Ive tried military diet



  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    one day might be oatmeal and grapefruit, low fat chicken wrapped in light cheese, venison steak with broccoli and carrots and a snack of my liking. Not to unhealthy there.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    vinbar1 wrote: »
    one day might be oatmeal and grapefruit, low fat chicken wrapped in light cheese, venison steak with broccoli and carrots and a snack of my liking. Not to unhealthy there.

    So how exactly is it the Military Diet?
  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    I try to keep my totals around 10000 to 12000 per week. I actually lose best when I am in between that intake. there are weeks I have gone higher and week I have gone lower. My average is 10954 over 18 weeks.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    mantium999 wrote: »
    vinbar1 wrote: »
    I eat very healthy on those three days. and its more like 1100 for me just for 3 days. I will eat 2 eggs with mushrooms, chicken with salad, tuna with toast, green beans some fruit and I might have ice cream for a snack or almonds or just veggies, my choice. thats one day what is so unhealthy about this? Like i said I made it my own and it works for me.

    What is your total weekly caloric intake? And how does that compare to your TDEE?

    His diary is open Go back 4 months lol
    Its kinda sad

    I have more food as a snack in the even than what is that diary over the whole day

  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree it is a poor name for this diet.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    Ahhhh...nothing like a good old fashioned military diet thread...it's been, what? a couple days...

  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member
    vinbar1 wrote: »
    I agree it is a poor name for this diet.

    For what diet?
    You don't follow any of the food recommendations.
  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    Like i said already look all you want. it works for me and it is 100% accurate. You will notice this week was horrible but I was camping with the family so all bets are off. Next week is a new week. You will see I also weigh myself everyday so I could see a trend and adjust as needed. I found I lost better eating less carbs and I am still learning what I can eat or not eat.
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    you can say waht you want it is unhealthy
    minimum intake for a male is 1500 a day ( this is what your body use for pumping blood around, breathing etc...so doing nothing else)
    For a woman 1200 minimum

    You eat lower than that even.

    You will lose a lot of muscle
    But bad part is...to support another person to do this..when you want to do this yourself ok
    But a young woman..she can lose her period, hair and harm her self in other ways.

    I dont mind if people do this... your life...but please dont support others to do so.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    vinbar1 wrote: »
    It is a lifestyle now, just like any normal eating plan. Weigh your food, count your calories, track everything, exercise and repeat. Its just a way of life. Once I reach my goal weight I will increase my 3 days calories so I stay put and that will be life.

    It sounds like intermittent fasting the way you are doing it, but with IF you can eat whatever you want and don't have to eat the nasty boring stuff this plan requires.

    I note you say you have changed the stuff, which is great, but then you aren't really doing this fad diet but a form of IF. (The claims for this diet are that the foods used are special somehow, which is of course silly.)
  • MarziPanda95
    MarziPanda95 Posts: 1,326 Member
    vinbar1 wrote: »
    I try to keep my totals around 10000 to 12000 per week. I actually lose best when I am in between that intake. there are weeks I have gone higher and week I have gone lower. My average is 10954 over 18 weeks.

    Then you literally aren't doing the military diet anymore, are you? You're not following what food the plan wants you to eat. You're eating more calories than the plan wants you to (I think the actual plan averages only 1000 calories a day if not less). What you've ended up doing is IF - intermittent fasting. Like the 5:2 diet but you're doing 4:3. Which is fine. If that helps you, go for it, as long as you can stick to it forever. But don't call it the military diet... because it's not. I don't think you should encourage people to do the military diet because it's a VLCD and those are discouraged by MFP, plus the success you've found really isn't with the military diet.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Im so curious about this diet and I didnt believe u could lose up to 10lbs in 3 days, so I tried this one from 212lbs I dropped 8lbs in 3days I weigh 204lbs it was a surprised, a good one thou, you can try it out too, I didnt feel hungry at that time thou I needed a lot of self control not to eat the foods I wanted. :)

    It's common for people with lots to lose to drop a bunch of weight when you first start losing, especially if you change your diet a bunch. It's mostly water.

    With a good deal to lose it seems like you should figure out something more sustainable, especially if you want to be able to learn to eat to keep the weight off.
  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    Wow. Ok BWB, Please do not follow this diet I would not want anyone harming themselves. Sorry for sharing my results. Good luck everyone.
  • anneeett
    anneeett Posts: 75 Member
    CiCo is very effective, but if you eat whatever you want and only focus on a deficit, wouldn't that just make you skinny fat?
  • bpetrosky
    bpetrosky Posts: 3,911 Member
    Actually, it sounds like vinbar1 has adopted a 4:3 intermittent fast plan and wrapped the military diet idea into his fast days. It's an odd approach but workable, if he likes eating like that for his fast days and doesn't go too far over his TDEE for non-fast days. It won't be faster than eating at the equivalent deficit 7 days a week.

    A 5:2 Intermittent Fast would be preferable, and far less wonky for the fast days.

    The fact remains that the military diet is promoted as a quick loss in 3 days, where a lot of water weight gets lost quickly and comes back quickly after the person goes back to their routine.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    I am admittedly highly conservative when it comes to nutrition. I post the Canada Food Guide on my fridge if that is any indication. I only once went on a VLCD diet and that was for a few weeks under medical supervision. The intent WAS to reduce the glycogen stores in my liver (shrink the liver) to make surgery safer.

    The diet consisted of a number of meal replacement high protein shakes and another half cup skim milk. I was allowed unlimited water and diet jell-o.

    Within a few hours I was too weak to continue my exercise regimen. It was many weeks before I could start up again.

    Within a couple days food was either abhorrent or cruelly tempting.

    I developed the "wobblies" from being lightheaded and dizzy. No operation of heavy equipment!

    I counted the days to get off that diet, and never again. Unless medically required.

    Food is a much kinder way to live.
  • vinbar1
    vinbar1 Posts: 40 Member
    Marzi, If you research the plan, it does not make any claim as to eating certain foods to help you lose weight. It is only 3 days at about 1000 cal. It tells you NOT to do it more then 3 days and it even tells you you can substitute. it give recommendations but it does not restrict you from making any substitutions as long as you keep to the cal count. So yes it is the same diet.
  • cantstopgypsy
    cantstopgypsy Posts: 14 Member
    There are food substitutes for every food in the military diet.
  • Azexas
    Azexas Posts: 4,334 Member
    cwolfman13 wrote: »
    Ahhhh...nothing like a good old fashioned military diet thread...it's been, what? a couple days...


    A couple days? More like a couple hours.

    I will never understand the allure of a 3 day crash diet centered around hot dogs and tuna fish. I'd be miserable eating 800 calories a day.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    1. The list was not developed by the military.
    2. The military feeds its soldiers very well, and the only way a person WON'T gain on a true military diet is if they work out like they do in bootcamp.
    3. The list is nonsensical. Perhaps on purpose.
    4. It's a VLCD diet, so the results are likely temporary.
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