True Confessions - Don't Judge
TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I just pulled the 'ol "you don't understand a joke so you just laugh and hope the person doesn't call you on it"
Tell us the joke we will explain0 -
CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it0 -
CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture0 -
CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture
Yes means no dishes ...not sure about the lazy part.. in my mom's defense ...or even mine as a single working mom...if I don't use paper plates I'm running 3 loads of dishes a I can't imagine with 10 kids ...maybe more of a sign of a society overloading our schedules
..we are barely home...1 -
CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture
Yes means no dishes ...not sure about the lazy part.. in my mom's defense ...or even mine as a single working mom...if I don't use paper plates I'm running 3 loads of dishes a I can't imagine with 10 kids ...maybe more of a sign of a society overloading our schedules
..we are barely home...
Nobody is attacking your mom, i am a single dad who lives on his own and I use paper plates1 -
CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture
Yes means no dishes ...not sure about the lazy part.. in my mom's defense ...or even mine as a single working mom...if I don't use paper plates I'm running 3 loads of dishes a I can't imagine with 10 kids ...maybe more of a sign of a society overloading our schedules
..we are barely home...
Nobody is attacking your mom, i am a single dad who lives on his own and I use paper plates
I didn't take it as an attack ...just thinking out loud.0 -
CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture
Yes means no dishes ...not sure about the lazy part.. in my mom's defense ...or even mine as a single working mom...if I don't use paper plates I'm running 3 loads of dishes a I can't imagine with 10 kids ...maybe more of a sign of a society overloading our schedules
..we are barely home...
Nobody is attacking your mom, i am a single dad who lives on his own and I use paper plates
I didn't take it as an attack ...just thinking out loud.
2 -
laprimaJenny wrote: »IC that I’m decently well off but when I am with my husbands family I feel like a peasant. My sister in law has her own driver, two cleaning ladies, a nanny and a cook. Yet at the same time I’m grateful that I don’t live her life despite how I envy her at times. In all honesty I feel like she’s lonely. I wouldn’t trade happiness for money any day.
Can you donate to my gofundme page?2 -
CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture
Yes means no dishes ...not sure about the lazy part.. in my mom's defense ...or even mine as a single working mom...if I don't use paper plates I'm running 3 loads of dishes a I can't imagine with 10 kids ...maybe more of a sign of a society overloading our schedules
..we are barely home...
Nobody is attacking your mom, i am a single dad who lives on his own and I use paper plates
I didn't take it as an attack ...just thinking out loud.
Well I take that as a hint ...stop thinking out loud or wait ...0 -
CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
I battle the dish pile every day and there are only three of us.
I will say I hate doing dishes. Bleh.
Paper plates are for pizza nights and picnics/car trips. Otherwise, dishes and more chores for me, yay!0 -
CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture
Yes means no dishes ...not sure about the lazy part.. in my mom's defense ...or even mine as a single working mom...if I don't use paper plates I'm running 3 loads of dishes a I can't imagine with 10 kids ...maybe more of a sign of a society overloading our schedules
..we are barely home...
Nobody is attacking your mom, i am a single dad who lives on his own and I use paper plates
I didn't take it as an attack ...just thinking out loud.
Well I take that as a hint ...stop thinking out loud or wait ...
No he just sang a song called thinking out loud is all0 -
laprimaJenny wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »laprimaJenny wrote: »IC that I’m decently well off but when I am with my husbands family I feel like a peasant. My sister in law has her own driver, two cleaning ladies, a nanny and a cook. Yet at the same time I’m grateful that I don’t live her life despite how I envy her at times. In all honesty I feel like she’s lonely. I wouldn’t trade happiness for money any day.
Can you donate to my gofundme page?If I donate do I get a t-shirt?
If you wanna take one out of your drawer:):)3 -
CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CaptainFantastic01 wrote: »CanesGalactica wrote: »TeacupsAndToning wrote: »I don't understand why, according to social media, so many Americans eat their dinner on paper plates instead of real ones
We do? This is news to me.
I do...grew up with 9 mom found it kept her starting to get it
Paper plates means no dishes, we are a lazy culture
Yes means no dishes ...not sure about the lazy part.. in my mom's defense ...or even mine as a single working mom...if I don't use paper plates I'm running 3 loads of dishes a I can't imagine with 10 kids ...maybe more of a sign of a society overloading our schedules
..we are barely home...
Nobody is attacking your mom, i am a single dad who lives on his own and I use paper plates
I didn't take it as an attack ...just thinking out loud.
Well I take that as a hint ...stop thinking out loud or wait ...
No he just sang a song called thinking out loud is all
I know ...thats why I said oh wait ..bleh...bedtime fo me1 -
IC that I got drunk af last night and I had a panic attack. Having ptsd sucks!5
I confess I'm in need of some adventure... and I'm gonna find it!9
I confess that I wish I would have chosen to stick with Plan A on Tuesday instead of going off track and choosing B0
I hate corned beef & cabbage, sorry...not sorry4
Not sure if it was worth it0
SurfyPants wrote: »I recently went to a show where all the male musicians were wearing skinny jeans. I confess that I don't think there is a way in hell that would be a good look on me....I'm in no way fat, but is it possible that some dudes aren't built for them?
def. some dudes cant wear skinny jeans. just doesn't look right on em. iv seen some chubby dudes wear them, and it looks like their thighs were about to explode
I tried on skinny jeans before, and nope. thighs couldn't breath lol.
most of my jeans are super slim/tapered fit. I do however have a pair that's dubbed as skinny/tapered but it fits nothing like , lets say, levis skinny, because the material is stretchy so its breathable and flexible. I can do lunges in them! actually wearing them right now lol
Does it look like something like this?
The woman in the front doesn't seem too impressed either!1 -
I ate an entire jar of kalamata olives last night and didn’t log it. I had a nasty stomach ache for two hours from it!
My hubby just sat, watched and laughed his *kitten* off1 -
I feel some destructive coping skills coming on.5
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TeacupsAndToning wrote: »
- .... . .-. . / .. ... / -. --- - / .- -. -.-- / -- --- .-. . / - --- / - .... .. ... / ... - --- .-. -.-- .-.-.- / ..- -. .-.. . ... ... / -.-- --- ..- / -- . .- -. / - .... .. ...
0 -
i'm kinda bored at work...shhh0
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SuperOrganism2 wrote: »--. .- .-.. .-.. .. .- . ... - --- -- -. .. ... -.. .. ...- .. ... .- .. -. .--. .- .-. - . ... - .-. . ... --··-- --.- ..- .- .-. ..- -- ..- -. .- -- .. -. -.-. --- .-.. ..- -. - -... . .-.. --. .- . --··-- .- .-.. .. .- -- .- --.- ..- .. - .- -. .. --··-- - . .-. - .. .- -- --.- ..- .. .. .--. ... --- .-. ..- -- .-.. .. -. --. ..- .- -.-. . .-.. - .- . --··-- -. --- ... - .-. .- --. .- .-.. .-.. .. .- .--. .--. . .-.. .-.. .- -. - ..- .-. ·-·-·- .... .. --- -- -. . ... .-.. .. -. --. ..- .- --··-- .. -. ... - .. - ..- - .. ... --··-- .-.. . --. .. -... ..- ... .. -. - . .-. ... . -.. .. ..-. ..-. . .-. ..- -. - ·-·-·- --. .- .-.. .-.. --- ... .- -... .- --.- ..- .. - .- -. .. ... --. .- .-. ..- -- -. .- ..-. .-.. ..- -- . -. --··-- .- -... . .-.. --. .. ... -- .- - .-. --- -. .- . - ... . --.- ..- .- -. .- -.. .. ...- .. -.. .. - ·-·-·- .... --- .-. ..- -- --- -- -. .. ..- -- ..-. --- .-. - .. ... ... .. -- .. ... ..- -. - -... . .-.. --. .- . --··-- .--. .-. --- .--. - . .-. . .- --.- ..- --- -.. .- -.-. ..- .-.. - ..- .- - --.- ..- . .... ..- -- .- -. .. - .- - . .--. .-. --- ...- .. -. -.-. .. .- . .-.. --- -. --. .. ... ... .. -- . .- -... ... ..- -. - --··-- -- .. -. .. -- . --.- ..- . .- -.. . --- ... -- . .-. -.-. .- - --- .-. . ... ... .- . .--. . -.-. --- -- -- . .- -. - .- - --.- ..- . . .- --.- ..- .- . .- -.. . ..-. ..-. . -- .. -. .- -. -.. --- ... .- -. .. -- --- ... .--. . .-. - .. -. . -. - .. -- .--. --- .-. - .- -. - --··-- .--. .-. --- -..- .. -- .. --.- ..- . ... ..- -. - --. . .-. -- .- -. .. ... --··-- --.- ..- .. - .-. .- -. ... .-. .... . -. ..- -- .. -. -.-. --- .-.. ..- -. - --··-- --.- ..- .. -... ..- ... -.-. ..- -- -.-. --- -. - .. -. . -. - . .-. -... . .-.. .-.. ..- -- --. . .-. ..- -. - ·-·-·- --.- ..- .- -.. . -.-. .- ..- ... .- .... . .-.. ...- . - .. .. --.- ..- --- --.- ..- . .-. . .-.. .. --.- ..- --- ... --. .- .-.. .-.. --- ... ...- .. .-. - ..- - . .--. .-. .- . -.-. . -.. ..- -. - --··-- --.- ..- --- -.. ..-. . .-. . -.-. --- - .. -.. .. .- -. .. ... .--. .-. --- . .-.. .. .. ... -.-. ..- -- --. . .-. -- .- -. .. ... -.-. --- -. - . -. -.. ..- -. - --··-- -.-. ..- -- .- ..- - ... ..- .. ... ..-. .. -. .. -... ..- ... . --- ... .--. .-. --- .... .. -... . -. - .- ..- - .. .--. ... .. .. -. . --- .-. ..- -- ..-. .. -. .. -... ..- ... -... . .-.. .-.. ..- -- --. . .-. ..- -. - ·-·-·- . --- .-. ..- -- ..- -. .- --··-- .--. .- .-. ... --··-- --.- ..- .- -- --. .- .-.. .-.. --- ... --- -... - .. -. . .-. . -.. .. -.-. - ..- -- . ... - --··-- .. -. .. - .. ..- -- -.-. .- .--. .. - .- ..-. .-.. ..- -- .. -. . .-. .... --- -.. .- -. --- --··-- -.-. --- -. - .. -. . - ..- .-. --. .- .-. ..- -- -. .- ..-. .-.. ..- -- .. -. . --··-- --- -.-. . .- -. --- --··-- ..-. .. -. .. -... ..- ... -... . .-.. --. .- .-. ..- -- --··-- .- - - .. -. --. .. - . - .. .- -- .- -... ... . --.- ..- .- -. .. ... . - .... . .-.. ...- . - .. .. ... ..-. .-.. ..- -- . -. .-. .... . -. ..- -- --··-- ...- . .-. --. .. - .- -.. ... . .--. - . -. - .-. .. --- -. . ... ·-·-·- -... . .-.. --. .- . .- -... . -..- - .-. . -- .. ... --. .- .-.. .-.. .. .- . ..-. .. -. .. -... ..- ... --- .-. .. ..- -. - ..- .-. --··-- .--. . .-. - .. -. . -. - .- -.. .. -. ..-. . .-. .. --- .-. . -- .--. .- .-. - . -- ..-. .-.. ..- -- .. -. .. ... .-. .... . -. .. --··-- ... .--. . -.-. - .- -. - .. -. ... . .--. - . -. - .-. .. --- -. . -- . - --- .-. .. . -. - . -- ... --- .-.. . -- ·-·-·- .- --.- ..- .. - .- -. .. .- .- --. .- .-. ..- -- -. .- ..-. .-.. ..- -- .. -. . .- -.. .--. -.-- .-. . -. .- . --- ... -- --- -. - . ... . - . .- -- .--. .- .-. - . -- --- -.-. . .- -. .. --.- ..- .- . . ... - .- -.. .... .. ... .--. .- -. .. .- -- .--. . .-. - .. -. . - -·-·-· ... .--. . -.-. - .- - .. -. - . .-. --- -.-. -.-. .- ... ..- -- ... --- .-.. .. ... . - ... . .--. - . -. - .-. .. --- -. . ... ·-·-·-
This is in Latin and there are no spaces so I can't translate it....0
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