Cutting carbs and refined sugar



  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    edited August 2015
    This discussion is strange. You are missing the point(s). Well, most of you.

    Lots of people ask for advice to cut carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people suggest cutting carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people think they are addicted to carbs because they have heard about that, and think they have to cut bread, pasta and potatoes. Some people mistake water weight gain after eating more carbs for fat gain. And then there are all these other more or less random ideas, like eating pattern, low-fat, water intake, green tea, wheat belly diet etc. It is good to inform people about their delusions. But when people clearly struggle moderating certain foods that often have no nutritional value besides calories, have no pleasure from small amounts and eating to satisfaction will jeopardize their health, and are best off avoiding them as much as possible, and feel fine and not deprived doing so but need help to find good strategies to avoid them, or something - why would the best suggestion be to learn to incorporate those foods into their diet?

    Asking for background information and reasons behind people's questions involving restrictions or seemingly bizarre actions (if not obvious and/or stated in OP) is in my opinion important, because unnecessary rules and restrictions will usually make compliance more difficult, and eating less than one burns already means some degree of restriction for most. The problem that usually arises, is that the OP feels insulted about their motives being questioned or perceive questions for stats as "personal", and will not let go of their initial idea no matter what; someone suggests something crazy but the OP likes it, other posters react by getting snarky, then someone throws in "mean", "rude", hates", or "negativity"; OPs often rage quit.

    Jumping put of the window can be a good idea in some cases, for instance if there is a fire.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I take a lot of grief for suggesting that people consult a doctor when beginning a weight loss journey. Mock all you want. It's good advice. It's the smart thing to do.
    You do? Oh, why would people be doing that? How rude of them. :/ They should be as concerned as you.
    I didn't insult you. I didn't make fun of you or mock you in any way.

    I know. You're always a polite poster. That's why I'm surprised you get such flack. I'd ask why people are battling your recommendation about consulting a doctor, but I don't want to derail the thread.
    I may not be consistently polite, but I didn't mock you or insult you.

    He doesn't accuse you of it anywhere.

    Don't recall mocking you, either.

    Don't recall saying you did.
    So, why the mocking on your part?

    where did I mock you?
    Cindy, Cindy...have the courage of your convictions. Otherwise, it's just...sad.

    Again, what? I asked you a question at one point, in direct reference to something you said, but I never mocked you, specifically. If I'm going to mock someone, there's a quote of that person, so that person knows I'm referring to him or her. Or I refer to him or her by name. If that doesn't happen, it's not about you. If you take something I say personally, that's on you, not on me.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    This discussion is strange. You are missing the point(s). Well, most of you.

    Lots of people ask for advice to cut carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people suggest cutting carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people think they are addicted to carbs because they have heard about that, and think they have to cut bread, pasta and potatoes. Some people mistake water weight gain after eating more carbs for fat gain. And then there are all these other more or less random ideas, like eating pattern, low-fat, water intake, green tea, wheat belly diet etc. It is good to inform people about their delusions. But when people clearly struggle moderating certain foods that often have no nutritional value besides calories, have no pleasure from small amounts and eating to satisfaction will jeopardize their health, and are best off avoiding them as much as possible, and feel fine and not deprived doing so but need help to find good strategies to avoid them, or something - why would the best suggestion be to learn to incorporate those foods into their diet?

    Asking for background information and reasons behind people's questions involving restrictions or seemingly bizarre actions (if not obvious and/or stated in OP) is in my opinion important, because unnecessary rules and restrictions will usually make compliance more difficult, and eating less than one burns already means some degree of restriction for most. The problem that usually arises, is that the OP feels insulted about their motives being questioned or perceive questions for stats as "personal", and will not let go of their initial idea no matter what; someone suggests something crazy but the OP likes it, other posters react by getting snarky, then someone throws in "mean", "rude", hates", or "negativity"; OPs often rage quit.

    Jumping put of the window can be a good idea in some cases, for instance if there is a fire.

    I think you make some excellent points here, and I agree with you about most of this. Except for one thing. Jumping out of a window because the building is on fire - you only do this if you are on the first or second floor; or you know there is an inflatable landing pad; or you are willing to die quickly by jumping to your death rather than burn.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    This discussion is strange. You are missing the point(s). Well, most of you.

    Lots of people ask for advice to cut carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people suggest cutting carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people think they are addicted to carbs because they have heard about that, and think they have to cut bread, pasta and potatoes. Some people mistake water weight gain after eating more carbs for fat gain. And then there are all these other more or less random ideas, like eating pattern, low-fat, water intake, green tea, wheat belly diet etc. It is good to inform people about their delusions. But when people clearly struggle moderating certain foods that often have no nutritional value besides calories, have no pleasure from small amounts and eating to satisfaction will jeopardize their health, and are best off avoiding them as much as possible, and feel fine and not deprived doing so but need help to find good strategies to avoid them, or something - why would the best suggestion be to learn to incorporate those foods into their diet?

    Asking for background information and reasons behind people's questions involving restrictions or seemingly bizarre actions (if not obvious and/or stated in OP) is in my opinion important, because unnecessary rules and restrictions will usually make compliance more difficult, and eating less than one burns already means some degree of restriction for most. The problem that usually arises, is that the OP feels insulted about their motives being questioned or perceive questions for stats as "personal", and will not let go of their initial idea no matter what; someone suggests something crazy but the OP likes it, other posters react by getting snarky, then someone throws in "mean", "rude", hates", or "negativity"; OPs often rage quit.

    Jumping put of the window can be a good idea in some cases, for instance if there is a fire.

    I think you make some excellent points here, and I agree with you about most of this. Except for one thing. Jumping out of a window because the building is on fire - you only do this if you are on the first or second floor; or you know there is an inflatable landing pad; or you are willing to die quickly by jumping to your death rather than burn.

    I agree - context is crucial, and that was some of my point :D
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    edited August 2015
    This discussion is strange. You are missing the point(s). Well, most of you.

    Lots of people ask for advice to cut carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people suggest cutting carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people think they are addicted to carbs because they have heard about that, and think they have to cut bread, pasta and potatoes. Some people mistake water weight gain after eating more carbs for fat gain. And then there are all these other more or less random ideas, like eating pattern, low-fat, water intake, green tea, wheat belly diet etc. It is good to inform people about their delusions. But when people clearly struggle moderating certain foods that often have no nutritional value besides calories, have no pleasure from small amounts and eating to satisfaction will jeopardize their health, and are best off avoiding them as much as possible, and feel fine and not deprived doing so but need help to find good strategies to avoid them, or something - why would the best suggestion be to learn to incorporate those foods into their diet?

    Asking for background information and reasons behind people's questions involving restrictions or seemingly bizarre actions (if not obvious and/or stated in OP) is in my opinion important, because unnecessary rules and restrictions will usually make compliance more difficult, and eating less than one burns already means some degree of restriction for most. The problem that usually arises, is that the OP feels insulted about their motives being questioned or perceive questions for stats as "personal", and will not let go of their initial idea no matter what; someone suggests something crazy but the OP likes it, other posters react by getting snarky, then someone throws in "mean", "rude", hates", or "negativity"; OPs often rage quit.

    Jumping put of the window can be a good idea in some cases, for instance if there is a fire.
    Everyone seems to ignore I said specifically jumping out the window because you no longer believe in gravity.
    It is actually an important distinction because I also said people who have celiac shouldn't eat gluten - there's actual scientific evidence for avoidance. People thinking gluten is what made them fat avoiding gluten are doing for wrong reasons. The whole point is about the reasoning behind the action, not the action.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    This discussion is strange. You are missing the point(s). Well, most of you.

    Lots of people ask for advice to cut carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people suggest cutting carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people think they are addicted to carbs because they have heard about that, and think they have to cut bread, pasta and potatoes. Some people mistake water weight gain after eating more carbs for fat gain. And then there are all these other more or less random ideas, like eating pattern, low-fat, water intake, green tea, wheat belly diet etc. It is good to inform people about their delusions. But when people clearly struggle moderating certain foods that often have no nutritional value besides calories, have no pleasure from small amounts and eating to satisfaction will jeopardize their health, and are best off avoiding them as much as possible, and feel fine and not deprived doing so but need help to find good strategies to avoid them, or something - why would the best suggestion be to learn to incorporate those foods into their diet?

    Asking for background information and reasons behind people's questions involving restrictions or seemingly bizarre actions (if not obvious and/or stated in OP) is in my opinion important, because unnecessary rules and restrictions will usually make compliance more difficult, and eating less than one burns already means some degree of restriction for most. The problem that usually arises, is that the OP feels insulted about their motives being questioned or perceive questions for stats as "personal", and will not let go of their initial idea no matter what; someone suggests something crazy but the OP likes it, other posters react by getting snarky, then someone throws in "mean", "rude", hates", or "negativity"; OPs often rage quit.

    Jumping put of the window can be a good idea in some cases, for instance if there is a fire.
    Everyone seems to ignore I said specifically jumping out the window because you no longer believe in gravity.
    It is actually an important distinction because I also said people who have celiac shouldn't eat gluten - there's actual scientific evidence for avoidance. People thinking gluten is what made them fat avoiding gluten are doing for wrong reasons. The whole point is about the reasoning behind the action, not the action.

    You are wise.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Demons are the blind fears of primitive thinking, the boogie-men of children. It becomes pretty clear that to demonize something is to give it a power over you, to tacitly give it the power to make you afraid because you don't understand it.
    Why would you want to give a food that power? Why would anyone want to live in fear of a food for the sake of fearing it? I would like to live in the modern world free of demons - a world where such things are gone because we have rational enlightenment and understanding.

    When you demonize people who demonize food, does that give them power over you? Or does this "Relinquishment Of Power" theory only hold true for foods?
    Solipsistic arguments not withstanding, I'm pretty sure people are real and have no supernatural power over me, so not seeing the demonization.
    That said, tree frog poison can be a very powerful hallucinogen in shamanistic rituals, so you might be one step closer than most. :p

    OK, so I got one definition of demonization. Could you give me your definition of "demonization" as it applies to food?

    Also, what power do you think the food is imbued with upon it's demonization?
    Demonization of food is give it negative attributes it doesn't have according to established science.
    Particular powers are placebo and nocebo effect, plus by trying to restrict it without need, you're setting up the food as novel when consumed, and thus increasing the desire of the food.
    It is generally pretty old and established that intermittent reinforcement is actually more effective than continuous reinforcement. More modern techniques studying dopamine in the brain show that novelty plays a part in dopamine responses, and thus increases the perceived reward of it - essentially a chemical version of the conditioning principle of intermittent reinforcement.

    And maybe some people have varying degrees of dopamine responses from you or the norm. So that theoretical relationship might not apply to them at all. Is it then OK for them to demonize?

    There is actually an obese/serotonin/carbohydrates relationship. Those people might be better off not viewing a cupcake as innocent calories just waiting to be regulated by sheer willpower.

    I don't have answers for everyone else, but like any reasonable person just try different things til I find out what works for my circumstances. When I find my answers, I will definitely not be telling others my way is the only way that will work for them.

    All food usually leads to releasing serotonin. The reason why is that it drops the dopamine to stop reward seeking behavior because the reward is right there.
    When you demonize the food, you've increased the dopamine response. You've now made it something you've mentally decided is unobtainable, something that is different. There are people that have very specific diseases like Prater-Willy. 99%+ of adults are going to be able to inure themselves to temptation. Believe it or not, the words "oh, not ice cream again", and "oh, not pizza again" have been uttered by English speakers who normally like those things.
    If people on here are asking how to avoid something, it seems obvious that it does not work for them at some level. How is my suggesting they change their relationship any worse advice than someone telling them to throw all of it out of the house and hope they never encounter it while out and about? How does it stop being demonization just because it has worked for them?
    And honestly, if you really believe there are so many special snowflakes, why do you tell people all the time that people don't need to eat sugar? Lustig himself talks about children that can't generate their own glucose and have to have special diets.

    I used to 'change my relationship' with foods, but since discovered that it is easier to just label failed food relationships' foods as 'toxic' and minimize my interaction with them.

    The only time it it appropriate to bring up how nutritionally unnecessary it is to eat sugar/carbs is right after a person asks how to minimize/eliminate or get control over a carb/sugar food and half the responses are saying EATTHEFOOD.

    I personally pay attention to those people struggling with carb issues due to a long personal struggle with same and in addition our family has metabolic issues related to carbohydrate and I've spent hundreds of hours (or thousands if you ask my SO) learning about them.

    Nutrional knowledge is sketchy and we are all unique. People's health and weight are dependant on them figuring out what works best for them. Supporting people in that process is more important than inappropriately applying random personal judgements.
    And I'll tell you the same I told others. If someone came into here asking what is the best way to jump out a window, would it be better to ask them if jumping out a window is necessary, or start explaining your personal strategy for opening a window latch? A lot of people think they to give up carbs. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and so it might help the person to actually check they're not following the latest trend in dieting.
    Nutritional knowledge is better than most would think - psychology of food choices still could use improvement, but I can guarantee you, if you give me a metabolic chamber, control over food, and a test subject the science is there to guarantee they'll lose weight. Give me a barbell, weights, and little willingness on the part of the subject and I can even give good odds on most of the weight lost being fat rather than lean body mass. By and large, our metabolisms don't actually vary that much. For one, any kind of marked improvement or failure in metabolism would have profound effects on reproductive success in humans until around 100 years or so. For another, human evolution is marked by genetic bottlenecks where the entire race almost bit the dust and left a much smaller foundation population not that long ago.
    And again, if you're going to make the argument that people are unique, don't make statements like glucose is a nonessential nutrient - for some people, it actually can be.

    People with impaired gluconeogenesis are very ill, under the care of a doctor (or several), not looking for weight loss advice on MFP and pretty rare. People with issues processing carbohydrates well are frequently not diagnosed, on their own for answers, on weight loss forums like MFP and plentiful - maybe 3 out of 10 if the stats I've read are believable. I think what I am saying is appropriate for the folks here.

    And the entire point that I am trying to make is that limiting carbs - even to low levels - is NOT the nutritional equivelent to jumping out a window.
    No, you've stated as fact that all human beings can survive without carbs to make the point that it isn't an essential nutrient. You weren't saying about people on MFP, you were saying it as scientific fact. That's fine as covers 99.9%+ of the world's population, but, if you're going to start talking about some people needing certain dietary changes because they're special, without anyone bringing in a doctor's note saying they have said issues, I'll call you on your playing fast and lose with what is or is not the way human metabolism works.
    If you have something that seriously shows 3 out 10 people have issues processing carbohydrates, I'd seriously like to see it. I'd find it incredible that something that started as frugivores could turn into a species with 30% of the population having an inability to handle carbohydrates in a span of 2 million years or less.
    If you are limiting carbs because the latest headlines says to, or some other pseudo or quack science as often shows up in these threads, then yes, it is similar to jumping out a window for disbelieving gravity. Restricting carbs other than as a way to reduce calories is never a necessity for weight loss.

    Prediabetes among people aged 20 years or older, United States, 2012
    In 2009−2012, based on fasting glucose or A1C levels, 37% of U.S. adults aged 20 years or older had
    prediabetes (51% of those aged 65 years or older).
    Applying this percentage to the entire U.S. population
    in 2012 yields an estimated 86 million Americans aged 20 years or older with prediabetes.
    • On the basis of fasting glucose or A1C levels, and after adjusting for population age differences, the
    percentage of U.S. adults aged 20 years or older with prediabetes in 2009−2012 was similar for non-
    Hispanic whites (35%), non-Hispanic blacks (39%), and Hispanics (38%).

    Total: 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the U.S. population have diabetes
    Diagnosed: 21.0 million people
    Undiagnosed: 8.1 million people (27.8% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed)

    View the full report: CDC’s National Diabetes Statistics Report

    So, about 46% of the US population has diabetes or prediabetes.

    Yes, it is a national and international crisis. It is actually far higher & worse than I said.

    It might just explain why you folks who process carbs OK (so far) are sick of hearing about low carb diets or people worried about carbs and sugars.
    Ok. That's a rather different claim than 30% of people have a problem with carbs.
    1. You're talking US population (though hint, some developing countries do actually have worse rates of diabetes)
    2. The fasting A1C and glucose is a biased population. People who don't have other indicators for diabetes don't normally end up taking an A1C or glucose test.
    3. You're assuming diabetes or prediabetic means someone has problems with carbs.
    4. Diabetic Associations usually don't actually recommend low carbs diets, they recommend consistent carbs, including keeping them in one's diet.
    5. Early diabetes and insulin resistance are often treated simply by losing weight, regardless of the carbohydrate composition of the diet.

    It sounds like you believe people with high blood glucose and inability to correctly process carbohydrates continue to eat the foods that they are unable to process and increase their glucose to toxic levels? We have very different ideas.
    Well if you ignore everything I wrote and substitute a strawman, I'm sure it sounds like exactly what you want to hear. Diabetes isn't a disease of being unable to process carbs. It is a disease of cells becoming resistant to insulin. Insulin is activated not just by carbs, but protein, but hey, continue to call diabetes the carb processing disease. As I already said, losing weight is the primary factor in treating most diabetes.
    By your terminology, the fact that we have 69% of adults overweight in the US means we have a calorie processing disorder in 69% of the humans.

    Reducing high levels of glucose in the blood is the core goal for diabetes and pre diabetes.

    The most direct simple method to reduce blood glucose is to reduce carbohydrates.
    Again, diabetes is not the disease of glucose. It is the disease of impaired insulin sensitivity. They may look like the same thing at first blush, but they describe different problems. You can switch to a zero carb diet and still slam your insulin through the roof if you eat large amounts of protein, or if I recall correctly, more specifically if you take straight leucine BCAA's.
    I'll repeat this for the umpteenth time now. The most profound impact on treating diabetes and prediabetes is reducing weight. Doing so trumps the effects of reducing carbs. Seriously, while fat by itself influences insulin resistance.
    Give a body enough fat, and it tries to burn fat, and that leaves glucose float free, and you still have the same problems. You have to actually start forcing fat clear of the system.

    The body uses/clears glucose first (if it is able) then looks to fats for energy. If your body is not able to use glucose, it is generally a good idea to reduce how much glucose making carbs you shovel in.

    I'm not sure what use your diabetes 'definition' has (or even find it at all accurate) - I find it more useful to focus on solutions. The problem is not that difficult to define as many pre & diabetics have made a transition (both on their own or with medical assistance) to low carb and ketogenic diets and have improved their health in ways drugs and standard diabetic diet recommendations were unable to achieve.

    Reducing weight helps when it eventually occurs, dropping carbs helps immediately - that same day as a matter of fact!

    From the things you say, it seems that you are not a low carb or keto pre diabetic or even hanging around low carb or keto diet pre diabetics or diabetics. Why don't you apply whatever you are experienced in to those who would value it?
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Demons are the blind fears of primitive thinking, the boogie-men of children. It becomes pretty clear that to demonize something is to give it a power over you, to tacitly give it the power to make you afraid because you don't understand it.
    Why would you want to give a food that power? Why would anyone want to live in fear of a food for the sake of fearing it? I would like to live in the modern world free of demons - a world where such things are gone because we have rational enlightenment and understanding.

    When you demonize people who demonize food, does that give them power over you? Or does this "Relinquishment Of Power" theory only hold true for foods?
    Solipsistic arguments not withstanding, I'm pretty sure people are real and have no supernatural power over me, so not seeing the demonization.
    That said, tree frog poison can be a very powerful hallucinogen in shamanistic rituals, so you might be one step closer than most. :p

    OK, so I got one definition of demonization. Could you give me your definition of "demonization" as it applies to food?

    Also, what power do you think the food is imbued with upon it's demonization?
    Demonization of food is give it negative attributes it doesn't have according to established science.
    Particular powers are placebo and nocebo effect, plus by trying to restrict it without need, you're setting up the food as novel when consumed, and thus increasing the desire of the food.
    It is generally pretty old and established that intermittent reinforcement is actually more effective than continuous reinforcement. More modern techniques studying dopamine in the brain show that novelty plays a part in dopamine responses, and thus increases the perceived reward of it - essentially a chemical version of the conditioning principle of intermittent reinforcement.

    And maybe some people have varying degrees of dopamine responses from you or the norm. So that theoretical relationship might not apply to them at all. Is it then OK for them to demonize?

    There is actually an obese/serotonin/carbohydrates relationship. Those people might be better off not viewing a cupcake as innocent calories just waiting to be regulated by sheer willpower.

    I don't have answers for everyone else, but like any reasonable person just try different things til I find out what works for my circumstances. When I find my answers, I will definitely not be telling others my way is the only way that will work for them.

    All food usually leads to releasing serotonin. The reason why is that it drops the dopamine to stop reward seeking behavior because the reward is right there.
    When you demonize the food, you've increased the dopamine response. You've now made it something you've mentally decided is unobtainable, something that is different. There are people that have very specific diseases like Prater-Willy. 99%+ of adults are going to be able to inure themselves to temptation. Believe it or not, the words "oh, not ice cream again", and "oh, not pizza again" have been uttered by English speakers who normally like those things.
    If people on here are asking how to avoid something, it seems obvious that it does not work for them at some level. How is my suggesting they change their relationship any worse advice than someone telling them to throw all of it out of the house and hope they never encounter it while out and about? How does it stop being demonization just because it has worked for them?
    And honestly, if you really believe there are so many special snowflakes, why do you tell people all the time that people don't need to eat sugar? Lustig himself talks about children that can't generate their own glucose and have to have special diets.

    I used to 'change my relationship' with foods, but since discovered that it is easier to just label failed food relationships' foods as 'toxic' and minimize my interaction with them.

    The only time it it appropriate to bring up how nutritionally unnecessary it is to eat sugar/carbs is right after a person asks how to minimize/eliminate or get control over a carb/sugar food and half the responses are saying EATTHEFOOD.

    I personally pay attention to those people struggling with carb issues due to a long personal struggle with same and in addition our family has metabolic issues related to carbohydrate and I've spent hundreds of hours (or thousands if you ask my SO) learning about them.

    Nutrional knowledge is sketchy and we are all unique. People's health and weight are dependant on them figuring out what works best for them. Supporting people in that process is more important than inappropriately applying random personal judgements.
    And I'll tell you the same I told others. If someone came into here asking what is the best way to jump out a window, would it be better to ask them if jumping out a window is necessary, or start explaining your personal strategy for opening a window latch? A lot of people think they to give up carbs. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and so it might help the person to actually check they're not following the latest trend in dieting.
    Nutritional knowledge is better than most would think - psychology of food choices still could use improvement, but I can guarantee you, if you give me a metabolic chamber, control over food, and a test subject the science is there to guarantee they'll lose weight. Give me a barbell, weights, and little willingness on the part of the subject and I can even give good odds on most of the weight lost being fat rather than lean body mass. By and large, our metabolisms don't actually vary that much. For one, any kind of marked improvement or failure in metabolism would have profound effects on reproductive success in humans until around 100 years or so. For another, human evolution is marked by genetic bottlenecks where the entire race almost bit the dust and left a much smaller foundation population not that long ago.
    And again, if you're going to make the argument that people are unique, don't make statements like glucose is a nonessential nutrient - for some people, it actually can be.

    People with impaired gluconeogenesis are very ill, under the care of a doctor (or several), not looking for weight loss advice on MFP and pretty rare. People with issues processing carbohydrates well are frequently not diagnosed, on their own for answers, on weight loss forums like MFP and plentiful - maybe 3 out of 10 if the stats I've read are believable. I think what I am saying is appropriate for the folks here.

    And the entire point that I am trying to make is that limiting carbs - even to low levels - is NOT the nutritional equivelent to jumping out a window.
    No, you've stated as fact that all human beings can survive without carbs to make the point that it isn't an essential nutrient. You weren't saying about people on MFP, you were saying it as scientific fact. That's fine as covers 99.9%+ of the world's population, but, if you're going to start talking about some people needing certain dietary changes because they're special, without anyone bringing in a doctor's note saying they have said issues, I'll call you on your playing fast and lose with what is or is not the way human metabolism works.
    If you have something that seriously shows 3 out 10 people have issues processing carbohydrates, I'd seriously like to see it. I'd find it incredible that something that started as frugivores could turn into a species with 30% of the population having an inability to handle carbohydrates in a span of 2 million years or less.
    If you are limiting carbs because the latest headlines says to, or some other pseudo or quack science as often shows up in these threads, then yes, it is similar to jumping out a window for disbelieving gravity. Restricting carbs other than as a way to reduce calories is never a necessity for weight loss.

    Prediabetes among people aged 20 years or older, United States, 2012
    In 2009−2012, based on fasting glucose or A1C levels, 37% of U.S. adults aged 20 years or older had
    prediabetes (51% of those aged 65 years or older).
    Applying this percentage to the entire U.S. population
    in 2012 yields an estimated 86 million Americans aged 20 years or older with prediabetes.
    • On the basis of fasting glucose or A1C levels, and after adjusting for population age differences, the
    percentage of U.S. adults aged 20 years or older with prediabetes in 2009−2012 was similar for non-
    Hispanic whites (35%), non-Hispanic blacks (39%), and Hispanics (38%).

    Total: 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the U.S. population have diabetes
    Diagnosed: 21.0 million people
    Undiagnosed: 8.1 million people (27.8% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed)

    View the full report: CDC’s National Diabetes Statistics Report

    So, about 46% of the US population has diabetes or prediabetes.

    Yes, it is a national and international crisis. It is actually far higher & worse than I said.

    It might just explain why you folks who process carbs OK (so far) are sick of hearing about low carb diets or people worried about carbs and sugars.
    Ok. That's a rather different claim than 30% of people have a problem with carbs.
    1. You're talking US population (though hint, some developing countries do actually have worse rates of diabetes)
    2. The fasting A1C and glucose is a biased population. People who don't have other indicators for diabetes don't normally end up taking an A1C or glucose test.
    3. You're assuming diabetes or prediabetic means someone has problems with carbs.
    4. Diabetic Associations usually don't actually recommend low carbs diets, they recommend consistent carbs, including keeping them in one's diet.
    5. Early diabetes and insulin resistance are often treated simply by losing weight, regardless of the carbohydrate composition of the diet.

    It sounds like you believe people with high blood glucose and inability to correctly process carbohydrates continue to eat the foods that they are unable to process and increase their glucose to toxic levels? We have very different ideas.
    Well if you ignore everything I wrote and substitute a strawman, I'm sure it sounds like exactly what you want to hear. Diabetes isn't a disease of being unable to process carbs. It is a disease of cells becoming resistant to insulin. Insulin is activated not just by carbs, but protein, but hey, continue to call diabetes the carb processing disease. As I already said, losing weight is the primary factor in treating most diabetes.
    By your terminology, the fact that we have 69% of adults overweight in the US means we have a calorie processing disorder in 69% of the humans.

    Reducing high levels of glucose in the blood is the core goal for diabetes and pre diabetes.

    The most direct simple method to reduce blood glucose is to reduce carbohydrates.
    Again, diabetes is not the disease of glucose. It is the disease of impaired insulin sensitivity. They may look like the same thing at first blush, but they describe different problems. You can switch to a zero carb diet and still slam your insulin through the roof if you eat large amounts of protein, or if I recall correctly, more specifically if you take straight leucine BCAA's.
    I'll repeat this for the umpteenth time now. The most profound impact on treating diabetes and prediabetes is reducing weight. Doing so trumps the effects of reducing carbs. Seriously, while fat by itself influences insulin resistance.
    Give a body enough fat, and it tries to burn fat, and that leaves glucose float free, and you still have the same problems. You have to actually start forcing fat clear of the system.

    The body uses/clears glucose first (if it is able) then looks to fats for energy. If your body is not able to use glucose, it is generally a good idea to reduce how much glucose making carbs you shovel in.

    I'm not sure what use your diabetes 'definition' has (or even find it at all accurate) - I find it more useful to focus on solutions. The problem is not that difficult to define as many pre & diabetics have made a transition (both on their own or with medical assistance) to low carb and ketogenic diets and have improved their health in ways drugs and standard diabetic diet recommendations were unable to achieve.

    Reducing weight helps when it eventually occurs, dropping carbs helps immediately - that same day as a matter of fact!

    From the things you say, it seems that you are not a low carb or keto pre diabetic or even hanging around low carb or keto diet pre diabetics or diabetics. Why don't you apply whatever you are experienced in to those who would value it?

    I've personally known multiple T2 diabetics and prediabetics who reversed their conditions by losing weight. They lost weight through calorie deficit, via moderation, weighing and measuring foods. There was a reduction in carbohydrates, naturally, because of the moderation, but nothing low enough that qualified as a low-carb diet. The few people I've known who've tried to lose weight through low-carb personally have all failed to stick with it.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims

    People who are interested in low carb will find the info - there is lots out there. For someone whose only interest seems to be in proving it is a wrong/bad way to eat, why bother?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    mommydie wrote: »
    I mean that some people say that that have a bite of ice cream and it satisfies them. For me, as soon as I taste a little bit of ice cream, candy or sugar, I feel like it's a drug and I just want MORE. I truly believe sugar is as addictive as cocaine

    I don't know about everyone, but as someone who's been an addict with pretty much every narcotic there is at some point (I know, I know...lame...that's well behind me and it's going to stay there), I feel the same way about refined sugar. Once I start eating *kitten* sugars like cake or candy, it escalates quickly. I get ravenous for it. When I finally make the choice to stop, it sucks. I feel different in a bad way, and I crave it for a good while. But once it's been out of my system I'm okay. I think a lot of people experience this! Or at least some of the people I've talked to about how much I have to stay away from it... Everyone's different, obviously. But I can totally relate to your "dramatic" feelings about it hahaha internet forums are so ridiculous sometimes.

    Do you eat sugar right out of the bowl or bag??
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims

    People who are interested in low carb will find the info - there is lots out there. For someone whose only interest seems to be in proving it is a wrong/bad way to eat, why bother?

    Actually I am quite well versed in the literature, who said it was wrong or a bad way to eat? All l did was ask someone to substantiate a claim, since the burden of proof falls on the claim maker. Perhaps low carbers should stop making things up if they don't want to be called on their nonsense?
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    mantium999 wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Demons are the blind fears of primitive thinking, the boogie-men of children. It becomes pretty clear that to demonize something is to give it a power over you, to tacitly give it the power to make you afraid because you don't understand it.
    Why would you want to give a food that power? Why would anyone want to live in fear of a food for the sake of fearing it? I would like to live in the modern world free of demons - a world where such things are gone because we have rational enlightenment and understanding.

    When you demonize people who demonize food, does that give them power over you? Or does this "Relinquishment Of Power" theory only hold true for foods?
    Solipsistic arguments not withstanding, I'm pretty sure people are real and have no supernatural power over me, so not seeing the demonization.
    That said, tree frog poison can be a very powerful hallucinogen in shamanistic rituals, so you might be one step closer than most. :p

    OK, so I got one definition of demonization. Could you give me your definition of "demonization" as it applies to food?

    Also, what power do you think the food is imbued with upon it's demonization?
    Demonization of food is give it negative attributes it doesn't have according to established science.
    Particular powers are placebo and nocebo effect, plus by trying to restrict it without need, you're setting up the food as novel when consumed, and thus increasing the desire of the food.
    It is generally pretty old and established that intermittent reinforcement is actually more effective than continuous reinforcement. More modern techniques studying dopamine in the brain show that novelty plays a part in dopamine responses, and thus increases the perceived reward of it - essentially a chemical version of the conditioning principle of intermittent reinforcement.

    And maybe some people have varying degrees of dopamine responses from you or the norm. So that theoretical relationship might not apply to them at all. Is it then OK for them to demonize?

    There is actually an obese/serotonin/carbohydrates relationship. Those people might be better off not viewing a cupcake as innocent calories just waiting to be regulated by sheer willpower.

    I don't have answers for everyone else, but like any reasonable person just try different things til I find out what works for my circumstances. When I find my answers, I will definitely not be telling others my way is the only way that will work for them.

    All food usually leads to releasing serotonin. The reason why is that it drops the dopamine to stop reward seeking behavior because the reward is right there.
    When you demonize the food, you've increased the dopamine response. You've now made it something you've mentally decided is unobtainable, something that is different. There are people that have very specific diseases like Prater-Willy. 99%+ of adults are going to be able to inure themselves to temptation. Believe it or not, the words "oh, not ice cream again", and "oh, not pizza again" have been uttered by English speakers who normally like those things.
    If people on here are asking how to avoid something, it seems obvious that it does not work for them at some level. How is my suggesting they change their relationship any worse advice than someone telling them to throw all of it out of the house and hope they never encounter it while out and about? How does it stop being demonization just because it has worked for them?
    And honestly, if you really believe there are so many special snowflakes, why do you tell people all the time that people don't need to eat sugar? Lustig himself talks about children that can't generate their own glucose and have to have special diets.

    I used to 'change my relationship' with foods, but since discovered that it is easier to just label failed food relationships' foods as 'toxic' and minimize my interaction with them.

    The only time it it appropriate to bring up how nutritionally unnecessary it is to eat sugar/carbs is right after a person asks how to minimize/eliminate or get control over a carb/sugar food and half the responses are saying EATTHEFOOD.

    I personally pay attention to those people struggling with carb issues due to a long personal struggle with same and in addition our family has metabolic issues related to carbohydrate and I've spent hundreds of hours (or thousands if you ask my SO) learning about them.

    Nutrional knowledge is sketchy and we are all unique. People's health and weight are dependant on them figuring out what works best for them. Supporting people in that process is more important than inappropriately applying random personal judgements.
    And I'll tell you the same I told others. If someone came into here asking what is the best way to jump out a window, would it be better to ask them if jumping out a window is necessary, or start explaining your personal strategy for opening a window latch? A lot of people think they to give up carbs. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and so it might help the person to actually check they're not following the latest trend in dieting.
    Nutritional knowledge is better than most would think - psychology of food choices still could use improvement, but I can guarantee you, if you give me a metabolic chamber, control over food, and a test subject the science is there to guarantee they'll lose weight. Give me a barbell, weights, and little willingness on the part of the subject and I can even give good odds on most of the weight lost being fat rather than lean body mass. By and large, our metabolisms don't actually vary that much. For one, any kind of marked improvement or failure in metabolism would have profound effects on reproductive success in humans until around 100 years or so. For another, human evolution is marked by genetic bottlenecks where the entire race almost bit the dust and left a much smaller foundation population not that long ago.
    And again, if you're going to make the argument that people are unique, don't make statements like glucose is a nonessential nutrient - for some people, it actually can be.

    People with impaired gluconeogenesis are very ill, under the care of a doctor (or several), not looking for weight loss advice on MFP and pretty rare. People with issues processing carbohydrates well are frequently not diagnosed, on their own for answers, on weight loss forums like MFP and plentiful - maybe 3 out of 10 if the stats I've read are believable. I think what I am saying is appropriate for the folks here.

    And the entire point that I am trying to make is that limiting carbs - even to low levels - is NOT the nutritional equivelent to jumping out a window.

    If 3 of 10 who come here have unkown carb issues, and someone suggests limiting carbs to all the folks who ask, one is giving inaccurate advice to 70% of those who are asking.

    No one that I've seen is suggesting carb limiting to random mfp posters.

    Stick around. You'll see it. It happens all the time.
    Yep, see it all the time.
  • umayster
    umayster Posts: 651 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims

    That is some impressive unsubstantiated dissing - aka 'trumping' your opponent - and you might get a better result with factual knowledge or personal experiences.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims

    That is some impressive unsubstantiated dissing - aka 'trumping' your opponent - and you might get a better result with factual knowledge or personal experiences.


    "some claiming the brain needs dietary carbs to function optimally (which is simply not true)" which was backed up by this

    "You have!!!

    I know for a fact I have posted a study (probably about a year ago) showing no difference in 'long-term' brain function on a low carb diet compared to a high carb diet."

    That in no way supports the original claim, not even a little

    "The brain does very well without dietary carbs. Yes, it needs glucose but you don't need to get it from food.
    Unsubstantiated nor could the poster even define what very well means in that context

    "High carb is hard on the brain:"

    which was supported by this

    That also does not support that claim

    "Low carb helps dementia:"

    Link doesn't support the claim

    Those are facts, the support offered for the claims does not actually support their claims. So what was unsubstantiated dissing?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Acg67 wrote: »
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims

    perhaps nobody wants to play your semantic nitpicking games. I have no idea if brain function is "optimal" on any given level of dietary carbohydrate. But I do know the brain continues to work in the absence of deitary carbohydrate as has been published and witnessed in real life.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    yarwell wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims

    perhaps nobody wants to play your semantic nitpicking games. I have no idea if brain function is "optimal" on any given level of dietary carbohydrate. But I do know the brain continues to work in the absence of deitary carbohydrate as has been published and witnessed in real life.

    How is it semantics, even using a loose definition of optimal, how could one make the claim that the brain needs dietary carbs to function optimally is a falsehood and support it with a claim that there was a study in which subjects ate carbs?

    Whether or not the brain continues to function without dietary carbs has no bearing on the claim, that was not up for debate. Unsure why you would even bring that up.

    Perhaps this is typical behavior of certain advocates making their usual fantastic claims but unable to substantiate them. Not really a surprise there
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,951 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    This discussion is strange. You are missing the point(s). Well, most of you.

    Lots of people ask for advice to cut carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people suggest cutting carbs to lose weight, because they have no clue about how weight loss works. Lots of people think they are addicted to carbs because they have heard about that, and think they have to cut bread, pasta and potatoes. Some people mistake water weight gain after eating more carbs for fat gain. And then there are all these other more or less random ideas, like eating pattern, low-fat, water intake, green tea, wheat belly diet etc. It is good to inform people about their delusions. But when people clearly struggle moderating certain foods that often have no nutritional value besides calories, have no pleasure from small amounts and eating to satisfaction will jeopardize their health, and are best off avoiding them as much as possible, and feel fine and not deprived doing so but need help to find good strategies to avoid them, or something - why would the best suggestion be to learn to incorporate those foods into their diet?

    Asking for background information and reasons behind people's questions involving restrictions or seemingly bizarre actions (if not obvious and/or stated in OP) is in my opinion important, because unnecessary rules and restrictions will usually make compliance more difficult, and eating less than one burns already means some degree of restriction for most. The problem that usually arises, is that the OP feels insulted about their motives being questioned or perceive questions for stats as "personal", and will not let go of their initial idea no matter what; someone suggests something crazy but the OP likes it, other posters react by getting snarky, then someone throws in "mean", "rude", hates", or "negativity"; OPs often rage quit.

    Jumping put of the window can be a good idea in some cases, for instance if there is a fire.
    Everyone seems to ignore I said specifically jumping out the window because you no longer believe in gravity.
    It is actually an important distinction because I also said people who have celiac shouldn't eat gluten - there's actual scientific evidence for avoidance. People thinking gluten is what made them fat avoiding gluten are doing for wrong reasons. The whole point is about the reasoning behind the action, not the action.
    Sadly, you can't fight faith with facts...
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    umayster wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Kalikel wrote: »
    senecarr wrote: »
    Demons are the blind fears of primitive thinking, the boogie-men of children. It becomes pretty clear that to demonize something is to give it a power over you, to tacitly give it the power to make you afraid because you don't understand it.
    Why would you want to give a food that power? Why would anyone want to live in fear of a food for the sake of fearing it? I would like to live in the modern world free of demons - a world where such things are gone because we have rational enlightenment and understanding.

    When you demonize people who demonize food, does that give them power over you? Or does this "Relinquishment Of Power" theory only hold true for foods?
    Solipsistic arguments not withstanding, I'm pretty sure people are real and have no supernatural power over me, so not seeing the demonization.
    That said, tree frog poison can be a very powerful hallucinogen in shamanistic rituals, so you might be one step closer than most. :p

    OK, so I got one definition of demonization. Could you give me your definition of "demonization" as it applies to food?

    Also, what power do you think the food is imbued with upon it's demonization?
    Demonization of food is give it negative attributes it doesn't have according to established science.
    Particular powers are placebo and nocebo effect, plus by trying to restrict it without need, you're setting up the food as novel when consumed, and thus increasing the desire of the food.
    It is generally pretty old and established that intermittent reinforcement is actually more effective than continuous reinforcement. More modern techniques studying dopamine in the brain show that novelty plays a part in dopamine responses, and thus increases the perceived reward of it - essentially a chemical version of the conditioning principle of intermittent reinforcement.

    And maybe some people have varying degrees of dopamine responses from you or the norm. So that theoretical relationship might not apply to them at all. Is it then OK for them to demonize?

    There is actually an obese/serotonin/carbohydrates relationship. Those people might be better off not viewing a cupcake as innocent calories just waiting to be regulated by sheer willpower.

    I don't have answers for everyone else, but like any reasonable person just try different things til I find out what works for my circumstances. When I find my answers, I will definitely not be telling others my way is the only way that will work for them.

    All food usually leads to releasing serotonin. The reason why is that it drops the dopamine to stop reward seeking behavior because the reward is right there.
    When you demonize the food, you've increased the dopamine response. You've now made it something you've mentally decided is unobtainable, something that is different. There are people that have very specific diseases like Prater-Willy. 99%+ of adults are going to be able to inure themselves to temptation. Believe it or not, the words "oh, not ice cream again", and "oh, not pizza again" have been uttered by English speakers who normally like those things.
    If people on here are asking how to avoid something, it seems obvious that it does not work for them at some level. How is my suggesting they change their relationship any worse advice than someone telling them to throw all of it out of the house and hope they never encounter it while out and about? How does it stop being demonization just because it has worked for them?
    And honestly, if you really believe there are so many special snowflakes, why do you tell people all the time that people don't need to eat sugar? Lustig himself talks about children that can't generate their own glucose and have to have special diets.

    I used to 'change my relationship' with foods, but since discovered that it is easier to just label failed food relationships' foods as 'toxic' and minimize my interaction with them.

    The only time it it appropriate to bring up how nutritionally unnecessary it is to eat sugar/carbs is right after a person asks how to minimize/eliminate or get control over a carb/sugar food and half the responses are saying EATTHEFOOD.

    I personally pay attention to those people struggling with carb issues due to a long personal struggle with same and in addition our family has metabolic issues related to carbohydrate and I've spent hundreds of hours (or thousands if you ask my SO) learning about them.

    Nutrional knowledge is sketchy and we are all unique. People's health and weight are dependant on them figuring out what works best for them. Supporting people in that process is more important than inappropriately applying random personal judgements.
    And I'll tell you the same I told others. If someone came into here asking what is the best way to jump out a window, would it be better to ask them if jumping out a window is necessary, or start explaining your personal strategy for opening a window latch? A lot of people think they to give up carbs. There is a lot of misinformation out there, and so it might help the person to actually check they're not following the latest trend in dieting.
    Nutritional knowledge is better than most would think - psychology of food choices still could use improvement, but I can guarantee you, if you give me a metabolic chamber, control over food, and a test subject the science is there to guarantee they'll lose weight. Give me a barbell, weights, and little willingness on the part of the subject and I can even give good odds on most of the weight lost being fat rather than lean body mass. By and large, our metabolisms don't actually vary that much. For one, any kind of marked improvement or failure in metabolism would have profound effects on reproductive success in humans until around 100 years or so. For another, human evolution is marked by genetic bottlenecks where the entire race almost bit the dust and left a much smaller foundation population not that long ago.
    And again, if you're going to make the argument that people are unique, don't make statements like glucose is a nonessential nutrient - for some people, it actually can be.

    People with impaired gluconeogenesis are very ill, under the care of a doctor (or several), not looking for weight loss advice on MFP and pretty rare. People with issues processing carbohydrates well are frequently not diagnosed, on their own for answers, on weight loss forums like MFP and plentiful - maybe 3 out of 10 if the stats I've read are believable. I think what I am saying is appropriate for the folks here.

    And the entire point that I am trying to make is that limiting carbs - even to low levels - is NOT the nutritional equivelent to jumping out a window.
    No, you've stated as fact that all human beings can survive without carbs to make the point that it isn't an essential nutrient. You weren't saying about people on MFP, you were saying it as scientific fact. That's fine as covers 99.9%+ of the world's population, but, if you're going to start talking about some people needing certain dietary changes because they're special, without anyone bringing in a doctor's note saying they have said issues, I'll call you on your playing fast and lose with what is or is not the way human metabolism works.
    If you have something that seriously shows 3 out 10 people have issues processing carbohydrates, I'd seriously like to see it. I'd find it incredible that something that started as frugivores could turn into a species with 30% of the population having an inability to handle carbohydrates in a span of 2 million years or less.
    If you are limiting carbs because the latest headlines says to, or some other pseudo or quack science as often shows up in these threads, then yes, it is similar to jumping out a window for disbelieving gravity. Restricting carbs other than as a way to reduce calories is never a necessity for weight loss.

    Prediabetes among people aged 20 years or older, United States, 2012
    In 2009−2012, based on fasting glucose or A1C levels, 37% of U.S. adults aged 20 years or older had
    prediabetes (51% of those aged 65 years or older).
    Applying this percentage to the entire U.S. population
    in 2012 yields an estimated 86 million Americans aged 20 years or older with prediabetes.
    • On the basis of fasting glucose or A1C levels, and after adjusting for population age differences, the
    percentage of U.S. adults aged 20 years or older with prediabetes in 2009−2012 was similar for non-
    Hispanic whites (35%), non-Hispanic blacks (39%), and Hispanics (38%).

    Total: 29.1 million people or 9.3% of the U.S. population have diabetes
    Diagnosed: 21.0 million people
    Undiagnosed: 8.1 million people (27.8% of people with diabetes are undiagnosed)

    View the full report: CDC’s National Diabetes Statistics Report

    So, about 46% of the US population has diabetes or prediabetes.

    Yes, it is a national and international crisis. It is actually far higher & worse than I said.

    It might just explain why you folks who process carbs OK (so far) are sick of hearing about low carb diets or people worried about carbs and sugars.
    Ok. That's a rather different claim than 30% of people have a problem with carbs.
    1. You're talking US population (though hint, some developing countries do actually have worse rates of diabetes)
    2. The fasting A1C and glucose is a biased population. People who don't have other indicators for diabetes don't normally end up taking an A1C or glucose test.
    3. You're assuming diabetes or prediabetic means someone has problems with carbs.
    4. Diabetic Associations usually don't actually recommend low carbs diets, they recommend consistent carbs, including keeping them in one's diet.
    5. Early diabetes and insulin resistance are often treated simply by losing weight, regardless of the carbohydrate composition of the diet.

    It sounds like you believe people with high blood glucose and inability to correctly process carbohydrates continue to eat the foods that they are unable to process and increase their glucose to toxic levels? We have very different ideas.
    Well if you ignore everything I wrote and substitute a strawman, I'm sure it sounds like exactly what you want to hear. Diabetes isn't a disease of being unable to process carbs. It is a disease of cells becoming resistant to insulin. Insulin is activated not just by carbs, but protein, but hey, continue to call diabetes the carb processing disease. As I already said, losing weight is the primary factor in treating most diabetes.
    By your terminology, the fact that we have 69% of adults overweight in the US means we have a calorie processing disorder in 69% of the humans.

    Reducing high levels of glucose in the blood is the core goal for diabetes and pre diabetes.

    The most direct simple method to reduce blood glucose is to reduce carbohydrates.
    Again, diabetes is not the disease of glucose. It is the disease of impaired insulin sensitivity. They may look like the same thing at first blush, but they describe different problems. You can switch to a zero carb diet and still slam your insulin through the roof if you eat large amounts of protein, or if I recall correctly, more specifically if you take straight leucine BCAA's.
    I'll repeat this for the umpteenth time now. The most profound impact on treating diabetes and prediabetes is reducing weight. Doing so trumps the effects of reducing carbs. Seriously, while fat by itself influences insulin resistance.
    Give a body enough fat, and it tries to burn fat, and that leaves glucose float free, and you still have the same problems. You have to actually start forcing fat clear of the system.

    The body uses/clears glucose first (if it is able) then looks to fats for energy. If your body is not able to use glucose, it is generally a good idea to reduce how much glucose making carbs you shovel in.

    I'm not sure what use your diabetes 'definition' has (or even find it at all accurate) - I find it more useful to focus on solutions. The problem is not that difficult to define as many pre & diabetics have made a transition (both on their own or with medical assistance) to low carb and ketogenic diets and have improved their health in ways drugs and standard diabetic diet recommendations were unable to achieve.

    Reducing weight helps when it eventually occurs, dropping carbs helps immediately - that same day as a matter of fact!

    From the things you say, it seems that you are not a low carb or keto pre diabetic or even hanging around low carb or keto diet pre diabetics or diabetics. Why don't you apply whatever you are experienced in to those who would value it?
    The idea that the body first uses glucose is an oversimplification. Just as there are metabolic pathways that can only glucose can perform such the brain's need for glucose, there are certain things only fats can use.
    Can you substantiate a better claim for what diabetes is? Seriously, glucose becoming too high is a symptom of diabetes, but it isn't diabetes itself. The problem is the change in insulin sensitivity, and it is a distinction worth making as insulin controls more than just your glucose metabolism. The flip side of this is, if a person is now eating high fat without calorie reduction, and doesn't have glucose causing insulin to signal fat cells to store fat, the body is going to leave fat circulating in the blood stream. This would also be known as having high triglycerides. You've traded one problem for another.
    Any change in diet that the subject believes will improve the condition will cause same day changes. That's the placebo effect - it hits far faster than any dietary change can. Immediacy is also a bogus drive. The most important thing for improving diabetes is long term, sustainable changes. It doesn't matter if low carb diets low a person's glucose for a few days if long term compliance doesn't lead to sustained and maintained weight loss.
  • mantium999
    mantium999 Posts: 1,490 Member
    umayster wrote: »
    Acg67 wrote: »
    So is anyone going to substantiate the ridiculous claims form low carb advocates in the last few pages? So far the only thing put forth can be called nothing short of a joke, since I'm unsure how anyone with a smidgen of intelligence could consider the links as any proof of their claims

    That is some impressive unsubstantiated dissing - aka 'trumping' your opponent - and you might get a better result with factual knowledge or personal experiences.
