All pills are not snake oil



  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    "All pills are not snake oil." That's the title of this thread. Did anyone else have to take a basic logic course in college? Because if "all pills are not snake oil" is true, then we can reason that there are no pills that are snake oil. Except that the OP seems to think that there are pills that are snake oil; she just believes that they're the kind prescribed by doctors and supplements are safe and okay. And now I'm confused and thinking that this thread is headed into very dangerous advice territory.

    No logic, please. smh
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Has anyone made any further progress into interpreting wth the OP is going on about? A discussion on supplements could have been interesting and informative, but other than shaking her head Aliens was the best part. Perhaps the most ridiuclous thread ive ever seen.
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Has anyone made any further progress into interpreting wth the OP is going on about? A discussion on supplements could have been interesting and informative, but other than shaking her head Aliens was the best part. Perhaps the most ridiuclous thread ive ever seen.

    Nope, OP has not clarified her point. smh
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    smantha32 wrote: »

    So if a new member comes here and posts "hey, guys, I'm new to the boards, looking for some support on this journey. I've had some success with xyz but it made me to jittery. My friend recommended abc and I'm wondering if anyone has tried it"

    You think saying "there are no magic pills" is better than actually having a discussion about abc? And you think being sarcastic and condescending towards new posters is a good style for people here to learn? If you do, fine we disagree. If you don't then why are you arguing with me? I didn't ask for a supplement lesson.

    How is saying "abc doesn't work, save your money", condescending?

    If they followed your method, they'd be upset by being told abc doesn't work, you can lose weight for free just by eating at a deficit.

    Plus, we have had these conversations so, so many times. Would it also be condescending to tell the OP to just use the search function? Can guarantee that none of our opinions on the several hundred threads about it would have changed!

    I don't think there's in conversation in here that hasn't been had. But you're dammed if you do damned if you don't unless you're posting a "how hot is the person above you" thread apparently. If you post on an old topic they're like "we had this conversation already look it up" but if you do that and comment they're like "why are you reopening this old thread" smh apparently the boards have to go only the exact way certain people say.

    I take solace in all the private messages from people, which I just discovered you can get today, who agree with me and have been put off by the bullying and negative attitudes. "Cico cult" as someone called it, that's a new one but made me laugh. But wouldn't encourage them to post their concerns publicly they know they'll just be called obese snake oil salesman or made up friends. It's okay though. People are more comfortable around like minded people and it's easier to push away people who disagree than to be accepting of differences so i can't expect better from such a large group.

    There isn't a CICO cult. CICO is a mathematical equation that all bodies abide by. But what many of us understand, that science suggest that most pills are absolutely worthless. If you actually posted a thread regarding specific supplements or provided any type of scientific proof, this thread would be much different.

    Oh there's totally a cult. Didn't you get the group text? We're doing a ceremony at midnight tonight under the light of the moon. Bring cookies.

    Kevin Bacon just confirmed. He will be bent over saying "Thank you sir may I have another"

  • stevencloser
    stevencloser Posts: 8,911 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Wait. So the OP is enraged and chastising everyone who dare say that supplements are snake oil, but she openly trashes people who are taking medicine prescribed by their doctor?

    And then the OP uses the example of Michael Jackson for the dangers of prescribed meds? You know the guy who shopped around until he found a doc more than happy to prescribe him whatever meds would leave him high as a f'in kite with no regard?

    And then OP followed it up with the scary cautionary tale of her friend who got into a car accident on Ambien who couldn't be bothered to read the warning label or follow doctor's orders?

    Ok, then. Gotcha.


    The High Priestess of the CICO Cult

  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Wait. So the OP is enraged and chastising everyone who dare say that supplements are snake oil, but she openly trashes people who are taking medicine prescribed by their doctor?

    And then the OP uses the example of Michael Jackson for the dangers of prescribed meds? You know the guy who shopped around until he found a doc more than happy to prescribe him whatever meds would leave him high as a f'in kite with no regard?

    And then OP followed it up with the scary cautionary tale of her friend who got into a car accident on Ambien who couldn't be bothered to read the warning label or follow doctor's orders?

    Ok, then. Gotcha.


    The High Priestess of the CICO Cult

  • rjmudlax13
    rjmudlax13 Posts: 900 Member
    jkal1979 wrote: »
    If you don't support supplements, what was the point of this post?


    It's really just a "stop being such big meanies" post.
  • Alluminati
    Alluminati Posts: 6,208 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Azexas wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Azexas wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    This turned into my favorite thread. It's been awhile.

    There's one way to make it better ....


    <Removed by MFP Moderators>

  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    At this point I have no effing clue what's going on and I'm pretty sure the OP is even more confused.

    Another one here who has been on psych meds, needs meds for insomnia and will llikely be back on psych meds at some point. I also at no point thought medical marijauna was for the terminally ill only (that doesn't even make sense and I live in the UK where it's still illegal).

    Another member of the CICO cult here because science. Science scienceing is my favourite thing.

    EAT IT!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    Has anyone made any further progress into interpreting wth the OP is going on about? A discussion on supplements could have been interesting and informative, but other than shaking her head Aliens was the best part. Perhaps the most ridiuclous thread ive ever seen.

    I don't get why it's still up...I mean all these discussions are interesting so I'm glad it is. But when other things get poofed but this stays confuses me.
    However like I said I'm happy this discussion continues.

    It was left up so that it would make it to Friday, since this was obviously a mean people thread all along..,

  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Debmal77 wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    smantha32 wrote: »

    So if a new member comes here and posts "hey, guys, I'm new to the boards, looking for some support on this journey. I've had some success with xyz but it made me to jittery. My friend recommended abc and I'm wondering if anyone has tried it"

    You think saying "there are no magic pills" is better than actually having a discussion about abc? And you think being sarcastic and condescending towards new posters is a good style for people here to learn? If you do, fine we disagree. If you don't then why are you arguing with me? I didn't ask for a supplement lesson.

    How is saying "abc doesn't work, save your money", condescending?

    If they followed your method, they'd be upset by being told abc doesn't work, you can lose weight for free just by eating at a deficit.

    Plus, we have had these conversations so, so many times. Would it also be condescending to tell the OP to just use the search function? Can guarantee that none of our opinions on the several hundred threads about it would have changed!

    I don't think there's in conversation in here that hasn't been had. But you're dammed if you do damned if you don't unless you're posting a "how hot is the person above you" thread apparently. If you post on an old topic they're like "we had this conversation already look it up" but if you do that and comment they're like "why are you reopening this old thread" smh apparently the boards have to go only the exact way certain people say.

    I take solace in all the private messages from people, which I just discovered you can get today, who agree with me and have been put off by the bullying and negative attitudes. "Cico cult" as someone called it, that's a new one but made me laugh. But wouldn't encourage them to post their concerns publicly they know they'll just be called obese snake oil salesman or made up friends. It's okay though. People are more comfortable around like minded people and it's easier to push away people who disagree than to be accepting of differences so i can't expect better from such a large group.

    There isn't a CICO cult. CICO is a mathematical equation that all bodies abide by. But what many of us understand, that science suggest that most pills are absolutely worthless. If you actually posted a thread regarding specific supplements or provided any type of scientific proof, this thread would be much different.

    Oh there's totally a cult. Didn't you get the group text? We're doing a ceremony at midnight tonight under the light of the moon. Bring cookies.

    Don't forget the goat.

    I was thinking of a different sacrificial animal.

  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Azexas wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    Azexas wrote: »
    Alluminati wrote: »
    This turned into my favorite thread. It's been awhile.

    There's one way to make it better ....


    <Removed by MFP Moderators>


  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    I would like more logice, please. Perhaps a Venn Diagram of snake oil?

  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    WinoGelato wrote: »
    999tigger wrote: »
    Has anyone made any further progress into interpreting wth the OP is going on about? A discussion on supplements could have been interesting and informative, but other than shaking her head Aliens was the best part. Perhaps the most ridiuclous thread ive ever seen.

    I don't get why it's still up...I mean all these discussions are interesting so I'm glad it is. But when other things get poofed but this stays confuses me.
    However like I said I'm happy this discussion continues.

    It was left up so that it would make it to Friday, since this was obviously a mean people thread all along..,

    I didn't get the memo..are mean people threads typically a Friday occurrence?

This discussion has been closed.