
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Howdy gang. Long day again and tomorrow will be worse! Then it settles down a bit. I had my employee health screen today at 7, then in my annual tradition, took myself out to village inn for breakfast! This time I split it in half and brought it home. I did get a 20” walk in before leaving for a 4 hour work retreat….groan. I HATE meetings and long ones even more so. Nothing much new here; just slogging along as usual. The sun feels different though…I noticed it 3 days ago. It’s still hot (90s), but it just doesn’t feel the same. Autumn is on it’s way!

    Pip: sounds like you are feeling much better these days!

    Mtown: welcome aboard. What’s your name or nickname? And yes, just hit reply. 

    Sylvia: I hope you feel better soon. We are visiting my brother in Nashville right after Labor day. Say,,, have you considered that your problem may be another bowel issue?

    Michele: just how do you play rummikub?

    Joyce: I hope you got over that headache

    Sharon: sounds like you are enjoying the grands. I hope the counseling works out for you? One of our local hospital offers free community counseling; anything like that where you live?

    Lisa: you sound very wise!!!

    Alison: I’m sending you hugs and telling you I am very proud of you and putting your needs first

    Lilian: hope you feel better soon!

    DJ: I’m excited to hear about your trip!

    Sharron: welcome aboard!

    Grits: your job sounds stressful…you must have a lot of patience

    Colleen: I am 56 and still fighting the colonoscopy, so good for you to get it done. I’m sure you’ll be glad you did. Now if I can only convince myself. LOL

    Well I suppose I should get something accomplished here! Take care all, Meg from Omaha
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Yvonne – Desitin. Good advice. I will get some before my procedure in September.

    Melinda – I think a job at Whole Foods sounds wonderful. Exposure to healthy food, working with people who are health-conscious . . . I hope it is in a safe neighborhood, so you can walk before or after work or during lunch and breaks. Keep us informed; I really want to hear some great and uplifting stories.

    I’ve been really good about my eating at work, but now I’m SO bored, and my phone isn’t ringing, and I’m tired of scanning and importing medical records, and I really LOVE cherries. Plus, we had a meeting during lunch, so I didn’t get a chance to work-out on the handbike. I’m just going to log and eat the cherries, because they are not going to be around forever, and I would rather eat a smaller supper than waste these cherries.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Just checking in!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    cd_va wrote: »

    Who here has had their "Welcome to 50" present of a colonoscopy? I'm having one next week. I've heard horror stories about the prep, but I've also heard from a nurse that if I follow the "No residue" (gross) diet for three days prior, it will be much smoother.

    Colleen in Virginia

    :) Colleen, I had my first and only (so far) colonoscopy at age 64.....health care professionals and my husband had been trying to scare me into getting one for years but I avoided it because my fear of the procedure far overshadowed my fear of having colon cancer or any related problems.....the reason I finally agreed to get one was because of the women on this thread who shared about how they got through the prep and the procedure with no ill effects and their sharing helped me get over the fear.....as it turned out, it wasn't all that bad.....I followed all the directions exactly and on the clear liquid day I consumed a ton of apple juice and clear chicken broth and then later stayed close to the bathroom....I don't remember anything about the procedure itself

    <3 Barbie

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,600 Member
    Back from Portsmouth. Lovely day. Walked around the shops and then along the waterfront with the old walls. Watched all the ferries going in and out.
    Had a great seafood meal. Some wine.
    On the train home we saw a stunning sunset - all red and purple.
    Then at home we had a heated discussion about Church and State. :ohwell:

    Generally a good day. Off to the New Forest tomorrow for lunch and a walk. Hope the traffic is ok.

    Love Heather in Hampshire UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Thanks for asking about me and a special thanks to Barbie for checking on me. I am in a really dark place right now. I've been reading posts but haven't had the gumption to write. PT is going well, I think. I discovered Monday that I can not lift my arm off the mat--that was a really yucky feeling. Nothing earth shattering is going on. Let me see if I can remember this quote...

    "Depression is when you don't really care about anything.

    Anxiety is when you care too much about everything.

    Having both is just like hell."

    Carol in NC
  • MIgranny61
    MIgranny61 Posts: 5 Member
    Jeanie from SW, Michigan

    Returning MFP member after 2.5 yrs.
    Goals for August:
    Eat my recommended calories
    Walk more
    Drink more water
    Don't be so hard on myself. B)
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @megblair1 - actually I am retired/disabled and have been for over 15 years. Yes, my job was 'stressful'; but, it was NEVER boring. Great boss, and most of the time 'great' co-workers. Other than one who was the "Head B****" >:) and she never allowed me (low woman on the totem pole) forget it. Thankfully, she finally got 'fired' over this issue. I laughed all the way to becoming my boss's (R.I.P.) secretary when he was a Federal Magistrate. Sort of a 'she who cries first, laughs last'. Did not want to retire; but, had no choice - my Bipolar Disorder (along with a near fatal automobile accident) was making it hard for me to do my job as effectively as I had been doing for 20 years. We had fun at work and he was never was 'stiff shirt' and never had a case of "Judge-I-tist".

    One day when he had a huge arraignment (about 30 defendants) after the Bailiff had said, "All Rise" . . . he walked up the 3 steps to his chair and caught his toe of his loafers in the chair mat; and fell - every attorney in the place grabbed and forced their clients down in their chairs and guns of the Marshals and Bailiff were drawn. He pulled himself up and said, "Smile, it's Saturday Night!" The court deputy and I raced to his chamber's bathroom practically knocking each over to get there first. Needless to say, he took a 15-minute recess. When he came back he told the courtroom that he wanted to just 'break the ice' and not have them feel intimidated by him.

    Another time, he was bad about putting his glasses in his mouth and talking, so I figured I would 'fix' him (because it was hard to transcribe the hearings) and turning around and looking at him only got a . . . "What????"; and painted "No Bite" on the ends of his glasses frame stems. Then the arraignment started getting larger and larger, so I called his courtroom deputy and told her what I had done and that I wanted her to somehow get his glasses away from him (to clean with soapy water) or I might just get 'fired'. She did so (surprisingly) and when he got back to the office, he told me . . . "OK, hand it over". I acted like I did not know what he was talking about and then burst into laughter when he said that even though they had been washed . . . they still tasted AWFUL. He thought something was 'up' because she had 'insisted' on washing them to get the smudges off. So I gave it up. Things like that made it fun to work for him.

    He had a client one time in his office, and the other secretary working there called me into the hallway; there was a HUGE spider on the wall (I have a serious case of arachnophobia) and I 'screamed' like I was getting killed. He came running out of his office to find out what was happening. All I could do was 'point' at the spider and go 'uh, uh, uh - KILL IT'! He said he thought I was being held at gunpoint or something.

    He was always joking and only once in nearly 20 years did he sort of 'embarrass' me in front of a client. I told him that I did not appreciate it at all; and he apologized to me and never did it ever again.

    I am so glad that I waited and went on the interview with him and his Senior partners, even though I had been offered a job at another law firm that AM. I asked if I could 'sleep on it' about giving them an answer and was told, 'sure'. I called my Daddy, who was an attorney, and asked him his thoughts on which job to take. One in the AM was for a insurance defense firm and I'd be doing real estate work; his firm was a plaintiff law firm and my Dad told me that 'if' I really wanted to learn a lot about law, I should take the job (PM). I did and rarely ever regretted doing so. The Senior partners were 2 of the best medical malpractice/malfeasance attorneys in the State at the time. I really learned a whole lot, too. The first week they had gotten their first $1,000,000 fee and they threw a large party serving Champaign and it was catered. I don't handle Champaign very well and got quite tipsy - they had given the other 2 secretaries bonuses and I was standing between them - practically rubbing them on the @$$-es (they are really tall and I 'thought' I had my hand at their waists; and said, 'well you ought to give me a bonus, too, I stood at the copier the entire week, 8 hours a day, copying things for court. The next day I was called into the office of the 'big' boss and he told me that they had decided to give me a bonus; and he wanted to know, 'do you want it straight up now, or as a raise'. "Let me 'think' about it and I will let you know in a few minutes" . . . I came back and said, 'as a raise, that way I won't spend it in one place and the extra $$$ would come in handy every week'. His remark was "Good choice". The 'only' time that I sort of regretted it was when the 'big' boss fired everybody in the firm but me (I handed my boss my resignation) and he asked me why and I told him that I did not know how to do payroll checks and taxes. He told me that his secretary would come in the next day and act like nothing had happened. She did. The 'next' time she blew up at me, while he was in the office, he called me into his office, telling me to close the door; and, I was 'sure' that he was going to fire me. Instead he pulled out a carbon copy of a letter she had typed in his absence and told me to open the door and read it 'out loud' (so she could hear me). It had one sentence and started with the date, there were seven typos. She even got his name backwards. She NEVER bothered me again about anything. The day she was 'fired' for the final time . . . I did a little 'happy dance'.

    We all took the PLS (Professional Legal Secretary) test which is a two day test (much like the Bar Exam for attorneys) and the secretary that was teaching the class said that out of the 6 of us that would be taking the test; probably only 2 of us would pass it the first time. I did, she didn't. I couldn't help but 'smile' a little/BIG!
    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    @PIP34 - how and why do you put an 'empty' post here?
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Carol in NC - it's so good to see you post. I was really getting concerned and kept inquiring about you. I'm so sorry to hear of your struggles. Please don't stay in that dark place alone. I sure wish I was close enough to come help in any way I could. We are here for you, come and cry on our shoulders, whine, complain what ever needs to happen to get you thru this rough spot. Remembering you in prayer.

    Pip - I think that is an excellent plan, do the surgery ASAP and get on with it. This pain has hung around way too long. Enough already.

    Grits/Terri - you two will be happy to learn Shemar Moore is NOT gay. It was a rumor started cuz he was at a gay beach with friends. He said in an interview that he was not gay, loved women and was single and looking.

    Janetr OKC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    We just got home. Boy, am I glad to be here! Hubby and I had a little tiff after we left the hotel this morning. He said he didn't want to rush back. I wanted to go to the mall. He said, no time for that. We saw a farm stand overflowing with goodies, I said I wanted to stop and he conveniently drove past it. And the next six too. Finally he said, do you want to turn around and go back? I said yes, but he wouldn't do it. I had a little melt down. He didn't see what the big fuss was, and I told him that it makes me feel terribly unimportant when he does stuff like that, but he still didn't get it. So, when we went through Springfield Missouri he asked if I wanted to go to the mall. I think he expected me to say no, but I called his bluff and said yes. So, we went shopping which is his worst nightmare. I made him sit and wait for me while I shopped. They had some nice comfy chairs out in the midway area, just for tired hubbies.

    I'm really excited about a store I found. It's called Justice and they have little girls clothes. I went in and asked what the bigges size they carried, and it's a 20!!!! My oldest dgd has outgrown size 16, and that's the biggest size I can find anywhere else. So, I can get her cute clothes there that look like a little girl's instead of an old lady. She and I are going shopping next week, for sure. They have a location in Joplin, too.

    Time to unpack and do laundry.

    Good night everyone!


  • joanl9
    joanl9 Posts: 107 Member
    Hi, everyone! I have been off and on the site during the past week as I am preparing for my first professional exam. It is next Wednesday, so I am looking forward to having it behind me before school starts again in the fall.

    During my first 60 days on MFP, I have lost 15 pounds and am so happy about it. I haven't noticed a big change in my clothing size yet, but everything seems to fit a little looser. I am hoping to lose at least another 5 pounds before the end of August.

    Janetr - Glad to hear that your sister and brother-in-law are improving.

    Cheri - Hope all goes well with your trip to Virginia. It's a lovely state. The B&B sounds fabulous!

    Lisa - I love reading about your experiences with the restaurant turnaround. I think you have a great approach to keeping the correct perspective while surrounded by chaos. The quilt you made is lovely!

    Hope everyone has a week of healing, peace, and success!


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 9.26min, 16.4amph, 2.5mi = 107c
    spin- 1st 33.42min, 94ar, 81aw, 9-10ag, 8.1mi =318c
    ride gym 2 dome- 5.10min, 11.6amph, 1mi = 71c
    ride wk 2 hm- 54.41min, 11amph, 10mi = 493c
    total cal 989
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    MIgranny61 wrote: »
    Jeanie from SW, Michigan

    Returning MFP member after 2.5 yrs.
    Goals for August:
    Eat my recommended calories
    Walk more
    Drink more water
    Don't be so hard on myself. B)

    smiley-happy032.gifWelcome, Jeanie, you've come to the right place for support and encouragement

    smiley-happy032.gif Carol in NC, I'm glad you checked in so everyone will know that you are still part of our community....just take it one day at a time.

    smiley-happy032.gifSylvia, good for you for speaking up and getting to do what you wanted to do on your trip.

    smiley-happy032.gif Joan, congrats on your weight loss.

    smiley-happy032.gif I did my weight training again today (fourth time in August)....I'm using things I learned from Mary's Strong Lifts 5X5 but not the heavy weights she uses yet.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    sluts - so i will know where i left off a lot more easily and i don't have to scroll around to search where i left
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    barbiecat wrote: »
    cd_va wrote: »

    Who here has had their "Welcome to 50" present of a colonoscopy? I'm having one next week. I've heard horror stories about the prep, but I've also heard from a nurse that if I follow the "No residue" (gross) diet for three days prior, it will be much smoother.

    Colleen in Virginia

    :) Colleen, I had my first and only (so far) colonoscopy at age 64.....health care professionals and my husband had been trying to scare me into getting one for years but I avoided it because my fear of the procedure far overshadowed my fear of having colon cancer or any related problems.....the reason I finally agreed to get one was because of the women on this thread who shared about how they got through the prep and the procedure with no ill effects and their sharing helped me get over the fear.....as it turned out, it wasn't all that bad.....I followed all the directions exactly and on the clear liquid day I consumed a ton of apple juice and clear chicken broth and then later stayed close to the bathroom....I don't remember anything about the procedure itself

    <3 Barbie

    That's exactly how it went for me Barbie. Was not aware of a thing, no pain and absolutely no after effects. I had to have one two years ago in preparation for the gastric bypass surgery.


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    Sylvia - I'm sorry but I truly got a kick out of reading about the tiff. This is so typical of man/woman dynamics. Him: oh, wow a battlefield come on sweetie let's go trapse all over tarnation in the heat. I knowl you still feel sick an queasy, so just for a little bit. Her: Oh honey what a cute little shop can we stop a minute? (Him, stares straight ahead, no response). Her: Sweetie I need to pee, please stop at the next exit. Him: sorry, I missed the exit, will you be ok til the next one?

    This is SO our daily routine when we are on the road. Glad to know it's not just us. :)

    Janetr. OKC
  • lynnyscot
    lynnyscot Posts: 28 Member
    I am 50 + and new to the site
    I will make my list tomorrow morning
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Joan - thanks so much for the kind words. Sounds like you having great success with your eating/ exercise plan. Glad you have joined us.

    Barbie - I'm anxious to see how the weight lifting goes for you. Keep us posted.

    Janetr OKC