

  • LeanneRobin
    LeanneRobin Posts: 11 Member
    Hello everyone, I have come and gone from this site one too many times. I now know I truly have to do something different. I had some success last year but quit because I was working out and not seeing the scale change. What a fool I was, I have now put on the weight again and have to get back to working out. Hope to find some friends here. Need people close to my age (middle 50,s). Hope to meet you all soon.
  • cory17
    cory17 Posts: 1,402 Member
    Barbie - what a tremendous difference.
    Hugs to all the ladies.
    I didn't sit down immediately when came home today = took care of garden chores and my drinks. dH is going to start working pt evenings, hopefully that will reduce tension around here.
    Recommitted to drinking green smoothies during the day as my weight went up 10lb, can feel it around the middle.
    gayle - please share the topics of your emily groups. what you say makes such sense
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele- are you going to play rummikub in your pool?

    Mary from Minnesota
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    13,541 steps today
    60 min. water aerobics
    30 min. stationary bike
    2,494 cal. burned

    Been a good day. My sis called me tonight. She is doing better was good to talk to her. BiL has a long road ahead of him.

    Janetr OKC
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »

    DJ - funny Jack had the same reaction. :) He hates passwords. I'm always having to help him with his. :)

    Janetr OKC

  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Michele in NC - have you heard from Carol. I'm really beginning to get concerned for her. Thank you for the nice words. Jack and I were the only ones there at our wedding, no planning, no stressing, it was great. The NSV's did lift my spirits. Gave me incentive to keep plodding along. Thanks for all your support.

    Janetr OKC
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Lisa, it sounds like the situation is getting worse there. You have the patience of a saint to put up with all that plus your normal life. I just hope you are taking care of you. I know you enjoyed your run.

    Allison, glad you day at the beach went well and things are t least civil. Hope our Dad likes the blueberry muffins. I know I would. It is so hard for me to watch the McDonald's commercial about their new muffin. The Blueberry one looks so good until you see the chocolate. Oh how heavenly they look. And that is the reason why I no longer go McDonald's. I hope Tom is still planning on keeping 2 cars. How does he expect you to get to work and home to make sure he gets his dinner on time and go to the nursing home and take care of his Dad. I hope he picked up on what his Dad even in his confused mind that something was wrong with him. Please don't have the attitude that "i will get over it". You need something to happen so that you can get through it and see what is on the other side of whatever is happening.

    Janetr, my nephews son, the one we had the sending of to college meal the other night for, finally lets us hug him and he will give the hug back. He is 18 and 6'6" and 325 pounds. He used to be a sloppy heavy, now he is a toned heavy. I would love to have a Florida room. But since we have a bilevel and the room would be off the kitchen, it would mean the Florida room would be several feet off the ground which makes it more expensive. So for now I will just have to wish for a new, nice patio. We have had 3 different patios in it's present location and all have been bad.

    DJ, love the password story. It is amazing the amount of combinations I have that are very random assortment of letters, symbols, numbers, capital letters and I will still get that is already in use. How can that be?? But some one is already living in my future and also in my past. My parents always liked to joke that since my Dad was in the service and actually passing over the International Date line when my sister was born that he wasn't in existence when she was born.

    Carol, Ga Peach, I had intended to leave the azalea bush since it always had such a beautiful healthy look and color (when they bloomed once a year). But every day another part is dead and the green leaves are looking so dull now. So I fear that I am going to have to say goodby to the only sprig of color that has been in my yard for a long long time. It was the only plant I was proud of. Now it is almost dead. I thought we had a gas chain saw to cut it down but we only have an electric heavy duty trimmer. I don't know if it will cut through the 'trunk' of the bush or not.

    Katla, I like it that you want to be with your DDIL Mother. Plus it shows your respect for her. In our extended family we never had that. But we are all over the United States so I don't think it would every work.

    Colleen, I agree 100%. Kids need to grow up sometime. For both our girls, we bought them their firs car and put a tank of gas in it and paid the first month insurance. After that it was their responsibility. If they didn't have gas money, it sat in the driveway. If they didn't have enough money for insurance, they had to contact the insurance company and if needed the car would sit at home. Christina was mad at me when she was in college. At the end of the first semester her grades had really gone down. So the car stayed home. Of course that meant that Mom had to do a lot of driving!

    Yvonne, sorry about the tree being part of your stairs. But glad you all had fun anyway. That is the reason our big tree is being cut down. If a big storm hit it, this one huge branch would have gone into our kitchen.

    RunHappy, welcome. We have several runners here. Some are serious as in marathons and some are recreational. you will find yourself in good company.

    Terri, I didn't start watching Criminal Minds when it first started. Can't remember why I didn't start. But I caught one episode and then asked myself why in the world I didn't watch this great show form the first. But it is on enough cable networks that I have now watched all the seasons I lost. Who can't watch Shemar Moore (Derek) Kirsten Vangness (Penelope) and Dr Reed???

    Becca, One time we could find our Miracle Whip light except in those little camping size jars. So we had to get the squeeze one. At first I thought it was OK. But when I went to using it, I could just put my teaspoon into jar and then level it off with a knife. I have learned howto squeeze it into my teaspoon but I have to throw away any excess after I level it off.

    Going to bed with a head ache, don't know why but it's there. It hasn't rained today so I hope our tree guy can come and work on getting the rest of the tree down and take care of the stumps. I hope it's not getting to late to plant anything.

    Nighty nite, Joyce, Indiana
  • 17761776
    17761776 Posts: 1,098 Member
    cory17 wrote: »
    Barbie - what a tremendous difference.
    Hugs to all the ladies.
    I didn't sit down immediately when came home today = took care of garden chores and my drinks. dH is going to start working pt evenings, hopefully that will reduce tension around here.
    Recommitted to drinking green smoothies during the day as my weight went up 10lb, can feel it around the middle.
    gayle - please share the topics of your emily groups. what you say makes such sense

    Happy to share!! Today's group was about how we use weight to our advantage?? Think about this and see what you come up with. Remember no right or wrong and no judgement!!! I went 6 months everyday which was called IOP, now I have 3 groups weekly. Still learning, will be for life. Emily isn't a weight program, it's to normalize food. Find your ED. No numbers. Now I can start to lose only if I don't get into a diet. All foods are good and restricting bites you in the *kitten*. Will have more tomorrow if you like. Gayle Minneapolis
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Hello Ladies

    Lisa- The quilt is beautiful. The young lady receiving it is so lucky. It is such a thoughtful gift.
    I'm sorry you are having issues with the staff. You have a long haul ahead of you in turning that restaurant around. I believe you are a miracle worker and can do it.

    Pip - I wish you weren't still in pain. I hope you find some relief soon.

    Alison - A get away was much needed. You keep waiting on him. What do you really want for your life? I know it's a hard question because I have to ask myself this. I am sorry for the hard time you are having. Isn't it great that we have this place and these wonderful ladies for support?

    Janetr - I have been considering getting my eyebrows tattooed. How much did it hurt? I guess I could clamp down on an old piece of leather.
    Congrats on the NSV. I'm sure that it's not a fluke that the jeans are baggy.

    Barbie - You look fantastic. Fantastic, fabulous , fit and fun.

    Becca - Turmeric. Thanks for reminding me that has to go on my list.
    Eating your own tomatoes is the best. DGDs are always willing to harvest the ones on my deck.

    I am so trying to keep up but I think my life is largely out of balance. I am trying to get sorted in all areas. It is hard when someone else has made a mess of some things but I still have to own up to my part of letting it get to now. Right now I am disappointed, ashamed, annoyed and embarassed. Need to cowgirl up and just deal with what is.

    DGS from Vancouver as been with us this last few weeks. I have certainly been keeping active with him. The boys are a handful together. One almost 13 and the other turns 14 at the end of August. I don't think I could handle teenagers full time. Then there are the times that I am so very proud of who they are and just thoroughly enjoy them. Picnics, swimming, walks, Othello, crokinole, movies, demolition derby, bowling, cooking, etc. It is just really hard when I am working and everyone wants to do something as soon as I get home. What do I really want to do? Nap. Lol. I am going to miss the craziness though. DGS takes the plane tomorrow. I am ready for some down time but he will be missed.
    DGD started cheer camp today. She was very excited to tell me about it and asked if I had ever seen what cheer leaders do. I said that I had been a cheer leader. DGD "I didn't know old people could do that". I explained I did it when I was much younger. I went to a small school. I used to play my basketball game, change out of my uniform into cheer gear and then do cheers for the boys with the squad. I was better at playing than cheering.

    Feeling a bit guilty. DH and I are going to counselling. One of the aims is to communicate truthfully. I know he won't go if he thinks benefits no longer cover the cost so I lied and said the next one would be covered too. DG, here I am trying to get him to be truthful and I am the one lying. What to do now? I did it so thoughtlessly and quick.

    Work is terrible now. Each day I am trying to figure a way not to be there.
    Next Sunday a bunch of current and former workers are having a BBQ with my friend. The company has posted for a manager but it is not her position. Got rid of an awesome person to replace her with who knows what? except it will cost them less.

    -Going to sleep, 2hr. trip to Calgary airport in a.m.
    -Sharon in Lethbridge where it looks like our river is drying up. Rain dance please.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    Joyce~ we have 3 cars so getting rid of one will leave us each with one.
    having a cup of tea and off to the gym, then home and get my lunch,Toms lunch and dinner ready, then to the dr and work...
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    Hallo ladies!

    I'm going to go to the "one off" yoga class this morning and my friend is taking it easy. I will be back for a quick lunch and then we will catch a train to Portsmouth for a look at the sea and an early dinner at the seafood place I like. Hope it's warm enough to sit under the umbrellas. DH will cook himself eggs and bacon.

    Sharon - hope the counselling goes well. Hugs! :flowerforyou: Counselling helped us to break up well. :) It was still very, very hard, but we weren't blaming each other. I think you are bound to feel things are getting on top of you. You are doing major emotional work and there is a lot of grieving involved as old dreams are shattered and new ones not yet in place. Hang on there and life will get better.

    OK, got to get scrubbed up and face on for yoga. :bigsmile:

    Love Heather UK

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,813 Member
    morning friends~
    I am really weepy today..and I have a busy busy day at work today..
    I went to the gym,but only stayed for about 15 min,I was just not into it.. so came home and had another cup of tea..
    I am leaving Tom a note to tell him how im feeling.. thats all I can do.. I cant get into his mind and find out what is going on, and everything we do I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop.. this is no way to live.. :s also going to kidney dr at 9 and see what she has to say.
  • lhannon062709
    lhannon062709 Posts: 1,140 Member
    Morning, all...

    My thoughts are with you, Allie - uncertainty is the worst. Nothing makes me more insane than that.

    I had yet another rough day at work yesterday--but came to some conclusions, and writing them out here will help a lot.

    I cannot fix what I cannot change, and I cannot change the environment. Someone asked if there was a deep pool of workers to choose from, and the answer is "no." It's a town of 8,300 people, and while we are one of the premier restaurants here, we are not the only one, and we do not pay the highest. I plan to make a recommendation that a few dollars in salary will change part of the equation--but can't change the town.

    I cannot fix what I cannot change--but I can get back to taking care of myself. And part of that is going back to running in the morning, and regularizing my hours. Going in super early on a Monday is fine, there are three deposits that have to be taken care of, etc. The rest of the week (beginning today) I'll be running each morning, then going in, to arrive about 10 and leave about 6. With an hour's drive each way, that's still about a 10-hour day, but yesterday was 13, and that's too much. Exercise levels me, helps me deal with the never-ending battles better. And, since my diet throughout the day consists of protein bars, bananas and string cheese, and just one regular hot meal at night with my husband, I've lost nearly six pounds since I walked in there. Not thinking that stress is something I'd recommend for weight loss, but it has always worked for me. I get fat when I get happy. :)

    I cannot fix what I cannot change--but I can change my emotional involvement. Being invested is fine. Taking it as a failure on my part because I cannot change the environment, and because I cannot save people from their own stupidity, cupidity and poor judgement is not useful for me or for the people I'm working for or with. I need to lose the blues, change what I can, and accept that the rest will just have to be dealt with as and when I can. To that end, I'm going to make a schedule, literally, that says personnel issues from 11-12 and 5-6, 12-2 is infrastructure, 3-5 is systems.

    I leave for Montana next week, Friday, in fact - so just ten more days. I plan on losing my cellphone in my luggage somewhere. Can't help from there anyway. Gone until the 29th, and will only come in to visit then... back to work on the 31st. If I'm successful in the next ten days, they'll be able to deal without me.

    Oh - and one of the people I had to let go, basically because she was a liar and a magnet for drama, has posted on Facebook that I'll "regret it," but then edited that out, and just put up a bunch of crap that made her look worse than me, in my opinion. I came within an ace of responding, but didn't... because responding to drama queens is much like trying to teach a pig to sing. Wastes your time, and annoys the pig.

    Hope it is a better week for all... got a one-page piece to write for my writer's meeting tonight from 6-8 p.m., and then run, shower, and off to try to unscrew the inscrutable once more.

    Thank you all for the compliments on the quilt (shipping today!) and the support. Every encouraging word is like a supportive brick for my foundation, which felt a little shaky yesterday, and I thank each and every one of you for them. They matter, and they help, and I'm grateful.

    Lisa from West Texas
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,985 Member

    Just keep putting one foot in front of the other
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    Just a quick check-in. Enjoying our visit in Radford, Virginia and my husband's interview is going well. The stay at the Nesselrod B&B has been wonderful. I have been resting in luxury while my husband is off doing his business. As I type this the owner is in his kitchen whipping up a fantastic smelling breakfast. I am eating reasonably while still indulging a bit with the full knowledge that I will be able to return to my "regular" eating/workout schedule starting tomorrow. My husband asked me to join him at dinner last night with the Provost of Radford University. This morning he gave me the nicest compliment "You showed such confidence in yourself." :) I was so happy that he saw that in me. Breakfast is served...ta ta for now ladies!

    Have a great day!

    Cheri in wet Radford, Virginia
  • csofled
    csofled Posts: 3,022 Member
    morning friends~
    I am really weepy today..and I have a busy busy day at work today..
    I went to the gym,but only stayed for about 15 min,I was just not into it.. so came home and had another cup of tea..
    I am leaving Tom a note to tell him how im feeling.. thats all I can do.. I cant get into his mind and find out what is going on, and everything we do I am just waiting for the other shoe to drop.. this is no way to live.. :s also going to kidney dr at 9 and see what she has to say.

    Allison - sending healing thoughts your way. I have been in your shoes and it is not a good place. Continue to take care of yourself. Waiting for your husband to make a decision that will have a totally effect your future life in very stressful. Hang in there. <3


  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    -Sharon in Lethbridge - getting my eyebrows done was not bad at all. The shots of novacain really burned, but like most shots, that didn't last long. It was so worth it.

    Cheri what a wonderful compliment from your husband. I know that made you feel great. It's a wonderful feeling to be able to display a confidence in ourselves that we never had before.

    Janetr OKC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Mary, yes, obstructed bowel was the first thing that went through my mind, so I was thrilled when the diarrhea started. I just ate something that didn't agree with me. Not sure I ever want to go to TGI Fridays again, though. I'm feeling LOTS better this morning. We already had breakfast and it feels fine. :p

    We (he) decided not to rush home today to get the dogs out of prison. I think there is some civil war stuff around here that he wants to see. I'd rather go shopping, but that's not likely to happen.

    My turn for the shower. Gotta go!

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone.... went to work yesterday with my cold...just so they knew I actually had a cold... and today I am home. Nose running and coughing up phlegm. I will steam myself and hopefully better by Thursday because the new again parents need some help so DGS will come and stay with us Thursday and Friday and I don't want to give him my cold.

    (((((hugs to everyone))))

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding .

    Good Morning Ladies,

    Becca, you can convince yourself that you don’t have to count calories of something you grow, but I have news for you……your body will count them. Hey, but good try.

    Fiddle, with your foot problems maybe you don’t want to do 10,000 steps. But great going.

    Pip, when do you see the docs again? I am always amazed and impressed with your dedication to exercise. Oh that some of it would rub off on me.

    , welcome. You will find this a very supportive group of ladies. It sounds like you are off to a great start so come often and post whenever you like. Best of luck on this journey. Yep, reply works. You’re good.

    Tammy, I can’t tell you how many interesting things I have learned from this group. Just try to stop in and scan the posts when you can even if you don’t have time to post. Ya never know what you will learn that can make a real difference in your journey. screwloose.gif

    , I know I CRS, but I do seem to remember something about you cutting back on your number of steps each day? loopy.gif No wonder you are such an inspiration, you do it even when you are trying not to. I hope You know how much we Love You.

    MichelNC, I love your “ButtLift” DVD. moon.gif I need to find a total “BodyLift” as mine seems to be sagging in all kinds of places. I hope it works out to play Rummikub in the pool. You have put a good amount of time and thought into it. I’m sure it will be a great get together, either way.

    Sylvia, I just hate that a Friday’s dinner made you sick. I’ve had that salad a few times and always enjoyed it. No restaurant should be serving tomatoes or anything past it’s prime. Sure hope you are over your tummy troubles.

    Leanne, welcome. You will find this a great group that are both supportive and informative. Please tell us a little about yourself so we can get to know you. We also ask that you sign each post with the name you want to be called and a location, general or specific. I have learned from some of these very smart ladies, that this has to be a life journey for me. It’s not a diet with an end because that is when I always start to gain back. I don’t want to gain back the weight I lose this time. Come often and join right in. You can do this.

    Janetr, so glad your sis is doing better and BIL is hanging in there.

    Joyce, I hope the tree guy can finish up. Have you decided what to plant? I don’t know what they are called but we replaced some of our shrubs with those little spindly red leaf shrubs just to get some color. Whatever you do will look great and sadly will probably look better without your big azalea.

    Gayle, thanks for sharing and yes, I’m sure a number of us would love to hear more.

    Sharon, if you get your eyebrows tattooed and need to clamp down on something, for Pete’s sake, get a piece of new leather. Putting old leather in your mouth sounds disgusting. jumpy.gif So sorry that work is terrible. That is such a horrible way to spend your days when you really want to not be there. (((Hugs)))

    Heather, it sounds like you have a full day planned. I hope the weather is nice for your beach trip.

    Allison, you know we have a huge collective shoulder for you to cry on. So many of us are sending you our caring thoughts and prayers. I know life is not easy right now but just remember, one day at a time. There is no rush to do whatever you end up doing. I’m just so thankful that Tom is being nice for a change.

    Lisa, we have often heard that expression, “Fat and Happy”, but I think we all want to be Happy without the Fat. At least with all the work and stress you did lose some weight, so that ain’t all bad. I don’t remember who said it yesterday but I agree that we are living with a generation of people who don’t even know what work ethic is, much less have any. You’d think that if it is explained in simple language that “this is what is expected” someone could do a job, but I guess that is asking too much. You are doing great so hang in there and good for you on getting back to your running. You know what works for you and the restaurant.

    Barbie, you are so right when you say, “Just keep putting one foot in front of the other “

    Cheri, glad you are enjoying your lovely accommodations! Fingers are crossed for your hubby. Congrats on your show of confidence. You go girl.

    welcome.gif to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    Well after spending most of the day with my sick friend yesterday, I still haven't had my nails done. I do have an appointment for 11:45 this morning. Then this afternoon I have a HOA board meeting. When I get home it's time to start thinking about what I'll take on my trip. I'm getting so excited to see my niece and nephew and their kids that I have never met. Time to get started on my day and I wish each of you a very successful day.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.
    I Love you, smiley-love013.gif
    Myrtle Beach, SC