

    GRITSandSLUTSandWINOS Posts: 2,573 Member
    Talking about redoing rooms. The first house we lived in had some 'funky' wallpaper on the ceiling; they had left 2 metal twin beds, that had one of the colors (mustard gold) painted on them. We just got the blues out of the wallpaper and used it as accent colors for the bedspreads. All the other rooms were pretty funky (especially the kitchen) . . . it smelled so bad (funky) that we had to really work on it to make the smell go away. Baking potatoes smell like $#*T if they are left to rot in a hot, unused house. They turn into a pile of mold, too.

    As for working with colors (such as avocado) . . . we had a house in Albany that was far worse that the wallpaper ceiling. The MBR bath had sea foam greenish with a darker hunter green-ish as a border; while the upstairs had a pinkish/beige that depending on what color of wallpaper you tried matching it to would change from pink to beige and not match the wallpaper. We painted the bathroom with an off-white and continued looking for wallpaper; we finally found one that was hunter green with really small flowers in the seafoam color and it looked like we intended it to be that way (even though it wasn't); in the pinkish/beige tiled bathroom, we finally found a wallpaper that had both colors in it with a metallic silver pattern running through it. It is my position that 'if' you don't like something, and can't afford to replace them - go with the flow and make it look like it was intended.

    The last house, before we built this one, had blue fixtures in one bathroom and a light green fixtures in the MBR. I found a pretty burgundy/wine that had the exact blue that the fixtures were. Beat the hell out of what they had hanging there - again, we pulled of the offending wallpaper and just continued looking. The in the MBR found some 'pinkish-rosy' colored wallpaper that had the exact green in a strip in it, too. Both wallpapers had those colors in a very thin line and it really made the wallpaper and fixtures pop. I had a lot of comments (very positive on what I had done). I painted the walls in the MBR the light green and then used the pink that was also in the wallpaper on my windows and my spread. Although wallpaper is not really the 'in' thing to do - I'd suggest finding a color you like for the walls (that will compliment the avocado fixtures and then paint the cabinets an off-white. I'd love for my husband to paint our cabinets and maybe even have a few more built and painted. I hate the metal rack that is blocking my window because violets would do 'great' there since it faces north. They also do well in a south facing window; but never on an east or west side. Most decorators will tell you to figure out the color of the wall after you pick out the bedspread and window covering. Although any color can be matched to a color in a piece of material or pattern of wallpaper. Sometimes all it takes is to have an 'extra' pair of eyes looking at it.

    Hey, does anybody know how to 'correct' a food choice that they are showing as the calories as the number of the servings in it - and it has ZERO calories?
  • pjnva
    pjnva Posts: 17 Member
    I have finally logged in to the site on my computer and added my picture and my ticker to my profile. Is there a way to add a weight from two weeks back? My start weight should actually be 234.3, but I did not enter my weight until 8/6/15 the day after I came home from the hospital.

    I have my follow-up appointment with my cardiologist this Wednesday and I if all goes well she will release me to take my Alaska cruise. We have had this booked for over 18 months and it would be sad if we can't go. This will be a very low key restful cruise as my DH is still recovering from a a broken heel.

    I've be using my time off from work to do some serious cleaning of the house. Speaking of work. I am not looking forward to going back. I have a stressful job and I am concerned about managing that stress and setting new boundaries. It is time for me to put ME first.

    @raymax4 I know what you mean about going over on fat and sodium allowances. I never go over on sodium at home and always do we eating out. Restaurants add salt to everything. I am still have a hard time with fat overages at home. If I am able to keep my fat down I end up not having enough calories.
  • pjnva
    pjnva Posts: 17 Member
    why didn't my ticker show up on my above post?
  • margf
    margf Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you to those who have responded to my write ups! Yes, I was suspicious that there are not many Aussies on board! Its a cold old time in southern Australia. The lady who used to write in from Tassie probably is frozen over as they are still having snow down to 100 metres!
    I have been glad of this forum while I am getting over this broken ankle...I was so excited at the prospect of walking but at the moment its still with the blessed crutches! Today though I am absolutely going to get in the car and drive somewhere even if I have to use the crutches to hobble around.
    I weighed in properly this morning (before this I had to hang on so the weight may not have been accurate) ....amazingly, I weighed exactly the same as I did prior to the break! I cant understand that...I have been sitting and doing only minimal exercise and still weigh the same.......why don't I lose weight when I am moving and walking etc....Its a mystery!
    Have a great day all.....I thinking of you ......even though Im on the bottom of the world!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Today at the foodbank we rec'd a rotisserie small chicken so I have the re-roasting (it was frozen). I also rec'd a package of asparagus, so I will have 4 stalks tonight with the 2 oz of chicken I am alloting myself. My husband and son have a drawer of snacks now, (chips ahoy cookies, crackerjacks, poptarts)...and I have some unique snacks, (seaweed snacks, dried cranberries, 2 Kashi granola bars, some chips made out of refried beans"Beanitos", and some healthy cereal). I find it amazing what gets donated by stores every now and then. I think they get alot from Costco, and from Fred Meyers stores that are here. I also realize that eating 40% of your intake from foodbanks is not always healthy stuff. The meats are mostly high fat meats, and there is alot of beans and breads. I have learned to say the word "No Thank You", and do not take everything that is offered to us. Presently I have a big container of chicken broth, a veggie tray, fresh green beans, asparagus, and two onions that I can do many things with (for my meals). Sadly my husband and son will only eat salads, and corn on the cob. That is the extent of their veggie eating. Crazy! I am learning that I can't MAKE those two eat how I eat. I hope my teenager expands his eating repatore when he goes into the Navy, or he will have a hard time.

    The Navy's medical insurance, (Tricare) and Medicare paid for alot of my husbands liver transplant. His transplant was about $200k! We had to declare bankruptcy to keep afloat though, and now we see the light at the end of the tunnel! Our RV was the worst part. We still owed 49k on it, and with it sitting in a field, but us paying $408 a month to just look at it was difficult. Last Christmas a guy came and took it. My husband went down and gave him all the info books and keys plus brownies I had just made. It made for a very weird repossession hahaha!

    Many of my TOPS friends tell me I am so disiplined in my way of eating. (Remember when I told you all that I was thinking "I have had a gastric bypass in my brain"?) Well I am learning that the brain is a powerful tool in this whole weight loss process. I have always been a fan of mentalipolizing (a Becca word) my way of thinking to suit my needs. To think slim, is to DO slimming things, like eating smaller portions, and walk and talk like a slim person. I have watched slim people (like at the zoo, in a bistro or deli).....*my brain as a radio announcer*...."And here is a slim person, in their native habitat, look at the way she talks and takes a bite......oh there she is using her napkin, and sipping her water....she has only just nibbled on her bread, but she has attacked that salad....her fork goes in for another kill.....". Its really quite fascinating! Try it! Just don't choke on your diet whatever when you do, like I do sometimes.

    Another mental trick is to create a "mantra" (a sentence that modivates you and rings true in your heart and mind). So mine was "I am 180 lbs, willowy and full of grace". So I think it as I am walking. My brain hears it and says, "hey you aren't 180 lbs, but I will try to make that sentence happen". Scientists have said that positive thinking like that actually helps the brain to make connections. Connections that help in the weight loss journey. So in a certain way, you think what you want to be and the brain doesn't know time. It just does what its told by the mind.

    I tried this trick once when I was going for an interview. I hadn't worked in 15 yrs (just raising sons and being a domestic engineer). So I came in to the interview with the attitude that "I have this job already" and that they will want me, they just don't know it yet. So I told him (turned out he was the manager of the grocery store I was interviewing for), all the reasons why I would be a great addition to their store. I was interviewing for a cashier/stocker position, but I was going thru my Jenny Craig health kick and feeling powerful about that, so every time I talked about healthy eating he marked it down. Turned out there was a "Kitchen Table " position that he was also scoping people on. It was working at a little sample kitchen on the end of one of the isles. He said, "That is the heart of the store really"....and I said simply, "Oh I could so be the heart of the store". We chatted comfortablly for about 45 mins. and then he asked me if I had any questions. I just said, "Well you know I have the job right?" He replied, "yep I think so!" And a couple of days later I had the job. My positive thinking got it. My putting myself out there did it. So I know this trick works, not just for weight loss.
    Opps have to check my chicken!
    the mental one in Oregon
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
  • pjnva
    pjnva Posts: 17 Member
    @Annr Becca, you are just too funny. I didn't choke but I did spray water everywhere!
  • rkteal
    rkteal Posts: 29 Member
    I would like to know if anyone has tried the so call weight loss supplements garcina...whatever and if they have had any success with these supplements?
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Help ! I apparently messed-up big time with my daughter. She had her first appointment with a bariatric surgeon, and he was "brutal". After thinking I was being supportive I texted "It is sad that he was brutal but by the time most people seek out the surgery it's not a surprise to them. I'm sorry he hurt your feelings. I wish I could hug you. I suggest you have a long patient discussion with Jill (her aunt who kept it off since the surgery) and anyone who gained it back, to make sure you are fully prepared" She has stopped texting me now. Can I fix this?
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    I'm alive. Worked nine hours and got over 11,000 steps today. We'll see if I can function at all at PT in the morning.

    Good night, my friends!

    Carol with the achy shoulder in NC...As opposed to Pip with the breaky shoulder.
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Terri - What I heard you say above was A) You were sorry he (the doctor) hurt her feelings. B) You want her to speak to various people who can give her perspective on the surgery - both pluses and minuses. How did she hear/interpret it? If you know specifically what you said that hit a sore spot try a simple "I'm sorry I hut you when I said X. I love you and want you to be happy. Please tell me how I can best give you the support you need."

    I hope it wasn't the suggestion that she talk to her aunt and people who have gained the weight back. As a person who has been through bariatric surgery I feel that if you are not ready to hear all the bad as well as the good of surgery then you are not ready for surgery. Surgery is not an easy fix. It still takes hard work. I really hope she gets that message or she could be in for a world of disappointment over the surgery. It can be a powerful tool to help control the amount you eat. It does not take away cravings, the desire to eat your emotions, the poor food choices, or a myriad of things that got many of us to the place where we need to lose weight.

    Hugs to you. Hope fences are soon mended with your daughter.

    Mia in MI
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Mia - Thanks! Her Grandma had the surgery and gained most back. Daughter said it was because grandma was too old when she had it done. Aunt and Uncle (Aunt's husband) had the surgery "together" and both kept it off, supporting each other likely helped. I sent her the text you suggested. I hope I get a response soon, because I need to get to sleep soon. I really only want what is best for her, and I just don't think she is emotionally ready, but I'm also not her doctor. Again, thanks! I hope she is just busy, not ignoring me.
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    She said it's not me, she is just irritated in general. Thanks again. I will keep trying with her.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,671 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.58min, 13.6amph, 2.9mi = 116c
    spin- 35min, 83ar, 107aw, 10-14g, 14.4mi = 284c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.41min, 12.6amph, 1.4mi = 82c
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.28min, 9.3amph, 2.5mi = 178c
    total cal 660
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    pjnva wrote: »
    @Annr Becca, you are just too funny. I didn't choke but I did spray water everywhere!

    my day is COMPLETE! bwahahahahaha!
    Mischievious one in coastal Oregon....
  • frustr8tedgal
    frustr8tedgal Posts: 10 Member
  • mtowne002
    mtowne002 Posts: 152 Member
    Yet again I realize how much BETTER I feel when I excersize! I had let other people's issues take presedance over my time and talked myself out of excersize for three days. I felt emotionally and physically horrible! Back on the bike today and whaLaa I feel awesome again. Too down to post yesterday but thanks in part to the words of wisdom and compassion you all share in your posts I'm back to plan. Weigh in on Wed but I'd think I lost any so far this week. Going to the Cape w my BF just for a night so we can bike the Shining Bike Trail and swim in the ocean. Have a good night!
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,970 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    barbie - I found this site for beginner lifting with videos. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=155009423&page=1

    Mary from Minnesota

    :) Thanks, Mary, I bookmarked it so I can look at it later

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,083 Member
    Heather grandchildren are adorable.

    Wendy the little dog who was attacked is doing great. They were able to get the other dog off quickly. She was moving quickly and her eyes were bright and clear.

    Got a good report on my annual eye exam.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,380 Member
    Did 10 minutes of the Butt Lift DVD, held my plank for 2 min 45 sec and then the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do an incline interval workout on the treadmill.

    Barbie - thanks for the link. I have to check into the questions further. I have the locking jaw clips and I would think they'd be easier to use than the threaded ones they have. I know that the Y down in FL has pump-type equipment but they have the threaded clips. I can use my locking jaw clips and they seem to work better. So I'm going to have to check this out.

    I don't know what it is, but yesterday and today my lower bacvk has been hurting. Yesterday I was dizzy but so far not today. But my lower back is hurting. I'm wondering if I don't have correct posture while at the computer.

    Gloria & Janet - I don't feel that I have any "close" friends, didn't even have any when we lived in Kennett Square. I have lots of "friends (as a matter of fact, my kids used to comment "ma, you now everybody"). But I just don't get real close to people. Except Vince, that is

    Joyce - I don't think one of pip's dogs is muzzled, I think he's wearing a gentle halter

    Lisa - I bet the GM is going to be very impressed. I know I am. So sorry your hubby hurt himself. Even IF it was his nondominant hand, it's still a bummer. It's good that you had that guy use the bushhog. Who knows what would have happened to dh's shoulder if you hadn't? We have a walk-behind type of bushwacker. We didn't know it until a few years ago, but we are required by the HOA to keep the "lawn" area under the power wires in good shape. The previous owners just let the weeds grow so we assumed that the power company took care of them, but that's not the case. We cut down most of the weeds/seedlings etc a few years ago but we do need to finish. Fortunately, where we need to finish you can't see from the street, or if you can it's really far back.

    Exercised, then stopped at the Salvation Army (didn't get anything), then to Aldi, now we'll be leaving for the meeting at bowling. Later chickas

    Back from bowling. Didn't get an award this time :( Made another one of those spinach/feta quiches (I swear, I'm getting to where I know that recipe by heart!), got dinner ready, then we'll go to ceramics (hopefully, my ladybug is ready for me to pick up) and then I'll go to mahjongg.

    DJ - safe travels home

    Linda/IA - glad things went well with the movein

    Sharon - that BBQ sounds like so much fun. Actually, that reminded me that next Mon we're supposed to go to bowling early and the bowling alley is going to provide BBQ. At least I THINK the bowling alley is going to. What I think I'll do is just bring a few pieces of fruit with me because what they're serving just doesn't appeal to me.

    Rita - so glad to hear from you. Sounds like things are starting to look up for you

    I, too, would love to do the Red Hat Society. I don't remember seeing any around here. But that's not to say that they aren't. Will have to look it up Going to SC tomorrow to pick up some of the greenware that I ordered.

    Good night everyone

    Michele in NC