September 2015 Running Challenge



  • unrelentingminx
    unrelentingminx Posts: 231 Member
    01/09 - 4.52 km
    02/09 - 3.04 km - A nice evening run
    03/09 - 4.56 km - Lunchtime run but without my run buddy :-(
    04/09 - Rest
    05/09 - Rest
    06/09 - 6.07 km - Lovely evening run
    07/09 - 2.04 km - Quick blast on the treadmill to finish my strength training session
    08/09 - 4.56 km - My run buddy pushed me hard today but I did get a new PB having cut off over a minute since last week :smile:
    09/09 - Rest day for me today
    10/09 - 9.02 km - New distance PB and was amazed I got round without stopping!


  • karllundy
    karllundy Posts: 1,490 Member
    Stoshew71 wrote: »
    A must read if you think you are a "slow" runner:

    Perfect! Sharing on FB.

  • RunTimer
    RunTimer Posts: 9,137 Member
    RunTimer wrote: »
    In in it for 50
    • 02 - 6.2
    • 04 - 4.3 (Fisherman's Wharf..dodging tourists)
    • 07 - 5.1 (pre race workout)
    • 08 - REST DAY
    • 09 - 3.5 (5K JPMCC Corp Challenge (under 7m ever :) !!)
    • 09 - 4.8 ..but missed the buss so had to run home :/

  • 5BeautifulDays
    5BeautifulDays Posts: 683 Member
    @kstar_lee Your dog is such a cutie!
    @Stoshew71 Thanks for the article...I was so discouraged on Monday watching the other ladies at the *fun run* (yeah, let that sink in, self) and then I saw photos of myself from the run where I could see all my loose skin (I've lost 120 lbs) and I was just feeling crushed and slow and really down on myself. Obviously, I need to kick my self esteem in the butt and get it up and working properly. I've lost 120 lbs in one year! I've gone from couch to 10K in 6 months! Dang it...I am ok.

    9/1 Strength training and elliptical
    9/2 6.5 miles (6 at 11:29 and .5 at 15:00) on the treadmill
    9/3 4.5 miles at 11:59 on the treadmill
    9/4 3 miles at 11:00 on the treadmill and strength training
    9/5 Rest Day

    9/6 5 miles-nice trail run with 4 at 11:35(ish) and 1 walking
    9/7 1.5 miles at 12:00 with my 10 year old.
    9/8 1.5 miles super-slow walking on the treadmill on max incline plus strength training
    9/9 7.75 miles on my local park trail at 12:33
    9/10 3.25 walking the doggy for my rest day

    Goal: 75 miles

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Wow- lots to catch up on- Half marathons- babies- trail runs- lots of milage- Stew- great information across the board!!! Feel like I've missed out since I don't visit the community when I'm on my phone!!! (which I pretty much exclusively lived off in Austin)

    9.1.15... 3.04...26:30- late 10 PM run
    9.2.15... 5.27.... 48 minutes: Woke up a little late- wanted to hit the road around 5:15- left at like 5:35- oh well- was worried about time due to it being the first five miler- I did okay - 48 minutes roughly- super busy yesterday didn't get a chance to update
    9.3.15... 3 miles- 27- super slow- stiff and heavy
    9.6.15- 3.02.... 28:56- I went ahead and shuffled my runs- workshop was to important to stress over a 9 miler and then the workshop. So Sunday- I did an easy 7:30 AM easy 3 miler- way more hilly than expecting- but no worries!
    9.8.15- 8.98 @ 1:34- this was rough- it was hot and humid- even at 6:30 AM- and quiet honestly WAY more hilly on S. Lamar in Austin than I was expecting (but good news for me I got my hill run in!) and I think I was more tired than I cared to admit from 3 days of dancing- and I seriously almost shat my pants in the last one tenth of a mile- hence my 9 miler wasn't exactly 9 miles. It was a chips and salsa left over sprint to unlock the door and straight to the toilet. Another sweaty toilet seat end to my run!!!

    missed my wed run b/c of the late night arrival of my return flight- and timing and I was flat tired. And today I was also apparently very tired- so I'm going to go home and run my Wednesday 5 miler today- and my 3 miler tomorrow and then my long run on Saturday or Sunday. I'm super all out of wack- but I'd like to not miss days this week- no reason to other than my schedule is all wonky!!!

    August: 66.23 of 75 miles
    September 23.31 of 104.5

    Total Half Training Mileage
    116.39 of total 225
  • MrsKGrady
    MrsKGrady Posts: 276 Member
    Wow! I'm really behind on everyone's posts. Great job all!

    As for me, I've been sick since the beginning of the month so I've not been getting my runs in as I'd like, but here's what I've got so far:

    September 5 - 3.1 miles
    September 6 - 2.4 miles (treadmill)
    September 7 - 2.45 miles (treadmill)


  • kstarallen
    kstarallen Posts: 116 Member
    @skippygirlsmom @5BeautifulDays
    Thanks!! She's my first baby :smile:

    9/10 -- 2.71mi
  • aarar
    aarar Posts: 684 Member
    edited September 2015
    I took a rest day yesterday and got in 10km this morning for a monthly total of 93km out of 400km.

    dawniemate wrote: »
    Only manged 4miles today. Does anyone else find some days you can carry on running no problem but other days you feel the need to slow up. ..This has been happening frequently to me recently. ..I can run 2.5 miles at a reasonable pace one day then the next I need to start walking. ..why does this happen..

    Definitely normal! Some days I can run for 3 or 4 hours with no problem and others I struggle through every step of a quick 5k.

  • AlexPaige
    AlexPaige Posts: 72 Member
    9-1: 3.08 km...everything was going fine for the first 2k. First run after a very well-fed and drank vacation (seriously, a rib-eye the size of my forearm for the last dinner). 2.5k, I notice how tight my right leg feels. I loosen up my shoe and that does nothing. I started walking, and tried to pick back up but I was in so much pain I had to call my mom for rescue. Ugh.
    9-4: 4.24 km...Wanted to take it slow today so as not to agitate anything (foam-rolled the sheet outta my leg the other day). Very hot, not a fun run at all. Slow paced, so slow it was on par with my c25k week 7 overall pacing which INCLUDES the 10 minute warmup/cooldown. Boo.
    9-6: 5.45 km. My longest run yet! Pacing was much better than it has been in the last 2 weeks. First race is 2 weeks from today, looking good!
    9-10: 2.12...treadmill running. I don't know how I'm gonna stay motivated if I'm stuck on a treadmill.

    School has started and that means I'm swamped with work. :neutral:

  • vandinem
    vandinem Posts: 550 Member
    Date      Miles      MTD
    ------    -----    -----
    Sep 01      5.2      5.2
    Sep 04      9.1     14.3
    Sep 05      3.7     18.0
    Sep 06      5.0     23.0
    Sep 07      3.7     26.7
    Sep 10      6.2     32.9


    Two days of brutal heat and too much work ate up my safety margin, although I did get a 10K in tonight despite rain and dark. The September Running Challenge kept me motivated!
  • rogue024
    rogue024 Posts: 1,484 Member

    September goal: 35 miles

    9/1 - 3.1 miles
    9/2 - strength day
    9/3 - 2 miles
    9/4 - strength day
    9/5 - 4 miles
    9/6 - hiking (2.5 hours)
    9/7 - 3 miles
    9/8 - unscheduled day off
    9/9 - 2 miles
    9/10 - 2 miles

    September: 16.1 of 35 miles completed

    7lenny7 wrote: »
    @snha, I'm honored to be included in that group of runners you mention, but I don't think I'm qualified to tie their shoelaces.

    @7lenny7 - that made me laugh
    @Stoshew71 - thanks for the article! That was a very good read.

  • MFP September 2015 Running Challenge:
    Two half mile warm ups on the treadmill from last couple days. Got a good 3 mile run in this afternoon. For total of 4 more miles.

    >>>>>>>> 26 to go <<<<<<<<<<
  • CrimsonWhite
    CrimsonWhite Posts: 104 Member
    We've got rain and thunderstorms this evening, so I had to do another treadmill run this evening.

    9/3 4 miles
    9/4 3 miles
    9/6 4 miles
    9/8 5 miles
    9/10 5 miles on the treadmill again, total of 21 miles out of a goal of 40.
  • kristinegift
    kristinegift Posts: 2,406 Member
    9/1: Rest
    9/2: 7 miles
    9/3: 8 miles am and 6 miles pm with the Thursday crew
    9/4: 6 miles
    9/5: Rest
    9/6: Brunch and walking around museums > running 6 miles in a new town
    9/7: 18 miles
    9/8: Rest
    9/9: 10 miles
    9/10: 7 miles speedwork am, 6.4 miles pm with Thursday crew


  • WhatMeRunning
    WhatMeRunning Posts: 3,538 Member
    Another day where I could not get my run in until night time, but I got it in!!

    I was hoping to beat the storms. Boy did I ever get rained on! It was blowing every direction, even up! The temp plummeted from the 80's down into the 60s though. Talk about refreshing!!

    9/1 - 6 mile steady run (6 total)
    9/2 - 4 mile easy run (10 total)
    9/3 - 8.5 mile long run (18.5 total)
    9/5 - 13 mile long run (31.5 total)
    9/6 - 4 mile easy run (35.5 total)
    9/7 - 4.5 miles fartleks (40 total)
    9/8 - 4 mile easy run (44 total)
    9/9 - 9 mile long run (53 total)
    9/10 - 4 mile easy run (57 total)

    Goal 166 miles

  • ACSL3
    ACSL3 Posts: 623 Member
    9/7 - 2 miles in heat/humidity
    9/9 - 2 miles, cooler but raining
    9/11 - 2 miles on the treadmill

    Couldn't run outside today so I was thinking about skipping today's run since it would be on the treadmill. Then someone pissed me off at work - gave me some extra motivation to get my run in today, even if on the treadmill ;)

  • 7lenny7
    7lenny7 Posts: 3,498 Member
    Tonight Kody & I went out for a 9.2 mile easy run. Beautiful night! Rest day tomorrow as we drive to visit my daughter in college.

    9/01 - Rest
    9/02 - 6.1 Miles, 11:03 pace, 137 HR, 72F
    9/03 - 5.0 Miles, 10:53 pace, 142 HR, 77F
    9/04 - 8.1 Miles, 12:11 pace, 136 HR, 83F
    9/05 - Family Day! - Innertubing down a nearby river and going out to eat.
    9/06 - 7.7 Miles (5.2 + 2.5), First run: 11:05 pace, 139 HR, 76F, Second run with the kid. Also got in a 3 mile walk with Kody.
    9/07 - 13.1 Miles <-- New distance PR! 10:59 pace, 138HR, 68F
    - 2.3 Miles with The Kid
    9/08 - Rest
    9/09 - 8.5 Miles, 10:41 pace, 142 HR, 69F
    9/10 - 9.2 Miles, 11:04 pace, 138 HR, 60F

    Goal: 135 Miles
    Progress: 60.0 Miles
    Remaining: 75.0 Miles

  • snha
    snha Posts: 388 Member
    edited September 2015
    9/1 rest day -- elliptical
    9/2 4.2 miles -- wasn't that easy for some reason, but done!
    9/3 rest day -- elliptical
    9/4 3.17 miles -- that was probably the most difficult run since I've started seven weeks ago. The humidity was so defeating and soul crushing!
    9/5 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/6 rest day--too hot/humid, elliptical
    9/7 3.32--running again!
    9/8 rest day -- no workout
    9/9 3.52
    9/10 2 -- decided to run two days in a row for first time


    Will post ticker later
  • endlessenigma
    endlessenigma Posts: 44 Member
    Rain or shine! Today it was raining but I did not let that stop me from going out and doing my thing.

    9/1 - 2.06 miles (walk)
    9/2 - 2.76 miles (run/walk)
    9/3 - 2.26 miles (walk/run)
    9/4 - 2.82 miles (run/walk)
    9/5 - 5 miles (walking) also kayaked about 4 miles!
    9/6 - 2.16 miles (walk)
    9/7 - approximately 4.42 miles. (Run/walk)
    9/8 - 2 miles (walk)
    9/9 - 2.46 miles (run/walk)
    9/10 - 2.40 miles (walk)

  • mwyvr
    mwyvr Posts: 1,883 Member
    @snha Everyone here is an amazing runner; it's all about individual challenge. :smiley:
    @9voice9 Sorry to hear about your crash! Hope you are healing quickly.
    @monkeymintaka Congrats on making a new PB distance!
    @endlessenigma Way to go on C25K week two! Keep it up! If you find a week too tough, don't fret, just repeat it.
    @dawniemate Don't worry about walking breaks. If you need to, take them. If you find you need them more frequently on a particular day, try slowing down your run pace just a little more. Walking does not equal failure - repeat that often. It's just a phase of training and it's all GOOD. :smiley:
    @5BeautifulDays "Dang it...I am ok" -- oh yes, you certainly are! You've achieved so much. :smiley:

    Sigh, only 270km to go.

    Had a few low volume days which while aren't compatible with my monthly goal... trying not to sweat it. Sure have found it inspirational to read through the intervening posts to the thread - what an inspiring group you all are!

    Quite excited about two mountain trail races I've entered: the first in mid October is by far the hardest, a 25km jaunt through a mostly scenic mountain trail, with 1300m/4250 feet of gain and descent. I expect not to be last in that run - that's my only objective LOL. The second is a 16km run over trails I run all the time - feeling good about that one.

    Month to date:		052.60 km
    Goal:			322 km / 200 miles (16% completed)
    Sep 10 10.99 km Dead flat run around seawall
    Sep 09 -----    Rest day
    Sep 08 04.68 km Pushing it on the track 3x1km. I hate the track.
    Sep 07 07.82 km Exploring a different trail to the dog beach
    Sep 06 21.21 km Running gentle hills around the lake, felt great save for blisters
    Sep 05 -----    Life break, coaching soccer 
    Sep 04 07.90 km UBC forest - Date Run Friday!
    Sep 03 -----    More of same
    Sep 02 -----    More of same
    Sep 01 -----    Life break, running an evacuation centre