Try exercising with a gun in your bra



  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    I am from a very small community and crime was never an issue or a real concern of mine. A few years ago we moved to a heavily populated area on the west coast. Since we have been here, my spouse has become shall I say paranoid, maybe? I literally cannot go out jogging without our old faithful dog who is 8 and although he has bursts of puppy enthusiasm, he would much rather slow down to smell the roses. I have been armed with a taser for my purse, a knife for my coat pocket and just yesterday he presented me with a .22 long barrel revolver (it's a mini) with a bra holster, so I can be safe. I have a concealed weapons permit so packing is not the issue that I have. If, in fact, I were in danger I would probably shoot off a booby whilst stabbing my side and tasing my *kitten*. Does anyone else have a paranoid spouse?

    I just had to say am I glad I don't live in the US! Madness :happy:
    The mind boggles... Really hope you don't taze/blow off some bit of your anatomy tho, but then it keeps the trauma surgeons in business :wink:

    lolz - another clueless poster who is clueless about firearms

    I would say it was you who was being insulting. Just because someone doesn't think it's right or normal to run around armed to the teeth with knives and guns doesn't make them clueless, nationalistic or insulting. Guns never brought peace to any place, just more fear, more violence and a warped sense of imagined power
  • justinstuart99705
    justinstuart99705 Posts: 13 Member
    I am the paranoid spouse lol, I live in a small town, 10 miles from a big town, in the biggest state in the Union (Alaska) and crime inside North Pole isn't major, however last year there were several women who were raped while out running. I understand where your husband is coming from, wanting to keep you safe, especially moving to a large city, you just never know if you will be a target because your alone, running etc.

    Another option to look into is if there is a Krav Maga class near you, my wife and I started attending and it teaches great self defense, how to get out of chokes, grabs, etc etc. These skills are great to have in the event you can't get to a taser, or a knife. I can tell you from personal experience that if you have the C2 taser, it does work. I was an Air Force Cop and had to get tased and they are ....quite effective, the law enforcement version runs for 5 seconds then as needed, the C2 version is 30 seconds to give you time to get away.

    Justin Stuart
    I am from a very small community and crime was never an issue or a real concern of mine. A few years ago we moved to a heavily populated area on the west coast. Since we have been here, my spouse has become shall I say paranoid, maybe? I literally cannot go out jogging without our old faithful dog who is 8 and although he has bursts of puppy enthusiasm, he would much rather slow down to smell the roses. I have been armed with a taser for my purse, a knife for my coat pocket and just yesterday he presented me with a .22 long barrel revolver (it's a mini) with a bra holster, so I can be safe. I have a concealed weapons permit so packing is not the issue that I have. If, in fact, I were in danger I would probably shoot off a booby whilst stabbing my side and tasing my *kitten*. Does anyone else have a paranoid spouse?
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Just to add; we definitley have a growing culture of fear here, in spite of both crime and violent crime rates falling year on year and I fond it quite worrying.

    I place the blame with certain organs of the press.

    However, it does not explain why the USA has such a high murder and violent crime rate compared to us - especially if you follow the argument that "if guns were removed, people would use knives and clubs instead" - clearly, for the most part, they dont (not that I'm denying that attacks using those weapons occur).
  • lisamarie1780
    lisamarie1780 Posts: 432 Member
    Not trying to troll anyone here. I was not raised in a gun culture or in a paranoid one. I do not live in the boondocks I live and always lived in a city of over 1 million people ( and for years lots more than that) and I have NEVER felt unsafe.

    Even if carrying handguns was legal here I would never think of doing so, especially not to work out. I run by myself every week. I go hiking in the woods by myself every week and the only thing I take with me is my cell phone.

    I am in the process of moving to the US, my husband is American, and I am really wondering if the problem is that the country itself is completely unsafe or is everyone thinking it's normal to carry a gun every day ( and especially when running!) because there's a paranoid mentality going on that you were all raised with?

    I'm trying to understand it.

    Please do some searches for "running safety" on here. You will find quite a number of threads by women in the U.K. who are scared to run because they are regularly verbally assaulted by men and are truly afraid of being raped. Is it fair to assume that the U.K. is awash with women being assaulted when they run? I'm guessing no. You will likely find the U.S. to be a very safe place to live if you are not living in a poor and crime ridden neighborhood. We were not all raised with a "paranoid mentality" anymore than the all people in the U.K. are paranoid.

    First thing First.: Not in the UK.

    Let me change "paranoid" to having been raised in a culture of fear, it doesn't sound as negative. We have big cities here and some with gangs and high crime rates but people are not walking around every day fearing for their safety. Why are Americans so scared? That's what I'm trying to understand. How do you go through life fearing that someone will attack you EVERY day? I don't want my children to develop that fear.

    I mean it's intelligence 101 not go walk alone or run alone in "bad neighbourhoods" and even if I could carry a gun or a knife or pepper spray I would not pull it on someone verbally assaulting me. What happened to ignoring idiots or telling them off?

    I can honestly say that the thing that scares me the most about moving is having to live with people carrying guns on them, that's a lot more terrifying to me than the chance that I might fall victim to a criminal. ( But I'm moving to NE so I have better chance of getting lost in a cornfield than murdered)

    As I stated above, we were not all raised with a "paranoid mentality" or a "culture of fear." You obviously watch way too much American TV and Hollywood movies.

    The OP is running with a gun in her bra.......... and a lot of the posters find this to be normal behavior. That kind makes my point.

    Anyways. Thank you for your answers.

    So the one poster raising the point paints the entire U.S. under that light, but my pointing out that I am not like what is being portrayed in videos is not valid? Interesting. Well done, folks. Believe what you want to believe. I see intelligent discussion with this group is impossible.

    If I believed that I definitely would not have married an American nor would I be willingly moving to the US. It's just very hard for the rest of the world to wrap their minds around some things that a lot of you, not all of you, as US citizens find completely normal. For a lot of us it seems completely unhinged or paranoid but whenever you try to have a reasonable discussions about the root of the mentality your normally end up on the other end of someone turning the argument into " BALD EAGLE, FREEDOM, Y'ALL ARE COMMIES!! ' MURICA!!!!11111!!!!!!" or someone like you telling me I watch too much tv ...

    Have you ever lived in a foreign country before? I saw this similar line of reasoning from other Americans when I was living in Japan. I swear there were people that honestly thought that the country was full of samurai, ninjas, geisha, and sushi eaters because that is what they equated with Japan. Yes, we have racist, xenophobic, flag waving, *kitten* in the U.S. Japan, China, Germany, and the U.K. does too. Canada also has them, and you're frankly you're starting to sound a bit nationalistic with your insults.

    just incase you didn't know what I was referring to :smile:
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    I am from a very small community and crime was never an issue or a real concern of mine. A few years ago we moved to a heavily populated area on the west coast. Since we have been here, my spouse has become shall I say paranoid, maybe? I literally cannot go out jogging without our old faithful dog who is 8 and although he has bursts of puppy enthusiasm, he would much rather slow down to smell the roses. I have been armed with a taser for my purse, a knife for my coat pocket and just yesterday he presented me with a .22 long barrel revolver (it's a mini) with a bra holster, so I can be safe. I have a concealed weapons permit so packing is not the issue that I have. If, in fact, I were in danger I would probably shoot off a booby whilst stabbing my side and tasing my *kitten*. Does anyone else have a paranoid spouse?

    I just had to say am I glad I don't live in the US! Madness :happy:
    The mind boggles... Really hope you don't taze/blow off some bit of your anatomy tho, but then it keeps the trauma surgeons in business :wink:

    lolz - another clueless poster who is clueless about firearms

    I would say it was you who was being insulting. Just because someone doesn't think it's right or normal to run around armed to the teeth with knives and guns doesn't make them clueless, nationalistic or insulting. Guns never brought peace to any place, just more fear, more violence and a warped sense of imagined power

    If you don't understand firearms then I think it's well put to use the term "clueless" and it was in response to some very insulting comments about the U.S. I understand that many people enjoy hating other groups of people or even countries because it makes them feel better. I am not one of those people but I do not enjoy having others insult me or others like me.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member
    Not trying to troll anyone here. I was not raised in a gun culture or in a paranoid one. I do not live in the boondocks I live and always lived in a city of over 1 million people ( and for years lots more than that) and I have NEVER felt unsafe.

    Even if carrying handguns was legal here I would never think of doing so, especially not to work out. I run by myself every week. I go hiking in the woods by myself every week and the only thing I take with me is my cell phone.

    I am in the process of moving to the US, my husband is American, and I am really wondering if the problem is that the country itself is completely unsafe or is everyone thinking it's normal to carry a gun every day ( and especially when running!) because there's a paranoid mentality going on that you were all raised with?

    I'm trying to understand it.

    Please do some searches for "running safety" on here. You will find quite a number of threads by women in the U.K. who are scared to run because they are regularly verbally assaulted by men and are truly afraid of being raped. Is it fair to assume that the U.K. is awash with women being assaulted when they run? I'm guessing no. You will likely find the U.S. to be a very safe place to live if you are not living in a poor and crime ridden neighborhood. We were not all raised with a "paranoid mentality" anymore than the all people in the U.K. are paranoid.

    First thing First.: Not in the UK.

    Let me change "paranoid" to having been raised in a culture of fear, it doesn't sound as negative. We have big cities here and some with gangs and high crime rates but people are not walking around every day fearing for their safety. Why are Americans so scared? That's what I'm trying to understand. How do you go through life fearing that someone will attack you EVERY day? I don't want my children to develop that fear.

    I mean it's intelligence 101 not go walk alone or run alone in "bad neighbourhoods" and even if I could carry a gun or a knife or pepper spray I would not pull it on someone verbally assaulting me. What happened to ignoring idiots or telling them off?

    I can honestly say that the thing that scares me the most about moving is having to live with people carrying guns on them, that's a lot more terrifying to me than the chance that I might fall victim to a criminal. ( But I'm moving to NE so I have better chance of getting lost in a cornfield than murdered)

    As I stated above, we were not all raised with a "paranoid mentality" or a "culture of fear." You obviously watch way too much American TV and Hollywood movies.

    The OP is running with a gun in her bra.......... and a lot of the posters find this to be normal behavior. That kind makes my point.

    Anyways. Thank you for your answers.

    So the one poster raising the point paints the entire U.S. under that light, but my pointing out that I am not like what is being portrayed in videos is not valid? Interesting. Well done, folks. Believe what you want to believe. I see intelligent discussion with this group is impossible.

    If I believed that I definitely would not have married an American nor would I be willingly moving to the US. It's just very hard for the rest of the world to wrap their minds around some things that a lot of you, not all of you, as US citizens find completely normal. For a lot of us it seems completely unhinged or paranoid but whenever you try to have a reasonable discussions about the root of the mentality your normally end up on the other end of someone turning the argument into " BALD EAGLE, FREEDOM, Y'ALL ARE COMMIES!! ' MURICA!!!!11111!!!!!!" or someone like you telling me I watch too much tv ...

    Have you ever lived in a foreign country before? I saw this similar line of reasoning from other Americans when I was living in Japan. I swear there were people that honestly thought that the country was full of samurai, ninjas, geisha, and sushi eaters because that is what they equated with Japan. Yes, we have racist, xenophobic, flag waving, *kitten* in the U.S. Japan, China, Germany, and the U.K. does too. Canada also has them, and you're frankly you're starting to sound a bit nationalistic with your insults.

    Nope, I have never lived in another country, I have however spent my entire life within 90 min of the US border and have stayed and traveled there extensively.

    I'm not trying to say you're all out of Deliverance but you cannot ignore that this " 'Murica" mentality is prevalent. It is very hard to have a conversation about guns, gun control, gun laws, gun violence with Americans because, as you're proving right now, you all get very defensive about it, even when no one is attacking you! ( For the record, I'm 100% ok with US citizen having the right to have guns. It is your constitutional right... I believe in regulations but that's beside the point right now)

    I was asking a legit question about the underlying fear and you took it as an insult. It was not intended as such at all.

    And yes there is a LOT of nationalistic, xenophobic *kitten* around here as well and just like there, they wrap themselves in a flag and pretend they can do no wrong. USA does not have the monopoly on idiots, there's some everywhere and I've never said otherwise.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    I'm not trying to say you're all out of Deliverance but you cannot ignore that this " 'Murica" mentality is prevalent. It is very hard to have a conversation about guns, gun control, gun laws, gun violence with Americans because, as you're proving right now, you all get very defensive about it, even when no one is attacking you! ( For the record, I'm 100% ok with US citizen having the right to have guns. It is your constitutional right... I believe in regulations but that's beside the point right now)

    I was asking a legit question about the underlying fear and you took it as an insult. It was not intended as such at all.

    And yes there is a LOT of nationalistic, xenophobic *kitten* around here as well and just like there, they wrap themselves in a flag and pretend they can do no wrong. USA does not have the monopoly on idiots, there's some everywhere and I've never said otherwise.

    This. I am British. I have firearms.

    Britain *certainly* does not lack nationalistic thug types, not in the slightest.

    And yet.......
  • wtfusernameisnttaken
    You just need machine gun jubblies


    THIS made my day. *laughs*
  • chatogal
    chatogal Posts: 436 Member
    Do you live in Afghanistan?

    ha ha....perfect!!
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Are you saying that a culture of fear causes violence? Or are you saying that we "should" have a culture of fear?

    I'm suggesting it does, yes. If not, you could suggest another reason why violent crime is higher in the USA. Disnenfranchised underclass, maybe? :tongue:

    The majority of those who are disenfranchised in the US chose that path. Many 1rst generation immigrants have become very successful because they chose to take advantage of the opportunities my remarkable country provides.

    Why do you ignore the facts that I provided showing that the US has a lower violent crime rate then the UK and Oz?
  • BeachIron
    BeachIron Posts: 6,490 Member
    Not trying to troll anyone here. I was not raised in a gun culture or in a paranoid one. I do not live in the boondocks I live and always lived in a city of over 1 million people ( and for years lots more than that) and I have NEVER felt unsafe.

    Even if carrying handguns was legal here I would never think of doing so, especially not to work out. I run by myself every week. I go hiking in the woods by myself every week and the only thing I take with me is my cell phone.

    I am in the process of moving to the US, my husband is American, and I am really wondering if the problem is that the country itself is completely unsafe or is everyone thinking it's normal to carry a gun every day ( and especially when running!) because there's a paranoid mentality going on that you were all raised with?

    I'm trying to understand it.

    Please do some searches for "running safety" on here. You will find quite a number of threads by women in the U.K. who are scared to run because they are regularly verbally assaulted by men and are truly afraid of being raped. Is it fair to assume that the U.K. is awash with women being assaulted when they run? I'm guessing no. You will likely find the U.S. to be a very safe place to live if you are not living in a poor and crime ridden neighborhood. We were not all raised with a "paranoid mentality" anymore than the all people in the U.K. are paranoid.

    First thing First.: Not in the UK.

    Let me change "paranoid" to having been raised in a culture of fear, it doesn't sound as negative. We have big cities here and some with gangs and high crime rates but people are not walking around every day fearing for their safety. Why are Americans so scared? That's what I'm trying to understand. How do you go through life fearing that someone will attack you EVERY day? I don't want my children to develop that fear.

    I mean it's intelligence 101 not go walk alone or run alone in "bad neighbourhoods" and even if I could carry a gun or a knife or pepper spray I would not pull it on someone verbally assaulting me. What happened to ignoring idiots or telling them off?

    I can honestly say that the thing that scares me the most about moving is having to live with people carrying guns on them, that's a lot more terrifying to me than the chance that I might fall victim to a criminal. ( But I'm moving to NE so I have better chance of getting lost in a cornfield than murdered)

    As I stated above, we were not all raised with a "paranoid mentality" or a "culture of fear." You obviously watch way too much American TV and Hollywood movies.

    The OP is running with a gun in her bra.......... and a lot of the posters find this to be normal behavior. That kind makes my point.

    Anyways. Thank you for your answers.

    So the one poster raising the point paints the entire U.S. under that light, but my pointing out that I am not like what is being portrayed in videos is not valid? Interesting. Well done, folks. Believe what you want to believe. I see intelligent discussion with this group is impossible.

    If I believed that I definitely would not have married an American nor would I be willingly moving to the US. It's just very hard for the rest of the world to wrap their minds around some things that a lot of you, not all of you, as US citizens find completely normal. For a lot of us it seems completely unhinged or paranoid but whenever you try to have a reasonable discussions about the root of the mentality your normally end up on the other end of someone turning the argument into " BALD EAGLE, FREEDOM, Y'ALL ARE COMMIES!! ' MURICA!!!!11111!!!!!!" or someone like you telling me I watch too much tv ...

    Have you ever lived in a foreign country before? I saw this similar line of reasoning from other Americans when I was living in Japan. I swear there were people that honestly thought that the country was full of samurai, ninjas, geisha, and sushi eaters because that is what they equated with Japan. Yes, we have racist, xenophobic, flag waving, *kitten* in the U.S. Japan, China, Germany, and the U.K. does too. Canada also has them, and you're frankly you're starting to sound a bit nationalistic with your insults.

    Nope, I have never lived in another country, I have however spent my entire life within 90 min of the US border and have stayed and traveled there extensively.

    I'm not trying to say you're all out of Deliverance but you cannot ignore that this " 'Murica" mentality is prevalent. It is very hard to have a conversation about guns, gun control, gun laws, gun violence with Americans because, as you're proving right now, you all get very defensive about it, even when no one is attacking you! ( For the record, I'm 100% ok with US citizen having the right to have guns. It is your constitutional right... I believe in regulations but that's beside the point right now)

    I was asking a legit question about the underlying fear and you took it as an insult. It was not intended as such at all.

    And yes there is a LOT of nationalistic, xenophobic *kitten* around here as well and just like there, they wrap themselves in a flag and pretend they can do no wrong. USA does not have the monopoly on idiots, there's some everywhere and I've never said otherwise.

    I really can't respond to this. You used the "Merica" references yourself.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    Are you saying that a culture of fear causes violence? Or are you saying that we "should" have a culture of fear?

    I'm suggesting it does, yes. If not, you could suggest another reason why violent crime is higher in the USA. Disnenfranchised underclass, maybe? :tongue:

    The majority of those who are disenfranchised in the US chose that path. Many 1rst generation immigrants have become very successful because they chose to take advantage of the opportunities my remarkable country provides.

    Why do you ignore the facts that I provided showing that the US has a lower violent crime rate then the UK and Oz?

    Did you not look at the posts underneath them?

    They were a slightly odd choice of stats in the first place and ones which failed to take into account some other, pretty important ones like, oh, I dunno....murder rate.
  • LexiAtel
    LexiAtel Posts: 228 Member
    The law to own a gun wasn't really meant for personal protection, but meant to over throw a tyrant government. Which was a reason this country was originally founded.

    What with our recent changes to this country, I would advise anyone to at least get a home gun. I am more afraid of my police than my fellow Americans, to be honest.

    Now I sit and wait for this topic to REALLY be locked.. lol
  • crazyvermont
    crazyvermont Posts: 171 Member
    My daughter lives in Australia and two years ago was accousted by two punks with knives. Fortunately, she was a student in my Mudokwan Academy for over 10 years, but what about a young lady unable to defend themselves?
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Glad I live in a country where I don't have to arm myself to the teeth, just to go up the road.
  • justinstuart99705
    justinstuart99705 Posts: 13 Member

    Many get defensive because of the nature of people assume that someone who carries a weapon will commit a crime. It's not a matter of fear, to be honest; I'm not scared of dying. Not saying I want to die but I refuse to be such an easy victim. I don’t want to put my life in the hands of a police officer and just hope that I have time to call 911, be placed on hold, for several seconds to then listen to the prompt do I need police, fire, or medical assistance. By the time it takes to get through to a dispatcher, get units dispatched and on scene, the situation can be over. I know as I was an Air Force Cop and have seen how quick a situation can escalate or deescalate. Also, as someone mentioned, many want to be self-reliant and not always rely on the government to come to their aid in time of need.
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member
    My daughter lives in Australia and two years ago was accousted by two punks with knives. Fortunately, she was a student in my Mudokwan Academy for over 10 years, but what about a young lady unable to defend themselves?

    How would having a gun make any difference? Thats my point - assuming the attackers didnt know she had it, in most cases, by the time she got it (even if some on the thread do want to post about being able to draw in seconds) it would probably be too late, and then it could well have ended up being used on her.
  • Doodlewhopper
    Doodlewhopper Posts: 1,018 Member
    Well folks I gotta say, I am leaving this thread with a strong sense of superiority. LOL

    Later taters
  • SteveJWatson
    SteveJWatson Posts: 1,225 Member

    Many get defensive because of the nature of people assume that someone who carries a weapon will commit a crime. It's not a matter of fear, to be honest; I'm not scared of dying. Not saying I want to die but I refuse to be such an easy victim. I don’t want to put my life in the hands of a police officer and just hope that I have time to call 911, be placed on hold, for several seconds to then listen to the prompt do I need police, fire, or medical assistance. By the time it takes to get through to a dispatcher, get units dispatched and on scene, the situation can be over. I know as I was an Air Force Cop and have seen how quick a situation can escalate or deescalate. Also, as someone mentioned, many want to be self-reliant and not always rely on the government to come to their aid in time of need.

    Thats the same everywhere - we would be very stupid to assume that the police would arrive via some kind of batsignal over here, but equally dont carry guns, neither, might I add, do *most* criminals.
  • WDEvy
    WDEvy Posts: 814 Member

    Many get defensive because of the nature of people assume that someone who carries a weapon will commit a crime. It's not a matter of fear, to be honest; I'm not scared of dying. Not saying I want to die but I refuse to be such an easy victim. I don’t want to put my life in the hands of a police officer and just hope that I have time to call 911, be placed on hold, for several seconds to then listen to the prompt do I need police, fire, or medical assistance. By the time it takes to get through to a dispatcher, get units dispatched and on scene, the situation can be over. I know as I was an Air Force Cop and have seen how quick a situation can escalate or deescalate. Also, as someone mentioned, many want to be self-reliant and not always rely on the government to come to their aid in time of need.

    Thank you. I still don't understand the cause of the mentality ( mostly cultural difference) but it can understand the way you see the world and want to be ready for it. It's very hard to get a straight answer when this subject comes up, as you can tell by the numerous previous posts.