

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,644 Member
  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan _ I had not heard of the Ideal Protein diet so I went off and did a quick 15 min. of looking at various sites that discuss it. While the emphasis in the places I read was on the food, nowhere did it say not to exercise. As a matter of fact, the testimonials all talk about exercise as part of their new lifestyle. I suspect your TOPS member did a little picking and choosing on what she wanted the program to be. It appears to be one of those programs where you purchase their products, lose a lot to start with, and if you stick to it you still need to learn how to eat once you hit maintenance. It wouldn’t be my top pick for a diet to go on, but I’m not the one doing it. Best of luck to your daughter. I hope she gets what she needs from this program.

    Joyce, Indiana – I love that you are carrying on your father’s tradition of tales of Algernon. What a delightful thing to share.

    Penny, back near the Pole – I love the image of your family singing together in the hospital and care facility. When my mom was in the hospital for her final visit, she wanted to sing. So we sang together. We were on the hospice floor and the nurses would walk by and stop to listen. Once, a Chaplin joined us in a hymn. I asked if we were disturbing anyone and was told that people were smiling and enjoying it so we did not have to stop. I was singing a song to her when she took her last breath. It’s a good memory.

    I’m glad to know your mom is healing and recuperating from her fall.

    Thanks for all the compliments on my weight loss transformation. I found sharing the pics helped my motivation to keep going. I’ve lived this journey day by day and to my eyes I look pretty much the same in the mirror from one day to the next. Seeing those pictures was a reminder as to just how far I have come and how much I do not want to slide back into my old ways of eating. I’m hitting that point where the weight loss slows down and it is much harder to shed just 1 more pound. At the same time, my BMI is still in the obese category so I really want to get the weight down lower. Only 4 more pounds to go and I will be overweight!!

    The absolute best part of this journey is getting off of several of my prescription meds (Blood sugar, blood pressure, GERDS) and having more energy. I was able to spend an entire day sightseeing without collapsing when I recently went on vacation. That added a whole new level of enjoyment to my trip.

    To all who asked, yes, I am a Red Hat lady. I was lucky enough to find a group with women who are as looney as I am. Makes for a fun time filled with laughter. There is a Red Hat Society website which gives some background on the society and how it started. If you are willing to share your name, phone and email you can also look up chapters in your area. I know not every chapter appears when you look them up, but it is a place to start when you are looking for a group to join. Best bet is to walk up to a group when you see them out in their colors, but sometimes that can be easier said than done. Of course, if you are brave, you can always just start up your own group.

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Margf - Very excited for you to start walking again. Remember to go easy on yourself.

    Chris- It looks like you had a great vacation and sounds like you stayed active. I'm sure you are right and the 11lbs. will go quickly now that you are back on the program.

    Sylvia - The girls must have thoroughly enjoyed their surprise Cat Show. I'm sure it will be a treasured memory.

    Pip - Oh, Pip, you must be in such pain to take a tramadol and a nap. Give your body the rest it needs.

    BBQ was a success. We laughed so much. We all talked so much. Taber Corn, Caesar Salad, Bourbon Chicken bites followed by tequila pie. We accompanied it with Sangria. Good company, good food, good fun. Not sure how I'm going to log it. Did I mention homemade wonton chips with the most amazing seafood dip?

    I had asked DH to give my friend and I a ride to and from. His reply "I don't drive drunks around"
    I wish I had been strong enough in the earlier years to say the same to him. I didn't want him hurting himself or anyone else. I didn't want him to get a DUI which happened any way. I wanted to make sure my kids had a Dad. I wanted to make sure we could keep the business running. This is how I justified myself but really I just enabled him. I told him that I didn't think it was fair that he said this and I did bring up some history. "Get your shovel and bury the past" Apparently easier said than done.

    Taking the DGC to Inside Out this afternoon. I need to get started on my list before I make it longer.

    Sharon still seething in Lethbridge.
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    DJ - So glad that you had such a good time. Have a safe flight home and enjoy you own bed tomorrow night.

    Janetr OKC
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 3,912 Member
    I am still around but fell off the wagon and gained all my weight back. For those who remember, I FINALLY had the closing on my house in TN. One huge stressor gone. My son is now over 8 months clean, another huge stressor gone. I was able to work with my mortgage company to reduce my mortgage by $600 a month, so that too is a big relief. My next challenge is to complete my filing bankruptcy to be able to start all over. That happens in September once my mortgage modification has been completed.

    My body doesn't know what to do with the lack of stress, so it fought back and gave me migraines! My Internist figured it out and gave me some really strong meds to 'kill' it. They helped a lot but didn't remove it. I then did research and found out that acupuncture/ chiropractors are the best way to fix migraines. I have one that I go to for my back so added my migraines to the regime. Really helping.

    Now have to deal with slight depression (getting better), and my step-father dying. I do not really know the man as my mom has only been married to him for about 5 years, but for her sake, I am there for her.

    Work is good and my place of relief.

    I ran into Allison at Walmart which brought to mind this site. Thank you Allison as you seem to be the one to get me on track without even knowing it! :)

    Rita from CT
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good afternoon ladies. I'm at the studio waiting for my son to drop off the DGS before he goes to refill his oxygen tanks. The little guy and I have a shopping date, so he can choose his backpack and a few other things he still needs for school. It's nice when it's just the two of us. When he's with the other two it's chaos! I can't believe he's going to be in first grade!

    Hubby felt a little better this morning, which is good because he has an 8am lecture. He called a few minutes ago and said he made it through lecture, but now he's going home to rest. That says a lot. Translates into...I'm still sick as a dog.

    I finished my tri-fold brochure and sent it off the the woman who is printing them on her color laser printer. The only problem is that her printer doesn't do a full-bleed, so there will be a thin white border around the outside, which throws off the folds a little bit, but it's the best we can do on short notice. When they go to the regular printer, it should be fine. It should work for the few we need for Wednesday's event. I'll have to start researching printers for the final product.

    At some point I need to get back to making pottery. I had hopes of getting back to it when the kids go back to school, but I always seem to find an excuse. And recently I noticed many (many) brown recluse spiders in the studio, hiding in clay boxes and other places, so I have to deal with that. I don't want anybody to get bitten. Not even myself.

    Well, here comes trouble, up the walk. Talk to you all soon.

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 393 Member
    What I do not get is how I stop reading for a weekend and there are well over 150 posts -- you gals can all write so much while still doing things. I stop writing and I feel busy but don't get near as much done! Feel like such a slacker.

    I love the kitchen redos--mine needs one in a bad way. I have the original 1957 scallops over the sink window and they look charming, but am not sure if it would be good to have new top cabinets and replace them or just replace the doors and and keep the scallops and soffits and sand and paint everything. The bottom cabinets have to go, plus the sink and counters on top. Then I need some new ones for under a shelf, and new ones for another wall--those are ugly ugly ugly. At least I do not need new appliances.

    Miakoda you are my new inspiration!

    And welcome back, to our exotic Penny!

    I broke down and made a dessert this weekend-- vegan blackberry/blueberry crisp. Vegan, at least till the whipped cream went on. Not heaps of calories, but enough to screw with my 1200 plan for sure. Finishing it off tonight and trying to talk myself into a midday walk in the humidity. Then I'll go back to the no dessert "path of righteousness."

    Betty WNY
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    I think I started in the middle, so sorry if some of this doesn't make much sense any longer.

    Meg – what a rough day, for more in your life than just you. Sorry! Hugs for you ! ! !

    Joyce – I’m guessing they add something to the henna to make it thicker upon application, because several hours later the 3D stuff pealed off and I was left with the stain. Now, a week later, it is very faded but still slightly visible. My supervisor at work thinks I need to get it done again. I LOVE coupon shopping and eating. Friday for his birthday I told DS which coupons I had, then asked where he wanted to eat. He chose the Food Court at a nearby mall, and he had his favorite Subway sandwich and a LARGE DQ blizzard. Funny kid. Saturday he spent 5 hours with 2 friends at the State Fair, then they played basketball in the driveway for a few more hours.

    Lillian – I have to follow my DH around the house sanitizing, too. It doesn’t matter if he is sick or not, he does not wash his hands enough (and I would NOT call myself a germophobe, as I work with some).

    I agree about the shiritaki noodles. I like the angel hair best, and usually cut them up and just add them to soup, because I have not found a way to get sauce to stick.

    Regarding siblings that don’t send cards or open lines of communication – I am that sibling. I have so many things on my “plate” that celebrations slip through my fingers. My relatives are aware of the fact that I will likely remember a few days too late, then make the emergency phone call, or more likely send an e-mail or text. It doesn’t lessen my feelings, it is just who I am. My middle sister was the one who sent cards weeks in advance, and my Dad keeps a calendar so he can get cards to arrive the day of the event (or maybe the day before, but rarely late). What I’m saying is – please don’t take it personally. In fact, by sister’s middle child is having his first child next month, and my Dad already knows to save a package until I am done crocheting items for that baby.

    Ok, all this colonoscopy talk reminded me that I need to finish and submit my paperwork. I am not scheduled until Sept. 21, so I have plenty of time work prepare and worry. I start my prep on Sept. 14 by not consuming pain meds and the other bean and seed stuff. Today I will buy a few bottles of white (cherry) Gatorade, because it is my favorite flavor.

    Talk (type) to you all later. Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    Lenora sorry that happened to your GD's dog. In this case it was a larger female dog attacking a much smaller female dog who is a rescue dog. I haven't heard how Wendy, the hurt dog, is doing today. She was going to go to the vet today. They did start her on antibiotics right away.

    Still working on small repairs about the house. The heat and humidity are gone today.

    :heart: MNMargaret

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,644 Member
    te-killya pie?
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy mon.hugs
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    edited August 2015
    Good Golly Miss Molly! I guess if you don't log on for a whole weekend, you have 358 new messages on this thread! :wink:

    I hope everyone had a great weekend. I had a really nice weekend, probably the nicest one in about 4 years! I have started going to a Wellness Clinic, where my ex-BIL (but still like my little brother even though it's "ex") is a doctor. I never felt good after chemo. I've gone 4 summers now doing pretty much nothing because I'm always exhausted and have such a brain fog it's ridiculous. I know my age has brought some of that on, but the pain in my joints is a side effect of medication, the brain fog and fatigue are lingering effects of chemo, etc. Anyways, to make a long story short, after going through some testing, it was found I'm anemic as well as low in some of my other levels so I have begun IV supplementation. Saturday morning I woke up ready to go!! So, I took my granddaughter school shopping all day and still had energy left over. I thought for sure I'd be on the couch in pain and exhausted all day Sunday, but when I woke up Sunday, I felt full of energy again! Two days in a row! Today, i'm at work and able to concentrate a little better. I'm holding my breath, afraid it's all a fluke and I'm going to go back to feeling terrible tomorrow...but at the same time am so grateful for those two great days!

    A few of you asked me to share what Week 2's small change is in the book I started titled "52 Small Changes: One Year To A Happier Healthier You!" Week 1 (last week) I began making sure to get my recommended amount of water in. It was called Drink Up! Basically, you are to take your weight and divide it by 2, and that is the number of ounces of fluid you should be drinking a day. Any fluid without caffeine counts, but preferably water.

    Week 2 starts today. The chapter is "Get your Zzzzzz's". So, I will incorporate the tips in that chapter to my hydration tip and try to get at least 7 hours of sleep. The tips they give for getting more sleep are:

    1. Optimize your sleep environment:
    • Lighting
    • Sound
    • Linens and Sleepwear
    • Temperature
    • Humidity
    2. Develop a Sleep Schedule
    3. Exercise Wisely
    4. Create a Bedtime Ritual
    5. Avoid Sleep Inhibitors
    6. Limit Alcohol
    7. Eating - finish eating at least 2 hours prior to bedtime
    8. Fluids - Stop drinking 2 hours prior to bedtime if possible

    Of course they go into much more detail in the book. If anyone has questions about any of the items, let me know!

    The pictures of the kittens is adorable! Love calico cats, so really wish I could have one. The picture of the dogs was cute too! I have a black lab so loved seeing that. The before and after pictures were amazing! You look great!

    I wish I could go back and tag everyone's names, but I'm at work on my break and have to finish up quickly.

    I hope you all have a wonderful day! I am amazed at how you all keep up with each other. Perhaps one day I will know you enough to do the same. :smile:

    Tracie in Green Bay
  • PackerFanInGB
    PackerFanInGB Posts: 3,351 Member
    P.S. Love the kitchen redo's also! Beautiful! We are in the process of redoing the bathroom and it's just a nightmare!
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    Good morning ladies,

    I love hearing about all your successes and challenges. Thank you all for sharing. Welcome to all the newbies and it's great to hear from those who've been away for a while.

    Love the kitchen makeovers and the Mia makeover too!

    Sharon: I'd be seething too...apparently the term responsible drinking and designated driver have not become part of hubby's vocabulary, hmmm... maybe he prefers to pay for a cab or a call to AB Designated Drivers (not sure the service is available in Lethbridge)...oohhh better yet how about paying for a limo...that way you can party in style!

    I've been working on my stamina for the last number of months. To help this along I have a personal trainer at the Y for a month. I go 3 times a week. In the last couple of weeks I've discovered that I'm very weak in the upper body and that gym equipment doesn't fit people my size! The recumbent bikes at the Y cannot be adjusted enough for my leg length... go figure! I've also discovered that you get a full body workout on the rowing machine (and I thought riding the bike was hard :smile: )

    I spend 1.5 hours at the Y 3 times a week of which 1/2 hour is of doing stretches and sets of things like glute bridges, squats etc. I'm hoping that some of this effort will show up on the scale I've been losing and re-losing the same 5 lbs for the last 3 or 4 months.

    Goals for last half of August:

    1. Log all meals

    2.Plan and Do - 2 fun things every week
    • W1: Haying in the 30's cancer support, camping with the folks
    • W2: Celebrate my birthday with the boys, invited to Aunt's for supper, swimming with DS#2.
    • W3:
    • W4:
    4. Ride stationary bike 3 times a week for at least 30 minutes.

  • miakoda40
    miakoda40 Posts: 467 Member
    Sharon in Lethbridge - You know your DH better than I do just by reading your posts, but is it possible that being around people who have been drinking makes him want to drink himself? I have a friend who recently expressed that even though she is 10 years sober, she finds that she wants a drink when a certain group of us get together and some of us are drinking. She knows this is her problem and was very hesitant to ask us to not drink when we got together a month ago but she just didn’t feel strong enough to resist the urge in that particular situation. Could being a designated driver cause DH to want to revert to old habits?

    Mia in MI

    August goals:
    Continue to honestly log food every day
    Continue to meet PT one day a week for strength training
    Get at least one hour a week of aerobic exercise
    Stop Iced Tea overload. 16 oz. iced tea daily plus 48 oz. water

  • miriamwithcats
    miriamwithcats Posts: 1,120 Member
    DJ, I was always calling people and inviting them over, but no one ever would take me up on it either. I do admit that now I don't even bother. Filled my house and life with animals. I also stopped sending cards and presents to my siblings and their kids because they ignored me. I had to call and find out if handmade quilts arrived or not. Years after I stopped, my two older sisters started remembering me at Christmas and birthday.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    barbie - I found this site for beginner lifting with videos. http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=155009423&page=1

    Mary from Minnesota
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,310 Member
    edited August 2015
    Hi all!

    I'm back and feeling happy after our lovely day. <3

    It's difficult to describe the intense pleasure we both get from my grandchildren, but for me there is added pleasure seeing how DH , who is the step grandparent, is beloved by them. He has none of his own and he is a GENIUS with young children. They just got on with us as if they had seen us yesterday - wonderful. <3 DGD is talking so much more now and clearly remembers us. Our imaginative journeys in the worlds of childhood were a delight. A whole fantasy world of adventure in DGS 's bedroom. At one stage I was on a boat in a flood of milk and DGS was in prison with a dinosaur guarding him! You can see the blue dinosaur in the photo!

    We also enjoyed our journey home with food we bought from the mainline station. I had sushi! We look forward to our train picnic! :drinker:

    DH's old friend arrives tomorrow. They met at Oxford and he was Best Man at DH 's wedding. I secretely find him quite attractive. :blushing: Good job he isn't staying longer! >:)

    Penny - welcome back to Norway! :flowerforyou: Your mother sounds like a real role model. :love:

    Heather UK
  • janetr7476
    janetr7476 Posts: 4,001 Member
    edited August 2015
    Carey-Edmonton - That's exactly where I am, losing and finding the same 5 lbs since I joined the first week in June. I'm trying not to get discouraged. I have upped my exercise and can tell a difference in the fit of my clothes, but the weight is NOT budging. Ugh.

    Mia in MI - I so identify with looking in the mirror and not seeing much change sometimes. But the before and after pics do tell the story. I love being able to walk, and climb trails in the mountains when we go up there on a trip and to be able to buy "regular" clothes, etc. What is your total weight loss so far? You look terrific. I looked into Red Hat Society, I would love to do it. I'm a little scared to just pick a group randomly and join. I'm pretty timid when meeting a group of new people, insecure, unsure, what ever it is.

    Janetr OKC
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Happy Monday! Had a great weekend and my eating was good and lots of steps. Saturday we did the motorcycle ride for Make A Wish. There were 275 motorcycles and 395 people. We rode 280 miles by the time we got home. Then yesterday we went to Lincoln to the Children's Zoo with DD and family. Took DGD, Paytn from here. Lots of steps and laughs, and it did not start to rain until we were about 10 miles from home. Lost of thunder and lightin and some rain, not a lot. So today back at work and things have not changed. Not sure why I thought they would. I am working 6-5:30 so going to be a long day.

    Meg--How terrible about the plumber. I admit that is one call I would not want to get.

    Barbie--Sounds like a very nice celebration for your friend.

    Katla--I do think that is becoming more of a problem. I know a couple of the clinics here in town decided not to take medicare and so their patients had to find a new doctor.

    Sylvia--Hope DH is feeling better and ready for school today. Sounds like you and girls had a great day. Making memories. I keep telling myself that when the DGC are wearing me out. Most the time I have as much fun as they do.

    Enjoying all the pictures of the redone rooms. I would like to redo a couple rooms in our house, but right now don't have the time or money. DH said when it gets winter again we can do some painting and redoing.

    Penny--Glad to see you back. Sounds like you have been very busy. Good to hear your mom is doing so well. State of mind is alot of it.

    pip--Sorry you are having so much pain.

    Becca--I agree with Michelle that our service men should be taken care of well for life. They do more for our country then goverment employees who can draw their saleries for the rest of the their lives.

    Rita--Good to see you back, missed you.

    Heather--Your DGC are beautiful, I love spending time with ours. Between us we have 28 and yesterday we had my DGD and three of his and they were in the back seat of the car talking about how they all take after grandpa and how he spoils them. They just know us as grandma and papa that will play with them and do silly things.

    Well ladies time to finish things up and get ready to go home. Has been a cooler day, only in the 70's so thinking walking the furbabies this evening should go well. Tomorrow morning is weigh in and hoping it goes well. Know I have been getting a lot more steps this last week. One Day at a Time.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE