True Confessions - Don't Judge



  • salembambi
    salembambi Posts: 5,585 Member
    Sadly, I confess I can't stand gay ppl .Thus I feel It is not right to hate them but I still do . :/

    why was this flagged tho?? people are allowed to have an opinion

    and this is coming from a bisexual who the poster cannot stand
  • candiinprogress
    candiinprogress Posts: 7,883 Member
    I confess that I really REALLY want to choke my husband right now for being a twit head, I have a goat at work that we are trying to keep alive and I wish it would just hurry up and die for it's own sake because it is a genetic fail and my boss doesn't want to treat her own animals until it is too late and after they have suffered greatly and needlessly, I am currently too tired, not hungry enough to eat and I just don't give a flip. I confess to wanting to drink the whole half gallon of home made peach wine that is chilled and waiting for me in the fridge. I confess (and apologize) for being a tired, grumpy, emotional unfair wreck tonight and thank ya'll for listening to me gripe :s:(

    I am sad for the goat and hope it finds peace soon and you get rest ....and twit husbands well...that tends to happen and hopefully it will pass quickly ;)

    I'm sad for it too. I have been the main care taker for it for over 4 months now, and I notify the boss lady as soon as I spot something being off on/in any of the critters at our practice. It started 2 months ago, and she waited until last week to send him to someone for treatment. He had a 15% chance of survival at that time (prior to a blood transfusion). We did another emergency transfusion tonight, but his pcv (white blood cell count) is slightly higher than before, so he has maybe a 20% chance now. Still too weak to stand on his own, so unless I am there to literally get him up and moving, he won't eat or drink and will defecate/urinate on himself. It's really, really sad/depressing, especially after all the time and effort I have put into the stupid thing I will update tomorrow if he makes it through the night

    I confess it is raining and grey here, and I am going through a rough time, but it made me cry that you called this poor goat a stupid thing while it suffers so. I hope it finds peace. I am too damn sensitive I guess.

    I called it a stupid thing when I shouldn't have. It wasn't his fault he was sick, but I am not allowed to use the language I want to use and I cannot express my thoughts/insults/opinions to his owner, my boss when I would love to.

    Sadly, due to an entire body fungal and bacterial infection, we had to put him down this afternoon. I have bawled my eyes out and I am so SO mad at my boss. I spend over 50 hours a week caring for these critters, so I know when they are off. I do what I can, notify her and hope she will perform her duties as a vet and responsible owner. Had she listened to me 3 months ago when I said, "Hey, he seems off. He isn't chewing his cud and acts tired" then we could have fixed him. It was ENTIRELY PREVENTABLE but beyond my abilities. Sadly, this isn't the the first, second or even third time one of her animals hasn't had vet care when it needed it, but he is the first that has had to be euthanized because of it.

    And no, you aren't being too sensitive....I was wrong to use the phrase "stupid thing". I'm sorry.

    Awww I'm sorry to hear this. I'm a vet nurse so I know both sides of what you are feeling and how frustrating it is *hugs*
  • tomasart
    tomasart Posts: 306 Member
    I confessed i ate a 10 oz ribeye.
  • saragd012
    saragd012 Posts: 693 Member
    I confess I drank way too many margaritas last night. Met a good friend for dinner, she had already ordered a pitcher when I arrived. We finished that off and the waiters started bringing more out (despite being told we didnt need any more). They gave us each 2 free margaritas, I had to give my last one to a stranger because I still needed to make the 1/2 mile drive home. Blech, so much sugar... And chips and queso....
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    I confess, that I ate nothing but dark chocolate for dinner last night. Lots of dark chocolate
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    It kind of grossed me out when the weird homeless or whatever guy collecting bottles from the recycling bins was staring and catcalling. Clearly I need to wear more clothing
  • arleban
    arleban Posts: 369 Member
    synchkat wrote: »
    It kind of grossed me out when the weird homeless or whatever guy collecting bottles from the recycling bins was staring and catcalling. Clearly I need to wear more clothing

    Wait...You mean he wasn't just saying those things for me? :disappointed: He said I was special when we were behind the dumpster.
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    arleban wrote: »
    synchkat wrote: »
    It kind of grossed me out when the weird homeless or whatever guy collecting bottles from the recycling bins was staring and catcalling. Clearly I need to wear more clothing

    Wait...You mean he wasn't just saying those things for me? :disappointed: He said I was special when we were behind the dumpster.

    Well maybe you are special. we're you wearing your pink running shorts? Perhaps he has a fetish...omg maybe he needs to read the fetlife thread
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    I took $30 to thw grocery store and managed to only spend $29. Clearly the budget Queen
  • adremark
    adremark Posts: 774 Member
    You know what? I HATE shopping. If that isn't at least maybe the fantasy of, Idk, maybe three men in the world, then I'd be surprised.

    Yep! You're a dream come true!!
  • KrazyLeeLee
    KrazyLeeLee Posts: 2,885 Member
    I confess that I ate half a bag of pita chips and didn't log them last night
  • T0M_K
    T0M_K Posts: 7,526 Member
    i'm grumpy as hell :#
  • synchkat
    synchkat Posts: 37,368 Member
    Tomk652015 wrote: »
    i'm grumpy as hell :#

    Might I suggest some pudding?
  • RavenLibra
    RavenLibra Posts: 1,737 Member
    I like Pudding B)
  • King_Spicy
    King_Spicy Posts: 821 Member
    I'm on a roll. Last week I had 2 entire medium Domino's pizzas. This week, I ate a bag of chocolate, a Godiva chocolate cheesecake slice, some 1200 calorie cheesecake slice last night, and now cheesecake for breakfast this morning (Thanks Cheesecake Factory).

    I confess I still have lost a lb this week. :lol: