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for those of you who are scared to eat whatever you want...



  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    I really hope no one thinks im advocating my diet, it was really in response to all the "what should i eat threads" when people go balls to the wall snd eat nothing but broccoli and chicken, i would legit rather ba fat and happy. I would rather be thin obviously, but not if it meant a highly restrictive diet. I am aware that my daily indulgence did not make me lose my 1.8 lbs. BUT IT DIDN'T HINDER IT.

    I would totally go on an oreo diet, can i mix the flavors?

    You just don't get very many oreos.

    Related to this, my husband told me he saw cookies and cream Oreos in the store last night.

    Isn't that like Inception or something?

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Hope you had fries with that!
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Remember this: a carbohydrate and a protein expand 4 times in our body and fat expands 9 times. A cake and a steak with brown rice can have the same calories, but they won't have the same impact. You can eat 1000 cal of chocolates everyday and still lose weight (you only need a deficit to lose weight), but you won't be as full as you are with a healthy meal and you will have lots of fat cells. But that's up to you, if you don't mind the skinny fat, etc.

    You're confusing the amount of calories each macronutrient has with some mythical physical property they might have on some under some other planet's odd gravitational forces.

    (They don't "expand".)

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    OP, I am privately messaging you a link to a very funny video about weight loss by a guy who won't eat vegetables. I'd post it here, but I'd probably be banned.

    Might be worth it, though.

  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    I'm actually a bit baffled at all of these "I don't like vegetables" threads that keep popping up. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of kinds of vegetables on this big blue globe of ours, and I find it impossible to believe that anyone has tried and actively dislikes every single one, either raw or prepared every possible way each of them could be prepared. That's just nonsense. It's inane to say that because you tried a stalk of broccoli or a bite of cauliflower, that you dislike all vegetables. Unbelievable.

    Well, I'll speak as a mother of a person with sensory issues. Sometimes it's more than dislike.

    So, there's that.

    It seems like in the case of the OP, there might be more in play than just dislike.

    She did mention eating grapes, which oddly enough is one bit of plant matter that passes by my kid with sensory issues too.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Oh, what the heck. YOLO.


    And just so you know where he's coming from for real:


  • AlabasterVerve
    AlabasterVerve Posts: 3,171 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    I love posts from people 'like me' (I hate veggies)
    so I thought i would offer my own encouragement, mostly because i looked at my diary yesterday and could not help but giggle at how bad it was.

    I had 'only' lost .4 lbs from monday to thursday morning. Yesterday I ate chicken nugget school lunch with my 6 year old, little Caesars for dinner, snickers, chocolate chip muffins, and an ice cream cone. LOL it was pretty awful, but it fit in to my calorie goal. This morning i had lost 1.8 lbs from the day before.

    i'm not saying it is healthy! i'm just saying from a calories in calories out perspective..you don't have to cut anything out. moderation is your friend! I have a long way to go, and most of my days won't be that nutritionally void, but some will..and I believe I will still reach my goal.


    I maintained my weight for years on light and sweet coffee, Mountain Dew and Burger King big kid meals -- your day sounds down right healthy in comparison. You can absolutely reach your goal. :smile:

  • Ty_Floyd
    Ty_Floyd Posts: 102 Member
    brdnw wrote: »

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    That might be one of the most ridiculous assertions I've ever seen on here.

    Your whole post is ignoring context and is really just a soapbox for your bro-speak. This thread aint' 'bout you.

    @brdnw has a good point. If you eat hyper-palatable junk foods all the time then natural, plain, healthful foods simply don't taste good. Your tastebuds get overwhelmed. Get really hungry, even fast for a couple of days if that's what it takes, and then you'll discover how good a fresh carrot or a grapefruit tastes. Or even... horrors... some plain green vegetables!
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I do like some vegetables.
    Potatoes. Canned : green beans, corn, and peas.
    Freaking love home grown tomatoes. Won't touch one that has the slightest bit of green/white still in the center.
    Cartots cooked.d in a croc pot with potatoes and some sort of beef (chicken wont work) and yes.it is that specific, and they have to be mush..basically the same consistency of the potato.

    I will eat way over cooked broccoli..but just the very tippy top. No stalk at all, and it would have to be in or on something.

    I ate a black olive on a piece of pizza once 20 years ago, and yes i still remember how excited i was i didn't die.

    I will eat most fruit. But it HAS to be perfectly ripe. Probably closer to over ripe.

    And i can't stress enough..to leave pucky people alone..for me..i would rather eat a spider, abs i amm terrified of them than eat most foods on my 'no' list. It is a true phobia, that nobody understands, probably because they think said revolting (to me) food is yum.

    I don't like a lot of stuff, but i like corn..my brother who will eat anything hates corn, so i get the "just eat it" sentiment. But its not that easy. Some people (my husband) appear to be sble to eat anything, he might not like it..but he has no problem putting it on a fork, chewing it and so on. I couldn't physically make myself put an onion in my mouth unless it was to save my children's life or something else ridiculously improbable.

    Ive tried them i hate them. Bo matter how many times. I promise.

    I do eat dark soft green lettuce, no stalk or crunchy part. I have probably eaten up to 1 cup at times. That was a big deal.

    I will not eat them in a box, with a fox...
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    Ty_Floyd wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    That might be one of the most ridiculous assertions I've ever seen on here.

    Your whole post is ignoring context and is really just a soapbox for your bro-speak. This thread aint' 'bout you.

    @brdnw has a good point. If you eat hyper-palatable junk foods all the time then natural, plain, healthful foods simply don't taste good. Your tastebuds get overwhelmed. Get really hungry, even fast for a couple of days if that's what it takes, and then you'll discover how good a fresh carrot or a grapefruit tastes. Or even... horrors... some plain green vegetables!

    That's ...just not true.
  • glitzy196
    glitzy196 Posts: 190 Member
    I actually find the opposite to be true for ME. Nost vegetables have too much flavor.
  • queenliz99
    queenliz99 Posts: 15,317 Member
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    I actually find the opposite to be true for ME. Nost vegetables have too much flavor.

    Keep at girl, seriously. You do you.
  • jkal1979
    jkal1979 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Caitwn wrote: »
    Oh, what the heck. YOLO.

    NSFW, so don't hit 'play' if you are in the office or your kidlets are right there.

    "Losing Weight with Derek Weida":



    And just so you know where he's coming from for real:

    "Wounded Combat Veteran Derek Weida Opens Veteran Oriented Gym":



    I just seen a video with him in it about crossfit. It was hilarious and impressive at the same time.
  • Firefly0606
    Firefly0606 Posts: 366 Member
    I'm torn between tearing you a new one for eating that kind of crap (AND for letting your child eating chicken nuggets, unless they're the new 'healthy' kind that probably don't taste good) or jotting down everything you ate that day so that *I* can follow that diet for a day and have a really fun dining experience and hopefully a similar weight loss!!! Congratulations!!!!

    What's wrong with chicken nuggets?!

    Apparently they are full of sugar and fat which apparently is metabolized differently than say a protein from some sort of lean meat which apparently isn't in a chicken nugget.

    Just read the label on the box of nuggets in my freezer...'May contain traces of chicken.'
  • snikkins
    snikkins Posts: 1,282 Member
    So... can we keep this thread for forever for the people who claim that "clean eaters" never do exactly what is happening in this thread?

    OP: Good on you! It is super freeing knowing that weight loss can be enjoyed and is not punishment!
  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    Those two videos were awesome! What a remarkable man.
  • Packerjohn
    Packerjohn Posts: 4,855 Member
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.
  • senecarr
    senecarr Posts: 5,377 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.
    I forget, was it the actual Burger King himself, or some other food monarch who died and made you king of deciding what food is questionable for an adult to eat of her own choosing?
  • karyabc
    karyabc Posts: 830 Member
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.

    ummm I think that there might be a very good chance that people are 'high fiving' because she is doing what's working FOR HER, for doing something for her health (yes, health, whether you or anyone thinks her approach it's good enough or not), for doing what SHE WANTS and not what some health authority patrol group think is good for her or not.

    you should consider take time and write your own post so YOU can expose what YOU thinks is right and is Working for you.

    but again there must be some virus in some of our computers cause we def. missed the title of this thread that apparently was: what you guys think about my diet/ is it good or healthy enough?
  • glassyo
    glassyo Posts: 7,717 Member
    senecarr wrote: »
    Packerjohn wrote: »
    brdnw wrote: »
    glitzy196 wrote: »
    But..that was not the point of the thread. Im never going to eat vegetables unless i get a tongue transplant or something. And the ones i do like..well lets just say they come in a can.

    For basically my whole life i basically thought i was doomed to be fat because i don't like (read hate) most healthy food. I have really strong food adversions.

    So my health aside, i am pretty sure i get enough iron based on the amount of bread, cereal, and red meat i eat..anyways. you can eat all the food.

    you don't like vegetables because you're too used to processed, crappy food. It's important to get a real amount of protein and more importantly to have your kids eat nutritionally. feeding your kids ice cream, chicken nuggets and other garbage isn't doing them any good.

    I'd rather get nutrition out of my food and eat junk food more seldom, acting like you can eat garbage just because it is X calories isn't a good argument, i'd like to see the "1500 calories of just oreos diet" and see how someone's body responds to that over an elongated period of time.

    and for me personally, eating food like that doesn't get me what i need so i'm really against it. I need lots of protein and eating food that you discussed doesn't remotely come close to that.

    Thank you, too many people virtually high fiving the OP for questionable food choices.
    I forget, was it the actual Burger King himself, or some other food monarch who died and made you king of deciding what food is questionable for an adult to eat of her own choosing?

    The Dairy Queen!