

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,358 Member
    I'm here. I've read. I've enjoyed. DJ that joke was brilliant! I shared it with DH.

    My friend is here. Talk, talk, talk. Sooooo tired now. :D
    Off to bed. :)

    Love to all, Heather x UK

    Where are Carol and Kim?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Terri - Wrote "This has probably been covered in the past, but what is a Florida room?" - Its the same as a "sun room" only it has a metal roof, technically a sun room has a glass roof. This is a nice addition across the back of the house, its approximately 450 sf has glass on three sides. There are two slider doors out to a covered patio on the south side and one slider on the west that goes out to the the steps that leads down to a large uncovered concrete patio. There is a big double French door from the dining room into the Florida room. We usually leave it open. There is a hotel type heater/ac unit in the Florida room which keeps the temp and comfortable temp year round. The only problem if it rains really hard, it can get pretty noisy on the metal roof. The previous owners had a lot of work done a few years ago, then he got too sick to live in the house. They redid the kitchen and made it nice and roomy with a greenhouse window over the sink, they almost double the size of the master bedroom and added a master bath to it and closed in the front porch were I have plants and wicker furniture and call it the morning room as it faces east. We have been here almost 3 1/2 years. Plus its next door to Jack's best friend lol

    On my last plane trip to South Calif in Dec. for my sis and BiL 50th celebration, I had two little gold plated serving bowls with spoons for their gift. I on purpose didn't wrap them, just put the wrapping the the suit case along with the card, cuz I knew it would not go thru TSA and they would want to see what was in there. As Jack flew for years and years I don't have to go thru TSA check to get to my plane in OKC. So sure enough I get to Calif and my luggage has been detained in Dallas where I had to change planes. My dress for the party, my meds, everything was in my luggage. But as luck would have it my DYD also had to change planes in Dallas so we had to go back to airport to pick her up and luckily they sent my luggage on her plane so I could pick it up when I picked her up. Whew.

    Janetr OKC
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Evening Ladies,

    PJ, welcome. Yes there is definitely a minor heart attack. Ask anyone who’s had a major one. Glad you are okay and got a wakeup call. Losing weight has so many health benefits and makes us look and feel better too. You will find this a very supportive group of ladies. Please tell us more about yourself and come often.

    Dr.Katie, you know what we say about the scales……better to have clothes prove the loss than the scales. Way to go. And Go You is right on taking that walk at night. You are doing great so give yourself credit. You know that water weight will go away. ((Hugs))

    Michele, hope the stomach ache is better?

    Mary, thanks for the info.

    Sylvia, soooo sorry you are sick. Hope you feel better soon!! (Hugs))

    JanetM, sending healing thoughts for Larry.

    Katla, what fun to get to watch the otters.

    Joyce, I love that story about your granddaughter!!! Soo stinkin’ sweet! I think your post was from tomorrow but of course that was yesterday’s tomorrow and not today’s tomorrow or we wouldn’t be to that today yet.smiley-happy023.gif

    Gayle, congrats on your success in the challenge. I think it sounds like we may have to nickname you the Challenge Queen. Glad that is a help to you. I’m sure you will be smaller by Christmas. Keep up the good work.

    Lisa, no rest for the weary. Bless your heart, sometimes you end up paying for just taking a much deserved day off. *sigh* Sorry for the cook and crew chief problems. How is the labor pool there? If you take the time to train them, are there plenty of people to draw from? Hang in there, it will start getting better one of these days. ((Hugs))

    Allison, so glad you had a good trip and how wonderful that there is no yelling and fighting. Woo hoo

    Herd, first of all, is there a name that we can call you? If so, please sign your posts with it as many of us can’t remember from one minute to the next. Lol Many of us love to snack and have slowly but surely trained ourselves not to. New habits take a while but can be done. It is a matter of choice on do I want that yummy snack or do I want to lose more weight??? We just have to choose sometimes. Good luck.

    Anamika, good to see you. Trust me, I know about the difficult part of eating healthy. Sometimes it’s okay and sometimes it’s just not so much fun. But I am finding it’s worth it. Good luck.

    Carol GA, glad you liked my funny. I heard that about LOL also. When I use it, I’m like Amy in that I really do Laugh Out Loud. Did you see the segment on Stress Eating? It said that when we are stressed it’s the poor food choices we make more that the fact that we eat, like sugars, starches, (cakes candies cookies, etc).

    Katla, so glad you are feeling better, yoga or not. smiley-laughing007.gif Have fun with your DDIL while she is there.

    Colleen, we all need a little pity party once in a while. But good for you on realizing how good things are compared to what it could be. Plus what can ya say but, “Kids!?$”.(at any age)

    Yvonne, so glad you had a good time even between the unplanned work. Nice that you got away.

    RunHappy, welcome. Please tell us a bit more about yourself to help us get to know you. This is a very supportive group of ladies so come often. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want us to call you.

    Yannie, what were you thinking, giving all those kitchen items away? You could have saved them for your DD. no.gif I’m glad you finally got the car back and got home. Did their insurance help with the hotel room? I hope they did.

    Janetr, Congrats on the Baggy Jeans!!! Got to love that.

    Jane, yea for the rain and so wonderful that you got to play with Violet! smiley-hug007.gif

    Terri, I think the negative comments on social media are only slander if they aren’t true? smiley-happy004.gif A walk to Big Lots sounds like a healthy endeavor. I don’t know why but I like that store.

    I'd like to know where CarolNC is also. She didn't mention going any where did she? Anyone on FB with her?

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My friend is 73 years old and has always been healthy as a horse. She is not used to being sick or having to deal with insurance, leaves from work or any of the fun stuff. She is getting a real education. She has to have more tests before she finds out about surgery. I hate I'm leaving town Thursday but her daughter will come in from Columbia.

    I wish you all a happy and healthy day. rose.gif

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Allison- have fun at your picnic! And wish Tom a very happy birthday!

    Lisa-it is way too bad about your cook quitting. I hope you can work things out with your employees. It sounds like they need training. I know that my DH work which would be your food service provider would provide training for cooks and waitresses. They also sent in secret shoppers.

    DJ - I hope your friend gets better soon! Your lips have a lot of nerve endings especially your upper lip so hopefully she's not in a lot of pain.

    Carol/peach- I couldn't sleep last night at all either! I had a really hard time getting up and doing my normal routine today. Hopefully you're doing well.

    Mia - thank you for the good wishes on our closing of our houses! We are thrilled to be finally done with the wait. Now we can move on and start doing things that need to be done around our new house.

    Colleen - it's OK to whine! We are here for you to vent to! It is nice to get your car back in working order.

    Yvonne - it sounds like you had a great weekend! Even the stairs did not derail your fun.

    Yanniejannie- i'm sorry you had such a rough vacation! But it sounds like nobody was hurt with your car accident. What happened? Dustin Hoffman I never thought of that. A much older version of what I remember him looking like.

    Vicki - I love red lobster! It is worth eating out with your family. It sounds like you were careful.

    Janetr- that is a great and NSV! Now you can return them for a size 10!

    Terri - I went to the Big Lots store yesterday for the first time. Not a bad place to walk to.

    Hello ladies! I spent the day with my sister and sister-in-law. I tried out the paddleboard and was able to successfully stand on it. It was too wavy to go very far. I taught my sister-in-law how to make chicken wings. And am now at home making dinner.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @terri_mom ahh you would hate to have me organize! When I was younger I sat my Mom down with a glass of wine and held up items from her closet. If they were vintage treasures we had a "keep" closet in the sewing room. If they were items she hadn't worn for a year out they went. She hated me! She did give away about 4 coats to a thrift store so that was good.
    One "battlefield" that I rule in, is the kitchen. I know what is in the freezer and frig, and when I buy cans they are mostly bought in pairs. Why? Who the heck knows how my brain works..hahaha.

    Today I have added ceyanne pepper to every meal! I put a sprinkle on the yoke of my over-easy egg. Along with a bit of tumeric. Then I saute'd 5.5 oz of cubed zucchini, 2 oz of turkey kelbasa, 1/4 cup of Royal Select Rice, with 1 T of olive oil. After browned abit added water to cover everything, 1 tsp of better than boulion chicken paste, sprinkled it all with the ceyanne pepper, tumeric, and ground pepper. Let it summer until the rice was done. The soup was like an elixer!!! I was in heaven, and could eat like that forever.

    I have realized since I have really been cutting my caloric numbers, is that I am a person that if given the chance, will consume a whole pizza, and a whole 12" subway sandwich no problem. I will always have to pay attention. I do NOT want to lose this weight again. If eating clean 24/7 is what I have to do, then its doable. I can not ask myself, or trust myself in putting away meals that arent on my program. To put away mashed potatoes and gravy is like telling my "evil self" SURE, USE that serving spoon and take a bite and plop it into the leftover gravy. YOU DESERVE it. She (that evil side) is really a *kitten*, I have to admit. AND sneaky! I will not put myself into situations where trigger foods are there. I do have discipline, but only so far. A couple of months ago DAISY came out with a SQUEEZABLE container for their sour cream. REALLY? How blessed convienient! I put (sqeezed) sour cream on everything that could handle it. I mean I had a coupon for darn sakes so I HAD to buy it....nope nope *bonking myself on the forehead* You don't have to buy things, EVEN if you get a good deal on it. I get to decide what to buy in MY kitchen. Until my husband and son suddenly go MR CHEF on me, I make the meals. They do have their favorite things, and the snack drawer is theirs to put their crappy snacks in. I have my own SHELF. (my snacks presently are a container of PB2, indiv packets of prunes, a jar of walnuts, and some cans of fruit). I do have my cherry tomatoes I am growing!!! I ate 5 of them yesterday and I SWEAR Mother Nature shined each red jewel of a tomato just for me! I did not count the caloric content of them because I GREW THEM :smile: I know, don't try to follow my logic.

    My son played checkers with me after lunch and he was trying to follow my logic, and said it was pointless. I told him, I don't even TRY.....

    Today on my walk with my TOPS ladies, one lady started talking about a lime/pineapple smoothie she had for breakfast. Then the other gal started talking about putting pineapple in your dogs food to stop from them eating their own poop. "Wow....we are talented," I declared! In five minutes we went from smoothies to *kitten*.

    Loved the joke about the password!
    Today is my sons birthday....abit sad. Its a normal day working the flight line for him. Hope he eats something sweet though.

    Becca in Oregon missing the sun....
  • fiddletime
    fiddletime Posts: 1,862 Member
    Hi all. Did my first 10,000 steps Sat. Have plantar fasciitis so heels hurt a lot and while I can exercise, walking isn't my favorite activity. Was glad to see I could do it.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,223 Member
    Hi gals. This will be short again, so sorry! I spent the entire day at a conference and I was the only one there from the planning committee….so guess who ran everything! It went well but I was scurrying about like crazy!

    No word from DD#1 today thank goodness. I mentioned her dad in my last text and now she won’t respond because she has cut him off apparently. She was pleasant to him on his birthday but won’t answer his calls or texts, not even when he sent her the phone number for the legal aid society.

    Rori: gorgeous pics! Did I tell you I grew up in Hawaii?

    Barbie: I always love seeing those pictures!

    DrKatie: I too am a bit disappointed in my weight…you’d think exercising 6 hours a week now would show some results. I just keep hoping and doing the right things…for the most part.

    PJ: welcome aboard and yes, that was the moment you needed to start taking care of yourself! Speedy recovery!

    Sylvia: get well soon my friend!

    Joyce: I wish DD’s problem were something identifiable like a drug. She has some sort of cognitive deficit that no one was willing to investigate while she was in school because of her language issues. If she would go to some job training program they could set her up with some testing but of course she won’t.

    DJ: hilarious!

    Carol: DD is 22 going on about 5. Much of it is beyond her control such as her cognitive impairment, but she will not take any advice or any action on her own at all. That’s the frustrating part.

    OK short but sweet; it’s late and I’m tired! Another all day meeting tomorrow. But I’m taking my own lunch this time. Take care all and thank you all for all your kind words. Meg from omaha
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 U Y gym- 10.21min, 15amph, 2.5mi = 136c
    spin- 35min, 85ar 92aw 104-14g, 9.2mi = 332c
    ride U Y gym 2 dome- 5.29min, 11amph, 1mi = 74c
    ride wk 2 hm - 1st time since accident- 55.14min, 10.9amph, 10mi = 543c
    total cal -1085

    today my bag was heavier than usual because i have no locker and carrying all my stuff + it being a monday, i had to carry extra food stuff to take to work for the week. my shoulder hurt and i really was't in the mood to ride home so i put the backpack over the other shoulder only and rode home lopsided. i was saying to myself, there's ALWAYS going to be an excuse y i shouldn't ride home (it's the harder ride going home, big/long uphill) so i put on my big girl panties and rode anyway. i didn't go fast at all and didn't put my phone on my handlebars so i could see how fast i was going so i would be teased and want to ride faster. i know me and if it was there, i would have pushed myself. when i got home i was surprised that i still went over 10mph!

    grandmallie - i don't get it, y should you just get over it and live with it until he makes up his mind....
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    megblair1 wrote: »
    Hi gals. This will be short again, so sorry! I spent the entire day at a conference and I was the only one there from the planning committee….so guess who ran everything! It went well but I was scurrying about like crazy!

    No word from DD#1 today thank goodness. I mentioned her dad in my last text and now she won’t respond because she has cut him off apparently. She was pleasant to him on his birthday but won’t answer his calls or texts, not even when he sent her the phone number for the legal aid society.

    Rori: gorgeous pics! Did I tell you I grew up in Hawaii?

    Barbie: I always love seeing those pictures!

    DrKatie: I too am a bit disappointed in my weight…you’d think exercising 6 hours a week now would show some results. I just keep hoping and doing the right things…for the most part.

    PJ: welcome aboard and yes, that was the moment you needed to start taking care of yourself! Speedy recovery!

    Sylvia: get well soon my friend!

    Joyce: I wish DD’s problem were something identifiable like a drug. She has some sort of cognitive deficit that no one was willing to investigate while she was in school because of her language issues. If she would go to some job training program they could set her up with some testing but of course she won’t.

    DJ: hilarious!

    Carol: DD is 22 going on about 5. Much of it is beyond her control such as her cognitive impairment, but she will not take any advice or any action on her own at all. That’s the frustrating part.

    OK short but sweet; it’s late and I’m tired! Another all day meeting tomorrow. But I’m taking my own lunch this time. Take care all and thank you all for all your kind words. Meg from omaha

    Hi everyone! I am brand new and newly nifty too (fifty is nifty). Love your posts. I have 100 lbs to lose one day at a time...starting a lot of new things this month with a new job at Whole Foods that starts on the 22nd. I am excited about it and I get a twenty percent discount. I have totally revamped the quality of my eating and have cut my rather large caffeine intake in half. I also dug out my barely used recumbent bike and began pedaling 20 to 30 min a day. I love dogs and puzzles and have two plus side kicks kids in very early adulthood chronologically. And I live south of Boston. I read a good tip on another post about starting a walking club at work and plan on doing it. Anyway, just wanted to introduce myself and say thanks again for all your inspiring posts! Melinda
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    I think maybe I was supposed to use reply instead of quote? Melinda
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Yup. Will do next time.
  • 3dtammy
    3dtammy Posts: 6 Member
    Thanks to everyone who replied about logging their food before or after you eat it. I joined you guys last month but don't get a chance to get here very often. Appreciate you being here though.

    Barbiecat you are very inspiring!!!

    Tammy in Oregon
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello out there! We are in Jackson, TN tonight. I'm feeling quite a bit better now, but it was touch and go there for a while earlier. I ate a light dinner and it stayed down. Earlier we walked around Vanderbilt University, and hubby was showing me which dorm he was in, and where his chemistry classes were, and which building he went to to get his punch cards printed. (Any computer nerds should get what punch cards were.). So, I was lightheaded and really queasy the whole time, but got through it. He's doing all the driving, so all I have to do is sit there. No walking long distances today though. I just wasn't up to it.

    Tomorrow we are going to try to get home before the vet closes so we can take our doggies home. I miss them something awful.

    Good night ladies. Sleep well.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    edited August 2015
    Sylvia - I know that you ate food that you didn't like but, just be careful that it doesn't have to do with obstructive bowels like you had before. My DH also has to be careful of those types of symptoms. Have a great trip home and fun picking up your babies!

    Pip - you are amazing B)

    Mary from Minnesota
  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    Sylvia, I spent the first 8 years of my life in Nashville TN, was actually born in Memphis.
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    Katla49 wrote: »
    DJ: I love the mallard duck, but the rubber duckies have appeal, too. We would have gone to help the kids but they knew neither of us wanted to do an ocean passage and they found another helper. That is more than fine with us. :bigsmile:

    Becca: I especially like your blue and white canisters and cup. :flowerforyou:

    Rebamae: Your minister's 1 year old is in my prayers. I hope he's doing better already. :heart:

    Heather: Scribbling in pencil is the best way I know to get started writing. WTG! :bigsmile:

    Barbie: DH and I have decided to visit Port Angeles within the next few weeks although we haven't got it narrowed down to specific dates yet. Our son found someone to help him bring the boat home as he'd promised us, and that someone is our next-door neighbor. He's heading north tomorrow morning with our car and dinghy trailer. He'll meet the kids in Neah Bay. DDIL will drive our car back with the dinghy and our neighbor will help DS bring the boat down the coast. We may be able to get to the Port Angeles area later in August, and if not, we'll push for September. I am so eager to meet you! We both want to explore the area more, too. I'll let you know when we narrow down dates. :flowerforyou:

    Meg: I am so sorry for your daughter's situation and her inability to hear and understand your very reasonable suggestions. :heart:

    Heather: Congratulations on being here 3 years!!!! WAHOO!!! :star: I'm just a bit behind you. Tomorrow will be day 1030 for me. :bigsmile:

    Rori: The Garden of he Gods is beautiful. I've been there during visits with DS when he was stationed at Fort Carson. :flowerforyou:

    Gayle: Here are some of the acronyms: DH= dear, darned, or D*mned husband, depending on the circumstance. DDIL= Dear Daughter in Law; DSIL=Dear Son in Law OR Dear Sister in Law. MII= Mother in Law, and so on. You can guess most of the rest. The letter D can be Dear or the opposite of dear. :wink:

    Sylvia: I hope you're feeling better. It is horrible being sick in a hotel room. I remember well from our trip home from DGD's birthday party in CO. Sending hugs and good thoughts your way! :heart:

    Janet MMcC: I hope Larry is doing better minute by minute and will be able to come home soon. :flowerforyou:

    Yesterday we went to a BBQ put on by the local marina for its tenants and customers. We had a lovely time. Today has been quite and restful. We saw river otters swimming and playing in the river right in front of our house and were thrilled to watch them having fun. We had resident river otters a few years ago until a man who lived a little ways downriver trapped and killed them. :broken_heart: Fortunately he moved away. We were afraid we'd never get otters back here again and are thrilled they're here now. :heart:

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    August Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back strength.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.


    Thanks Gayle Minneapolis
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,715 Member
    fanncy - thanks :0) :blush:
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,982 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif Stats for today:
    20,000 steps
    three hours of dog walking
    90 minutes on the exercise bike
    20 minutes moving rocks in the yard
    nap with hubby and the pets

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,391 Member
    Did 10 minutes of the Butt Lift DVD I have, held my plank for 2 min 45 seconds (am I ready to hold it longer?), then the extremepump class. After class I think I'll stop at the Salvation Army (who knows what you'll find?) and then have to pick up Loki's med. Hopefully, they'll have it. If not, we can stop there on our way to ceramics tonight.

    the plan for tomorrow is to do a workout on the treadmill varying speeds and inclines.

    janetr - your wedding sounds just wonderful! Happy birthday to your gs. Congrats on those pants! Your house sounds lovely.

    177.. - how do you view the posts that just one person made?

    Lenora - I just can't imagine watching your son having a seizure. You sure are one strong lady

    Sylvia - so sorry you are sick. Feel better fast, hun! Your dinner sounds horrible, I don't blame you one bit for not eating it. Maybe you could have sent it back? I know, too late. Glad you're feeling better now

    JanetMMc - that's so scary about Larry. Hope he does get to come home.

    Joyce - I for one vote "no" about kicking you out! and I highly suspect everyone else will vote with me so it's unanimous, you're here to stay!

    gayle - congrats on making the top nine. Where is your mother from?

    Lisa - what a saga! Makes for intersting, tho

    About that washer mess (clothes being in there for 2 weeks wet). There was an article in Hints from Heloise today about how to get mildew out of clothing. You might want to check out her website. she suggests putting vinegar on the spot but you may have to do it multiple times. I do remember that a while ago I cross-stitched this really intricate placque. I thought I was so smart and ironed it to smooth it out only I wet the cloth. Well, I thought the hot iron steamed out all the water so I put the piece in a plastic bag until I was ready to frame it. Well...when I took it out of the plastic bag was I ever disappointed -- all these mold spots. I took it to a cleaner thinking that they would be able to get it out. They couldn't but someone there suggested to me to cover it in PineSol and then put it in the direct sunshine. Well, I had to do this for a time (like weeks on end) but in the end it did take the mildew stains out.

    Welcome everyone new!

    Herdofsixcats - we have four cats. Each one is so different. Give us the name you'd like to be called and a location (general is fine)

    Anamika - always a pleasure to see you

    DJ - LOL the password. How I can relate! Well..guess I'm out of style. Oh well.....

    Went to exercise, stopped at the Salvation Army (didn't get anything) then picked up Loki's med. Got dinner ready so I just have to put it in the microwave. In a bit I'll make the icing for the cupcakes for Rummikub and I'll take a few to ceramics tonight. I need to wait to make them until Vince is out of the room since you put cream cheese in the icing. If he knew there was cream cheese in it, he wouldn't eat it. So I'll just wait until he can't see that it's in there. Then went in the pool, only didn't exercise but cleaned out the spa and the steps.

    pip - last week a bicyclist was killed around here. That's the first time ever I'd heard about a ghost bike. Seems they go up pretty quickly after the accident. What a very neat idea! Is there any special length of time that they are left up, or is it forever? Went to ceramics and this was the first time I saw it erected (the accident occurred one week ago so it wasn't up yet). Wow! You are definitely an inspiration with riding even while hurting

    Heather - you probably burned tons of calories exercising your jaw muscle!

    DJ - thanks for asking. My stomach felt funny and I know it was because of the cookie dough, I'm just not used to things like that.

    Becca - your soup sounds heavenly. ROTF...smoothies to s****

    fiddle - knew you could do the steps!

    Went to ceramics and then to mahjongg. Didn't realize how late it was but I'm home now. Tomorrow we're having Rummikub at my house. I THINK I've figured out a way to play in the pool. We shall see.....

    Michele in NC