No one eats carbs alone



  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I'm neither 'pro-carb' or 'anti-carb', myself. I'm pro-moderation, if anything. low-carb is fine, if it works for a person, but creating fear of a certain macronutrient is something that should never happen. I started this thread out of the hope that it will continue to help people who are reading the forums to learn how to eat properly to lose weight. That's very important, and a big part of why I continue to spend my time in these forums. People seeking knowledge should have access to the right information.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Soda? Jube jubes? Sugar in coffee? Just putting that out there...

    I agree that one macro does not cause weight gain, but I believe carbs can nudge one along the path to gaining more than the other macros, especially if you have a health issue like IR, heart disease, PCOS, etc.

    For the perfectly healthy person, carbs often are not an issue, calorie counting is.

    It is pretty rare that people just drink soda alone, or candy alone, or drink coffee with sugar by itself. Even if any of these three is consumed in between meals alone, they aren't the items that are blamed for carb problems per se. Most of the time when I see people buy a soda, they buy a snack with it. Coffee? A pastry or something of that ilk. Jujubees? Usually those get eaten at the movies.... with popcorn. Pure carb treats are rarely consumed alone and when they are, it's between meals, or after meals, and likely that there is still food present in the system to counter balance the effects.
  • flatlndr
    flatlndr Posts: 713 Member
    kkenseth wrote: »
    I read the title and I was all, "I eat cookies by myself all the time!"

    A kindred spirit!

  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    edited August 2015
    I, too, thought of a song, but mine was George Thorogood's "I Drink Alone." (Yeah, with nobody else.)

    Every time I see this title, I start humming and can hear him singing, "You know, when I eat carbs alone...I prefer to be by myself."
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    yarwell wrote: »
    There are foods with nearly all their calories from carbs, so eating such an item can be effectively carbs alone.

    You wouldn't live long on a carb only diet, as the minimumamount of them compatible with maintaining life is zero whereas protein and some fats are essential to life.

    The issue with carbs is the "metabolic bully" effect - eat carbs and you reduce oxidation of fat. Eat fat and you don't affect nutrient partitioning / fuel selection. I want to burn off fat as much as possible, therefore.....

    So you burn dietary fat or you burn carbs... in the end, if CI = CO, you maintain weight. Essentially, you have to pick or your body has to pick a more preferred fuel source. For me, i know my preferred fuel source is carbs. My workouts are significantly better and not restricting has lead me to greater success. In fact, I am lower than my high school weight, which didn't happen until I learned moderation. When I was doing things like Paleo (more so, lower carb Paleo), I binged. I could never get belong 193 while doing that. Now that I eat Klondikes daily and get the rest of my food from a variety of nutrient dense sources, I am down to 173. And that is while hitting 200g+ of carb.. most of the time, I aim for 250g

  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Pro Carb/Anti Carb posts can be about the same as Pro Religion/Anti Religion posts which are banned. :)

    There are lots of carbs I don't like, and no one has ever tried to force me to eat them.

    I've also never seen a post where people committed to low carb are told they shouldn't use that strategy.

    The arguments generally start because low carb people try to tell others their way is the best way or that it's healthier (as with the recent "the human being can't deal with 50% carbs" stuff).

    I do think telling someone who says "I'm craving sweets, what do I do?" to go low carb without more information or any sign that he or she is interested or has any reason to do that is rather evangelical.

    On the other hand, I try to support people who want to try low carb and seem slightly informed about it. However, if someone seems really confused -- like they seem to have heard you HAVE TO do low carb to lose or don't even seem to understand what carbs are -- then I do think they should be given more information. So many people seem to think that "carbs" is just a special name for "bad foods" and that's just silly.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    Soda? Jube jubes? Sugar in coffee? Just putting that out there...

    I agree that one macro does not cause weight gain, but I believe carbs can nudge one along the path to gaining more than the other macros, especially if you have a health issue like IR, heart disease, PCOS, etc.

    For the perfectly healthy person, carbs often are not an issue, calorie counting is.

    It is pretty rare that people just drink soda alone, or candy alone, or drink coffee with sugar by itself. Even if any of these three is consumed in between meals alone, they aren't the items that are blamed for carb problems per se. Most of the time when I see people buy a soda, they buy a snack with it. Coffee? A pastry or something of that ilk. Jujubees? Usually those get eaten at the movies.... with popcorn. Pure carb treats are rarely consumed alone and when they are, it's between meals, or after meals, and likely that there is still food present in the system to counter balance the effects.

    I don't know if it is rare... I could easily sit with a coke and book for an hour or so. Coffee was just coffee because I didn't buy pastries or other baked goods. Jube jubes was a "treat" I bought myself when grocery shopping. For me, it was fairly common.

    I failed at moderation. I just wasn't good at it. Now LCHF is better for me.
  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I have been sucked into some arguments myself, usually when I am told i am wrong when I know what I am doing is right for me. (It's not the majority at all, just a few people.)

    This thread seems right on the money though. Carbs are rarely eaten alone. Carbs are not evil. There is no need to restrict carbs to lose weight but restricting carbs can improve the health of people with some medical conditions, possibly assist in those people's weight loss, or possibly help prevent some health conditions linked to a higher carb intake.... All true.

    Also true that moderation for weight loss works for many people if not most.

    Live and let live, right? There is no wrong here. Some ways of eating suit some people better than others.

    For me, Swedish berries, jube jubes and soda were my problem foods and I gained weight when those were added in, even when I reduced calories elsewhere.... I obviously didn't reduce enough because I gained weight. I was not one for baked goods, noodles, or rice, beyond some cinnamon buns around the holidays. I think for me, sugar was the problem... I never could just eat 6 jube jubes. LCHF is the way to go for me.

    A variety of diets (to include high carb diets) can be useful and beneficial towards ones health. My mom has hypoglycemia and she has to maintain a higher carb diet. It is the only way for her to be healthy. Yes, those with IR issues (PCOS) and even low metabolic rates from hypothyroidism can see huge benefits from going with a low carb diet. It's the insinuation that eating low carb = automatic health improvement, that I tend to find annoying. I can't tell you how many times I have seen claims of cancer prevention and more associated with low carb claims. And the thing is, genetics, body composition and overall activity level probably play a much greater impact on ones healthy than the specific diet they follow.

    Personally, the diet that you follow (not specifically you, but the greater you) that will allow you to maintain or achieve a healthy weight is more important than anything else.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    psulemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I have been sucked into some arguments myself, usually when I am told i am wrong when I know what I am doing is right for me. (It's not the majority at all, just a few people.)

    This thread seems right on the money though. Carbs are rarely eaten alone. Carbs are not evil. There is no need to restrict carbs to lose weight but restricting carbs can improve the health of people with some medical conditions, possibly assist in those people's weight loss, or possibly help prevent some health conditions linked to a higher carb intake.... All true.

    Also true that moderation for weight loss works for many people if not most.

    Live and let live, right? There is no wrong here. Some ways of eating suit some people better than others.

    For me, Swedish berries, jube jubes and soda were my problem foods and I gained weight when those were added in, even when I reduced calories elsewhere.... I obviously didn't reduce enough because I gained weight. I was not one for baked goods, noodles, or rice, beyond some cinnamon buns around the holidays. I think for me, sugar was the problem... I never could just eat 6 jube jubes. LCHF is the way to go for me.

    A variety of diets (to include high carb diets) can be useful and beneficial towards ones health. My mom has hypoglycemia and she has to maintain a higher carb diet. It is the only way for her to be healthy. Yes, those with IR issues (PCOS) and even low metabolic rates from hypothyroidism can see huge benefits from going with a low carb diet. It's the insinuation that eating low carb = automatic health improvement, that I tend to find annoying. I can't tell you how many times I have seen claims of cancer prevention and more associated with low carb claims. And the thing is, genetics, body composition and overall activity level probably play a much greater impact on ones healthy than the specific diet they follow.

    Personally, the diet that you follow (not specifically you, but the greater you) that will allow you to maintain or achieve a healthy weight is more important than anything else.

    I feel the same way when (a few) people say moderation is the only way to lose weight well because eating low carb will lead to binges, lack of energy, or even constipation. LOL When someone asks for a tip on eating low carb while losing weight, there are always a few comments about it not being maintainable or comments along the lines of "Why? I lost 120 lbs eating 250+g of carbs per day. Ice cream!" It can be annoying.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I have been sucked into some arguments myself, usually when I am told i am wrong when I know what I am doing is right for me. (It's not the majority at all, just a few people.)

    This thread seems right on the money though. Carbs are rarely eaten alone. Carbs are not evil. There is no need to restrict carbs to lose weight but restricting carbs can improve the health of people with some medical conditions, possibly assist in those people's weight loss, or possibly help prevent some health conditions linked to a higher carb intake.... All true.

    Also true that moderation for weight loss works for many people if not most.

    Live and let live, right? There is no wrong here. Some ways of eating suit some people better than others.

    For me, Swedish berries, jube jubes and soda were my problem foods and I gained weight when those were added in, even when I reduced calories elsewhere.... I obviously didn't reduce enough because I gained weight. I was not one for baked goods, noodles, or rice, beyond some cinnamon buns around the holidays. I think for me, sugar was the problem... I never could just eat 6 jube jubes. LCHF is the way to go for me.

    A variety of diets (to include high carb diets) can be useful and beneficial towards ones health. My mom has hypoglycemia and she has to maintain a higher carb diet. It is the only way for her to be healthy. Yes, those with IR issues (PCOS) and even low metabolic rates from hypothyroidism can see huge benefits from going with a low carb diet. It's the insinuation that eating low carb = automatic health improvement, that I tend to find annoying. I can't tell you how many times I have seen claims of cancer prevention and more associated with low carb claims. And the thing is, genetics, body composition and overall activity level probably play a much greater impact on ones healthy than the specific diet they follow.

    Personally, the diet that you follow (not specifically you, but the greater you) that will allow you to maintain or achieve a healthy weight is more important than anything else.

    I feel the same way when (a few) people say moderation is the only way to lose weight well because eating low carb will lead to binges, lack of energy, or even constipation. LOL When someone asks for a tip on eating low carb while losing weight, there are always a few comments about it not being maintainable or comments along the lines of "Why? I lost 120 lbs eating 250+g of carbs per day. Ice cream!" It can be annoying.

    I think it's wrong to tell people that one way is specifically wrong. Calorie deficit is the right way, and moderation and low carb are two possible ways of doing that. What I usually tell people will be difficult (not impossible) is avoidance or restriction. To completely cut a food out of a person's diet can sometimes lead to binging. That's not to say it will always happen, just that it can happen.
  • kwtilbury
    kwtilbury Posts: 1,234 Member
    I came into this thread hoping to get support for the times I binge eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the kitchen when no one is looking.

  • kk_inprogress
    kk_inprogress Posts: 3,077 Member
    kwtilbury wrote: »
    I came into this thread hoping to get support for the times I binge eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch in the kitchen when no one is looking.


    Mmm I got your back on that one.
  • ahoy_m8
    ahoy_m8 Posts: 3,053 Member
    Kalikel wrote: »
    I, too, thought of a song, but mine was George Thorogood's "I Drink Alone." (Yeah, with nobody else.)

    Every time I see this title, I start humming and can hear him singing, "You know, when I eat carbs alone...I prefer to be by myself."

  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I have been sucked into some arguments myself, usually when I am told i am wrong when I know what I am doing is right for me. (It's not the majority at all, just a few people.)

    This thread seems right on the money though. Carbs are rarely eaten alone. Carbs are not evil. There is no need to restrict carbs to lose weight but restricting carbs can improve the health of people with some medical conditions, possibly assist in those people's weight loss, or possibly help prevent some health conditions linked to a higher carb intake.... All true.

    Also true that moderation for weight loss works for many people if not most.

    Live and let live, right? There is no wrong here. Some ways of eating suit some people better than others.

    For me, Swedish berries, jube jubes and soda were my problem foods and I gained weight when those were added in, even when I reduced calories elsewhere.... I obviously didn't reduce enough because I gained weight. I was not one for baked goods, noodles, or rice, beyond some cinnamon buns around the holidays. I think for me, sugar was the problem... I never could just eat 6 jube jubes. LCHF is the way to go for me.

    A variety of diets (to include high carb diets) can be useful and beneficial towards ones health. My mom has hypoglycemia and she has to maintain a higher carb diet. It is the only way for her to be healthy. Yes, those with IR issues (PCOS) and even low metabolic rates from hypothyroidism can see huge benefits from going with a low carb diet. It's the insinuation that eating low carb = automatic health improvement, that I tend to find annoying. I can't tell you how many times I have seen claims of cancer prevention and more associated with low carb claims. And the thing is, genetics, body composition and overall activity level probably play a much greater impact on ones healthy than the specific diet they follow.

    Personally, the diet that you follow (not specifically you, but the greater you) that will allow you to maintain or achieve a healthy weight is more important than anything else.

    I feel the same way when (a few) people say moderation is the only way to lose weight well because eating low carb will lead to binges, lack of energy, or even constipation. LOL When someone asks for a tip on eating low carb while losing weight, there are always a few comments about it not being maintainable or comments along the lines of "Why? I lost 120 lbs eating 250+g of carbs per day. Ice cream!" It can be annoying.

    I think it's wrong to tell people that one way is specifically wrong. Calorie deficit is the right way, and moderation and low carb are two possible ways of doing that. What I usually tell people will be difficult (not impossible) is avoidance or restriction. To completely cut a food out of a person's diet can sometimes lead to binging. That's not to say it will always happen, just that it can happen.

    I agree the bolded can happen, but for the people this diet benefits most (those with IR) eating sugars and carbs in moderation can lead to binges too. Restricting foods and eating foods in moderation can both lead to binges.
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    edited August 2015
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I have been sucked into some arguments myself, usually when I am told i am wrong when I know what I am doing is right for me. (It's not the majority at all, just a few people.)

    This thread seems right on the money though. Carbs are rarely eaten alone. Carbs are not evil. There is no need to restrict carbs to lose weight but restricting carbs can improve the health of people with some medical conditions, possibly assist in those people's weight loss, or possibly help prevent some health conditions linked to a higher carb intake.... All true.

    Also true that moderation for weight loss works for many people if not most.

    Live and let live, right? There is no wrong here. Some ways of eating suit some people better than others.

    For me, Swedish berries, jube jubes and soda were my problem foods and I gained weight when those were added in, even when I reduced calories elsewhere.... I obviously didn't reduce enough because I gained weight. I was not one for baked goods, noodles, or rice, beyond some cinnamon buns around the holidays. I think for me, sugar was the problem... I never could just eat 6 jube jubes. LCHF is the way to go for me.

    A variety of diets (to include high carb diets) can be useful and beneficial towards ones health. My mom has hypoglycemia and she has to maintain a higher carb diet. It is the only way for her to be healthy. Yes, those with IR issues (PCOS) and even low metabolic rates from hypothyroidism can see huge benefits from going with a low carb diet. It's the insinuation that eating low carb = automatic health improvement, that I tend to find annoying. I can't tell you how many times I have seen claims of cancer prevention and more associated with low carb claims. And the thing is, genetics, body composition and overall activity level probably play a much greater impact on ones healthy than the specific diet they follow.

    Personally, the diet that you follow (not specifically you, but the greater you) that will allow you to maintain or achieve a healthy weight is more important than anything else.

    I feel the same way when (a few) people say moderation is the only way to lose weight well because eating low carb will lead to binges, lack of energy, or even constipation. LOL When someone asks for a tip on eating low carb while losing weight, there are always a few comments about it not being maintainable or comments along the lines of "Why? I lost 120 lbs eating 250+g of carbs per day. Ice cream!" It can be annoying.
    Hhhhmmmmm...where did I say that. I never said that low carbing is not sustainable, you all are the ones who say that because we have little bit ice cream we will end up with cancer, etc, many of times I have heard this or just yesterday, on a thread that got poofed, saying that if you eat to many carbs you will gain weight.
  • GaleHawkins
    GaleHawkins Posts: 8,159 Member
    edited August 2015
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Pro Carb/Anti Carb posts can be about the same as Pro Religion/Anti Religion posts which are banned. :)

    This is a weight loss/health/fitness forum Gale. If the posts bother you so much you are welcome to ignore them, but to suggest they be banned is asinine.

    I make no suggest that they be banned but that they are about as valid as religious debates. :smiley:
  • earlnabby
    earlnabby Posts: 8,171 Member
    nvmomketo wrote: »

    I agree the bolded can happen, but for the people this diet benefits most (those with IR) eating sugars and carbs in moderation can lead to binges too. Restricting foods and eating foods in moderation can both lead to binges.

    It is not the foods that lead to binges, it is self control (or lack thereof) that lead to binges. Everyone has foods that they have problems with and it varies from person to person. I cannot have nuts around the house. I buy large bags but keep them in the car and bring in one serving at a time when I want to eat some so I am less tempted to binge. I also have a problem with peanut butter.

    We all know our trigger foods and avoidance or portion control is the only way to deal with them. Saying that carbs cause binges is wrong. We need to start taking responsibility for our own actions and stop blaming other things.

  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    shell1005 wrote: »
    Pro Carb/Anti Carb posts can be about the same as Pro Religion/Anti Religion posts which are banned. :)

    This is a weight loss/health/fitness forum Gale. If the posts bother you so much you are welcome to ignore them, but to suggest they be banned is asinine.

    I make no suggest that they be banned but that they are about as valid as religious debates. :smiley:

    Hm.... religious debates are about beliefs. Carb debates are about a food. The food exists - it's a scientific fact - and the debates are about things which can be scientifically validated. Your comment makes no sense. Smiley face does not make it so.
  • nvmomketo
    nvmomketo Posts: 12,019 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    psulemon wrote: »
    nvmomketo wrote: »
    I have been sucked into some arguments myself, usually when I am told i am wrong when I know what I am doing is right for me. (It's not the majority at all, just a few people.)

    This thread seems right on the money though. Carbs are rarely eaten alone. Carbs are not evil. There is no need to restrict carbs to lose weight but restricting carbs can improve the health of people with some medical conditions, possibly assist in those people's weight loss, or possibly help prevent some health conditions linked to a higher carb intake.... All true.

    Also true that moderation for weight loss works for many people if not most.

    Live and let live, right? There is no wrong here. Some ways of eating suit some people better than others.

    For me, Swedish berries, jube jubes and soda were my problem foods and I gained weight when those were added in, even when I reduced calories elsewhere.... I obviously didn't reduce enough because I gained weight. I was not one for baked goods, noodles, or rice, beyond some cinnamon buns around the holidays. I think for me, sugar was the problem... I never could just eat 6 jube jubes. LCHF is the way to go for me.

    A variety of diets (to include high carb diets) can be useful and beneficial towards ones health. My mom has hypoglycemia and she has to maintain a higher carb diet. It is the only way for her to be healthy. Yes, those with IR issues (PCOS) and even low metabolic rates from hypothyroidism can see huge benefits from going with a low carb diet. It's the insinuation that eating low carb = automatic health improvement, that I tend to find annoying. I can't tell you how many times I have seen claims of cancer prevention and more associated with low carb claims. And the thing is, genetics, body composition and overall activity level probably play a much greater impact on ones healthy than the specific diet they follow.

    Personally, the diet that you follow (not specifically you, but the greater you) that will allow you to maintain or achieve a healthy weight is more important than anything else.

    I feel the same way when (a few) people say moderation is the only way to lose weight well because eating low carb will lead to binges, lack of energy, or even constipation. LOL When someone asks for a tip on eating low carb while losing weight, there are always a few comments about it not being maintainable or comments along the lines of "Why? I lost 120 lbs eating 250+g of carbs per day. Ice cream!" It can be annoying.
    Hhhhmmmmm...where did I say that. I never said that low carbing is not sustainable, you all are the ones who say that because we have little bit ice cream we will end up with cancer, etc, many of times I have heard this or just yesterday, on a thread that got poofed, saying that if you eat to many carbs you will gain weight.

    I wasn't naming names. Were those your numbers? I guess I've seen it a few times so it popped into my head.

    I never said that you stated low carbing was not sustainable. I said: When someone asks for a tip on eating low carb while losing weight, there are always a few comments about it not being maintainable or comments along the lines of "Why? I lost 120 lbs eating 250+g of carbs per day. Ice cream!" It can be annoying.

    I don't believe I've seen someone write that "because we have little bit ice cream we will end up with cancer, etc,". I do believe that eating lots of added sugars can lead to health problems in some people, and I have seen that some cancers are linked to high sugar diets (but at the same time there are a few cancers that become more aggressive when carbs are restricted).

    I know this won't be popular, but it is just my opinion, but I think of high added sugar diets almost like smoking. I think it is something like 1 in 10 (or more) smokers will get lung cancer. My perception is that more than 10% of people eating a diet high in added sugars will end up with a serious health problem like IR or heart disease. It may not happen now, or in 10 years, but it may in the future.

    Please note that for the above I was referring to a diet high in added sugars and not just a high carb diet based on veggies and fruit. i believe veggies and fruits are a great part of a diet, and I would be eating more of them (especially veggies - I feel like I could live on snap peas and hummus) if I was not developing IR. Plus, it is just my opinion.