picnic,,,,with 2 other couples. it will be Tom's 63rd birthday...
    the week after that I am working full time as the other assistant will be on vacation...
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joyce, Amen God is Good.

    Jack said tell everyone thanks for the compliments.

    Today is my oldest grandsons' 22 birthday. He's a huge kid. 6'4", probably 280, size 13 or 14 shoes, but I still get to hug him. No often enough tho. He's south of Houston on the gulf coast. Love that boy (um man).

    Janetr OKC

  • herdofsixcats
    herdofsixcats Posts: 1 Member
    Hello all,
    Just wanted to dig a little deeper into a support for a commitment to health. 133-135lbs and 5'2". Been there for too long. I rationalize I am too busy, so trying to align my priorities and commitment. Pescitarian. Love to snack too much. Exercise three times a week biking mostly. Open to suggestions. Wishing all well...
  • Anamika703
    Anamika703 Posts: 202 Member
    Just getting back into the mode of popping in here regularly to gather the pearls of wisdom from everyone's experience. Keeping up with a regular workout practice and watching what I eat,that's the difficult part.
    Lovely pictures, everyone.
    Anamika from Mumbai
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,094 Member
    Janetm so sorry about Larrry. Scary

    Sylvia sounds like food poisoning.

    Katla what fun to watch the otters.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 399 Member
    Just want to say a big THANK YOU to Barbie for keeping this up! I am learning so much here and I really have come to appreciate how we may seem far apart in our struggles but have this place to share them and be accepted. It is almost like an alternate world of no divisions--national, political, social, religious or class-wise.

    Sylvia, hope you feel better. And yes, it is quite a shock to come from the natural world of the national park to Gatlinburg. As you drive at nighttime is is completely dark and then there is a traffic light and blinding lights all over.

    And hugs to Meg on your DD...
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    good morning, my friends,
    No time to post much. I have to go see a friend that is stuck at home in pain with a cyst on her hip. Sounds like surgery in her near future.
    Huggs to those with struggles and high fives to those with victories. I"lll catch up later today.

    Oh about the rubber ducky...that was actually to show the sun glasses, not meant to put one by the pool. In the pool would be cute, though.

    This made me smile, hope it does you too:


    WINDOWS: Please enter your new password.

    USER: cabbage

    WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must be more than 8 characters.

    USER: boiled cabbage

    WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain 1 numerical character.

    USER: 1 boiled cabbage

    WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot have blank spaces.

    USER: 50damnboiledcabbages

    WINDOWS: Sorry, the password must contain at least one upper case character

    USER: 50DAMNboiledcabbages

    WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot use more than one upper case character consecutively.

    USER: 50damnBoiledCabbagesShovedUpYourAssIfYouDon'tGiveMeAccessNow!

    WINDOWS: Sorry, the password cannot contain punctuation.


    WINDOWS: Sorry, that password is already in use

    Myrtle Beach, SC